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[1.9-1.12.x] EVE-Redux: Performance-enhanced EVE + maintenance (v1.11.7.1 - 09/09/2022)


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16 hours ago, Emilius73 said:

the KSP2 team is in serious trouble now

Pretty sure EVE-Redux doesn't fix KSP's memory leaks causing it to take up over twice as much space on the disk as the actual game files, nor does it implement other stars and fix the navball freaking out at interstellar distances. A modder trying to patch up the graphics for a game with more loading screens than Sonic 2006, one that's gonna 100% be certifiably redundant in a month and a half, is more than a few light years off from putting KSP 2 in serious trouble :)

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Protoyping some rare high altitude clouds that will occasionally form on Duna but be very short-lived, inspired by the real cirrus-like clouds on mars





17 hours ago, Emilius73 said:

the KSP2 team is in serious trouble now

56 minutes ago, Bej Kerman said:

Pretty sure EVE-Redux doesn't fix KSP's memory leaks causing it to take up over twice as much space on the disk as the actual game files, nor does it implement other stars and fix the navball freaking out at interstellar distances. A modder trying to patch up the graphics for a game with more loading screens than Sonic 2006, one that's gonna 100% be certifiably redundant in a month and a half, is more than a few light years off from putting KSP 2 in serious trouble :)

Let's please not make this a discussion about KSP 1 vs KSP 2

Edited by blackrack
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@blackrack I remember a while ago you mentioned that you might leave the scaled space clouds on Jool volumetric because it could look cool. Is that still the plan? And would other planets, namely Eve, have their scaled space left volumetric too? Stunning work.

Edited by Benzo Kerman
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9 hours ago, Benzo Kerman said:

@blackrack I remember a while ago you mentioned that you might leave the scaled space clouds on Jool volumetric because it could look cool. Is that still the plan? And would other planets, namely Eve, have their scaled space left volumetric too? Stunning work.

For now the plan is that it stays volumetric for longer than other planets but eventually fades into the 2d layer.

I'm about to do Jool and Eve in the next days so we'll see how it turns out.

The rendering of volumetrics and the upscaling do suffer when rendering very small/distant features though so it's unlikely for now that anything will always stay volumetric.

Edited by blackrack
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20 hours ago, Bej Kerman said:

Pretty sure EVE-Redux doesn't fix KSP's memory leaks causing it to take up over twice as much space on the disk as the actual game files, nor does it implement other stars and fix the navball freaking out at interstellar distances. A modder trying to patch up the graphics for a game with more loading screens than Sonic 2006, one that's gonna 100% be certifiably redundant in a month and a half, is more than a few light years off from putting KSP 2 in serious trouble :)

I know, in terms of performance I wouldn't be surprised to see a heavily modded KSP2 run laps around bone stock KSP1, but it's still amazing just how far this game has gone in terms of graphics

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2 minutes ago, Benzo Kerman said:

Wow. It looks like on these heavy cloud cover environments the true volumetrics really work their magic! Simply amazing dude!

Which gives me another question: Is such a cloud-heavy environment significantly worse for performance than a few clouds on Kerbin or are they about the same?

Basically, I guess I'm asking how quickly performance worsens with the number of clouds to render.

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5 hours ago, blackrack said:

Some experiments on Eve but they'd be more at home on Jool







I think my heart would implode seeing Jools clouds truly being given the love they deserve, Its one of the main reasons I'm excited for KSP 2. (Aside from it being KSP 2 of course.)

AMAZING work as always, Your making KSP beautiful again.

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On 1/5/2023 at 9:21 AM, DA299 said:

Its much better than last time, but it still looks somewhat off. Is it because the clouds have no shadows(yet?)

I believe that's because the clouds are a) much higher fidelity than the surface of Laythe itself, and b) it interacts with Scatterer differently. With the latter effect, my guess it's because Scatterer is configured to provide a really hazy type of appearance, but this isn't a true volumetric haze, rather it seems a filter applied to the ground appearance, and that's not applying to the clouds (or at least, not in the same way) - it's particularly evident where the plume meets the terrain, since you can see the lighting on it is the same neutral effect all the way from top to bottom but then suddenly the ground has this haze effect. This seems to be working in the ground shots, though, so perhaps it's a scaledspace-only effect

Edited by WarriorSabe
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10 hours ago, Delay said:

Which gives me another question: Is such a cloud-heavy environment significantly worse for performance than a few clouds on Kerbin or are they about the same?

Basically, I guess I'm asking how quickly performance worsens with the number of clouds to render.

They're about the same if not faster. Performance doesn't degrade with multiple layers if you don't have big gaps and empty space in the layers themselves, because the raymarching stops at the first intersection where it stops being translucent. Multiple mostly empty layers will drag down performance, thick/heavy layers are fine and can be stacked to ridiculous numbers (I may have a solution for empty layers in the future though).

Additionally if the noise scale is increased like in here the space can be raymarched more efficiently because bigger steps can be taken.

Edited by blackrack
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8 hours ago, blackrack said:

Some experiments on Eve but they'd be more at home on Jool







Seriously this is the most incredible volumetric rendering in game i've ever seen, i'm kinda in denial that this is actually real and can work in KSP, there's no words how incredible this is and how it looks.

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3 hours ago, blackrack said:


Utterly amazing! I can't wait to fly a plane between the different layers.

On a side note, is there anyway Eve could be made less green? I understand that the green results from Mie scattering and is realistic, but Eve has always been known as a purple planet and having the atmosphere be perpetually green makes it a bit too similar to Jool.

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Just now, coyotesfrontier said:

Utterly amazing! I can't wait to fly a plane between the different layers.

On a side note, is there anyway Eve could be made less green? I understand that the green results from Mie scattering and is realistic, but Eve has always been known as a purple planet and having the atmosphere be perpetually green makes it a bit too similar to Jool.

It's only green at sunset

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