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[WIP] Jade's Dev Thread


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18 minutes ago, NiL said:

Not sure why it is so, considering the most popular 3.75m probe core (from ReStock+) is 0.5m

I'm pretty sure it goes without saying that this solar panel was deprecated long before Nertea planned for (or started acting on and plans for) Restock.

54 minutes ago, NiL said:

0.2m would be convinient and consistent, I imagine (at least considering 0.2 fits both 1.25m and mk2 cores, and 0.4 is only for 2.5m). Two 0.2m strips could be used for 2.5m core (as in screenshots), and scaling it down to 1.25m with TweakScale would produce panels 0.1m in height, which could also be used in two rows.  If you would make different parts for different profiles, maybe 0.4m for 2.5 and 3.75m and 0.2m for everything else could be used? But I'm not a modder, so, fully unironically, what do I know. 

While I consider Tweakscale when making things, I want to avoid Tweakscale being very important to, and causing odd situations with parts I make and which involve B9PS for performance tuning, such as causing a 0.1m upgradeable solar panel to happen. Well I'll see how things turn out.

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3 hours ago, Ariel Kerman said:

Even the Fusion engines? noooooo (deep sigh) :P

The existing models and textures of nearly all of them are quite practically stepping stones to getting good. Now that I'm good, I have better ideas and I want better for them. Additionally, I recently encountered this KSP2 dev thread and I want to have all my engines follow better defined visual cue templates. Some of these cues needed me to make other parts which occurred after them, such as the interstellar series engines and the molten salt reactors.


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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
1 hour ago, Ariel Kerman said:

OMG I can't wait anymore! lol
When youre going to be able to release some of this?
This, the EVE release, KSP 2... too much waiting is killing me hahaha

The wedge system doesn't have much left to do for it. No later than Next Friday for sure. And it's firstly an experiment pack that requires WildBlueTools so there's going to be plenty more for you to do... underwater. ;) 

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On 2/8/2023 at 11:37 PM, JadeOfMaar said:

Those WBI accessories are looking very good now.

What are these nice little boxes used for? Some of them are WBI Omni Storage I guess and others should do something with WBI science system. Not sure how it works and which mods provide all the necessary equipment to utilize it.

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6 hours ago, Manul said:

What are these nice little boxes used for? Some of them are WBI Omni Storage I guess and others should do something with WBI science system. Not sure how it works and which mods provide all the necessary equipment to utilize it.

From left to right and front to back:

  • Refinery/OmniConverter; OmniStorage/Fuel Tank; Cargo bay
  • Experiment (decals not shown yet. Uses WBI's science system only); RTG (decal not shown yet); Solar panel (might also be a battery pack to not waste volume)
  • Supercomputer (for WBI LabTime. Can be used for modular computer mods); Inventory (primarily stock but can use KIS too. Can use OmniStorage to be whatever fraction of both at once.); Phased array antenna
  • Battery; Life support tank (uses OmniStorage or B9, has decals, uses B9 for decal switching)

There are hybrid wedge bodies too, geared towards integrated cubesat-like design and gameplay.

  • Near-right, short: Cargo bay with solar panel, battery, built-in decoupler and RCS (not made yet)
  • Near-right, tall: Cargo bay with solar panel, battery, built-in decoupler, probe core and RCS
  • Far-right, short and tall: Inventory (stock type only), solar panel, battery, built-in decoupler, probe core and RCS


These won't have a KIS inventory option as I want to make a use case for the RackMount mod which enabled the features of a stored part to be equipped to the container part. Specifically: Put stock expeirments into their inventory and the parts themselves become "one part to science it all."


Even after all that, the heart of this mod is actually an experiment suite that uses WBI science system (if you've played with MOLE and its LDEF wedges or Kerbalism science, you'll get it). These experiments are meant to only work underwater, however, to add gameplay value to the murky depths, give you more to build into your Buffalo + SunkWorks submarine, and hopefully motivate planet makers to give more love to those depths.


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6 hours ago, JadeOfMaar said:

if you've played with MOLE and its LDEF wedges or Kerbalism science, you'll get it

I'm getting some contracts to do WBI science but no idea how to accomplish them, the only WBI science thing I have is an experiment slot in Buffalo 2 lab but I don't know how to use it :blush:

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A customizable kit for the wedge bays, rather, a kit for customizing the wedge bays (via the RackMount mod). RackMount aside, these are the options I've settled on so far, with labels:

  1. CMD: Probe core. The stock ones are all too big.
  2. RW: Reaction wheels.
  3. CPU: Tiny brother to the CPU wedge. Good for autopilots like kOS or MechJeb.
  4. SCI: Hard drive for science data from mods like Tarsier Space Tech and Kerbalism.
  5. SUB: Substance container for "physical" science samples, for use by whatever science mod, such as Kerbalism, makes those a thing.
  6. SNX: Life Support. Reinforced lunch box.
  7. UNK: I don't know yet.
  8. UNK.


Edited by JadeOfMaar
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I love all these U2 compatible storage solutions and System Heat work you're doing.

Silly idea for UNK - "SAF", a "safe" with numeric buttons. It's just a small volume inventory, that safely stores small items from other Kerbals, with a Post-It saying "Secret code is 1234".

I know there's a larger one, but might be useful when mass is tight.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My sunflare pack is finally getting the love it needed. Unless stated otherwise, Scatterer will not be involved anymore as Beyond Home and JNSQ do just fine without it for their flares, and compatibility configs for planet packs will be messy and tedius and I don't want to have to deal with that.


By popular vote on the poll in its thread, here's Ursa Minor (in A class color... Good luck finding a planet pack that has blue giant stars). But all 4 flares and all stellar classes will be available on release.



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On 3/6/2023 at 6:53 PM, JadeOfMaar said:

Unless stated otherwise, Scatterer will not be involved anymore

Having Unity versions is definitely a good thing to have for all those compatibility reasons you mentioned, but also, Scatterer flares are generally overall more capable (unless you want a very large number of ghosts), so perhaps having both options would be a good idea? It's not just the being compatible with the atmospheric extinction, but also the fact that every component can have independent scale curves as well as intensity curves.

For an example from Edge of Eternity, while I chose something which probably doesn't have the same overall design direction in its particular assets,


Out further away, as you can see the flare is quiet overall, and maybe kinda bright but really fairly dim, not really pulling your attention to it:zwugu6P.png

But  when you get up really close, where you're really gonna start feeling the heat and the light starts to become blindingly bright, not only does the flare scale up in size, the intensity scales up to the point of intentionally overexposing the brightest parts, and a whole extra layer is faded in to hammer in just how much brighter it is from this far in:

For context, the first picture is out at Esker, the next planet away from the homeworld, while the second picture is Calefact, the innermost planet 6 orbits down where the sunlight is so intense the kerbal standing there has less than a minute before needing to go back in the ship to avoid overheating and getting poofed.  Obviously EoE's flares are a lot simpler than yours, but that just means that you could benefit a lot more greatly from those features than I am here.

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  • 3 weeks later...


So i've used your different flares for stock and GPP  before (thanks for those too, and the time creating them) and was wondering- just out of pure curiosity, not to criticize or like anytihng else... whats the reason you have for the suggestion "Usage restrictions: Example: only the G or stock pack sunflares are to be applied to the Sun and other G class Sun-like stars."

Is it just that it would be mis-matched to the stock/planet pack's star or more specifically the star's color? ** "IT" being the scatterer config's ghosts, flare, spikes image assets linked from its config file**

So if one would use one of the sunflaares with say a "green" star (i know it doesnt exist lol) it wouldnt actually like break the game or cause any problems like that, right? or no?

Secondly, I  remember coming across a .txt file in one of your sunflaares mods' folder saying re-colored configs not allowed or something to that effect because they already exist.. I didnt understand what it meant bc i didnt find any other re-colored edited configs.  Could you explain?

I ask because I've used one of them from the stock pack with beyond home for personal use. I just edited the image assets in photoshop and added a tint to them to match the stars color- which i has also changed and made the home system stars blue, and pink-purple colored. and they worked fine. As far as i understand thats also the only way to change the colors would be to edit the image asset files in the sunflares config folder. I also used FlareReplacer mod alongside with the sunflare config. The FlareReplacer has the unity.3d file and a config with an MM module that edits the suns color, and then i assume the flare part of the file is over-written by the scatterer one because the flares you actually visually see are the ones installed in the scatterer sunflare folder



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@Astra Infinitum The usage restriction text is because my flares are designed loosely based on the star's color and are intended to be used with planet packs that have many stars and diverse star classes. Mine are not like other sunflares that don't care what the star's classification is and may be freely applied to any star (like the Kabrams flares). Mine are such that you can tell what class of star it is once you see it (same deal as Galaxies Unbound with its flares). "Default G class flare? That's a yellow dwarf G class star, a Sun-like star" ... "Bright orange flare? K class dwarf (between yellow G and red M class dwarf)." ... "Blue flare?! ...Ooooh, that's one of the blue giant stars! O, B or A class."

2 hours ago, Astra Infinitum said:

Secondly, I  remember coming across a .txt file in one of your sunflaares mods' folder saying re-colored configs not allowed or something to that effect because they already exist.. I didnt understand what it meant bc i didnt find any other re-colored edited configs.  Could you explain?

This is probably a clear explanation of something I expect people to do but I don't want them to do as it violates the Non-Derivatives license. (It also probably specified recolored textures rather than configs.) Since you have to ask, I figure you didn't know this, which is why that text is there. Also... amateur recolors (just splashing it with tint, as far as the less tech savvy will be capable of) are going to look like garbage. Unlike Flare Replacer, my flares are not designed to be tinted.

You're free to make your personal edits. Thought police and cloud police don't exist (yet) :P but please don't share, as, well, my intents and my license choice are opposed to it.


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On 3/27/2023 at 7:52 PM, JadeOfMaar said:

@Astra Infinitum The usage restriction text is because my flares are designed loosely based on the star's color and are intended to be used with planet packs that have many stars and diverse star classes. Mine are not like other sunflares that don't care what the star's classification is and may be freely applied to any star (like the Kabrams flares). Mine are such that you can tell what class of star it is once you see it (same deal as Galaxies Unbound with its flares). "Default G class flare? That's a yellow dwarf G class star, a Sun-like star" ... "Bright orange flare? K class dwarf (between yellow G and red M class dwarf)." ... "Blue flare?! ...Ooooh, that's one of the blue giant stars! O, B or A class."

This is probably a clear explanation of something I expect people to do but I don't want them to do as it violates the Non-Derivatives license. (It also probably specified recolored textures rather than configs.) Since you have to ask, I figure you didn't know this, which is why that text is there. Also... amateur recolors (just splashing it with tint, as far as the less tech savvy will be capable of) are going to look like garbage. Unlike Flare Replacer, my flares are not designed to be tinted.

You're free to make your personal edits. Thought police and cloud police don't exist (yet) :P but please don't share, as, well, my intents and my license choice are opposed to it.


using just the tinted flare alone yes definitely looks like garbage but using them on top of a tinted flare replacer config looks spectacular

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  • 4 weeks later...

@Rakete Concerning the discussion of your FFT + Blueshift end-game ISRU game (and dodging the whole FFT resources portion of it), I've been drafting a part whose spheroid primary chamber (the "Greater Forge") is dedicated to producing Graviolium, or, producing nearly any heavy element (in case of folks with different interests). Both use cases involve stellar nucleosynthesis and a very large and immensely powerful magnetically confined space. See: The R process about fast neutron capture and poducing heavy elements. I secondarily intend for this part to have four "smaller" linear chambers (each known as a "Lesser Forge") that can use magnetic confinement, acceleration or induction to do extreme things like smelting metals, heavy ionization, inertial confinement and generally producing exotics under pressure such as MetallicHydrogen and FusionPellets. Using WBT, the part will have many converter slots, swappable and equippable with just about any process (granted they're written in the right format) and with great throughput multipliers but there are restrictions on what can be slotted into the Forges. It's not a high priority to provide converter chains outside of supporting Graviolium production but I think you're the right person to ask for ideas on what players might like.

Some things to note -- how this all works:

  • Rather than ElectricCharge, the Forge processes ask for ElectroPlasma which is unique to WBI. Its conversion rate to ElectricCharge is not settled actually, so any such converters are typically to be treated as horribly inefficient. Since ElectroPlasma is being used, this gives more use to WBI power produces such as Pathfinder's boxed ARC reactor and Blueshift's gravitic generators and warp cores.
  • To avoid dealing with kilotons of resource mass and the inevitable mass/joint krakens, the part will provide for (and ask out of) an incredibly large amount of massless virtualized Ore and Hydrogen (1 virtual unit for 1000 real units). The immense Hydrogen supply is for use by stellar formation under gravitic pressure rather than relying on magnetics and fusing known fusion fuels. The Ore supply is the substrate for the Graviolium and the source for the neutrons for the R process (because Protium doesn't have any neutrons).
  • Rather than heat systems, where possible, I'd like to involve WBI's StaticCharge (waste resource) system. But I won't hound Angelo to expand that system so it can be used outside of propulsion. Most WBI things don't care anyway so I don't want to make that a bother.

Paging @Ooglak Kerman because he's the reason I'm making the part.


For reference, a Lesser Forge has 5m diameter and 20m (or more) height but most of that height is underground or otherwise hidden. The Greater Forge has 30m diameter and 20m height.


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35 minutes ago, JadeOfMaar said:

@Rakete Concerning the discussion of your FFT + Blueshift end-game ISRU game (and dodging the whole FFT resources portion of it), I've been drafting a part whose spheroid primary chamber (the "Greater Forge") is dedicated to producing Graviolium, or, producing nearly any heavy element (in case of folks with different interests). Both use cases involve stellar nucleosynthesis and a very large and immensely powerful magnetically confined space. See: The R process about fast neutron capture and poducing heavy elements. I secondarily intend for this part to have four "smaller" linear chambers (each known as a "Lesser Forge") that can use magnetic confinement, acceleration or induction to do extreme things like smelting metals, heavy ionization, inertial confinement and generally producing exotics under pressure such as MetallicHydrogen and FusionPellets. Using WBT, the part will have many converter slots, swappable and equippable with just about any process (granted they're written in the right format) and with great throughput multipliers but there are restrictions on what can be slotted into the Forges. It's not a high priority to provide converter chains outside of supporting Graviolium production but I think you're the right person to ask for ideas on what players might like.

Some things to note -- how this all works:

  • Rather than ElectricCharge, the Forge processes ask for ElectroPlasma which is unique to WBI. Its conversion rate to ElectricCharge is not settled actually, so any such converters are typically to be treated as horribly inefficient. Since ElectroPlasma is being used, this gives more use to WBI power produces such as Pathfinder's boxed ARC reactor and Blueshift's gravitic generators and warp cores.
  • To avoid dealing with kilotons of resource mass and the inevitable mass/joint krakens, the part will provide for (and ask out of) an incredibly large amount of massless virtualized Ore and Hydrogen (1 virtual unit for 1000 real units). The immense Hydrogen supply is for use by stellar formation under gravitic pressure rather than relying on magnetics and fusing known fusion fuels. The Ore supply is the substrate for the Graviolium and the source for the neutrons for the R process (because Protium doesn't have any neutrons).
  • Rather than heat systems, where possible, I'd like to involve WBI's StaticCharge (waste resource) system. But I won't hound Angelo to expand that system so it can be used outside of propulsion. Most WBI things don't care anyway so I don't want to make that a bother.

Paging @Ooglak Kerman because he's the reason I'm making the part.

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For reference, a Lesser Forge has 5m diameter and 20m (or more) height but most of that height is underground or otherwise hidden. The Greater Forge has 30m diameter and 20m height.


What're you going to call it? There's got to be some technical mumbo-jumbo that goes along with the names "Greater Forge" and "Lesser Forge"!

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14 minutes ago, AtomicTech said:

What're you going to call it? There's got to be some technical mumbo-jumbo that goes along with the names "Greater Forge" and "Lesser Forge"!

It's called "GIN" with reference to liquor and where the acronym means "Gargantuan Industry Nexus" (for the part) and "Gravitic Induced Nucleosynthesis" (for the Greater Forge's process). Through Blueshift warp tech which allows for convenient manipulation of gravity, the Greater Forge creates gravitic pressure and acts on a substantial mass of Hydrogen to enable "natural" star formation within, rather than typically using electromagnetism to create and compress a plasma of typical fusion fuels. This star is allowed to age and die (see: fermentation, liquor brewing, "gin" again) and its results are collected either by magnetic funnels or maintenance crew with hazmat suits and KIS shovels. A substantial mass of Ore is required as well for seeding with fresh Graviolium or converting directly into fissiles or a super-dense handwavium (I'm considering defining one for myself and Angelo has said he may redefine Graviolium to also be super-dense in KSP2).

The Lesser Forges don't have the capacity of star formation but can readily use gravitic pressure, if Blueshift applies, to compress and transform some resources. [Already detailed their scopes in previous post.]

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