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Is there a way to turn off the "Important Health Warning"?


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Loving Patch 1! This is awesome, and works soooo much better now! There is just one minor thing...

Do we *really* need a health warning splash screen? Every frigging time?

Ok, Gotcha. Important health warning duly noted... And noted again... And again... Uh... where's the config option to knock this off? <looks through all the menus... nope.>

Seriously. Can we please have an option to disable the duly noted health warning? Which, if I'm being honest, is about the only thing in Patch 1 I don't like. The rest is just gold! And Thank you!

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25 minutes ago, JoeSchmuckatelli said:

Way too long!

Maybe a 'First time' you have to see it - but subsequent loads it can be skipped?

Nope. Can confirm. Happens with every start up. Haven't found a way to skip it yet.

It does make me ponder my mental stability, though. Perhaps they know something I don't?

Edited by Cpt Kerbalkrunch
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2 hours ago, Dakota said:

Definitely a good idea! There might be a legal reason we need to show it every time but I'll ask around and see if it would be possible to add a checkbox or setting.

I would think it's legal related as other games have similar. A compromise might be to allow us to skip the full duration of the health warning using the ESC key once it appears. If you don't ESC past the warning it displays for the full duration. Having said that the ability to fully bypass would be preferred.

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23 hours ago, Fullmetal Analyst said:

cant imagine its legal related, most other games arent showing any such warning

And if they do, it shows for a couple of seconds. Not a quarter of a minute

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5 hours ago, Tazooka said:

And if they do, it shows for a couple of seconds. Not a quarter of a minute

Seems to me that what's needed here is for the notice itself to flash rapidly, perhaps while alternating colors. That way it's more likely to grab our attention and hold onto it!

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22 minutes ago, pandaman said:

It's a warning, it is there for a reason and it needs to be visible for long enough for it to be readable.

But yes the option to skip it after the first time would be welcome.

I get why it's there.  It's just that when it pops up every second during warp it really slows the game down.  Yes, I have lost control for a fraction of a second during the warp.  I'm warping; I don't need control during warp.

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4 minutes ago, Scarecrow71 said:

I get why it's there.  It's just that when it pops up every second during warp it really slows the game down.  Yes, I have lost control for a fraction of a second during the warp.  I'm warping; I don't need control during warp.

I was referring to the Epilepsy warning. 

But yes, in game warnings should have 'don't show again' option's.

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I'm guessing that the tiny percentage of people who are prone to Epileptic seizures caused by flashing lights or other video display, are already very aware of the issue that they have. Certainly, displaying the warning once, with ability to turn it off, seems entirely reasonable. I'm not aware of any legal requirement for such warning.

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It's not a legal requirement, as pertaining to some law. But its an issue of liability. Either a lawyer in IG or PD, or higher up, sees this as a liability to the company. If some player has a seizure while playing the game, the companies could get sued (the liability). Hence the companies put this disclaimer to legally protect themselves from this liability. "We warned you ahead of playing the game" so the responsibility is on the player. Though I agree if I click an "Accept" button once, I shouldn't have to see it again. however, that still leaves the company open to liability, due to if you have a friend over and they play the game, after you accepted the warning, and it does not come up for them, and they have a seizure, they were never warned. So again the company can be sued.  hate to say but that warning screen is really not to protect the players, its to protect the company from lawsuits.  If it has to stay, shorten the verbiage and time its up. Or at least let the player skip over it with an ESC key. it still would satisfy the lawyers I think.

PS - You can thank the lady who sued McDonald's and won, cause her coffee was hot and she burned herself. Oh my god, fresh coffee is HOT?!? No way!  Now we have to have commonsense warning labels on everything.

Edited by LeroyJenkins
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