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Auto orientating craft


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I think not only should they work in time warps, they should work when you're not even watching the craft.

And by "should" I don't mean "they should do this," I mean they actually will.

Why? Because they've already told us acceleration in warp is a thing. You can't have acceleration in warp if you can't make a ship hold a heading. Well you CAN, but it's far less useful.

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1 hour ago, Superfluous J said:

I think not only should they work in time warps, they should work when you're not even watching the craft.

And by "should" I don't mean "they should do this," I mean they actually will.

Why? Because they've already told us acceleration in warp is a thing. You can't have acceleration in warp if you can't make a ship hold a heading. Well you CAN, but it's far less useful.

Yeah I thought persistent rotation was confirmed? RIP my tap time-warp to halt rotation crutch *sigghhh*

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On 11/10/2022 at 4:09 AM, Pthigrivi said:

Yeah I thought persistent rotation was confirmed? RIP my tap time-warp to halt rotation crutch *sigghhh*

As I understand we get persistent rotation but then we should also get persistent hold.  So if you order an craft to point to node or pro grade it will point to that. Its still an rotation once every orbit. 

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On 11/10/2022 at 4:09 AM, Pthigrivi said:

Yeah I thought persistent rotation was confirmed? RIP my tap time-warp to halt rotation crutch *sigghhh*

That's some muscle memory and instinct that's going to be hard to rewire for me.

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I sure hope that's not automatic, but rather something you have to engage.

Playing KSP and seeing my drifting crafts maintain orientation to 'the fixed stars' while in orbit was an eye opening experience and taught me something about physics.

In other words - I hope the 'improvements' over KSP don't make KSP2 'too gamey' - or lose some of the hard lessons elements in favor of improved gameplay.


Edited by JoeSchmuckatelli
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37 minutes ago, JoeSchmuckatelli said:

I sure hope that's not automatic, but rather something you have to engage.

Playing KSP and seeing my drifting crafts maintain orientation to 'the fixed stars' while in orbit was an eye opening experience and taught me something about physics.

I'm guessing it'll work exactly as it did in the KSP1 mod, you'll remain fixed if SAS is on and your rotation is under a certain limit.

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On 11/12/2022 at 8:53 PM, Bej Kerman said:

I'm guessing it'll work exactly as it did in the KSP1 mod, you'll remain fixed if SAS is on and your rotation is under a certain limit.

In KSP 1 and you set your ship to point to an node the ship will keep this orientation, however this don't work during warp. Now its also drift so pointing it towards node, warp one orbit and you are no longer pointing towards node. 

In KSP 2 rotation will be persistent during warp. Not know how accurate this will be however but you can do burn under warp who require ship to point towards node during burn. 

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12 hours ago, magnemoe said:
On 11/12/2022 at 7:53 PM, Bej Kerman said:

I'm guessing it'll work exactly as it did in the KSP1 mod, you'll remain fixed if SAS is on and your rotation is under a certain limit.

In KSP 1 and you set your ship to point to an node the ship will keep this orientation, however this don't work during warp. Now its also drift so pointing it towards node, warp one orbit and you are no longer pointing towards node. 

Not stock KSP 1, on about KSP 1 with Persistent Thrust and Persistent Rotation :)

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1 minute ago, Bej Kerman said:

Because no-one is performing a year-long interstellar burn with only 4x time warp :)

Year-long acceleration burn, many years long coast, then a year-long deceleration burn. And then you have to worry about entering orbit around the star, and then orbit around a planet. 

Thank god we're getting acceleration under "Time zoom."

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3 minutes ago, GoldForest said:

Year-long acceleration burn, many years long coast, then a year-long deceleration burn. And then you have to worry about entering orbit around the star, and then orbit around a planet. 

On that note, it'd be nice if we could plot burns and have our ships carry them out without having to leave time acceleration. You plot a maneuver, engage timewarp and watch your ship do what you just told it to do without having to leave timewarp to see your ship do exactly what you planned. You plan the acceleration, turnaround, deceleration and orbital insertion burns, go to 10,000,000x warp, and only have to leave timewarp to start carrying out whatever plans you had in mind for when you got there. Leaves more time for the interesting stuff :D

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5 minutes ago, Bej Kerman said:

On that note, it'd be nice if we could plot burns and have our ships carry them out without having to leave time acceleration. You plot a maneuver, engage timewarp and watch your ship do what you just told it to do without having to leave timewarp to see your ship do exactly what you planned. You plan the acceleration, turnaround, deceleration and orbital insertion burns, go to 10,000,000x warp, and only have to leave timewarp to start carrying out whatever plans you had in mind for when you got there. Leaves more time for the interesting stuff :D

So, Mechjeb + Time warp? Wonder how it would deal with the calculations. I've noticed that Mechjeb sometimes doesn't like physics warp, so time warp might make it screwy. 

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1 hour ago, GoldForest said:

Year-long acceleration burn, many years long coast, then a year-long deceleration burn. And then you have to worry about entering orbit around the star, and then orbit around a planet. 

Thank god we're getting acceleration under "Time zoom."

Speaking of year long burns, will we be able to turn the engine on and then switch to a different vessel? It'd be bit of a pain if I had to waste a whole year in time warp when I could be launching other missions or managing my colonies in the mean time.

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11 minutes ago, Luriss said:

Speaking of year long burns, will we be able to turn the engine on and then switch to a different vessel? It'd be bit of a pain if I had to waste a whole year in time warp when I could be launching other missions or managing my colonies in the mean time.

I think Nate mentioned something about that. Don't remember. It was a long time ago if he did. 

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18 minutes ago, Luriss said:

Speaking of year long burns, will we be able to turn the engine on and then switch to a different vessel? It'd be bit of a pain if I had to waste a whole year in time warp when I could be launching other missions or managing my colonies in the mean time.

As I understand ships can burn even then not in focus. Now I'm curious how that will work in orbit there you burn might last longer than one orbit? Or does it only work in flatter space like solar orbit or high orbits around planets for long burns. 

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2 hours ago, GoldForest said:

So, Mechjeb + Time warp? Wonder how it would deal with the calculations. I've noticed that Mechjeb sometimes doesn't like physics warp, so time warp might make it screwy. 

Mechjeb does everything for you, but I hope the player is encouraged to plan things themselves. 2 is a different game, anyway. Vessels are on rails so there's no real acceleration, it should just follow the set plan unless torque is too low to align with one burn after completing a prior burn, or propellant runs out.

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