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[Min KSP 1.11] Mk-33: X-33-inspired parts for KSP!

Angelo Kerman

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  • 1 month later...
  On 8/10/2021 at 1:35 AM, GuessingEveryDay said:

Any plans for Waterfall, or it'll just look really weird?


No plans right now, unless someone wants to try making configs for the linear aerospike. @JadeOfMaar's plumes look quite nice. :)

  On 9/10/2021 at 3:12 AM, Donjoshua2021 said:

can someone tell which folder to copy to ksp game data folder the game data one or the wildblue industries. I read the read but didnt understand which file to copy



Copy the entire WildBlueIndustries folder from the zip into your GameData folder.

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Heya, I'm loving your work, thanks for making a great game even more fun!  Sorry for the n00b questions, but I'm a n00b to KSP modding and the ReadMe isn't super clear on how to use the Extras.  To enable Snacks! functionality, do I rename "GameData/WildBlueIndustries/Mk-33/Extras/Mk33Snacks.txt" to "../Mk33Snacks.cfg"?  Assuming I'm correct about renaming the *.txt to a *.cfg, does the renamed file stay in the Extras folder, or should I move it to the main Mk-33 folder, or the WildBlueIndustries/Snacks folder, or somewhere else?

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  On 9/14/2021 at 12:25 AM, Nizrael said:

Heya, I'm loving your work, thanks for making a great game even more fun!  Sorry for the n00b questions, but I'm a n00b to KSP modding and the ReadMe isn't super clear on how to use the Extras.  To enable Snacks! functionality, do I rename "GameData/WildBlueIndustries/Mk-33/Extras/Mk33Snacks.txt" to "../Mk33Snacks.cfg"?  Assuming I'm correct about renaming the *.txt to a *.cfg, does the renamed file stay in the Extras folder, or should I move it to the main Mk-33 folder, or the WildBlueIndustries/Snacks folder, or somewhere else?


Yup, just rename the .txt file to .cfg, and you're good to go. No need to move the file. :)

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  • 5 weeks later...

Really love the look of this! Unfortunately, I don't seem to have any notable pitch authority during re-entry and landing. I initially thought it was an error when building, so I took the sample craft file from Ships/VAB but no dice. It seems to have a very small amount of pitch authority when in the lower atmosphere but it's not enough to pull out of even a 20 degree dive, let alone flaring for a runway landing. Is there something I'm missing? I did notice, with the premade craft file, that the CoL in the SPH is right at the aft end, between the two wings, which would explain the flight behaviour and suggest something is up with the lifting body. Not sure if there is a mod conflict here or something, though I'm not running any aerodynamics mods. Installed with CKAN.

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I encountered the exact same problem with a hand built, and the prebuilt example craft.
I took it further and experimented with using fuel transferal between the tanks in each part(the ones that have fuel tanks)

this DOES seem to improve things, but not much...any maneuvoring pitch wise past 30 degrees, forget it, write off the craft and crew.

gave up on bringing her back down again and just use her as a transit vehicle between kerbin and the mun. easier and less stress.

edit: I even went and got atmospheric autopilot because of this craft thinking it'd help...well it does, keeps her stable during lift off, ascent, and later reentry, but the same problem of not enough pitch authority comes into play when its time to begin riding the belly heat shields...resulting in a vertical summersault and subsequent breakup. keep her under 30 degrees +/- pitch and she overheats and explodes.

my conclusion? seems tailor made for an on orbit CTV..but ill suited for a reentry capable craft.


second edit: yes this testing was done with stock equipment across the board, NO other trimmings/accessories past lighting so I could see the fudging thing(keep ending up with night time reentries for some reason)

Edited by RaiderMan
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  On 10/13/2021 at 4:09 PM, Telvee32 said:

Really love the look of this! Unfortunately, I don't seem to have any notable pitch authority during re-entry and landing. I initially thought it was an error when building, so I took the sample craft file from Ships/VAB but no dice. It seems to have a very small amount of pitch authority when in the lower atmosphere but it's not enough to pull out of even a 20 degree dive, let alone flaring for a runway landing. Is there something I'm missing? I did notice, with the premade craft file, that the CoL in the SPH is right at the aft end, between the two wings, which would explain the flight behaviour and suggest something is up with the lifting body. Not sure if there is a mod conflict here or something, though I'm not running any aerodynamics mods. Installed with CKAN.

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  On 10/13/2021 at 11:11 PM, RaiderMan said:

I encountered the exact same problem with a hand built, and the prebuilt example craft.
I took it further and experimented with using fuel transferal between the tanks in each part(the ones that have fuel tanks)

this DOES seem to improve things, but not much...any maneuvoring pitch wise past 30 degrees, forget it, write off the craft and crew.

gave up on bringing her back down again and just use her as a transit vehicle between kerbin and the mun. easier and less stress.

edit: I even went and got atmospheric autopilot because of this craft thinking it'd help...well it does, keeps her stable during lift off, ascent, and later reentry, but the same problem of not enough pitch authority comes into play when its time to begin riding the belly heat shields...resulting in a vertical summersault and subsequent breakup. keep her under 30 degrees +/- pitch and she overheats and explodes.

my conclusion? seems tailor made for an on orbit CTV..but ill suited for a reentry capable craft.


second edit: yes this testing was done with stock equipment across the board, NO other trimmings/accessories past lighting so I could see the fudging thing(keep ending up with night time reentries for some reason)


Not sure why you are having issues. I just performed an entry, descent, and landing today without any problems, and this is in JNSQ. I used Atmospheric Autopilot without issues.





Meanwhile, Mk-33 1.1.1 is now available:


- Fixed issue where the Mk-33 Krew Module wasn't able to dock with the Clamp-O-Tron docking port (or any size1 port).

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  • 4 weeks later...

Perhaps that issue @Telvee32 and @RaiderMan were having was because they were playing with FAR? This mod is designed with stock aerodynamics in mind, and I don't know if anyone has come up with some patches to make it work with FAR nicely.

If it's not that, perhaps they didn't follow those notes in the OP about how to properly attach the wings? But my thinking is that they might have put something entirely too heavy too far forward in the cargo bay, which would put the CG well forward of the COL. Normally that's a good thing, as it means your craft won't flip out in the atmosphere.

What I'm trying to say is that whatever the root cause, the result was that the craft was "over-stable". Yes, there is such a thing, if you can't get something that's supposed to fly thru the atmosphere to turn or pull up, it's TOO stable!

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No FAR here either. The vehicle was built correctly, as I was testing it with a prebuilt craft.

I've been able to get the plane to fly reasonably well (and thus re-enter) when almost empty by pumping propellant from the mid into the aft tank, which would normally be empty as I use GPP, so stock scale.  Still unflyable when the mid tank is full, though. I should clarify that launch and ascent from vertical are absolutely fine, if a little unwieldy but that is to be expected with the girth of such a plane, so there might not even be a problem here at all if this is by design, I'm just thinking hypothetically about how the plane would handle in the event of a mid-flight launch abort.

Edited by Telvee32
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I did another test last night with 34 tonnes mounted to the back of the payload bay, empty fore and aft tanks, and stock scale. I had no trouble launching to a 100km orbit in stock scale. I also had no trouble deorbiting and landing. I only had an issue with the ship flipping over at 17k when I tried to boost back to KSC because I had overshot. Had i not done that the Mk-33 would have been rock steady all the way to landing.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Gotta say I still love this Venture Inspired Mod so much , had to leave it alone for a while as i struggled with the docking , RCS issues mostly .

Anyhow after messing about with a few things to sort out my way of flying crafts it's all good and now it's my main go to craft for slinging Kerbals and other things into orbit .

But i'm playing RSS ...!!! now , hmm ok I have a cunning plan .

Got the idea from of all things a silly one to stack 3 crafts on top of each other to get them into orbit , and return all 3 as well .

Not got that far yet ..........but hey it's a start :ph34r:


Edited by Puggonaut
Spelling always spelling , as usual .
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  On 11/27/2021 at 3:15 PM, Puggonaut said:

Gotta say I still love this Venture Inspired Mod so much , had to leave it alone for a while as i struggled with the docking , RCS issues mostly .

Anyhow after messing about with a few things to sort out my way of flying crafts it's all good and now it's my main go to craft for slinging Kerbals and other things into orbit .

But i'm playing RSS ...!!! now , hmm ok I have a cunning plan .

Got the idea from of all things a silly one to stack 3 crafts on top of each other to get them into orbit , and return all 3 as well .

Not got that far yet ..........but hey it's a start :ph34r:



Clever take on the Mk-33! :)

  On 12/5/2021 at 6:31 AM, capybara said:

How does the payload crane work, i have no idea how to attach it to the launch pad or wherever it goes.... 


The payload crane is intended to be a separate craft. You don't attach it to anything. Instead, you attach the crane wheels to it and drive it around to a spot where you can wheel payloads out to it.  Then you attach some KAS winches to the moving part of the crane, and use it to hoist payloads into the bay. Here's an example:



The Mk-33 is designed so that you dock to the crane (there is a specialized robotic front piece that you attach docking ports to):



Similarly, the Mk-33 launchpad and strongback also dock to the Mk-33. Using DockRotate, you can rotate the Mk-33 vertical for launch after you dock it to the strongback:




For me, loading payloads into the Mk-33, rolling it out to the pad, and launching it is a matter of routine in my Commercial Space Ventures mission report, but not everybody wants to do that, so I included a more traditional launch platform with the mod.


  On 12/19/2021 at 5:36 AM, Jhorriga said:

 Have you considered adding parts for the rockwell X-33 proposal some time down the line?DAm5ujDXgAAJYBP.jpg


Not at this time. I think that stock parts can approximate that design fairly well.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  On 6/13/2020 at 6:55 PM, Angel-125 said:

Thanks all! It's not finished yet as of today but there's enough done that it's in a flyable state. Yes, the incomplete cockpit was intended to be included. I make no apologies for incomplete parts as this is still in a development state. Anyway I'm aiming for a mid-July release but realistically all the parts are likely to be done by mid-August.

Here are a couple more images:


That's the new external airlock (and a modified MOLE Mk 2 docking port that the kerbal is hanging off of)


Test flight with the cockpit WIP.


I kinda like this pre-release cockpit, is there any chance of it being reincluded in a later release?

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