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[1.12.x] IXS Warpship & Spacedock Redocked


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These two mods were originally made around the same time and complement each other.  Due to health and other issues by the maintainer, they have fallen into disuse, and languished.  I was requested to see if I could revive them last November, and finally got around to it now.

This is now a joint project between myself and @Denko666


The IXS Warpship OS mod is an  update and expansion of the IXS Enterprise, adding some futuristic functionality while maintaining good integration with stock parts, and creating some new gameplay options but not adding too much complexity to the game. The core of the mod is, of course, Stevie_D's IXS Enterprise parts, but it also adds several models from KSP Interstellar in order to give more flexibility when building your WarpShip. However, WarpShip itself is not all that compatible with KSP Interstellar and the parts generally do vastly different things. WarpShip also uses @RoverDude's Alcubierre Warpdrive Standalone and Community Resource Pack.

Original thread is here: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/149873-ixs-warpship-original-series/


Warpship Availability

Available via CKAN

Changes by LGG

  • Reorganized directories
  • Saved master branch in oldmasterbranch
  • Made master current with the Release branch
  • Updated csproj for KSP 1.8
  • Added AssemblyVersion.tt
  • Added InstallChecker
  • Added IXSWarpShipOS.version
  • Removed WSXFSFuelSwitch and reconfigured to use B9 Part Switch
  • Added bulkheadProfiles to all parts
  • Added basic tags to all parts
  • Reformatted all parts file


Spacedock Reboxed was originally done by @steedcrugeon (?), original thread here:

It was revived by @Jesusthebird, thread is here: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/180240-spacedockreboxed-ksp15x/

Original thread by @Fendrin is here:  https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/150589-12-spacedock/

SpaceDock is a mod that provides a few parts that..combined with some other mods, make it possible for very stylish orbital construction, or if you wish..a nice looking 'garage' for your space planes and rockets :) To take full advantage of these parts, you will need to combine this with a few other mods listed below. 

This 'ReBoxed' version has a few additional Docks as well as updated modules for supported mods to their more current versions. I've also added a few other minor changes. Please feel free to give me advice on balancing or future update suggestions!



Spacedock Availability

Available via CKAN

Changes by LGG

  • Reformatted all files
  • Fixed bad characters
  • Merged @Denko666's changes with the original


Edited by linuxgurugamer
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Holy crap, I've completely lost track of the number of mods you're currently maintaining - somewhere over 200 would be my estimate.  Thanks for saving two more excellent mods from the trash heap of yesterkerb.

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Thank you so much.

Will you be doing any work on the models and textures themselves?

Whilst great I always thought that the opening space inside the forward hull was a little cramped to work well.

Look forward to playing with this again.


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On 2/4/2020 at 11:52 PM, theJesuit said:

Thank you so much.

Will you be doing any work on the models and textures themselves?

Whilst great I always thought that the opening space inside the forward hull was a little cramped to work well.

Look forward to playing with this again.


Nope.  I don't do part models, just code.

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  • 2 weeks later...

In KSP version 1.8.x and version 1.9. the door and lights on the Command Pod don't work? This is a slight problem as you can't get out of the Command Pod Room on EVA :( 

Right click mouse button on Command Pod in VAB or on launchpad dose not give the option to ope/close door or turn lights on/off as it does in the old version 1.6.

No option to assign to an action group. 


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I swear that I'm not doing it on purpose, @linuxgurugamer:

... I always had the IXS on my saves, but just for the sake to have a properly updated one I just downloaded your v0.5.0.1 and, alike for the PAPIlights, KSP trow an error, asking to put the plug in in "... Gamedata/warpship..." instead of "... Gamedata/IXSWarpShipOS..."
(the classic directory location that I always saw) alike in your download link.
As for the PAPI lights, renaming manually the directory on my end resolved any issue.


Edited by Araym
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6 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

New beta,

  • Restored the missing DLL



@Getsome2030  It _is_ a beta :-)

Getting this path error message when loading. Old working version of IXS has the dll in the main path not in a \GameData\IXSWarpShipOS and not in \GameData\IXSWarpShipOS\Plugins. Tried moving the dll's to main \GameData\IXSWarpShipOS directory but still comes up with an error? In game the doors and lights work fine with the error message?



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The plug-in was used for some cool color changes of the tanks and minor other amenities: doors and regular lights are using stock KSP modules, so they will always work (... uncapable of coding, I re-worked the parts removing the extra bit related to the plugin, for years, keeping the stock abilities always in function).

For the error related to linuxgurugamer's repack: drop the content of the zip as always in GameData, but right after it, change the main mod directory name from "IXSWarpShipOS" to a simple "warpship" (no capital letters!! very important) and the KSP error is gone

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  • 2 weeks later...

@linuxgurugamer I've been using Spacedock since 1.7 came out.  I checked the configs in your Redocked version against what I'm running and the only significant change is that I've added to mine is a :NEEDS[ConnectedLIvingSpace] to the CLS module definition in each of the parts for when the CLS isn't installed.

        name = ModuleConnectedLivingSpace
        passable = true
        passablenodes = top, bottom
	impassablenodes = innerStarboard, innerPort, outerStarboard, outerPort, topPort, topStarboard, bottomPort, bottomStarboard


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19 hours ago, Tonka Crash said:

@linuxgurugamer I've been using Spacedock since 1.7 came out.  I checked the configs in your Redocked version against what I'm running and the only significant change is that I've added to mine is a :NEEDS[ConnectedLIvingSpace] to the CLS module definition in each of the parts for when the CLS isn't installed.

        name = ModuleConnectedLivingSpace
        passable = true
        passablenodes = top, bottom
	impassablenodes = innerStarboard, innerPort, outerStarboard, outerPort, topPort, topStarboard, bottomPort, bottomStarboard


Thank you, I've just added it.


For all.  I've gotten in touch with @Denko666 (previous maintainer).  Still have a little to hash out, but looks like we will be working on this together.  Not sure yet which threads will be the active ones, stay tuned for updates

In the meantime, I just released an update for the docks:

New release

  • Thanks to @Tonka Crash for this:
    • Added ":NEEDS[ConnectedLIvingSpace]" to the CLS module def in each of the parts

Get it from here:  https://spacedock.info/mod/1585/Spacedocks Redeployed

Edited by linuxgurugamer
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  • 1 month later...
On 4/9/2020 at 6:32 PM, Eskandare said:

Hi @linuxgurugamer, any chance of you picking up this mod? I liked using it with the IXS Warp Ship.


I've looked at it.  I won't be doing this because of the license, specifically this:

Finally, all redistributions of the Compiled form must additionally include copies of the Source form under the terms listed above.

I don't include source in my build process, and I don't like downloading source when just going for a mod.  IMHO, availability on Github should be sufficient.  Because of this, I will not adopt this mod.

It is entirely possible that someone else could adopt it, or just recompile it.



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  • 2 weeks later...
Just now, SM280 said:

i don't know whether it's a glitch or what but the ixs capsule has 5 seats but only four can be occupied (unless you use a mod like FreeIVA) and the main room lacks a lot of textures.

Are you saying it only actually seats four, or that only four have IVAs?

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  • 7 months later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 3 months later...

New release, 0.5.1

  • Thanks to forum user @araym for this:
    • Fixed typo in most parts:  Changed LqDeuterium to LqdDeuterium
    • Added new nodes onto the main hull, these helps using the dorsal and ventral 2.5m recess and the two lateral "crewtubes/struts" that poke out between the lateral solar panels.
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