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(Probable spoilers) The Star Wars serials thread, aka The KenoBobaMandaloriAhsokAndor thread


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20 hours ago, JoeSchmuckatelli said:

I need to go back to the overall direction / Executive Direction of the respective series.  Despite having multiple directors and different views /styles - Mandolorian just seemed to work and the story told was tighter and more cohesive. 

While Boba is an interlude, it could have been tighter.  It's got great characters, exists in an almost can't fail universe and had potential... 

I just don't think it reaches the potential and misses some fairly obvious marks


The Mandalorian season 1 was well written, but even if had its "filler episodes" that at first watch didn't seem to be important.

Season 2 had similar issues but also expanded the lore dramatically, by including multiple characters from other shows. Boba Fett is similar to the 2nd season of the Mandalorian, with most of the focus on Boba Fett himself being primarily "in the past" about how he ended up in the Mandalorian in the first place, with some other episodes possessing what seems like "less important stuff" than others.

Both shows fall back onto more of a "weekly fun show to watch" than some long perfect narrative. Even in the Mandalorian season 1 there were episodes that appeared completely standalone and almost out of place. However, those later got used as further world building in the later seasons. I think parts of what have been established in The Book of Boba Fett will come back sometime in the future.

The "marks missed" might actually be seeds that are grown later, we'd have to wait and see. They could also be expanded on in other shows like Kenobi, which take place on the same planet. 

To think the entire series is essentially built off of a single shot of someone with spurs approaching the wounded Fennec Shand on Tatooine haha. 


Edited by MKI
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I mashed the title up since TBoBF kinda morphed into Mando S2.5. So I'll open this thread to The Mandalorian discussion as well, since the stories intertwined and TBoBF is finished anyways. Blast it, I may as well open up this thread to Kenobi and the other SW serials.

So in today's news, Great Scott!:


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  • 1 month later...

Ok... I just squeeed at the end of S2 of Mandolorian.    Ok.   And the after credits just got a bit of an ooooooh too.  

I think I’ll give ep IX a try tomorrow, with the full expectation of being very disappointed.   That way I won’t be let down.   

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1 hour ago, Gargamel said:

Ok... I just squeeed at the end of S2 of Mandolorian.    Ok.   And the after credits just got a bit of an ooooooh too.  

I think I’ll give ep IX a try tomorrow, with the full expectation of being very disappointed.   That way I won’t be let down.   

Ep 9, yeah, just put your brain on pause and enjoy the spectacle. Much better that way. 

As for the end of Mando S2:


Yeah, you see that X-wing pull up, and you’re like “Could it be…?” And then the green saber… *bated breath*


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On 5/14/2022 at 1:19 PM, StrandedonEarth said:

Ep 9, yeah, just put your brain on pause and enjoy the spectacle. Much better that way. 

I recently watched Episode 1, and not only did I have a very difficult time turning off my brain (the film makes so little sense), the spectacle really didn't look that good anymore, to the point my eyes felt some measure of pain. 

I hope with all these modern advancements in CGI, the sequel trilogy holds up better in the years to come than prequel trilogy at least visually. 


I'm waiting for Kenobi. Undoubtedly one of the best things to come out of the prequels is Ewan McGregor, and John Williams music, throwing those in with a Vader rematch with modern technology and you have a winning combination right there. 

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On 5/14/2022 at 4:19 PM, StrandedonEarth said:

Ep 9, yeah, just put your brain on pause and enjoy the spectacle. Much better that way

We’ll, due to the number of one liners and forced gags... I had to force it into a deep hibernation, and I fell asleep less than an hour in.    


On 5/17/2022 at 3:54 PM, MKI said:

I hope with all these modern advancements in CGI, the sequel trilogy holds up better in the years to come than prequel trilogy at least visually. 

The sequels make you appreciate the prequels for the cinematic masterpieces they are, relatively speaking.  

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On 1/26/2022 at 6:47 AM, jimmymcgoochie said:


Halo Music starts playing.

On 2/14/2022 at 11:31 AM, MKI said:

I've heard the Bad Batch is good, but never felt like watching it. I think the cartoon aspects of it turns me off. I got nothing against it, just time is limited so I gotta pick and choose what I'll be watching haha. 

The entire clone wars is also surprisingly good.

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I hate Jar Jar Abrams with a passion now.  
I just yell “Oh c’mon” at the Tv.  
I haven’t paid a thing to see episode IX, and I still want my money back.   

It’s nothing but cliches and one liners and a plot that has no logic to it at all. 

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So I finished IX.   It’s more bad Harry Potter than it is star wars.

I stopped it last week right after 


chewie died

and then when I started it back up today only to find out there was some magical hand wavium and it was all a lie.    I was so happy they were actually starting to find some grit and make a serious movie and have some loss  in the series.    

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I watched Obi-Wan Kenobi last night, it appeared to drop 3 hours earlier than expected, so I squeezed it in before going to bed ;D


The first 2 episodes of the show are very solid.

I got a little distracted with the introduction of a certain key character I didn't expect to have in the show at all that ended up being a key character, in a similar vein as Baby Yoda/Grogu. Overall it makes sense, and provided some lightness to what could be an otherwise "heavy" show, and once things get going they fit together, just initially it seemed too abrupt and unnecessary.

The one problem I'm having after watching it, is the "plot hole" land-mines that need to be navigated. I guess there is plenty of leeway between the lines given in a New Hope, that I personally only vaguely remember. Like there are extremely simple things that never made any sense that may or may-not be addressed. Like why hide Luke at his uncle's house and give him the same name? Maybe something-something force. These sorts of questions just end up sticking out, as they have always had, and having a compelling answer given at some point might help with it, as it's a distraction.

Overall though, Deborah Chow really shows she was a good choice to helm the series. Her Mandalorian episodes are some of the best, and her ability to balance heavier themes with classic Star-Wars fun and pep shows. Hopefully the trend continues with the next 4 episodes. :D



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7 hours ago, MKI said:

Like why hide Luke at his uncle's house and give him the same name?

Well, I don’t think anySith ever heard his name. And I don’t think Vader wants  anything to do with Tatooine; nothing but bad memories there. And the sand plays hell with his servos…

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On 5/27/2022 at 6:59 PM, StrandedonEarth said:

I don’t think any Sith ever heard his name. And I don’t think Vader wants  anything to do with Tatooine; nothing but bad memories there.

My understanding of Star Wars cannon is that not many people even know Darth Vader = Anakin Skywalker, even within the Empire. (The show actually makes a somewhat surprising reference to this topic early on). But even with that fact, why wouldn't Vader or Palps be more aware of the situation when a New Hope rolls around. 

That said, why would Yoda/Obi-Wan chance it? All it would take is Palatine to check the intergalactic phone book to find Luke Skywalker living under his Uncles house with the belief his father is dead. All they would have to do is just say Luke is adopted or something, but that isn't possible due to how a New Hope is written. 

I guess there isn't much choice at this point, once Vader was determined to be Luke's father, lots of holes opened up that could technically never be closed.

The show could cover other factors that frame parts of a New Hope differently, such as like why Obi-Wan didn't notice R2D2 publicly within the film. Even though the reasoning is provided within books/other media, the film obviously doesn't include it. 


If anything, looking forward to more Vader. Hopefully the show can take elements from Rogue One and make Vader the true menace we always knew him to be. 

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10 hours ago, MKI said:

make Vader the true menace we always knew him to be

So much could have been solved by Lucas himself if he had cast differently.  That short whiney kid (who played the young adult Anikin) did not have any gravitas and could not pull off a character that would grow into the Darth Vader of Star Wars and Empire.

One of the many problems with the second trilogy. 

So if Disney can find a way to incorporate a Darth Vader that is just coming into his heyday of death and destruction - a character that feels connected to the guy we saw threatening princesses and choking generals in Star Wars... That would be success. 

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On 5/31/2022 at 7:47 AM, JoeSchmuckatelli said:

So if Disney can find a way to incorporate a Darth Vader that is just coming into his heyday of death and destruction - a character that feels connected to the guy we saw threatening princesses and choking generals in Star Wars... That would be success. 

And add 6 inches and 75lbs.  (Christensen is 6’, Prowse was 6’6” and a body builder).    What I don’t want is another emo Vader.   
I’m liking it so far.   Really glad to see McGregor back in it.    But I have issues with the spinning light saber.   A normal shield is usually braced against your arm,    I see this saber as being exceptionally easy to damage a lot of things you don’t want too. 

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6 hours ago, Gargamel said:

spinning light saber

There is something I don't like about this direction, either. 

In Star Wars, you get the impression that by dint of a lot of discipline and hard work and faith, you can become one of the bad assets of the galaxy - replete with the ultimate weapon.* 

Later in the sequels/prequels Lucas waters this down - work all you want, doesn't matter unless you were born with the mitichlorians.  Those lucky few can make their own sword, it's easy. 



(Carny voice) "Who wants a laser sword?" YOU wants a laser sword! Laser pole-arm?  We got 'em! SPINNING laser sword-shield? I got a dozen... Buy some for your friends! "



 *(An anachronistic SWORD in a galaxy filled with blasters... And yes its better - but no one but the very, very few bad assets can use one) 

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10 minutes ago, JoeSchmuckatelli said:

In Star Wars, you get the impression that by dint of a lot of discipline and hard work and faith, you can become one of the bad assets of the galaxy - replete with the ultimate weapon.* 

Even then, A lot of them were still in the cringe category.   There has to be a whole department in the Jedi building full of maimed wannabe jedi.   I mean, we only see them after they have mastered the use of their weapon.   I still randomly stab myself with writing implements, and I've been using them for > 40 years. 



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