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What did you do in KSP2 today?


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Quick Mun landing today with the new patch (

Literally no serious bugs - from launch pad to flag planted in ~20 mins.  No reloads, no reverts... really smooth sailing.  The new maneuver tool and patched conics were perfect, and the Grumble seat collision problem is fixed, too.

Performance still needs a *lot* of work.  No real noticeable change in FPS this patch, at least not while on or near a celestial body.

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got home updated game logged in  could not play.  funny i was the one who could play with hardly no bugs.  now my frames so bad i lagged and can not play.  crash and burn for me.  going to restart and run scan on computer first to make sure.  but yea  gone from having a blast 89hours to cant play at all. 

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Flown into the sun. Discovered that the actual sun sphere appears only below 1500km (I think?) Above that it's just a sunflare.

Flown into Jool, crashed into the surface(?) Too bad it happened at night, didn't see any clouds.

Got an escape trajectory from Kerbol. Found out that at 20000m/s I'd reach the edge of sphere of influence in only 55000 years.

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First crewed expedition to Ike, and the first landing. Also discovered (A) an annoying regression that the timewarp bar isn't hidden with the rest of the UI when  pressing F2; and (B) the Kerbals on EVA still cause some really weird physics glitches. Still had a fun evening playing though. I also really do like the new "crew portrait" for the probe core on my transfer stage, lol. 




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drove a rover around, learned the rover wheels still have almost NO power, then watched the game AND my gpu crash. seriously, my pc switched to using onboard graphics and i had to restart lol. so i think i may hold off til the next patch cus that was kinda scary considering i JUST bought this card....

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The patch did fix fuel flow issues I was having, so I did round trips to Mun and Minmus. I tried docking in Kerbin orbit, but bumped the ships together at .1m/s which caused dissasembly. Two outta three ain't bad, as Meatloaf sang. I'm really looking forward to visiting the rest of the planets just for their music. The rest of the game may be EA, but the music is AAA. Give the composer and music team a round of applause!

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Since the patch, deleted my old save and started fresh. Went back to basics with the second SRB (flea? thumper?) and did a couple of short flights into the ocean. Built a simple orbiter and landed it in the desert - I was aiming for KSC but underestimated how much drag was affecting the craft. Then built something to take me to Minmus orbit. Plans changed on the fly when I discovered a 15km orbit appeared to be too close and I was losing altitude. Turned an orbit into a landing. Ended up being my softest ever landing ~0.2m/s. I have enough dV to return to orbit but I'll leave Val there for a while.







Just about time to find another crater in the solar system to explore.

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I made a second attempt at Apollo styled Mun landing. My first was on day 1 and didn't go quite according to plan thanks to numerous bugs. But I did it this time, aside from a couple of interface/staging problems, and phantom forces affecting the launch vehicle, it went smoothly. Gonna report this to the weekly challenge later.

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Returned my crew from Ike, after first spending several months in Duna orbit conducting observations waiting for the return window.



I eyeballed a Pe past KSC in an attempt to land closeby but overshot by about 35km in the end.



The first phot shows the transfer stage braking into Kerbin orbit, where I eventually left it, intending to refuel it and use it on future outer-system missions. Unfortunately, after recovering the lander, I checked the Tracking Station and it had been affected by the bug that separated vessels sometimes affect each others' trajectories. Somehow it had left its 200km circular parking orbit and was set to reenter and crash. I just destroyed it from the Tracking Center instead. Guess I have to launch another one for future missions. 

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Still working on the flying aircraft carrier, finally I think it's flyable
Cuz it have a very big wing (no, deck), it can almost float on sky and Kerbal can walk on the deck while flying

I tried to install hydrogen engines on it and send it to orbit as a interplanetary ship
However, my PC don't let me do that :(










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  On 3/18/2023 at 9:30 PM, goldenson said:

Still working on the flying aircraft carrier, finally I think it's flyable
Cuz it have a very big wing (no, deck), it can almost float on sky and Kerbal can walk on the deck while flying

I tried to install hydrogen engines on it and send it to orbit as a interplanetary ship
However, my PC don't let me do that :(











That thing is amazing... how many seconds per frame do you get flying it around? Very cool :P

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Landed on Minmus, again, Apollo style. I was so used to MJ planning my rendezvous maneuvers I forgot how fiddly it is. Absolutely doable but gods there's so much guessing and finetuning required. Docking itself is a piece of cake in comparison. Even when the game forgets my keybinds for RCS.

Edited by The Aziz
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How the heck did you manage that, I can't even get a pair of large wings to stay on even if I don't use the procedural editor to make them any bigger, and you get a whole aircraft carrier floating around willy nilly!

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I threw this doomed piece of space junk out into the aether. It told me there was no Comnet access but I had an antenna and more than enough power. Strangely enough, I had throttle control and the ability to stage (although via the button and not the spacebar). Stupidly overpowered, 13k+ dV in vac, launcher stages jumped between 5-7k dV. I probably had close to 3 minutes of continuous burn, straightish upwards.  I may try again with a victim Kerbal.



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