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[12.1.5] Kerbin Side Remastered - The Life Aquatic [v2.0.0][2022-12-18]


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Contract Pack for underwater missions in the Kerbin Side Remastered world including; 

  • Exploration of underwater sites
  • Deep sea salvage, recovery and rescue
  • Coastal patrol missions
  • Rescue disabled ships at sea

Required mods:

Recommended Mods:  (these mods are particularly useful for making moving around underwater much easier)

  • Working Underwater Lite
  • SunkWorks Maritime Technologies [WIP]


  • Kerbin Side Remastered GAP
  • USI Exploration Pack (for the amazing Otter submarine)
  • The Belafonte ( @ColdJ's recreation of the vessels from the film ) 

KerbalX : Caerfinon's list of useful naval vessels

Where to download

Release: V1.1.0 on 2022-09-16

License: MIT

Note: all mods required, recommended and suggested have been tested with KSP 12.1.5 and are functional for the purposes of this contract package


Change Log


Version v2.0.0 for Kerbal Space Program 1.12.4 Released on 2022-12-18


  • Exploration missions can now be completed by multiple vessels. (A vessel that transports other vessels, a separate vessel that submerges on the site, etc) 
  • Working under pressure. Changes to respect Part Pressure Limits 
    • Wrecks in salvage missions now spawn at a depth of 30 meters at the crash site and have neutral buoyancy
    • Certification and Survey missions require minimum of 300 meter dives to complete,
    • Exploration missions are unchanged in depths due to KK static locations, however, the depths of each waypoint are listed in the contract prior to acceptance so players can determine any additional steps they need to take to reach those goals.
      • (Module Manager patches to increase part pressure tolerance may be required but are not provided)

Version v1.1.1 for Kerbal Space Program 1.12.3 Released on 2022-10-23


  • KSRTLA-CG-ShipRescue mission fails on acceptance.
  • the Kerbal Trait assigned to the observer is incorrect.
  • Mission is unplayable.

Version v1.1.0 for Kerbal Space Program 1.12.3 Released on 2022-09-16

  • Changes all passenger Kerbals to use the new traits. Tourists or regular traits are no longer used.
    • Citizen, Civil-Servant, or Servicekerbal
  • The dialog character has been upgraded with appropriate sunglasses and hat
  • Optional KK upgrades to the WatrerLaunchedSites marina if you have Kerbin Side Core installed from CKAN
    • See additional instructions in file "INSTALL Marina Upgrades.txt"

Version v1.0.7 for Kerbal Space Program 1.12.3 Released on 2022-09-12


  • Exploration missions with .noload dialog graphics are now causing Contract Configurator to throw an exception. Ghosted dialog boxes cannot be cleared from the screen. Changed all .noload files to regular .png files to fix.


  • Adds KK hanger facilities to each Coast Guard Base to allow the storage of a single craft under 5 tons in size.


Version v1.0.6 for Kerbal Space Program 1.12.2 Released on 2021-08-25


  • Issue #8 Hydrothermal Vent KK static not present in KSP 1.12.1

    • problems affects KSP 1.11.2 as well
    • Hydrothermal Vent site redesigned
  • v1.0.6-RC1 changes

    • hides wreck parts in VAB/SPH
    • makes universal spawn points in Coast Guard bases invisible

Version v1.0.5 for Kerbal Space Program 1.11.2 Released on 2021-08-20


  • Issue #15 Salvage mission Optional Parameters are set to "complete in sequence" in error

Version v1.04 for Kerbal Space Program 1.11.2 Released on 2021-08-18


  • Issue #13 Misnamed vessel key definition names in Coast Guard missions cause Contract Configurator errors
  • Issue #14 Salvage missions - Occasionally survivors are missing from sunken aircraft - prevents missions completing.

Version v1.03 for Kerbal Space Program 1.11.2 Released on 2021-08-03


  • Issue #9 Dive Site 7 - Sunken Avalon Ruins throws Exception and will not load - RC1
  • Issue #10 Coast Guard Patrol mission - "Stay at Sea" parameter fails when using Bon Voyage for naval Travel - RC2
  • Issue #11 Deepsea Salvage mission. Vessels controlled by Bon Voyage collide with wrecks at crash site. - RC3
  • Issue #12 Salvage1 has incorrect Requirement conditions. Continually repeats - game breaking

KSP support reverted to version 1.11.2. The mod will work in 1.12.x, however some Kerbal Konstructs features do not work correctly and cannot be corrected until that mod is upgraded to support KSP 1.12.x


Version v1.0.2 for Kerbal Space Program 1.12.1 Released on 2021-07-21


  • #7 Site Dive Missions - Waypoints not generating correctly - Fixed
  • #6 Site Dive Legend Dialog does not render Kerbal picture correctly. Feature removed


Version v1.0.1 for Kerbal Space Program 1.12.1 Released on 2021-07-17

  • Adds functionality for 8 underwater Kerbal Kontructs sites and accompanying exploration mission for each.


Version v1.0.0 for Kerbal Space Program 1.12.1 Released on 2021-07-10

  • Initial release


Edited by Caerfinon
Compatible with KSP 12.1.5
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Current Status:

  • Working on KK statics for exploration sites.
    • 1 of 10 planned statics completed. 
  • Agencies and Groups for contracts finalized.
  •   Optional support for 2 statics from Water Launch Sites (Kerbal-Konstructs)  as missions planned. 
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Current Status:

  • Working on stock part modifications to create sunken wrecks for salvage/rescue operations
    • Parts striped of all modules with exception of  " ModuleInventoryPart"
    • Parts retain stock mesh
    • ballast resource added to cause part to stay submerged after placement via Contract Configurator spawn. (needs testing)
  • Creating craft files for small/medium/large "wrecks"
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Current Status:

  • Defined group data nodes for recovery harbours.
  • Added water launch KK static to the KSR Dusty Island site.
  • Added "Black Box" part for salvage operations using EVA Construction.
  • Completed large wreck craft file.
  • Preliminary contract code for randomly located salvage missions.
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Saw what you were using as your black box and thought this texture might be of use. When wrapped the "Black Box" is on the top of the model which shows as the face in the parts list. and is the correct way up. as a png of course.


Edited by ColdJ
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Just now, Angel-125 said:

Will it support JNSQ?

I'm building it to be modular. So the location points I'm plugging in for KSR could be easily substituted for JNSQ locations.

It might be a little "too ambitious" for it to be a single mod, but it could definitely be a JNSQ follow on mod as I did with the aircraft pack. And... JNSQ has has some really nice harbour statics under development. :happy:

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5 hours ago, Caerfinon said:

I enjoy the irony of the black box being orange :happy:


Yes. I always thought so myself. But in the real world the "Black Box" is bright orange so that it can be found when a plane's debris is spread over a large area.

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On 6/20/2021 at 12:56 AM, ColdJ said:

Saw what you were using as your black box and thought this texture might be of use. When wrapped the "Black Box" is on the top of the model which shows as the face in the parts list. and is the correct way up. as a png of course.



For some reason, I decided to add to this in my spare time, so here's the result:

Sorry to intrude on this thread, I might download this mod when it's released (and when SunkWorks boat parts are released too)


Edited by OrdinaryKerman
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1 minute ago, OrdinaryKerman said:
  Hide contents

For some reason, I decided to add to this in my spare time, so here's the result:

Sorry to intrude on this thread, I might download this mod when it's released (and when SunkWorks boat parts are released too)


Wow. does that wrap properly? I had to put markers on the original and follow the clues to find where and which way up to put my writing.

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44 minutes ago, ColdJ said:

Wow. does that wrap properly? I had to put markers on the original and follow the clues to find where and which way up to put my writing.

It should,



I imported the model into Blender and applied the texture, it looks OK:

(viewport rendering was set to Diffuse Color, so no specularity or directional lighting here)

But I haven't tested it ingame yet


Edited by OrdinaryKerman
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Just now, OrdinaryKerman said:

It should,

I wish I could do that. I only just installed the latest Blender, but the .mu plugin doesn't seem to work in it and I haven't worked out to how to get an older version yet.

Your model is excellent. @Caerfinon. feel very free to use @OrdinaryKerman's texture instead.


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This looks like fun - I've never tried underwater exploration - although recently I had a very small science cube sat land at sea - it sank to 512m deep before I could succesfully recover it and I got awarded a "500m Underwater Reached" award or something similar. Unintended bonus!

Took me a little research to work out that the submarine pictured in the original post is the "Otter Submersible", which is now in a combination USI Exploration pack:

Noticed this isn't in the list of recommended mods though - might want to add that too!

Thought: one of the contracts has to be "Find the Sea Kraken" - supposedly there's a location 1300m deep - I'd imagine it'd live there, in a large sea shell.

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20 minutes ago, 610yesnolovely said:

"Otter Submersible"

The Otter is one of my favourite subs and I recommend all the USI mods. The mod recommendation list is a WIP and after rethinking a few things I may remove the KSRGAP mod (mine) as it doesn't contribute substantially to underwater game play. The other mods add harbours, underwater anomalies, and two separate methods of maneuvering underwater. The otter may make the final cut.

29 minutes ago, 610yesnolovely said:

one of the contracts has to be "Find the Sea Kraken"

In his house at Ker'lyeh dead Kerthulhu waits dreaming... (But no spoilers)

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