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Beyond Space 1999


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This is a complete rebuild of the work done by StinkyAce and MajorTom. Resizing, adaption, creation of new parts and textures. There is part variation to give a large selection of mix and match craft. We go from a simple craft that is ready to fly with 3 parts to a frame set up to take hydraulic landing gear so that you can lower and raise the craft for pod docking etc. Then there is a fully modular Eagle based on the parts created by MajorTom. The Interceptor created by StinkyAce also comes in variation and can make use of the Eagle add ons. There is a new internal for the cockpits. The very versatile Buggy created by MajorTom has been upgraded with an impeller for pushing it over water, wheels resized and made compatible with 1.12.1 onwards and mounting nodes for micro hover jets to make it a hover buggy (without the wheels). It can also be used with the Kerbal's parachute to be a paraglider. The engine and RCS systems have been rebalanced but the magic generators have been left in, your choice whether to use them or not. There is a large docking port designed to click in to the Eagle frame, while another of them attaches to your choice of pod. On land most pods will jump up and connect once you line them up straight. The flat open cargo pod may require lowering the landing gear. The hydraulic landing gear versions require "Breaking Ground" to be installed. As these parts are much more powerful than average stock, they are mostly towards the end of the tech tree for career games. Pods wise, there is a passenger pod to carry 16, an advanced pod for science and more inventory slots, an ore refinery for conversion, an ore storage pod, a flat open cargo platform and an enclosed cargo pod with opening door and ramp that is good as a mobile garage for the buggy. It has been sized to make sure you can drive in. All cockpits can now be entered and exited from the sides and have grab handles. The StinkyAce cockpits now have spotlights. All the add ons have nodes, some are just a bit fiddly till you get used to them. Enjoy.

Licences: CC-BY-SA-4.0 CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0 GPLv2

https://spacedock.info/mod/2837/Beyond Space 1999?ga=<Game+3102+'Kerbal+Space+Program'>







Edited by ColdJ
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  On 9/7/2021 at 11:03 PM, Hohmannson said:

If you use default keybinds, your gyro controls and wheel controls are tied to same buttons which makes driving with gyros difficult(you flip instead of accelerating). You can unbind them in main menu settings.


I did that, and now it doesn't wanna move unless I have jets on it and boot those up.  The wheels are also partially sunk into the terrain.

Edited by MD5Ray01
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  On 9/8/2021 at 12:19 AM, MD5Ray01 said:

I did that, and now it doesn't wanna move unless I have jets on it and boot those up.  The wheels are also partially sunk into the terrain.


It doesn't want to move and the wheels are sunk in to the terrain because you haven't rotated them 90 degrees clockwise in the SPH. All wheels come in on their sides but it is more obvious when they have shock towers. I am pretty sure that I put this info in the read me section. The wheel nut with the grease around it should be at the top when it is the right way up or look on the back of the wheel and there is an arrow to show you where up should be. The reaction wheels for pitch have just enough so you can lift the front or back up to climb over small obstacles. This is especially handy for getting up onto the flat open cargo pod. If you set it up right you can have three AquaCats with micro docking ports docked to the platform, Then take the platform by Eagle to another planet, undock when you get there, drive wherever you like, come back and use the pitch control to get the AquaCat back onto the platform and redock and then be on your way.

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  On 9/8/2021 at 8:48 AM, ColdJ said:

It doesn't want to move and the wheels are sunk in to the terrain because you haven't rotated them 90 degrees clockwise in the SPH. All wheels come in on their sides but it is more obvious when they have shock towers. I am pretty sure that I put this info in the read me section. The wheel nut with the grease around it should be at the top when it is the right way up or look on the back of the wheel and there is an arrow to show you where up should be. The reaction wheels for pitch have just enough so you can lift the front or back up to climb over small obstacles. This is especially handy for getting up onto the flat open cargo pod. If you set it up right you can have three AquaCats with micro docking ports docked to the platform, Then take the platform by Eagle to another planet, undock when you get there, drive wherever you like, come back and use the pitch control to get the AquaCat back onto the platform and redock and then be on your way.


That's what I was getting wrong.  I'll have to keep that in mind for the next time I build the Aquacat.

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  • 4 months later...
  On 1/10/2022 at 11:22 PM, Space Cowboy said:

Sorry, but I have no idea what that link is for and so cannot download whatever it is. You can give me info on what it is but I can not say that I can do it for sure. Also I have many of my own things keeping me busy.

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Thanks @Stone Blue. I am always happy to see you around, you have made my KSP life so much easier.

@Space Cowboy I had permission from the original author to modify and release the Eagle and Hawk. If this is is something just for you and you explain exactly what you need, It may be possible.

Alternatively you could do what I have done with Stone Blue's help and get BforArtists2 2.70 and the *.mu plugin and learn how to modify things yourself. There is still alot I don't know but I have been slowly puzzling it out (still can't change which texture file a model looks for without using a hex editor.).

Config file modding I learned by looking at other peoples config files and working out what does what.

Any how, let me know what you were thinking and we can see what will work for you.

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  On 1/11/2022 at 2:44 PM, ColdJ said:

There is still alot I don't know but I have been slowly puzzling it out (still can't change which texture file a model looks for without using a hex editor.).



Thats a good way to do it, but you can also do it in the part .cfg. You can also have switchable textures in-game using B9 PartSwitch, and possibly something in WBI Tools, also.

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  On 1/11/2022 at 3:05 PM, Stone Blue said:

Thats a good way to do it, but you can also do it in the part .cfg. You can also have switchable textures in-game using B9 PartSwitch, and possibly something in WBI Tools, also.


Hi. I meant when I am creating a model in BforArtists2. I can change the material name easily but still haven't worked out how to change the name of the texture files that it points to inside the modeling program. As I always build from a previously made heirachy and have not made one completely from scratch, I haven't worked out how to do it yet. Even the way I get the program to show the texture on the model is unlikely to be the official way. I have limited internet connection so have not been able to watch many tutorials, and those I have usually have slightly different interfaces and so it gets confusing as to what they are doing. But I work out new things I can do all the time, so maybe I will stumble across how one day. :)


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  On 1/11/2022 at 3:22 PM, ColdJ said:

Hi. I meant when I am creating a model in BforArtists2. I can change the material name easily but still haven't worked out how to change the name of the texture files that it points to inside the modeling program. As I always build from a previously made heirachy and have not made one completely from scratch, I haven't worked out how to do it yet. Even the way I get the program to show the texture on the model is unlikely to be the official way. I have limited internet connection so have not been able to watch many tutorials, and those I have usually have slightly different interfaces and so it gets confusing as to what they are doing. But I work out new things I can do all the time, so maybe I will stumble across how one day. :)



I hope you're able to solve your issues!

Best of luck!

Edited by AtomicTech
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  On 1/11/2022 at 3:22 PM, ColdJ said:

Hi. I meant when I am creating a model in BforArtists2.


I haven't tried BforA yet, but I can tell you that in std Blender 3 and maybe a few versions before that, it's been made really simple (I remember it being very complex just to show a freakin texture in the viewport).  I can tell you the Blender route, and maybe some of it will apply.

For Blender 3, when you have the ability to change the material's name, you're in the right place. In the options below the name, find Surface, which has a Base Color property. Next to the words "Base color" is a little colored dot that doesn't look clickable but it is. Click that and select "Image Texture" then click Open. Now the texture is assigned to your material. In the viewport window, switch to material preview.

  Reveal hidden contents

I am the farthest thing from an expert in Blender, but two weeks ago I bit the bullet and did my best to learn how to make a part from scratch, from Blender and PS to Unity to KSP, so a bunch of these nits are still kinda fresh. Hope that helps even a little, and thanks for working on mods for the rest of us!


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Guest Space Cowboy

@ColdJ yes sorry - that's "Millenium Pod", a Millenium Falcon cockpit which stopped working a long time ago.  It never had internal visuals either.  Here's an old picture of it on a model. It's the only picture I have.



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@Space Cowboy Unfortunately, when hoping to have old parts from mods updated/edited, to be shared, publicly, knowing & having verification of the original license is critical. The likelyhood of someone updating & re-releasing that part is slim to none, without the license (or even lack of), being known... Doesnt help, that so far, the mod name itself is not even known :(
Not many people will put time/effort into fixing someone else's mod, only to find out it cant be shared becuase of a licensing issue.
If proof of a license cant be produced, then its automatically assumed (at least here in the KSP community), that its ARR (All Rights Reserved). Which is absolutely restrictive, and no one but the original creator can update/change/share the work.

Edited by Stone Blue
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