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[1.12.X] Rocket Motor Menagerie v1.1.0 - Stockalike Engine Pack

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v1.1.0 (10 June 2022)

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Currently the mod adds 12 different engines. You can read about the engines in the Wiki.

You will notice that they run on a variety of fuels. These fuels provide advantages and disadvantages compared to stock Liquid Fuel and Oxidizer, having different efficiencies, thrust ranges and storage volumes. You can check out my roadmap of engines that potentially could be added.



Bug Reports

Dependencies (included in download, check for latest versions!):


Merge the GameData folder in the release .ZIP with the GameData folder in your KSP installation, by placing the GameData folder in to the 'Kerbal Space Program' folder.
All of the dependencies come included with the mod.
The "RocketMotorMenagerie" folder, as well all dependencies, should appear alongside the "Squad" folder within 'Kerbal Space Program/GameData'.

To install the Extras, place any or all of the subfolders within 'Extras' into 'Kerbal Space Program/GameData'.

Recommended Mods:

The following mods are strongly recommended for an enhanced gameplay experience:

  • CryoTanks (1.6.0) - This provides a set of patches provide fuel-switching features for the most basic LF/O tanks as well as orbital fuel tanks specially designed to contain cryogenic fuels
  • Waterfall (0.6.3) - A cool way to create and drive engine effects more effectively. If you want cool engine plumes, get this mod.

Frequently Asked Questions

How are the parts balanced?
Parts are balanced against stock KSP parts, which means the launch vehicles might seem overpowered. The parts are best suited for a 2.5x~ system rescale or JNSQ.

Will you add feature/part xxx?
I certainly accept pull requests. Please target all such things to the dev branch though! Or, you can make a constructive suggestion on the forum thread. Please check the roadmap above before asking.




This mod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

This means that you are free to:

-Copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format -Remix, transform, and build upon the material

Under the following terms:

-You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use. -You may not use the material for commercial purposes. -If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original. -You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.


Edited by EStreetRockets
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16 hours ago, KallangoVerde said:

For me this is beautiful and confusing at the same time :confused:

National Launch System - Wikipedia

I thought about going for the NLS-HLV-2 (The HLV with three cores), but that just felt like Delta Heavy done bigger, so I decided I wanted to do the unique one out of the bunch,. 

I had fun with it though. 

Fun fact: The top picture where it's tilting... it's not in the gravity turn yet. Due to the payload being off center, it has to lean to keep COT inline with COM.

Edited by GoldForest
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  • 2 weeks later...
Just now, Pioneer_Steve said:

NLS-3 Launch Vehicle specifications.


strangely, I builded a NLS out of LDC part and with a RS-68 replacing the STME before the mod even came out, now I have to rebuild the stuff :(

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  • 3 weeks later...

So I figured since this engine has become a Workhorse for me....   Picture tax time:

And NO I Ignored NLS and moved right on to important launchers :D

Stage 1)   LRB for the Space Shuttle Enterprise:



On the pad, the "Moonraker Upgraded" Enterprise ready for launch.   Titan LDC tanks from BDB without the best-looking combo of Boattail on the engine itself + the LDC single engine mount.






Titan V(CH4) First itteration:  



2nd stage is twin LR87-LH2-VAC powered LH2 stage...

Titan V(CH4) Final Production form (in this form with either 4 GEM-63 or 2 SRMU it has launched every component to the ISS except a couple Russian Segments as well as one of the PMAs)


Sorry I have no good (no HUD/UI) pics of the Rocket on the ground :(  

I have flown the first stage with the "upper" 2nd stage tank as a "tank stretch"    I have flown this Rocket with SMRU-2.5 and SMRU-3.0 (2x) and I have flow this Rocket with ACES From the Vulcan mod.



Some comments:    Make your BDB-LDC derived LRBs for your shuttles shorter than mine.  They were disposed of with about 10% fuel remaining.  The Drop Tank was ditched with 15% fuel remaining (to safely de-orbit)  125km orbit with a Russian DOS (Zarya in fact) on board.

Titan V(CH4) core stack is 3.5-3.25 PLF fairing base, LDC Avionics, Stage 2 tanks 1 and 2, 2 engine mount with LR87-LH2(Vac),  Solid LDC Inter stage,  Max length upper and lower LDC first stage tanks set to CH4...  LDC 1st stage engine mount set to 1 with the STME set to BOATTAIL.   

I have three Titan V variants.  Titan V(RL20)  Titan V(LR129) and the (CH4)   The CH4 is the most efficient (best over all ISP)   But the RL20 version is more controllable.


All launches depicted here were to support either my First attempt (crashed and burned literally) and now my second attempt at making a Full up ISS to original specs (so 4 or 5 extra Russian modules and 3 extra International ones IIRC.)

Oh, just looked over the thoughts and plans for this mod.  

I am looking forward to your J-2L for my Saturn Rocket flights!   

Whoops sorry you have it listed as LTBE :D


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  • 1 month later...
On 6/6/2021 at 6:58 PM, Pappystein said:

Titan V(CH4) Final Production form (in this form with either 4 GEM-63 or 2 SRMU it has launched every component to the ISS except a couple Russian Segments as well as one of the PMAs)


What is the tanks you used for the first stage?

Edit* Found the tanks

Edited by ToastedToast
Found it
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23 hours ago, ToastedToast said:

What is the tanks you used for the first stage?

Edit* Found the tanks

Glad you did,  For those not in the know, those are Titan LDC tanks from BlueDog DB.   Hence me calling the Rocket a Titan V.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/7/2021 at 4:58 AM, Pappystein said:

So I figured since this engine has become a Workhorse for me....   Picture tax time:

And NO I Ignored NLS and moved right on to important launchers :D

Stage 1)   LRB for the Space Shuttle Enterprise:

  Reveal hidden contents


On the pad, the "Moonraker Upgraded" Enterprise ready for launch.   Titan LDC tanks from BDB without the best-looking combo of Boattail on the engine itself + the LDC single engine mount.






Titan V(CH4) First itteration:  

  Hide contents


2nd stage is twin LR87-LH2-VAC powered LH2 stage...

Titan V(CH4) Final Production form (in this form with either 4 GEM-63 or 2 SRMU it has launched every component to the ISS except a couple Russian Segments as well as one of the PMAs)


Sorry I have no good (no HUD/UI) pics of the Rocket on the ground :(  

I have flown the first stage with the "upper" 2nd stage tank as a "tank stretch"    I have flown this Rocket with SMRU-2.5 and SMRU-3.0 (2x) and I have flow this Rocket with ACES From the Vulcan mod.



Some comments:    Make your BDB-LDC derived LRBs for your shuttles shorter than mine.  They were disposed of with about 10% fuel remaining.  The Drop Tank was ditched with 15% fuel remaining (to safely de-orbit)  125km orbit with a Russian DOS (Zarya in fact) on board.

Titan V(CH4) core stack is 3.5-3.25 PLF fairing base, LDC Avionics, Stage 2 tanks 1 and 2, 2 engine mount with LR87-LH2(Vac),  Solid LDC Inter stage,  Max length upper and lower LDC first stage tanks set to CH4...  LDC 1st stage engine mount set to 1 with the STME set to BOATTAIL.   

I have three Titan V variants.  Titan V(RL20)  Titan V(LR129) and the (CH4)   The CH4 is the most efficient (best over all ISP)   But the RL20 version is more controllable.


All launches depicted here were to support either my First attempt (crashed and burned literally) and now my second attempt at making a Full up ISS to original specs (so 4 or 5 extra Russian modules and 3 extra International ones IIRC.)

Oh, just looked over the thoughts and plans for this mod.  

I am looking forward to your J-2L for my Saturn Rocket flights!   

Whoops sorry you have it listed as LTBE :D


A methalox STME version, am I getting it right? Where'd you got the patch?

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I started a new career mode with this mod installed, and the "Rainer" is in General Rocketry, that's about where you unlock FL-T200 fuel tank. I just edited the config, it's in Very Heavy Rocketry now, no big deal, just wanted to point it out.

Edited by Neebel
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Ok...so in the polls I conducted, the SSME and derivatives option won the most votes, so an update for RMM with SSME variants and derivatives will be my next project after I release AWSI v1.0.0. Also, STME will be getting a bit of a texture revamp. You can check out the plans on the roadmap!

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