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[We need more posts! (Like seriously, a lot more)] Let's Make This the Megathread!

Misguided Kerbal

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1 hour ago, peridoot said:

im only here to post really random things. like this:


There is never something wrong on the MEGATHREAD (Except when the moderators some and tell use we broke a rule...)

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mines is just a ad for my indev discord server but honestly right now it serves no purpose

and right now online school

and a new month has arrived which is outside of the gregorian calendar

this month is very hard and very rewarding

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3 hours ago, Maria Sirona said:

I know that too :)


2 hours ago, Ben J. Kerman said:

I know it too, I just didn't say it like that. Obviously, humans are animals. We just don't always think about it.

Good to you too!;p

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