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[1.8-1.12] Conformal Decals 0.2.12 - Decals done the right way, now on CKAN!


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7 hours ago, DeadJohn said:

@cineboxandrew I'm getting log spam and non-displaying decals from Conformal Decals. Tagging @linuxgurugamer because he recently did a PR trying to fix prior nullrefs. I think that's the version I'm currently using. Logfile says "ConformalDecals v9.9.9.0 / v1.0.0 / v9.9.9".

I don't always have the problem. Conformal Decals work for a while then something, perhaps ctrl-z or another VAB action or an interfering mod, triggers the issue. Decals stop displaying correctly and I get many nullrefs from Conformal Decals.

Exiting VAB and returning does not fix the decals. A full game restart fixes it for a while.

While the problem is happening in VAB, existing CD decals and new decals get their usual green part highlights when selected, but no flag displays on the rocket. If I drag a flag or text decal I momentarily see the flag/text as I move it around, but as soon as I click to apply it to the rocket it's like the decal is 100% transparent.

The official release and PR can both cause nullref spam for me. If you want me to test more, please let me know which version I should test.

Logfile at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xi2VK_-CE7C8mlGRYXSNE7d-ru_wliLR/view?usp=sharing


According to CKAN, the last release is 0.2.10, on 3/13/2022, so if you are using the CKAN version, it's not the one with my fix.  Looking at Github, no release has been done recently.

Please verify you are using my test DLL and PM me directly with the log file

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1 hour ago, linuxgurugamer said:

According to CKAN, the last release is 0.2.10, on 3/13/2022, so if you are using the CKAN version, it's not the one with my fix.  Looking at Github, no release has been done recently.

Please verify you are using my test DLL and PM me directly with the log file

I think I am using your test DLL and hope the logfile can provide verification. That's why my prior post mentioned "ConformalDecals v9.9.9.0 / v1.0.0 / v9.9.9". Does 9.9.9 confirm it's your test DLL rather than the official release?

Logfile at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xi2VK_-CE7C8mlGRYXSNE7d-ru_wliLR/view?usp=sharing

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3 hours ago, DeadJohn said:

I think I am using your test DLL and hope the logfile can provide verification. That's why my prior post mentioned "ConformalDecals v9.9.9.0 / v1.0.0 / v9.9.9". Does 9.9.9 confirm it's your test DLL rather than the official release?

Logfile at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xi2VK_-CE7C8mlGRYXSNE7d-ru_wliLR/view?usp=sharing

Already replied in chat, this is for anyone else interested.

Since @DeadJohnwasn't sure if he was using my test dll, I rebuilt it and sent him another for him to test.



Regarding this fix, as a service to the users of this mod, I attempted to do a fix which I then provided to the author on Github.  I don't have any intentions (at this time) of adopting this mod, and any discussions of any fixes that I am attempting to make to it should NOT be discussed here.  If you have any questions, contact me via PM.  If you are also experiencing these nullrefs, contact me via PM to see if my fix can help.

@cineboxandrew hasn't been around since August 8, that is not long enough for anyone to consider adopting this mod

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It worked fine before ,but when I re-install a new KSP game, and then I installed this mod with CKAN, the flag decal only show 512x256 image correctly, and if I put other size image into the flag folder such as 512x512, it get queezed in game play to fit 512x512. 

A year before when I played with this mod, I could confirm that it worked like "The image can be any size and the decal will automatically resize to fit the aspect ratio".

I have no idea why this time it falied, I tried to delete the CKAN mod and use github-downloaded mod, but it still failed.

So now I have to make sure all .png I put into the folder is 512x256, so there will be a lot of useless transparent space in the decal part, covering a lot of "mouse-sensor" space in hangar editor.

Edited by DuckDuckCute
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  • 1 month later...
On 9/14/2022 at 4:10 AM, DuckDuckCute said:

It worked fine before ,but when I re-install a new KSP game, and then I installed this mod with CKAN, the flag decal only show 512x256 image correctly, and if I put other size image into the flag folder such as 512x512, it get queezed in game play to fit 512x512. 

A year before when I played with this mod, I could confirm that it worked like "The image can be any size and the decal will automatically resize to fit the aspect ratio".

I have no idea why this time it falied, I tried to delete the CKAN mod and use github-downloaded mod, but it still failed.

So now I have to make sure all .png I put into the folder is 512x256, so there will be a lot of useless transparent space in the decal part, covering a lot of "mouse-sensor" space in hangar editor.

The mod is hardcoded to make any image in Squad/flags 8:5 aspect ratio, due to the way the Squad flags are done (squad flags are 2:1 but expect to be stretched by the flag transforms. blame them). Put them anywhere else in game data and they should be the right aspect ratio.


In hindsight maybe I should have kept a list of stock flags instead of doing it by folder. To be honest I had no idea users would modify Squad/

Released Conformal Decals 0.2.11


  • PR by LinuxGuruGamer:
    • Fixed nullref caused when an entry in _targets was null
    • Fixed memory leak caused by the OnDestroy() methods not being called due to them being virtual
Edited by cineboxandrew
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I just started to use this mod (v0.2.11) today to add the USA's, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, and American flag to a BDB Saturn V.  It initially looks GREAT in the VAB but when moved to the launchpad the decals aren't being displayed.  When I revert to the launchpad the decals no longer display as well but the greenish shadow panel/box is there if you hover over their locations.  Soon as you remove the decal the correct text shows again in the part to be placed but as soon as you place it again nothing is displayed except you can see that greenish panel/box again if mouse is placed over the location.   It's weird because they appear to work OK in the VAB for the first addition to a build but after one attempt to launch they don't work after that.  Any thoughts as to what maybe wrong here?

Edited by rnyboy
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2 hours ago, rnyboy said:

I just started to use this mod (v0.2.11) today to add the USA's, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, and American flag to a BDB Saturn V.  It initially looks GREAT in the VAB but when moved to the launchpad the decals aren't being displayed.  When I revert to the launchpad the decals no longer display as well but the greenish shadow panel/box is there if you hover over their locations.  Soon as you remove the decal the correct text shows again in the part to be placed but as soon as you place it again nothing is displayed except you can see that greenish panel/box again if mouse is placed over the location.   It's weird because they appear to work OK in the VAB for the first addition to a build but after one attempt to launch they don't work after that.  Any thoughts as to what maybe wrong here?

There's some error in the last update, my game log was 92 megabytes after several minutes of playing because the console was practically destroyed with errors. If you want to use this mod, download the version 0.2.10, it works fine. 

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Released Conformal Decals 0.2.12


  • Updated bundled Shabby to 0.3.0. Does not affect CKAN users
  • Made flag aspect ratio overrides configurable with ASPECTRATIO nodes in the config. User flags added to Squad/Flags should now be the correct aspect ratio
  • All decal aspect ratios can now be overriden with the aspectRatio field


  • Reverted some changes from last version that were causing issues on launch
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Since I updated to 0.2.12 via CKAN the loading process stops at the end, mentioning:


KSPBurst: waiting for Burst compiler...

@dkavolis I never had issues with KSPBurst before, I just found this in the KSP.log directly after the modlist ( "[KSPBurst]: Plugins found:" ):

[EXC 14:14:25.549] InvalidOperationException: Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.
	System.ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException (System.ExceptionResource resource) (at <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0)
	System.Collections.Generic.List`1+Enumerator[T].MoveNextRare () (at <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0)
	System.Collections.Generic.List`1+Enumerator[T].MoveNext () (at <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0)
	KSPBurst.KSPBurst.FlushMessages () (at <c8b5fe2baff6415cb73ea658bdb44b4c>:0)
	KSPBurst.KSPBurst+<BurstCompile>d__20.MoveNext () (at <c8b5fe2baff6415cb73ea658bdb44b4c>:0)
	UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) (at <12e76cd50cc64cf19e759e981cb725af>:0)
	UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
	ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
	UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)

but after that entry the loading process continued for 9 minutes, until it stopped.
The full logs: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ito55fs25rfa6s8/2022103101.7z?dl=1

The next launch worked.

Edited by Gordon Dry
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Is there a version of this mod that doesn't effect weight? 
My friend made a A6M5 and I decorated it as I usually do, but I couldn't help but notice how sluggish it moved midair. There was turn lag, it couldn't get up to speed fast enough, etc. I went through all the usual problems I check when this happens and nothing changed.  I then decided to completely remove the flags from the craft and that seemed to fix it. I thought the flags and text had no drag? I am thoroughly confused and saddened that I won't be able to make craft like I want too. Is there some way, any way at all that I can completely remove the effects of weight and drag from these parts?
Thank you

The craft:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Really late reply, but it seems that each decal is somehow causing drag. you can see this if you open f12. While it might not be a lot of drag, it is significant enough in large quantities to completely cripple a build. Is there any fix for this you could make? This is really stifling my process.
oh, also how do I add new fonts? 

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On 11/25/2022 at 6:40 PM, KERBALZ said:

Really late reply, but it seems that each decal is somehow causing drag. you can see this if you open f12. While it might not be a lot of drag, it is significant enough in large quantities to completely cr**** a build. Is there any fix for this you could make? This is really stifling my process

I don't know what to tell you, the parts have no drag model. Even in your F12 screenshot the arrows appear to have zero length

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4 hours ago, Poodmund said:

with FAR

Yes. I'm on RP-1, so RO, so RSS, so FAR as a dependency.

I see two entries in MM cache for a conformal decal part:

		physicalSignificance = NONE

and then later

		PhysicsSignificance = 1


I found the culprit:

//	==========================================================================
//	Conformal Decals configuration
//	==========================================================================

	%RSSROConfig = True
    !MODULE[GeometryPartModule] {}
    %PhysicsSignificance = 1
    %mass = 0.0001
    %maxTemp = 3000
    @MODULE[ModuleConformalDecal] { %scaleRange = 0.25 5.25 }

I will open an issue on the RO side.

Done: https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealismOverhaul/issues/2746

Edited by Gordon Dry
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On 12/1/2022 at 9:26 AM, Probird_23 said:

This probably has been asked before, but is it possible to create heat-resistant decals that shield parts from reentry heating?


Unfortunately not, since the decals don't have physics or aerodynamics. I considered having it increase the max heat of the part they're attached to but modifying *other* parts is a risky gamble

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  • 2 months later...
This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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