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should ksp 2 have underwater environment


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While that would be nice, it’s one of those things that might only apply to Kerbin (depending what the planets in the other systems are like) and in any case the life would need to be unique per planet anyway. It ends up being a lot of work for something that most players might only see a handful of times. 
It is quite simply not worth the effort for how little value it would create, so I doubt they will do it. 

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3 hours ago, MechBFP said:

While that would be nice, it’s one of those things that might only apply to Kerbin (depending what the planets in the other systems are like) and in any case the life would need to be unique per planet anyway. It ends up being a lot of work for something that most players might only see a handful of times. 
It is quite simply not worth the effort for how little value it would create, so I doubt they will do it. 

Yeah I've always thought a 'planetary exploration' expansion would be cool, that offers things like inflatables and submarine parts. Maybe even drills that you could melt through the ice of a Europa like world?

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I'm a big fan of exploring environments in fluids (liquids and gasses mostly), and I think it will be almost as big as surface exploration in later space travel (exploring both Venus and Jupiter will almost certainly be done this way), so I hope that by the end of the life cycle of the game, some attention is brought to underwater environments so that they are at least comparable in interest to above-water environments. Just adding scatter and some interesting terrain and making an incentive to go there would be enough for me. 

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A more controversial notion: what about specimen collection? I know sentient life is more or less ruled out, but what about corals? Jellies? Shrimps? I might not expect more than bacteria in the Kerbolar system, but once you find places like Lapat?

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I dont think there needs to be, however itll be incredible if there is. I honestly dont want any animal life or any dedicated parts to submarines though. I dont feel like you could holistically incorporate animal life with the kerbals, and half the fun of doing underwater exploration in ksp is the fact there are no dedicated parts for it. 

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19 hours ago, Brofessional said:

Underwater environments would be nice but they are the kind of thing best left for expansion or post-release content.

I respecfully disagree.

To me the under water environment is just as valid a place to go and explore as anywhere else.  Sure, it presents a different set of problems, but so does going to any 'new place'. 

You may need special parts like ballast tanks, but that's only the same basic principle as sandbags on hot-air balloons.  

If it was Kerbal Ocean Programme would you be against getting off the boat and exploring an island?

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12 hours ago, Brofessional said:

No but in that case I would like the development to focus on completing the ocean first.

Fair point, and I don't fundamentally disagree with it.

But I would add that, from my point of view, the ocean floor is essentially no different from 'dry land' it just has what is basically an extra, denser 'atmosphere' layer between it and the vacuum of space.  

By ignoring ocean exploration and parts you rule out exploring ocean worlds and even the majority of Laythe.  Why not add more detail to those areas at the initial design stage, and include a few parts to help with exploration.   It's the equivalent of adding wheels to enable us to traverse the landscape after all.

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Considering the game mechanics, having creatures would be a bit much, but definitely underwater scatter, easter egg locations to find like the lost city of Kerblantis. Training astronauts in water before sending them in to space like they do for real. Underwater locations that have resources that you can't get on land etc. Would all make the game more immersive. Ballast tanks and marine engines are achievable simply through configuration files which are usually no more than about 6kb each.

So definitely Yes.

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