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[Min KSP 1.12.2] Blueshift: Kerbal FTL

Angelo Kerman

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18 minutes ago, Angel-125 said:

Got the base done:


Time to deploy some stargates- uh, miniature jumpgates- around the Blueshift save for testing. I'm aiming for a release this weekend.


So.. does the gate absorb all of the relative velocity and drop you off at zero velocity and x distance from the gate?  Those relative velocity could easily be in the KM/sec range.  What happens if the drop off point is... oh... 100m above the surface.  Say if the ring was placed on top of a Mun Arch.  Caveat Emptor?

Edited by Ooglak Kerman
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Here is my Eve Gravatic Lander showing its guts.  That's the 10m inflatable heat shield on the bottom.  2.5m service bay with Science Junior and all the other science stuck on.
The inflatable heat shield works like a champ and this thing is actually easier to land at Eve than it is without the sheld at Mun or Vall.  It rides very nicely on the heat shield and just coasts leisurely down.  Minmus and similarly low gravity places will be an exercise in patience.  At about 2KM, you get it to hover, drop the shield and then come on down.

Mission profile is to get towed to wherever by a warp capable ship and dropped off.  What could go wrong?




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12 minutes ago, Ooglak Kerman said:


So.. does the gate absorb all of the relative velocity and drop you off at zero velocity and x distance from the gate?  Those relative velocity could easily be in the KM/sec range.

Gate to gate transport zeroes out all relative velocity.

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24 minutes ago, Ooglak Kerman said:

Resupply missions with Angelos ol' pickup truck are suddenly a thing.

You mean literally load up a pickup truck with life support/other colony supplies, and drive it through the stargate straight to minmus?

That would be fun.

Edited by SkyFall2489
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11 hours ago, SkyFall2489 said:

You mean literally load up a pickup truck with life support/other colony supplies, and drive it through the stargate straight to minmus?

That would be fun.

Next release you can do that. :)

7 hours ago, Clancythecat said:

I made a tweakscale patch for this mod a while ago, but I kept forgetting to release it, after the next update I'm going to add the new parts and release the patch so that you can drive large rovers through the Stargate.

The mini jumpgate has a 20-tonne mass limit but the larger ones have no mass limit. And next update they can safely be used on the ground.

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Blueshift 1.8.0 is now available:

New Parts

- S1 Bussard Collector: This part collects Graviolium in the depths of space. It also works with SpaceDust.
- S2 Bussard Collector: This part collects Graviolium in the depths of space. It also works with SpaceDust.
- S1 Plasma Vent: This part reduces Static Charge built up in the ship by expending Xenon Gas if you have Kerbal Flying Saucers installed. Otherwise it just looks cool.
- S2 Plasma Vent: This part reduces Static Charge built up in the ship by expending Xenon Gas if you have Kerbal Flying Saucers installed. Otherwise it just looks cool.
- Miniature Jumpgate: This miniaturized jumpgate has limited range and has a limit to the mass that it can transport, but it can be used on a celestial body as well as in space. Plus, the gate's vessel pays the graviolium toll, not the traveler.
- Mini Jumpgate Platform: This platform is designed for use on planetary surfaces and to support the Miniature Jumpgate

Module Manager Patches

- SpaceDust fix- Thanks Rakete and Grimmas!
- Added ExpensiveDrives patch to increase the cost of warp tech. This is optional and found in the Blueshift/Extras folder. Just rename it from .txt to .cfg to use it. Thanks Grimmas!
- Fixed tech tree node positions for Community Tech Tree and Unkerballed Start.
- Added B9PS support to the Far Future Technologies patch.

Part Modules

- WBIModuleAnimation: This animation module lets you loop animations, play the animation in forward/reverse, and adjust the emissive textures on desired model transforms. Its state can be synchronized with a warp engine on the vessel and/or with a converter on the part if desired.

- WBIWarpSpeedHarvester: This specialized resource harvester collects resources while the vessel is at warp. Resource distributions are defined by INTERSTELLAR_DISTRIBUTION, GLOBAL_INTERPLANETARY_DISTRIBUTION, and INTERPLANETARY_DISTRIBUTION config nodes. Check out WildBlueIndustries/Blueshift/Resources/ResourceDefinitions.cfg for examples.

- WBIResourceVent: This is a souped up version of Kerbal Flying Saucers' WBIResourceDischarger. It is affected by warp engines.

- WBIJumpgate: Implemented ability to jump a vessel to a gate on the ground. Disabled the portal trigger when in the editor.

- WBIWarpEngine: Updated max warp speed calculations. Added Planetary Speed Brake toggle button. When enabled, the ship's max speed is limited based on how far down the planet's gravity well it is. When disabled, the ship can travel at interplanetary speeds within planetary space. Use with caution.

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14 minutes ago, SkyFall2489 said:

They are unreleased, but will be part of this mod very soon.


9 minutes ago, Angel-125 said:

Blueshift 1.8.0 is now available:

New Parts

- S1 Bussard Collector: This part collects Graviolium in the depths of space. It also works with SpaceDust.
- S2 Bussard Collector: This part collects Graviolium in the depths of space. It also works with SpaceDust.
- S1 Plasma Vent: This part reduces Static Charge built up in the ship by expending Xenon Gas if you have Kerbal Flying Saucers installed. Otherwise it just looks cool.
- S2 Plasma Vent: This part reduces Static Charge built up in the ship by expending Xenon Gas if you have Kerbal Flying Saucers installed. Otherwise it just looks cool.
- Miniature Jumpgate: This miniaturized jumpgate has limited range and has a limit to the mass that it can transport, but it can be used on a celestial body as well as in space. Plus, the gate's vessel pays the graviolium toll, not the traveler.
- Mini Jumpgate Platform: This platform is designed for use on planetary surfaces and to support the Miniature Jumpgate

Module Manager Patches

- SpaceDust fix- Thanks Rakete and Grimmas!
- Added ExpensiveDrives patch to increase the cost of warp tech. This is optional and found in the Blueshift/Extras folder. Just rename it from .txt to .cfg to use it. Thanks Grimmas!
- Fixed tech tree node positions for Community Tech Tree and Unkerballed Start.
- Added B9PS support to the Far Future Technologies patch.

Part Modules

- WBIModuleAnimation: This animation module lets you loop animations, play the animation in forward/reverse, and adjust the emissive textures on desired model transforms. Its state can be synchronized with a warp engine on the vessel and/or with a converter on the part if desired.

- WBIWarpSpeedHarvester: This specialized resource harvester collects resources while the vessel is at warp. Resource distributions are defined by INTERSTELLAR_DISTRIBUTION, GLOBAL_INTERPLANETARY_DISTRIBUTION, and INTERPLANETARY_DISTRIBUTION config nodes. Check out WildBlueIndustries/Blueshift/Resources/ResourceDefinitions.cfg for examples.

- WBIResourceVent: This is a souped up version of Kerbal Flying Saucers' WBIResourceDischarger. It is affected by warp engines.

- WBIJumpgate: Implemented ability to jump a vessel to a gate on the ground. Disabled the portal trigger when in the editor.

- WBIWarpEngine: Updated max warp speed calculations. Added Planetary Speed Brake toggle button. When enabled, the ship's max speed is limited based on how far down the planet's gravity well it is. When disabled, the ship can travel at interplanetary speeds within interplanetary space. Use with caution.

VERY soon, as it turns out.

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Really sorry to say so, but release 1.8.0 causes fatal errors in B9 Part switch:

Something seems to be wrong with some fueltank definitions.



Here is my Logfile: https://www.filemail.com/d/fjvzyfruwektehg

Also my complete Modlist:


None of the Mods changed except from the Blueshift Upgrade 1.7.7 (+plus Spacedust fix) to 1.8.0



If I had to take a guess: The resourcename of liquid deuterium used in a patch might be wrong (maybe due to me saying it always wrong :-) )

Here is how it is named ingame on a fusion fuel tank from FFT. I guess it is from the Community Ressource Pack, since Nertea uses CRP as far as I saw in his Mod packages. He delivers this as a dependency with his mods packaged in a archive.


Edited by Rakete
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@Rakete First, not the problem but upgrade your B9PartSwitch:

B9PartSwitch v2.19.0.0 / vv2.19.0

For KSP 1.12.3 it should be v.2.20.0

The problem seem to be here:

[ModuleManager] Exception while calling B9PartSwitch.B9TankSettings.ModuleManagerPostLoad(): System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.Exception: Fatal exception while loading tank type bsLqDeuterium ---> System.Exception: Exception while loading field resources on type B9PartSwitch.TankType ---> System.Exception: Exception while loading field resourceDefinition on type B9PartSwitch.TankResource ---> B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.Parsers.PartResourceDefinitionValueParser+PartResourceNotFoundException: No resource definition named 'LqDeuterium' could be found

I think this might be a typo in the patch since the CRP resource is "LqdDeuterium" not "LqDeuterium".

Looking at GameData/WildBlueIndustries/Blueshift/Patches/FarFutureTechnologies.cfg this resource is defined on lines 211 and 223. Changing those should fix this.

@Angel-125 On a related note, there seems to be a mismatch between the patch signatures in that file relating to this. The tank type "bsLqDeuterium" is defined in line 204 with


but then the two patches that use it on lines 233 and 269 are:


Note the switch from NEEDS[...,FarFutureTechnologies] to !FarFutureTechnologies

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2 hours ago, Aelfhe1m said:

@Rakete First, not the problem but upgrade your B9PartSwitch:

B9PartSwitch v2.19.0.0 / vv2.19.0

For KSP 1.12.3 it should be v.2.20.0

The problem seem to be here:

[ModuleManager] Exception while calling B9PartSwitch.B9TankSettings.ModuleManagerPostLoad(): System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.Exception: Fatal exception while loading tank type bsLqDeuterium ---> System.Exception: Exception while loading field resources on type B9PartSwitch.TankType ---> System.Exception: Exception while loading field resourceDefinition on type B9PartSwitch.TankResource ---> B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.Parsers.PartResourceDefinitionValueParser+PartResourceNotFoundException: No resource definition named 'LqDeuterium' could be found

I think this might be a typo in the patch since the CRP resource is "LqdDeuterium" not "LqDeuterium".

Looking at GameData/WildBlueIndustries/Blueshift/Patches/FarFutureTechnologies.cfg this resource is defined on lines 211 and 223. Changing those should fix this.

@Angel-125 On a related note, there seems to be a mismatch between the patch signatures in that file relating to this. The tank type "bsLqDeuterium" is defined in line 204 with


but then the two patches that use it on lines 233 and 269 are:


Note the switch from NEEDS[...,FarFutureTechnologies] to !FarFutureTechnologies

The Use of liquid deuterium (instead of fusion pellets) worked in the previous version if blueshift. So the warp engines were correctly fed with FFT's deuterium. So the error must be at the places, where Angel lastly worked on. 


In FFT there are already Deut tanks defined (with some boil-off-mechanism when not supplied with EC/s for cooling) (but the FFT tanks are not streamlined to fit to a MK2 Spaceplane, so I asked to maybe configure a mk2 fusion pellet tank from blueshift to store FFT's liquid Deuterium, which is fed into the warp engine, if FFT is installed). Maybe this is the spot, where the error happens?!

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@Rakete Sorry, the point I was trying to make was that there seems to be an error introduced in the latest update to that patch that is triggering for your particular combination of mods that might not have been picked up in testing with a different combination of mods.

The patches refer to B9PartSwitch, Wild Blue Tools and Far Future Technologies. If all three mods are installed; or only B9PartSwitch; or B9PartSwitch and WildBlueTools; then no errors should be thrown but because you have B9PartSwitch and FFT but don't have Wild Blue Tools you are getting the error.

One possible solution might be to simply install Wild Blue Tools or you could try editing the file to fix the spelling.


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1 hour ago, modus said:

So I'm a bit confused, does 'it also works with SpaceDust' mean SD isn't necessary (as in, it's a dependency) for the collectors to work?

Correct. SpaceDust isn't required to make the collectors work. Blueshift has its own exospheric resource collector to power the collectors. When SpaceDust is installed, the SpaceDust supplements the collection. @Aelfhe1m Thanks for the triage on the config file! Here is the updated version.

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Is in Version 1.8.1 the error fixed or is some fixing/spelling correction in the config still necessary (to be done by myself?)? I am not on my computer right now to test (and probably won't be until sunday).

What do I have to do for my configuration with FFT, no KFS, no WBTools? Will just Version 1.8.1 do?

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42 minutes ago, Rakete said:

Is in Version 1.8.1 the error fixed or is some fixing/spelling correction in the config still necessary (to be done by myself?)? I am not on my computer right now to test (and probably won't be until sunday).

What do I have to do for my configuration with FFT, no FS, no WBTools?

Confirmed working with 1.8.1.

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Will try it the day after tomorrow in my install with FFT and without KFS and without WBT. Tomorrow I am not at my computer. Also today. Family time tomorrow and today it's almost midnight.

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1 hour ago, SkyFall2489 said:

For which installs?

Will it work with no WBT or FFT but B9?

Configuration with FFT, no FS, no WBTools, with B9PS.

Configuration without FFT, with FS, With WBTools.

Configuration without FFT, without FS, With WBTools.

Configuration without FFT, without FS, without WBTools, with B9PS.

Configuration without FFT, without FS, without WBTools, with B9PS.

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