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[1.8.0-1.12.X] Baker Operating System v2.2.0 a KOS RPM IVA GUI autopilot script


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BakerOperatingSystem 2.2.0

a Kerbal Operating System Raster Prop Monitor GUI script file!



Hello fellow Kerbonauts!

        Baker Operating System is a single script that runs a GUI I have created to run a large collection of KOS scripts.  It is a full autopilot GUI written in Kerbalscript to let the user play the game completely from the IVA perspective exclusively.  Everything from Launching to orbit, planning a transfer to a target, executing the maneuvers, landing, collecting science, automatic docking in orbit and much more! I'm SelfAwareMatter and I have been playing KSP for 7 years or so and love the game so very much. It has given me a unique perspective on my own place in the universe and greatly enhanced my ability to understand the world around me.  Among the things KSP has inspired me to teach myself, programming with KOS is one. I am a Linux user and building simple boot scripts and editing config files was about the extent of my programming knowledge before playing and learning with KOS.  Special thanks to Vulcan for his IVA content and for a bit of code he kicked down, CheersKevin on Youtube for getting me started on writing Kerbal-script code, and the devs of KSP, KOS,RPM, and the modding community in general for contributing to such an awesome game and making it so much more! I am humbled to contribute in anyway I can to the community.  If even one nerd gets a kick out of using my system I'll be stoked. What an awesome thing KSP and KOS is! 


         MODS that have been incorporated include-

Kerbal Operating System obviously

Raster Prop Monitor

KOS Prop Monitor

Atmosphere Autopilot

BD Armory

RSVP- the rsvp scripts need to be in your script folder for the transfer planner to work.




      There is a lot in this 13k lines of code. Some of the programs include-

Blackjack!     My first game! Its buggy and awesome!

RSVP transfer GUI - requires RSVP script files in script folder. They may need to be slightly edited. 

Automatic Launch System

Automatic Landing System

Automatic Docking - Docking port to be used on ship must be name tagged "fromname"

Engine Control

Execute Maneuver Node

Robotic Servo Controller

Ship systems

Resource transfer between docked vessels

Circularize Orbit Eccentricity at Apoapsis

Circularize Orbit  Eccentricity at Periapsis

Rover Autopilot

Target selector

Time-warp Controller

Maneuver Node editor with current angle to prograde and angle to retrograde display

Science Sensor Controller

External Camera Controller

Atmosphere Autopilot

Weapon systems

Moon Transfer Planner

Planet Transfer Planner


Automatic Hover



           I hope everybody has fun with this.  I intend to make a youtube video about the script soon showcasing some of its features. I would love if somebody wanted to add something awesome to it.  I will continue to work on and update this script.  Feedback is totally welcome too.  Ive tried to make these programs fairly robust and usable in a lot of different environments and situations but I'm sure bugs will arise I have not worked out in situations I have not tested.  I'm sure the way I organize some of the code would give a some programmers fever dreams. I tried to make it as organized and commented as possible. Adding new scripts you may want to incorporate is super easy. Just pack the script you want to run in a function with a call to the bakeros function at the end of the script. That will return to menu selection after the script loop has been stopped. Then just drop it in the list of functions in the script file baker.ks  and add the function call to the menuanswer section of the bakeros function you will see at the end of the script. Then it should boot just fine from the selection menu. Any questions shoot me a message in the Discord and ill try to respond quickly.  Here ya go!!!


            I am receiving some great advice on the KOS discord about how to clean up my triggers automatically so the system does not slow over time, and some general ways to clean up some of the code that I will be implementing soon. For now every few scripts its a good idea to use ctrl c and reboot the Baker Operating System script file to reset your triggers.


---Version 2.2.0---


Spacedock: https://spacedock.info/mod/3052/Baker Operating System v2.1.0

Discord: https://discord.gg/D5PxdeVA

Github: https://github.com/SelfAwareMatter/BakerOS

Curseforge: https://www.curseforge.com/kerbal/ksp-mods/baker-operating-system-v2-1-0


Edited by SelfAwareMatter
Updated the script file to version 2.2.0
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Hi, I noticed that you uploaded the same ZIP file to SpaceDock 13 times with different version numbers. Initially these extra versions were populating into CKAN, but I stopped that, set the 2.1.0 version as compatible with KSP 1.8–1.12, and removed the others. It's stable now, but if you need to make more releases, they currently wouldn't be added. Would you like some help making a version file so future releases can be marked as compatible with several game versions automatically?

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HebaruSan Dude thanks for your help getting that worked out. I just saw the email you had sent me. I deleted all of the unnecessary files on Spacedock and just left 2.1.0.  If I end up needing some help getting the version file done I will let you know. Thanks again!

Yo Jonnyothan I havent been in the discord yet to mention my mod. I will hop in today. Thanks for the support! Its awesome people are seeing it so quickly!

Beetlecat You are very welcome dude I am glad its getting used!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Added a discord link for anybody needing some help with the script. Discord: https://discord.gg/D5PxdeVA

Over 500 downloads so quickly I am super stoked its getting used!  

                 I am receiving some great advice on the KOS discord about how to clean up my triggers automatically so the system does not slow over time, and some general ways to clean up some of the code that I will be implementing soon. For now every few scripts its a good idea to use ctrl c and reboot the Baker Operating System script file to reset your triggers.

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  • 1 month later...

Okay having some issues with this. Namely, I can't figure it out. 


A) How did you get KOS to work on the RPMs? This may sound stupid, I know there's a CKAN mod for "kOS Prop Monitor", but honestly, it doesn't do excrements, I can't see KOS popping up on ANY of my RPM screens. Where is it?

B) I got an absolute avalanche of error screens from the kOS console when I tried to run the script file, namely, about "SETDELEGATE not found on object BUTTONS. Is this related to kOS RPM?

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Sounds like your problem is, the IVA you are using isnt setup with a kOS MFD. I could be wrong, but pretty sure the regular, basic MFDs arent setup with kOS pages.

I *think* you need to have either the ASET kOS Terminal prop, the one in MAS, or the one from kOS Prop Monitor, included in the IVA.

Thats why nothing is happening when you install kOS PM.... the IVA creator did not add one.

If thats the case, the only things you can do:

A) Contact the IVA creator and request a kOS compatable MFD be added
B) Learn to modify IVAs yourself, to add props
C) Use a different IVA/cockpit that *does* have a kOS compatable monitor in it

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3 hours ago, JonnyOThan said:

D) modify or patch one of the existing MFDs to add a KOS page.

I believe one of the standard ASET MFDs already does this and hides it - on the top right button. I think the basic RPM MFD (the much simpler one) also does (picture not shown).

The ASET MFD is used in a lot of more modern style IVAs, the older RPM MFD may be present in much older IVA mods.


The ASET MFD has to be the 40x20 with the keyboard, again I think it's the top right button. And possibly the keyboard can be used to type. This monitor is much rarer, I think only the ALCOR capsule has one.


Note that you should be using kOSPropMonitor 1.7.2 from *SpaceDock* (the CKAN is out-of-date and probably doesn't work as advertised).

Also note that kOS and kOSPropMonitor don't work with MAS IVA props, but I've had success on running kOS via the above in RPM and MAS combo IVAs. The Reviva mod includes such a combo, the Mk1-3 Capsule with DE_IVA+MAS I believe.

Check out the thread here:

I'd definitely recommend using Reviva, which allows IVA switching - that way you can install a bunch of IVA mods and switch in-game till you find one that has the right MFD. I've found setting up kOS, kOSPropMonitor and IVA to be complex - not only that, but then finding some suitable scripts to run. Good luck!

Edited by 610yesnolovely
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20 minutes ago, 610yesnolovely said:

IAlso note that kOS and kOSPropMonitor don't work with MAS IVA props, but I've had success on running kOS via the above in RPM and MAS combo IVAs.

I currently have a working MAS cfg for the kOS 40x20 MFD. RPM not required.. Hopefully Soon to be released in a new props pack.

Edited by Stone Blue
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  • 3 months later...
On 9/5/2022 at 2:35 PM, Stone Blue said:

I currently have a working MAS cfg for the kOS 40x20 MFD. RPM not required.. Hopefully Soon to be released in a new props 

any update on this because I've been trying forever to get it to work. and from what i can tell sadly non of the MFD's i can find support it.

Edited by MajorTom74
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On 9/5/2022 at 2:16 PM, 610yesnolovely said:

Note that you should be using kOSPropMonitor 1.7.2 from *SpaceDock* (the CKAN is out-of-date and probably doesn't work as advertised).

it should be noted that the archive is very..... broken


Edited by MajorTom74
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2 hours ago, MajorTom74 said:

any update on this because I've been trying forever to get it to work. and from what i can tell sadly non of the MFD's i can find support it.

Its here, in my fork of MAS, waiting for a PR merge from MOARdV:

Makke sure you put it in the same folder as listed in the end of the link

Edited by Stone Blue
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2 hours ago, Stone Blue said:

Its here, in my fork of MAS, waiting for a PR merge from MOARdV:

Makke sure you put it in the same folder as listed in the end of the link

Awesome, that's just what i've been looking for thanks!

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...


I would like to use atmosphere autopilot (program 66). When I launch it, I'll get a bunch of messages like

"Called from Archive/baker, line 10989


Did i do something wrong ? I put the Baker2.2.0.ks script in the /Ships/Script folder, then renamed it to Baker.ks.

Thanks for your help!


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  • 6 months later...
On 12/27/2022 at 3:55 AM, Stone Blue said:

Its here, in my fork of MAS, waiting for a PR merge from MOARdV:

Makke sure you put it in the same folder as listed in the end of the link

Hi Stone Blue, can I ask you a favor could you pass me the cfg. file from https://github.com/StoneBlue/AvionicsSystems/blob/New-Vulkan-M2X-APEx-Angler-Props/GameData/MOARdV/MAS_ASET/ALCORMFD40x20/MAS_APEx_MFD40x20_kOS.cfg. I would like to try it, but the link is broken.
Thank you very much for your attention.
my e-mail skytux@outlook.es in case you want to send it to me instead of posting it.

Edited by tuxuera
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I copied the save file to my Ships > Script directory (volume 0), where I have some other scripts that I have written.  I named it baker220.ks.

I then did "run baker220.", and got this:

Archive:/baker220 line:401 col:21 not allowed to set a name that will clobber or hide the SYSTEM_lock called 'throttle'.
See kOS documentation for CLOBBERBUILTINS for more information.

Here is line 401:
set throttle to 1.

Do I need to do some kind of setup to deal with this before I run baker220?

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