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[1.4.3 <= KSP <= 1.12.5] KSP Recall - 2024-0521


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so I updated this last night... haven't updated or installed anything else since, and now all my KSPIE engines instantly overheat my craft as soon as activated, and instantly cool off as soon as I throttle down - stock engines don't do that.. I've been playing every night this week and this just started happening when I installed the latest version of this mod from CKAN... any ideas/known issue?

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6 hours ago, ss8913 said:

so I updated this last night... haven't updated or installed anything else since, and now all my KSPIE engines instantly overheat my craft as soon as activated, and instantly cool off as soon as I throttle down - stock engines don't do that.. I've been playing every night this week and this just started happening when I installed the latest version of this mod from CKAN... any ideas/known issue?

Yeah, I probably messed up on the Workaround for some exploding parts problem that were introduced on KSP 1.11. It's something related to heat no being initialised correctly, exploding everything on launch. Apparently, the thingy is screwing up KSPIE by accident.

I opened an issue to investigate it: https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/KSP-Recall/issues/25

Can you inform an engine that you had tested and confirmed the bug? This will save me the potential bad luck of choosing an engine that doesn't have the problem, what would waste some time (and unfortunately, I'm low on it these days - anything you can give me that would save even a hour of work will be a huge help).

In the mean time, edit the file KSP-Recall.cfg on your GameData/999_KSP-Recall to be like this:

		Attached = false
		ChillingOut = false
		Driftless = false
		Refunding = false
		Resourceful = false

		// @ChillingOut:NEEDS[KSPRECALL-CHILLINGOUT] = true // Here! Comment out this line!

And then edit the chillingout.cfg file from GameData/999_KSP-Recall/patches to be like this:

		active = True

This will override the internal code that decides what to install or not.

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1 hour ago, Lisias said:

Yeah, I probably messed up on the Workaround for some exploding parts problem that were introduced on KSP 1.11. It's something related to heat no being initialised correctly, exploding everything on launch. Apparently, the thingy is screwing up KSPIE by accident.

I opened an issue to investigate it: https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/KSP-Recall/issues/25

Can you inform an engine that you had tested and confirmed the bug? This will save me the potential bad luck of choosing an engine that doesn't have the problem, what would waste some time (and unfortunately, I'm low on it these days - anything you can give me that would save even a hour of work will be a huge help).

In the mean time, edit the file KSP-Recall.cfg on your GameData/999_KSP-Recall to be like this:

		Attached = false
		ChillingOut = false
		Driftless = false
		Refunding = false
		Resourceful = false

		// @ChillingOut:NEEDS[KSPRECALL-CHILLINGOUT] = true // Here! Comment out this line!

And then edit the chillingout.cfg file from GameData/999_KSP-Recall/patches to be like this:

		active = True

This will override the internal code that decides what to install or not.

Upon further testing, it seems to happen with a wide variety of engines and other parts... probably the easiest way to reproduce it is a craft that looks like:

AI Core
Positron Tank
Big Hydrazine Tank
Short Thermal Generator
Positron Reactor
Krusader thermal nozzle set to use Hydrazine

Put some wraparound radiators on it, tested with just a few and with enough that KSPIE's thermal helper says it's fully good to go under max load.

Then launch it.  Turn on SAS, engage the Krusader engine, and throttle it up.  If you throttle it up slower you can maybe prevent it from exploding right away.  Note that if you cut the throttle, all of the heat instantly goes  away, like full glowing red hot to full cold in an instant when you close the throttle.

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2 hours ago, rawhide_k said:

Instant overheats are also happening to me on on KSP 1.11.2... without KSPIE :cool:

I had just started a new career and just a flea + command pod overheated instantly...

I noticed this as well after my last post, it's not just the KSPIE stuff blowing up.. I just use KSPIE stuff so often that I drew an incorrect conclusion;  I will say that it's easier to replicate with KSPIE, but that's likely due to those parts/engines generating more heat than other stuff does(?)

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22 hours ago, rawhide_k said:

Instant overheats are also happening to me on on KSP 1.11.2... without KSPIE :cool:

I had just started a new career and just a flea + command pod overheated instantly...

Yep. This is what I was aiming to fix with ChillingOut . Ideally, I should find a way to identify what parts need the fix instead of applying the fix on everything as I'm doing now.

Any suggestions about how to do it will be hugely appreciated!


20 hours ago, ss8913 said:

I noticed this as well after my last post, it's not just the KSPIE stuff blowing up.. I just use KSPIE stuff so often that I drew an incorrect conclusion;  I will say that it's easier to replicate with KSPIE, but that's likely due to those parts/engines generating more heat than other stuff does(?)

Probably because I may be stomping KSPIE's toes with ChillingOut.

The root problem is simple, something related to Heat is not being correctly initialised sometimes as it was being done until KSP 1.10.1 . If we manage to zero in the culprit, a better fix can be cooked and so we ChillingOut have a better chance of not screwing up something else by accident.


— — POST EDIT — — 

Uh.. Wait….. @rawhide_k, you are telling me that by using the previous version of KSP-Recall, things were not exploding? So the new KSP-Recall version is the one causing the problem??? o.O

Edited by Lisias
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2 hours ago, ss8913 said:

@Lisias and @rawhide_k - I can confirm that Lisias's workaround posted a few posts ago, does in fact solve the problem :)

So it's ChillingOut without the slightest doubt.

I'll rollback it and I'll post a new release ASAP.

Edited by Lisias
Grammars… {sigh) - good thing I'm a programmer, not a novelist!!
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KSP Recall is on the Wild, featuring:

  • ChillingOut is not working as expected. Deactivating it.
    • Any problems will need to be tackled out punctually.

This Release will be published using the following Schedule:

  • GitHub, reaching manual installers and users of KSP-AVC first. Right now.
  • CurseForge. Right now.
  • SpaceDock (and CKAN users). Right now.

Being a rollback release, all Distribution Channels were updated at once.


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1 minute ago, ble210 said:

Hmmm updating this mod on CKAN removed Kopernicus and modularflight integrator automatically.  Seems a bit extreme

I agree. Please talk with the CKAN guys, I'm not responsible for this.

I'm not aware of any problems on these add'ons, by the way - but there should be a reason for that - if you find it, report here and I will see what I can do.

(Ping @DasSkelett )

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33 minutes ago, ble210 said:

Hmmm updating this mod on CKAN removed Kopernicus and modularflight integrator automatically.  Seems a bit extreme

Maybe You unchecked it (by accident)? Just a minute ago updated on CKAN and nothing is removed

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55 minutes ago, ble210 said:

Hmmm updating this mod on CKAN removed Kopernicus and modularflight integrator automatically.  Seems a bit extreme

That was not caused by updating KSP-Recall. These mods don't have anything to do with each other.

As @dzin already said, you probably just unchecked Kopernicus and MFI by accident, and once you hit "Apply changes" to update KSP-Recall, it also removed those two mods as they were in the changeset.

And as @Lisias said, CKAN problems go on the CKAN thread, not other mod threads. Don't bother mod authors with them, usually they can't help you anyway.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm running KSP, and KSP-Recall 0.2.01, along with USI Kolonization Systems 1.4.1. I have not used Tweakscale to adjust any parts in this game, even though the mod is installed. 


In USI Kolonization Systems, you can see a window called "Planetary Logistics" where you've placed resources into a planet-wide store and can draw from them, such as mining ore in Mun Midlands to put into the warehouse and draw it out in the Mun's Polar Basin to make it into LFO for a fuel cell-powered base. This Planetary Logistics window is also showing me data for "RefundingforKSP111x" and the values seem to increase every time the kraken has mysteriously poof'ed a spacecraft from each location. Searching Github led me to "GameData/999_KSP-Recall/Resources/Resources.cfg" so it is definitely part of this mod vs some other one.

Right now in the game it's saying I have ~$26k on Mun and ~$176k on Minmus, which in my eyes lines up with me losing only one mining rig on Mun but I've had several significant issues on Minmus over the last several months of play. Or is it the new value added to the ships currently sitting on those bodies (ore, fuel, etc)?

1) Should that value be hidden from the USI Kolonization display?

2) If the monetary figures represent funds lost to the kraken, how can the user recover them?



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2 hours ago, Kharn said:

I'm running KSP, and KSP-Recall 0.2.01, along with USI Kolonization Systems 1.4.1. I have not used Tweakscale to adjust any parts in this game, even though the mod is installed. 

Ouch. USI, I knew this day would come. :)


2 hours ago, Kharn said:

1) Should that value be hidden from the USI Kolonization display?

Yes, i think it should. And it's the reason I had set it up as "hidden" on the Resource Definition:

        name = RefundingForKSP111x
        displayName = Refunding
        isTweakable = false
        isVisible = false
                isDrainable = false
                showDrainFX = false

Note that you won't find it anywhere on the KSP's User Interface. 

I think this probably should be handled by USI's UI itself, but I will check this add'on settings to see if there's something I can do from my side.


2 hours ago, Kharn said:

2) If the monetary figures represent funds lost to the kraken, how can the user recover them?

Yes, it is. The funds are "automagically" recovered when you recover the craft using the KSP GUI.

Keep in  mind that sometimes the Refunding stunt will withdraw more Funds instead - for example, when you shrink a part with TweakScale, it uses less material and so it's cheaper - so the Recovering Bug on KSP would over-refund you, and so Refunding will withdraw that extra amount from you.

— — POST EDIT — — 

I just found that UKS also use a hidden Resource called Construction. There's a difference, however - it doesn't have a displayName attribute.

Copy the patch below on a file somewhere on your KSP/GameData (I suggest GameData/__LOCAL/Recall/DisplayNameForUKS.cfg - so you can easily find it later if needed):

	!displayName = dummy

With a bit of luck, this will solve your issue. But it may affect the KSP's Recover Dialog somehow (perhaps it will omit it, or perhaps it will use the internal name - I will check it later).

Let me know if this works for you.

Edited by Lisias
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7 hours ago, Lisias said:

Yes, it is. The funds are "automagically" recovered when you recover the craft using the KSP GUI.

I'm confused by this statement, I'm referring to when the entire craft went *poof* and disappeared from the surface of Minmus, so there's no craft to bring home. Is that ship's (entire or recall?) value being captured in the displayed variable? Or do I have $176k of ore, fuel, ox, and other mined resources sitting on the surface of Minmus inside non-poofed ships (beyond the LFO they left Kerbin with)?


I'll try the hot fix tonight, thanks for the help. 

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5 hours ago, Kharn said:

I'm confused by this statement, I'm referring to when the entire craft went *poof* and disappeared from the surface of Minmus, so there's no craft to bring home.

Well… On this situation, the refunding will happen if you recover the parts somehow (via FMRS by example). The RefundingForKSP11x stunt is handled like electricity (kinda of), with the difference of it having a price, so when KSP recovers the part and checks he Resources available, KSP counts it while calculating the refunding.

It's the reason I set this resource to be invisible, non-trasferrable, non-drainable, non-tweakable, etc. The thing belongs only to the part in which the Refunding Module added it, and to nobody else: it should not be transferred to any other place .


5 hours ago, Kharn said:

Is that ship's (entire or recall?) value being captured in the displayed variable? Or do I have $176k of ore, fuel, ox, and other mined resources sitting on the surface of Minmus inside non-poofed ships (beyond the LFO they left Kerbin with)?

I don't know UKS, I can't help on this.


5 hours ago, Kharn said:

I'll try the hot fix tonight, thanks for the help. 

Okie dokie. Cheers!

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KSP Recall is on the Wild, featuring:

  • Updating KSPe.Light.Recall
  • Minor fixes and/or optimisations.
  • NO NEW WORKAROUNDS OR FEATURES, this is a maintenance release.

This Release will be published using the following Schedule:

  • GitHub, reaching manual installers and users of KSP-AVC first. Right now.
  • CurseForge. Right now.
  • SpaceDock (and CKAN users). Right now.

Being a maintenance release, all Distribution Channels were updated at once.

Edited by Lisias
Copy & Paste error. (jeez… heheeh)
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  • 2 weeks later...
4 hours ago, Krazy1 said:

Hi @Lisias One small annoyance - the resource display show Refunding in-game. I would be nice to hide that. If you can't in stock then maybe in Alternate Resource Panel?

Hi. I didn't reproduced the problem (not even on KSP 1.12, so this is not some new behaviour on Stock).




The only place where the Refunding is shown is where it's intended to be shown (to allow auditing), on the Recovering Dialog:


What's needed, as since I'm not really fixing anything, without this visual clue the numbers would not add up - and then some users would (almost for sure) complain about it on 3rd parties add'ons...


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10 minutes ago, Lisias said:

The only place where the Refunding is shown is where it's intended to be shown (to allow auditing), on the Recovering Dialog:

Well, that's not what my game looks like. Interesting.  Screenshots coming.

Update 1... Naturally, the example you showed works correctly! :confused: I'll find a way to break it, hold on. 

Edited by Krazy1
udpate 1
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7 minutes ago, Krazy1 said:

Well, that's not what my game looks like. Interesting.  Screenshots coming.

And also KSP.log, as it may be something induced by 3rd parties, as it happened with Construction above.

Perhaps the same stunt would work for you? Try this patch:

	!displayName = dummy


Edited by Lisias
tyops! Who would thought of that? :P
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OK... so I've been ignoring this resource display issue for months... since 1.11. It's very minor - not a functional problem. Whatever changed in the latest TweakScale/ Recall/ KSP 1.12 has fixed the issue that displays "refunding" or "RefundingForkKSP111x" MOST OF THE TIME. I loaded 20+ ships and only one did it in the editor but it has errors/ warnings when loading. Another station with multiple docked craft did it too but it also had an error when loading. 

Files for the plane: SPHrunwayKSP log

Note: ship was first created in 1.11. It has a couple Tweaked parts and tanks switched from LFO to LF with Simple Fuel Switch. 

I loaded other ships that used TweakScale and SFS and they were OK. 

So again, this seems very rare now. I was seeing it more before. 


Another ship shows Refunding in flight too but there's indexing issues when it loads. 


[LOG 20:13:32.691] [FLIGHT GLOBALS]: Switching To Vessel SUV octo2 Minmus ---------------------- 
[LOG 20:13:32.691] setting new dominant body: Minmus
FlightGlobals.mainBody: Minmus
[LOG 20:13:32.691] Reference Frame: Rotating
[LOG 20:13:32.698] Loading: magnetometer@KerbinInSpaceLow
[LOG 20:13:32.698] Loading: crewReport@KerbinInSpaceLow
[LOG 20:13:32.698] Loading: gravityScan@KerbinInSpaceLowWater
[LOG 20:13:32.698] Loading: temperatureScan@KerbinInSpaceLow
[LOG 20:13:32.698] Loading: barometerScan@KerbinInSpaceLow
[LOG 20:13:32.698] Loading: mysteryGoo@KerbinInSpaceLow
[LOG 20:13:32.698] Loading: mobileMaterialsLab@KerbinInSpaceLow
[LOG 20:13:32.699] Loading: evaReport@KerbinInSpaceLowWater
[LOG 20:13:32.699] Loading: magnetometer@KerbinInSpaceHigh
[LOG 20:13:32.699] Loading: crewReport@KerbinInSpaceHigh
[LOG 20:13:32.699] Loading: gravityScan@KerbinInSpaceHighWater
[LOG 20:13:32.699] Loading: temperatureScan@KerbinInSpaceHigh
[LOG 20:13:32.699] Loading: barometerScan@KerbinInSpaceHigh
[LOG 20:13:32.699] Loading: infraredTelescope@KerbinInSpaceHigh
[LOG 20:13:32.699] Loading: evaReport@KerbinInSpaceHigh
[LOG 20:13:32.699] Loading: gravityScan@KerbinInSpaceHighDeserts
[LOG 20:13:32.699] Loading: gravityScan@KerbinInSpaceHighGrasslands
[LOG 20:13:32.699] Loading: gravityScan@KerbinInSpaceHighHighlands
[LOG 20:13:32.699] Loading: gravityScan@KerbinInSpaceHighMountains
[LOG 20:13:32.699] Loading: gravityScan@KerbinInSpaceHighShores
[LOG 20:13:32.699] Loading: crewReport@MunInSpaceLow
[LOG 20:13:32.699] Loading: evaReport@MunInSpaceLowMidlands
[LOG 20:13:32.699] Loading: mobileMaterialsLab@MunInSpaceLow
[LOG 20:13:32.699] Loading: barometerScan@MunInSpaceLow
[LOG 20:13:32.699] Loading: temperatureScan@MunInSpaceLow
[LOG 20:13:32.699] Loading: mysteryGoo@MunInSpaceLow
[LOG 20:13:32.699] Loading: crewReport@MunSrfLandedLowlands
[LOG 20:13:32.699] Loading: barometerScan@MinmusInSpaceHigh
[LOG 20:13:32.699] Loading: crewReport@MinmusInSpaceLow
[LOG 20:13:32.699] Loading: crewReport@MunSrfLandedPolarLowlands
[LOG 20:13:32.699] Loading: crewReport@MunSrfLandedPoles
[LOG 20:13:32.699] Loading: evaReport@MunSrfLandedPolarLowlands
[LOG 20:13:32.699] Loading: evaReport@MinmusInSpaceLowLowlands
[LOG 20:13:32.700] Loading: evaReport@MinmusSrfLandedLowlands
[LOG 20:13:32.700] Loading: evaReport@MinmusInSpaceLowMidlands
[LOG 20:13:32.700] Loading: crewReport@MinmusSrfLandedLowlands
[LOG 20:13:32.700] Loading: evaReport@KerbinInSpaceLowGrasslands
[LOG 20:13:32.700] Loading: barometerScan@SunInSpaceHigh
[LOG 20:13:32.700] Loading: crewReport@MunSrfLandedHighlandCraters
[WRN 20:13:32.700] [Part]: PartModule indexing mismatch at Large.Crewed.Lab, index 9.
Node 'ModuleCrewAssignment' found in loaded data, but 'TweakScale' is defined in prefab.
Looking for ModuleCrewAssignment in other indices...
[WRN 20:13:32.700] ...no ModuleCrewAssignment module found on part definition. Skipping...
[WRN 20:13:32.700] PartModule is null.
[WRN 20:13:32.714] [Part]: PartModule indexing mismatch at ISRU, index 8.
Node 'ModuleCrewRequirement' found in loaded data, but 'TweakScale' is defined in prefab.
Looking for ModuleCrewRequirement in other indices...
[WRN 20:13:32.714] ...no ModuleCrewRequirement module found on part definition. Skipping...
[WRN 20:13:32.714] PartModule is null.
[WRN 20:13:32.734] [Part]: PartModule indexing mismatch at cupola, index 9.
Node 'ModuleCrewAssignment' found in loaded data, but 'TweakScale' is defined in prefab.
Looking for ModuleCrewAssignment in other indices...
[WRN 20:13:32.734] ...no ModuleCrewAssignment module found on part definition. Skipping...
[WRN 20:13:32.734] PartModule is null.
[WRN 20:13:32.761] [Part]: PartModule indexing mismatch at FuelCell, index 3.
Node 'ModuleCrewRequirement' found in loaded data, but 'TweakScale' is defined in prefab.
Looking for ModuleCrewRequirement in other indices...
[WRN 20:13:32.761] ...no ModuleCrewRequirement module found on part definition. Skipping...
[WRN 20:13:32.761] PartModule is null.
[WRN 20:13:32.763] [Part]: PartModule indexing mismatch at FuelCell, index 3.
Node 'ModuleCrewRequirement' found in loaded data, but 'TweakScale' is defined in prefab.
Looking for ModuleCrewRequirement in other indices...
[WRN 20:13:32.763] ...no ModuleCrewRequirement module found on part definition. Skipping...
[WRN 20:13:32.763] PartModule is null.
[WRN 20:13:32.827] [Part]: PartModule indexing mismatch at wheelMed, index 9.
Node 'ModuleCrewRequirement' found in loaded data, but 'TweakScale' is defined in prefab.
Looking for ModuleCrewRequirement in other indices...
[WRN 20:13:32.827] ...no ModuleCrewRequirement module found on part definition. Skipping...
[WRN 20:13:32.827] PartModule is null.
[WRN 20:13:32.835] [Part]: PartModule indexing mismatch at wheelMed, index 9.
Node 'ModuleCrewRequirement' found in loaded data, but 'TweakScale' is defined in prefab.
Looking for ModuleCrewRequirement in other indices...
[WRN 20:13:32.835] ...no ModuleCrewRequirement module found on part definition. Skipping...
[WRN 20:13:32.836] PartModule is null.
[WRN 20:13:32.848] [Part]: PartModule indexing mismatch at RadialDrill, index 8.
Node 'ModuleCrewRequirement' found in loaded data, but 'TweakScale' is defined in prefab.
Looking for ModuleCrewRequirement in other indices...
[WRN 20:13:32.848] ...no ModuleCrewRequirement module found on part definition. Skipping...
[WRN 20:13:32.848] PartModule is null.
[WRN 20:13:32.849] [Part]: PartModule indexing mismatch at RadialDrill, index 8.
Node 'ModuleCrewRequirement' found in loaded data, but 'TweakScale' is defined in prefab.
Looking for ModuleCrewRequirement in other indices...
[WRN 20:13:32.849] ...no ModuleCrewRequirement module found on part definition. Skipping...
[WRN 20:13:32.849] PartModule is null.
[WRN 20:13:32.918] [Part]: PartModule indexing mismatch at FuelCellArray, index 3.
Node 'ModuleCrewRequirement' found in loaded data, but 'TweakScale' is defined in prefab.
Looking for ModuleCrewRequirement in other indices...
[WRN 20:13:32.918] ...no ModuleCrewRequirement module found on part definition. Skipping...
[WRN 20:13:32.918] PartModule is null.
[WRN 20:13:32.935] [Part]: PartModule indexing mismatch at FuelCellArray, index 3.
Node 'ModuleCrewRequirement' found in loaded data, but 'TweakScale' is defined in prefab.
Looking for ModuleCrewRequirement in other indices...
[WRN 20:13:32.936] ...no ModuleCrewRequirement module found on part definition. Skipping...
[WRN 20:13:32.936] PartModule is null.
[WRN 20:13:32.937] [Part]: PartModule indexing mismatch at FuelCellArray, index 3.
Node 'ModuleCrewRequirement' found in loaded data, but 'TweakScale' is defined in prefab.
Looking for ModuleCrewRequirement in other indices...
[WRN 20:13:32.937] ...no ModuleCrewRequirement module found on part definition. Skipping...
[WRN 20:13:32.937] PartModule is null.
[WRN 20:13:32.998] [Part]: PartModule indexing mismatch at science.module, index 4.
Node 'ModuleCrewRequirement' found in loaded data, but 'TweakScale' is defined in prefab.
Looking for ModuleCrewRequirement in other indices...
[WRN 20:13:32.998] ...no ModuleCrewRequirement module found on part definition. Skipping...
[WRN 20:13:32.998] PartModule is null.
[WRN 20:13:33.000] [Part]: PartModule indexing mismatch at MK1CrewCabin, index 7.
Node 'ModuleCrewAssignment' found in loaded data, but 'TweakScale' is defined in prefab.
Looking for ModuleCrewAssignment in other indices...
[WRN 20:13:33.001] ...no ModuleCrewAssignment module found on part definition. Skipping...
[WRN 20:13:33.001] PartModule is null.
[WRN 20:13:33.003] [Part]: PartModule indexing mismatch at MK1CrewCabin, index 7.
Node 'ModuleCrewAssignment' found in loaded data, but 'TweakScale' is defined in prefab.
Looking for ModuleCrewAssignment in other indices...
[WRN 20:13:33.003] ...no ModuleCrewAssignment module found on part definition. Skipping...
[WRN 20:13:33.003] PartModule is null.
[WRN 20:13:33.098] [Part]: PartModule indexing mismatch at FuelCellArray, index 3.
Node 'ModuleCrewRequirement' found in loaded data, but 'TweakScale' is defined in prefab.
Looking for ModuleCrewRequirement in other indices...
[WRN 20:13:33.098] ...no ModuleCrewRequirement module found on part definition. Skipping...
[WRN 20:13:33.098] PartModule is null.
[WRN 20:13:33.110] [Part]: PartModule indexing mismatch at FuelCellArray, index 3.
Node 'ModuleCrewRequirement' found in loaded data, but 'TweakScale' is defined in prefab.
Looking for ModuleCrewRequirement in other indices...
[WRN 20:13:33.110] ...no ModuleCrewRequirement module found on part definition. Skipping...
[WRN 20:13:33.110] PartModule is null.
[WRN 20:13:33.113] [Part]: PartModule indexing mismatch at probeCoreOcto2.v2, index 6.
Node 'ModuleCrewAssignment' found in loaded data, but 'TweakScale' is defined in prefab.
Looking for ModuleCrewAssignment in other indices...
[WRN 20:13:33.113] ...no ModuleCrewAssignment module found on part definition. Skipping...
[WRN 20:13:33.113] PartModule is null.
[WRN 20:13:33.114] [Part]: PartModule indexing mismatch at FuelCellArray, index 3.
Node 'ModuleCrewRequirement' found in loaded data, but 'TweakScale' is defined in prefab.
Looking for ModuleCrewRequirement in other indices...
[WRN 20:13:33.114] ...no ModuleCrewRequirement module found on part definition. Skipping...
[WRN 20:13:33.114] PartModule is null.
[WRN 20:13:33.144] [Part]: PartModule indexing mismatch at RadialDrill, index 8.
Node 'ModuleCrewRequirement' found in loaded data, but 'TweakScale' is defined in prefab.
Looking for ModuleCrewRequirement in other indices...
[WRN 20:13:33.144] ...no ModuleCrewRequirement module found on part definition. Skipping...
[WRN 20:13:33.144] PartModule is null.
[WRN 20:13:33.144] [Part]: PartModule indexing mismatch at RadialDrill, index 8.
Node 'ModuleCrewRequirement' found in loaded data, but 'TweakScale' is defined in prefab.
Looking for ModuleCrewRequirement in other indices...
[WRN 20:13:33.144] ...no ModuleCrewRequirement module found on part definition. Skipping...
[WRN 20:13:33.144] PartModule is null.
[WRN 20:13:33.201] [Part]: PartModule indexing mismatch at RadialDrill, index 8.
Node 'ModuleCrewRequirement' found in loaded data, but 'TweakScale' is defined in prefab.
Looking for ModuleCrewRequirement in other indices...
[WRN 20:13:33.201] ...no ModuleCrewRequirement module found on part definition. Skipping...
[WRN 20:13:33.201] PartModule is null.
[WRN 20:13:33.201] [Part]: PartModule indexing mismatch at RadialDrill, index 8.
Node 'ModuleCrewRequirement' found in loaded data, but 'TweakScale' is defined in prefab.
Looking for ModuleCrewRequirement in other indices...
[WRN 20:13:33.201] ...no ModuleCrewRequirement module found on part definition. Skipping...
[WRN 20:13:33.202] PartModule is null.
[WRN 20:13:33.263] [Part]: PartModule indexing mismatch at wheelMed, index 9.
Node 'ModuleCrewRequirement' found in loaded data, but 'TweakScale' is defined in prefab.
Looking for ModuleCrewRequirement in other indices...
[WRN 20:13:33.263] ...no ModuleCrewRequirement module found on part definition. Skipping...
[WRN 20:13:33.263] PartModule is null.
[WRN 20:13:33.271] [Part]: PartModule indexing mismatch at wheelMed, index 9.
Node 'ModuleCrewRequirement' found in loaded data, but 'TweakScale' is defined in prefab.
Looking for ModuleCrewRequirement in other indices...
[WRN 20:13:33.271] ...no ModuleCrewRequirement module found on part definition. Skipping...
[WRN 20:13:33.271] PartModule is null.
[WRN 20:13:33.282] [Part]: PartModule indexing mismatch at mk2LanderCabin.v2, index 13.
Node 'ModuleCrewAssignment' found in loaded data, but 'TweakScale' is defined in prefab.
Looking for ModuleCrewAssignment in other indices...
[WRN 20:13:33.282] ...no ModuleCrewAssignment module found on part definition. Skipping...
[WRN 20:13:33.282] PartModule is null.
[WRN 20:13:33.295] [Part]: PartModule indexing mismatch at GooExperiment, index 4.
Node 'ModuleCrewRequirement' found in loaded data, but 'TweakScale' is defined in prefab.
Looking for ModuleCrewRequirement in other indices...
[WRN 20:13:33.295] ...no ModuleCrewRequirement module found on part definition. Skipping...
[WRN 20:13:33.295] PartModule is null.
[LOG 20:13:33.394] [SUV octo2 Minmus]: landed - waiting for ground contact to resume physics...


Edited by Krazy1
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15 hours ago, Krazy1 said:

OK... so I've been ignoring this resource display issue for months... since 1.11. It's very minor - not a functional problem. Whatever changed in the latest TweakScale/ Recall/ KSP 1.12 has fixed the issue that displays "refunding" or "RefundingForkKSP111x" MOST OF THE TIME.

That's the problem - Recall is doing it right, it's setting the Resource as hidden and this didn't changed from the previous release - in a nutshell, I did nothing about.

What's happening is that some 3rd-parties are not strictly following the rules Stock does for showing/not showing resources.

Stock does not shows Resources with the hidden atribute set to true on the in-game PAWs, widgets and tweakables, but shows the Resources (that have a price) using the tittle on the Summary screen when you recover a vessel. It's the reason you don't see Electric Charge on the Recovery Summary, besides not being hidden and having a tittle and having it being shown in-game.

And this is what Recall does on the Refunding Resource, and it's the reason it works on a vanilla or lightly modded installment.

However, some 3rd-parties add'ons don't cope with these rules, or cope with them loosely - Construction, by example, shows Resources with a Tittle on its own management Window, apparently ignoring the Hidden attribute (or perhaps using the presence of a Tittle on a hidden resource as a flag for something else?). Others add'ons just ignore the Hidden attribute and keep themselves a "brute-force made list" of resources to be hidden. And so on.

This is the reason I asked for your logs and further data - so I can try to track down who is the one (ab)using the Refunding and then figure out something to fix it. ;)

(What I'm doing right now)

— — POST EDIT — — 

First investigations ruled out Kerbal Engineer Redux. This is relevant because if KER is working fine on my test bed and not on the @Krazy1's rig, it means that something had changed the Refunding Resource itself to make it visisble - otherwise KER would not be showing it on his machine (not to mention the Stock Resources widget).


People willing to follow up my researches can follow it on https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/KSP-Recall/issues/19#issuecomment-907810327

Edited by Lisias
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It seems like it's particular to certain craft. That one (and a derivative) are the only ones I could find that do it in the editor. 

trouble plane

This was created May 2, so maybe Refunding at that time had an issue that implanted badness into the .craft file?

I see this:


And also has duplicate modules:





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