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What is something you have always wanted to do in KSP but have as of yet to do?


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I want to make a fully self-sufficient Mun Colony with USI. I've done a stock Duna Colony in one main "phase" (Space station, SSTO for transport, base, big rover, mapping/communications probes) adding Ike in a second. That save is retired now, but Careers 1 and 2 are going strong (Both heavily modded with the same mods, on 2 separate computers, basically The Beardy Penguin's mod list for Beyond Kerbol)!

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Well, I've got quite a few planet packs installed, so I'd like to visit more of these planets and setup more bases (with Planetary Construction mod producing ships in distant star systems). 


I'd like to orbit the black hole that's nearby too, see what the astrophysics are like at those G forces. 

Edited by Sarxis
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On ‎10‎/‎1‎/‎2020 at 12:20 PM, The Dressian Exploder said:

Progressing far enough in a career save to do a crewed interplanetary flight.


I normally stop after getting to the Mun. ugh i need more attention span.

I'd say create a sandbox game, and set yourself a goal... say, go to Jool.  It's simple, you don't bite something bigger than your attention span can chew.  Once you're there, just get into orbit, play with distances from Jool and enjoy the view... put game away when tired.
In a career save, it takes a lot of time, to much at times really.  Unless you're really good with minmus hoppers to get mad science really quick, or are very good planning/saving DeltaV.
A couple of orange tanks in orbit (say six of them on an ejectable  6-point structural item), a 3 man pod and 4 nukes at the end.  Long burns but very easy.  Dont forget 10x the solar panels you'd have at Kerbin (assuming you dont have RTG) or some generators but they'll eat your delta-v... Make sure to turn them off with a macro key when not needed.
Good luck

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There are two that come to mind that I want to work on soon:

  • See the Mohole with a crewed mission
  • Visit Eve with more than one Kerbal (I'm thinking of a crewed mission to Eve of 3 or 5).

Major milestones that I haven't hit, and may never try:

  • Grand tour
  • Elcano on any other body than the two I already did... Elcano's are heroic, but take awfully long.
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On 9/24/2020 at 8:30 AM, Vanamonde said:

Send a crewed mission to Eve surface and back. It's the only major milestone I haven't reached. 

lol .... you can spell that differently like :

Send a Screwed mission to Eve surface and back. It's the only major milestone I haven't reached.

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Returned to the game recently after a long time away, and having fun again with a brand new career. A few things I've never done, that I hope to do at some point in 1.10:

  • manned mission with return to Eeloo, Moho
  • return mission (doesn't have to be manned) from sea level on Eve
  • actually finish the career mode tech tree - usually get bored with it

Probably completing the career mode tech tree will come first.  :)

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On 10/3/2020 at 10:48 PM, Magzimum said:
  • Elcano on any other body than the two I already did... Elcano's are heroic, but take awfully long.

what's an elcano? the name comes from the captain who completed magellan's expedition after magellan's death, but i doubt it has anything to do with getting your main crew killed, so... huh?

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9 minutes ago, king of nowhere said:

what's an elcano? the name comes from the captain who completed magellan's expedition after magellan's death, but i doubt it has anything to do with getting your main crew killed, so... huh?

An Elcano is a land-based round-trip of a planet or moon - a circumnavigation.

Because you stay on the surface, there is no time-warping (perhaps 2x or 3x physics engine if you are brave or foolish, but certainly no 5x, 10x or 50x warp). So, it's lots of hours of driving or sailing.


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Grand Tour.

I've done pretty much everything else in the game. All bodies visited and returned from many times, driven a boat around the entire coastline on Kerbin, done the Jool 5 and raced a monstrosity from Moho to Eeloo in 228 days, but that's one trip I've yet to tick of my list.

A few times on a Saturday morning I'll catch myself thinking "maybe I should work out what it would take, start designing a vehicle", but then a couple of seconds later a resounding "Stop it!" pops into my head :)

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A Jool 5 mission. Admittedly I only wanted to try it kind of recently but it seems like a challenging and fun mission for me to attempt; especially since I've never landed on Tylo before. Will probably go with ISRUs for the first attempt but I would definitely want to do a non-ISRU Jool 5 once I get better at the game.

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My current career is the first time I've visited Eeloo, Dres and landed on Moho (rather than flying past it at ludicrous speed). I've not done a return to orbit from Eve's surface, but I'm not sure I have a strong yearning to do that.

On the other hand, I've often wanted to install Realism Overhaul/RSS/RP-something, but never had the time (and not sure how well it would run on my PC).

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Since I started playing KSP in 2016 my greatest playthrough goal (that I've held the longest) has been merely to visit every moon of a gas giant (effectively a Jool 5) with a huge and fancy ship, with life support, setup bases at 2 or more of those moons, and return the crew to Kerbin. I hope to finally achieve this at JNSQ Jool and with (the bonus of, if possible) a landable (not a spaceplane) main ship.

1 In my first and earliest attempt I came close to doing the Jool 5 with a big and fancy ship but (either my PC became allergic to KSP or a kraken ate the crew--) something caused me to become unable to finish touring the Jool system and abandon the save. This attempt did not include life support or base-building mods. The only parts I used were OPT and NF Electric, and I didn't even know about config files yet, didn't know I could mess with mods.

2 In my second attempt I used Gameslinx/Linx's After Kerbin planet pack and went after his gas giant (or is it?) and I sough to have the crew camp out (literally pop a tent) by deployabing a Pathfinder inflatable hab from within the inline lander, but the spaceplane literally got bent out of shape over something (like a banana, shown below) and then some other complication may have arisen, or my attention went elsewhere so I also abandoned that save.  This is a compound vessel: the very massive main ship, an inline lander for vacuum worlds at the tail, and a VTOL spaceplane that can fly at great length in any atmo and return.

  • Parts mods: OPT, Thor Tech, WBI Pathfinder, NF Solar, Heat Control, Karbonite (just to scoop Karbonite from the vacuum to refuel the main ship).
  • No life support or actual base building.


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3 In my 3rd attempt I went to Gauss, the first of the three gas giants in Galileo's Planet Pack. The main ship primarily consisted of WBI DSEV but the landers and spaceplanes had some OPT and Thor Tech in them. The spaceplane was only for scouting inside of Catullus and Tarsiss (the purple bodies to the right). The mission goal was all-out colonization; any significant and large aerodynamic vessel would be launched from the first base on the airless moon Loki. Something vicious hit my base (less like a kraken but more like something in WBI stopped working and everything lost their contents. Most likely something I did) soon before I started preparing to launch infrastructure to settle in Catullus orbit (and later, dive into it and farm its atmosphere). But I was happy that I got far with colonizing Loki. The last pic is a pair of SCANsats probably bound for Catullus.

  • Parts mods: Primarily WBI (Pathfinder, Buffalo, DSEV) then OPT and Thor Tech.
  • I do believe I used WBI Snacks...Or I used no life support. Anyway, I dodged needing DeepFreeze by having the dV to spare to make the trip to Gauss just under a year, and planned to make the return flight just as quick.


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I have all the crafts necessary for my 4th major attempt but I just have to settle a problem with exo harvesting and get into gear to open KSP to actually play and not just mess with mods. I'm also now tempted to try Beyond Home with Morphisor's 3.56x (JNSQ-alike) rescale instead of JNSQ itself after seeing that there's a Beyond Home Space Race challenge and becoming intrigued.

Edited by JadeOfMaar
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Getting to Eve orbit and back to Kerbin is just a matter of refueling with multiple ships. To land on Eve, all you need is the inflatable heat shield and parachutes. Getting back to Eve orbit is the challenge! You can a) land on a high peak if you know which peak is high enough and you can pinpoint your landing through a dense atmosphere (Good luck!) OR b) add the mod Kerballons to your game and put the biggest balloon on your capsule. After landing, inflate your balloon to take off. Watch your capsule rise above the densest part of the Eve atmosphere. When the balloon pops, point your craft radially outward and start your engine to climb above the atmosphere. Then circle your trajectory to get into orbit. I tried many times to take-off from Eve and ran out of fuel. The balloon method was the only one that worked.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ive actually never taken any kerbal further than Kerbin and Duna. I'm very sensitive when it comes to keeping kerbals in a small command pod for months over months and years, it just doesn't work like that irl.  Now, Id love to create an enormous vessel and dock segments in orbit and go somewhere, but then KSP is a bit crappy when it comes to the selection of station parts.

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