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Kerbal Space Program ESA 1.10 update #SharedHorizons


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I'm willing to hazard a guess that there will be some kind of Columbus analogue added, perhaps a kind of mini-lab with lower data storage and research rates, based upon the picture.

Completely unrelated request, but can more robotic parts be added for DLC users so that we can build a completely stock Canadarm? This has been something that has been missing for some time.

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12 minutes ago, RealKerbal3x said:

Wow, an ESA update! This looks great, I can't wait for more news :D

It was already reskinned, in 1.5.



Well, it must be getting a new/alternate skin then. It certainly looks like the HECS2 with yellow and blue stripes instead of gold foil.

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50 minutes ago, jimmymcgoochie said:

So, I see two stock type solar panels, a re-skinned HECS2 (which looks niiiice), a lander made of stock parts and... That service bus, which is far too square to be any existing part so must be new. Not entirely sure how useful a triangular bus like that will be elsewhere, but I don't care- I WANT ONE!



That body is most likly made using the Making history structural panels

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41 minutes ago, jimmymcgoochie said:

Well, it must be getting a new/alternate skin then. It certainly looks like the HECS2 with yellow and blue stripes instead of gold foil.

Don't see it myself, just looks like the current HECS2 with a ring of ox-stats around it, 2 on each face.

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1 hour ago, VoidCosmos said:

No. I don't think so. They may merge the expansions with the base game. Idk exactly

No I'm definitely 100% sure that none of the Parts, used on the (stylized) Ship over the Icon, are new.
Consider the following



Some inaccuracy has to be attributed to the ICon version clearly being warped a bit for artistic reasons.(also Ignore that the front "lander" bit has the wrong probecore)
The viewing angle also changes things  bit (I assure you my mockup also has that slope) 

@jimmymcgoochieno, those are definitely Separate Solar-panel parts. You can even see the line that divides them both

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5 hours ago, DunaManiac said:

I guess this answers the question if "is it going to 1.10" "or is it going to be 2.0" "or is KSP2 coming out then"

April 14, 2043.

"No, see, software versions don't work like that. KSP2 is its own thing and KSP1's next version will be 1.100"

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I hope @SQUAD releases KSP 1 v2.0 the same day Star Theory releases KSP 2 v1.0.

I hope they don't. I'd hate to have to wait another year or two for KSP 1.10... Disregard, didn't realize you were talking about v2.0.

Also not too keen on the sneaky Snacks product placement. I hope you have your legal bases covered on this. I could see objections from both a certain manufacturer–or their competitors for that matter–as well as consumer protection agencies...

Edited by Corax
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1 hour ago, Daniel Prates said:

It seems clear that there will be parts to build the Ariane 5, but the probes, will there be new parts for them as well? 

Where is the HYPE-TRAIN? :D

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