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AtomicTech Inc. Junkyards (v.1.4.0) (KSP Version 1.12.5)


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  On 1/12/2022 at 4:18 PM, Stone Blue said:

@AtomicTech Before you get much further in development/adding stuff, may I suggest considering reorganizing the folder structure to more "standard" KSP format?
As-is, I think many people may have issues installing properly, and it may even be an issue if you ever host on CKAN, as IIRC, CKAN relies *heavily* on a standard /GameData/[mod]/ folder structure?

Tagging @HebaruSan for possible comment on that


Tell me more!

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  On 1/12/2022 at 4:18 PM, Stone Blue said:

Especially, if this is a conglomeration of multiple mods, and you are using *their* existing internal folder structures, it *could* potentially cause conflicts, if other versions of those other mods get installed seperately, as well


Oh, did this mutate into a modpack while we weren't looking?

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  On 1/12/2022 at 4:18 PM, AtomicTech said:

Tell me more!


Basically what @Stone Blue is saying is that instead of having the AT-Junkyards-Main/ directory, you should pull the GameData/ directory from each individual mod and put it in on unified AtomicTech/GameData/ to make everything in the standard mod directory structure

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  On 1/12/2022 at 5:31 PM, AtomicTech said:

I see!

That saves me a lotta work  O.o

But, uh, how do I do that?


You should have your top level folder as "GameData/[your_mod_name]/"
ie GameData/AtomicTech/ .... or GameData/AtomicTech/Junkyard/, if you plane to ever release any moar mods under the AtomicTech "brand"... Those future mods could be sub-folders of your AtomicTech folder... maes keeping your mods seperated easier :P

Lemme take a closer look at the internal folders

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@AtomicTech So, it looks like your mod is a mashup of *some* parts, from *some* different mods... so technically, no, not a modpac ;)

I poked a few part cfgs, and it looks like you have, and as long as you rename all the internal part names in the cfgs different than the originals, *AND* you put everything under your own GameData/[your_mod_name]/, you should be good to go.

So at the least, it just take adding the top-level "GameData/" folder, and putting your /AT-Junkyards-Main/ folder inside *that*... Then, of course, the dreaded task of just updating *all* your internal .cfg folder URLs to reflect the change.

As a note, i would be aware that Allista uses the "AT_" prefix throughout *his* mods, in folder/filenames, as well as internal part names, and possibly part descriptions... so be careful how & where you use that yourself, to avoid conflicts with his mods.

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  On 1/12/2022 at 6:02 PM, Stone Blue said:

As a note, i would be aware that Allista uses the "AT_" prefix throughout *his* mods, in folder/filenames, as well as internal part names, and possibly part descriptions... so be careful how & where you use that yourself, to avoid conflicts with his mods.


Ah so we have an Impostor Among Us..

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  On 1/12/2022 at 6:04 PM, AtomicTech said:

Ah so we have an Impostor Among Us..

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Hehehe... Sorry, but *he* was here first... :P  j/k

On second thought, you may want to chec with someone who may know better, as its been about a year since I did anything KSP...
I'm ashamed I cant remember if "GameData/" *does* need to be specified in .cfg URLs or not... ?? ... it might *not* be required, and if not, then you would NOT have to update your .cfg URLs, UNLESS you change its name
:P ... I dont now, anymore :cry:

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  On 1/12/2022 at 6:09 PM, Stone Blue said:

Hehehe... Sorry, but *he* was here first... :P  j/k

On second thought, you may want to chec with someone who may know better, as its been about a year since I did anything KSP...
I'm ashamed I cant remember if "GameData/" *does* need to be specified in .cfg URLs or not... ?? ... it might *not* be required, and if not, then you would NOT have to update your .cfg URLs :P ... I dont now, anymore :cry:


Let's ask someone then!





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  On 1/12/2022 at 6:02 PM, Stone Blue said:

As a note, i would be aware that Allista uses the "AT_" prefix throughout *his* mods, in folder/filenames, as well as internal part names, and possibly part descriptions... so be careful how & where you use that yourself, to avoid conflicts with his mods.


@AtomicTech  I'd suggest using AtomicT  as the prefix to avoid this issue

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  On 1/13/2022 at 3:39 PM, AtomicTech said:

@Stone Blue, I've finished the suggested fixes, could you give it a look over/test run?


Looks OK... tho i would put your license & readme files in the /AtomicTech/ folder....

I would also put the license, readme & version files in your Agencies mod, *inside* the /Agencies/ folder, and put *that* folder, inside a folder matching the name of your top-level Junkyards mod folder,  so it would be /AtomicTech/Agencies.... So when its installed, it would just be added to the same /AtomicTech/ folder Junyards is in... Make sense?

Also, I see at least one texture in Junyards that needs to be converted from DXT3 to DXT1 or DXT5...
You also have quite a few model errors showing up, with a few non-game breaking .cfg errors, as well

To find all that stuff, skim thru & search your KSP.log file for [WRN] & [ERR] (match case when using those as search terms)

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  On 1/13/2022 at 5:21 PM, Stone Blue said:

Looks OK... tho i would put your license & readme files in the /AtomicTech/ folder....

I would also put the license, readme & version files in your Agencies mod, *inside* the /Agencies/ folder, and put *that* folder, inside a folder matching the name of your top-level Junkyards mod folder,  so it would be /AtomicTech/Agencies.... So when its installed, it would just be added to the same /AtomicTech/ folder Junyards is in... Make sense?

Also, I see at least one texture in Junyards that needs to be converted from DXT3 to DXT1 or DXT5...
You also have quite a few model errors showing up, with a few non-game breaking .cfg errors, as well

To find all that stuff, skim thru & search your KSP.log file for [WRN] & [ERR] (match case when using those as search terms)


Uh, I don't completely understand that. The second part, at least.

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  On 1/13/2022 at 5:32 PM, AtomicTech said:

Uh, I don't completely understand that. The second part, at least.


Well, as far as the texture being DXT3... There are 3 or 4 types of DDS formats that KSP uses. It may have been the 1.10.x or 1.11.x update with the new version of Unity, where DXT3 format no longer works. So any DXT3 textures have to be converted (easy to do), to either DXT1 or DXT5. IIRC, DXT1 is for textures without an alpha channel, and DXT5 is ones *with* an alpha channel. This includes normal maps.

I didnt go all the way thru the log, but i think there may have only been 1 texture with that issue.

As to the model issues, you'ld have to go thru your KSP.log file and see what the errors are for each one.

The .cfg errors seem to be just warnings, with things like resources being applied twice or more to parts, and things like part costs being incorrect.

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  On 1/13/2022 at 8:32 PM, AtomicTech said:

Ugh, I've got some old stuff in there. That's gonna be a good chunk o' work. 

Thanks btw!


Ehh... not really. Heres a list for you.... Looks like a lot, but not really... Mostly easy fixes, too

To fix most of your Agebcies stuff, near the bottom), you should change the folder path, form this:
[ERR 11:55:59.527] [Agent]: Cannot find logo at url 'Atomic-Technologies-Incorporated-
to  this:

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