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Hello! Is there any release window/date for when we could see "on final approach" make its way to consoles?

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lol, until now I didn't even know I miss out on something. But now that I know I want it too. God I wish I never came here to get me updated. My life was so good until now that I know others have something better than me. You know what? Let's all pretend I was never here. I'm gonna climb into my timecapsule and travel back to half an hour ago. Then I'll start my KSP 1.10 on the Series S and enjoy it just like any other day before ok?...remember, this never happened... ;p:1437623226_rocket_1f680(3):

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  • 1 month later...

I want them to fix the game for Consoles including that pesky input text/numbers and when you click okay, the pause menu pops up. You literally have to hit the triple horizontal bar line button twice in rapid succession in order to have text saved to a flag on the Xbox Series X. 

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  • 2 months later...

It's been nearly three entire years since 1.11 was released on PC. There is absolutely no logical reason that we console players do not have it. There have been no updates on a console update in almost as long. What the heck is going on? Are we getting 1.11/1.12 or not?!

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On 6/4/2023 at 8:34 AM, Turtlegirl1209 said:

It's now June 4th, 2023. The release window for the 1.11 and 1.12 updates coming to console KSP was "before the end of 2022". Despite this, we have no game updates, no dev updates, no  delay announcements, and also no announcement of the cancellation of this project.   There has been litterally ZERO communication whatsoever. Even contacting Private Division customer service won't get you an acknowledgment of the update's continued existance, only a "we have no information, wait for announcements".  We've waited plenty. 

Back in February or march, I wondered alound in one of my posts, If I would still be asking come june, december, or next year. Well, it's june, and there's still absolutley no sign of anyone over at Private Division giving a single momentary thought to the console community. We've been completley and utterly abandoned. Keep in mind, the work on these updates (supposedly) started in September of 2021. It's June of 2023.

Honestly, I'm tired of gaming companies just constantly lying to their fanbases with zero repurcussions. I bought KSP on console in January of 2021, knowing it was behind on content updates, but also with the understanding that the devs had made commitments to the commuinity to bring the game up to the 1.12 content available on PC. These are promises blatent lies that have real influence on consumer purchasing decisions, and they should be treated as such. 

If the updates aren't coming, there's no reason not to tell us. If the updates have been kicked back, there's no reason not to tell us. If the updates are coming tommorow, there's no reason not to just say that. If the updates are cancelled completley, or never started devellopment in the first place, that's something the community has the right to know. Keeping your community in limbo benefits absolutley no one.

@Ghostii_Space @Dakota @St4rdust This is your mess to clean up. I'm sorry, as I understand it isn't your fault, but you all play the role of community managers. Well, your community has been abandoned. Figure it out. So far, these requests for basic transparency have been met with total and complete silence. However, as the saying goes, "yyou cannot not communicate". The message that has been sent is one of apathy and indiffrence for the consumers, the players, and the passionate fans. How long will you allow that to continue? It's up to you.

Ghostii and St4rdust are no longer community managers.

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On 10/30/2023 at 4:04 PM, kmayer said:

It's been nearly three entire years since 1.11 was released on PC. There is absolutely no logical reason that we console players do not have it. There have been no updates on a console update in almost as long. What the heck is going on? Are we getting 1.11/1.12 or not?!

~2 years since the last update... Probably not.

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I first learned and played KSP on console. The only reason I bought and transferred to PC was because I was getting tired of waiting forever for them to fix things and update. Once I got to PC, I remembered mods exist and I've never looked back since. Really do wish they'd fix console though. Having the throttle on a trigger was great. Keyboards suck in that respect though.

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26 minutes ago, James M said:

Having the throttle on a trigger was great. Keyboards suck in that respect though.

Try to find a Steam Controller. If you are on Steam, setting it for KSP is a breeze and it's a game changer - literally.!

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On 11/9/2023 at 4:19 AM, James M said:

Gonna definitely check that out! Thanks!

I have exactly the same carreer on KSP1 as you (coming from console). The Steam Controller is BS compared to the console edition (which is also not perfect). I finally only used the keyboard.

KSP1 is definetly a jewel. Until that save game bug arrives late in the game, destroying everything. I never understood, why they didn't solve this super bug, but probably some money reasons.

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6 hours ago, TomKerbal said:

I have exactly the same carreer on KSP1 as you (coming from console). The Steam Controller is BS compared to the console edition (which is also not perfect). I finally only used the keyboard.

KSP1 is definetly a jewel. Until that save game bug arrives late in the game, destroying everything. I never understood, why they didn't solve this super bug, but probably some money reasons.

Oh yeah.. that. Can’t believe it’s been so long I forgot about save file corruptions. Pretty inexcusable if you ask me. I can forgive not adding stuff to a game so long as the game works in the end. Console version can’t even manage that. 

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