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[We need more posts! (Like seriously, a lot more)] Let's Make This the Megathread!

Misguided Kerbal

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ok @Souptime.... Well it was nice meeting you for the short period I did.

I will be purging all info I wrote on the forums deleting my account over the next few hours.

Good luck with everything, I wish you the best

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  On 6/10/2021 at 7:08 AM, Aazard said:

ok @Souptime.... Well it was nice meeting you for the short period I did.

I will be purging all info I wrote on the forums deleting my account over the next few hours.

Good luck with everything, I wish you the best



you shall be missed

one day we might meet again, possibly on the SFS forums, possibly somewhere else

we may, or may not ever know

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  On 6/10/2021 at 8:02 AM, Jeb_Needs_A_Parachute said:

Speaking of minecraft, do you think the forums will have a similar issue to minecraft where one chunk (Or in this case one thread) can't exceed a certain data size? This ultimatley lead to a dupe and probably would lead to posting issues on the forums

Apologies for off topic.


oh dont worry, there is no topic except adding posts!

and as far as we know, no. as there are sevral threads larger than this one

take the spacex discussion thread, it has about 1000 more pages than this thread but maybe in the far future there might be problems, who know

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  On 6/10/2021 at 7:08 AM, Aazard said:

ok @Souptime.... Well it was nice meeting you for the short period I did.

I will be purging all info I wrote on the forums deleting my account over the next few hours.

Good luck with everything, I wish you the best


Ah. Thats sad. Hope we see you again. 

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Personal attacks are never appropriate on these forums. Please do not attack others, or encourage those attacks. Some posts have been removed.

Thread temporarily locked so this message remains visible.

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Let me apologize on behalf of this thread. I am sorry if someone has attacked you on this thread. I'm very sorry and I hope we can continue forward civilly. 

Edited by Dr. Kerbal
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