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KSP2 gameplay experience as a whole - how do you play it?


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how are they going to implement all the colonies. It's all they talk about. currently, if you have another vessel in space, games starts breaking.


For now, game does not handle 2 active ships properly. On what they will implement colonies? How will that work if in 4 years base game is just broken

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basically i am trying to do the same mission since the game launched:

construct a large ship with 9 of the round hydrogen tanks, attach a small nuclear rocket that can refuel at the main ship, and then take the whole thing to jool to explore all the moons.
to achieve this, i need to send the main ship into orbit in parts and dock them up in space, this is where the problems begin:

docking / undocking seems to cause all sorts of problems with my ship, i am permanently losing vessel control when decoupling parts after docking, or when undocking the smaller rocket.
the docking process itself doesnt seem to work either, when i target a docking port, it sometimes targets the wrong  docking port, and in some cases it even targets multiple (!) docking ports at the same time, i think there are some heavy problems with the symmetry mode and the whole ship data structure.

it appears to me that nobody actually tested the game before it was released, same applies to the recent patch they did, these bugs are all so obvious that you can find them within just 1 hour of playing.
(assuming that they actually have dedicated testers at all, but they are a large studio now, so that should be a given)

all in all i am not really happy with the game, asked for a refund today even though i played 14 hours already, wish me luck!

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  On 3/30/2023 at 10:42 AM, Siska said:


how are they going to implement all the colonies. It's all they talk about. currently, if you have another vessel in space, games starts breaking.


For now, game does not handle 2 active ships properly. On what they will implement colonies? How will that work if in 4 years base game is just broken


They could implement them as non-physixally simulated structures.  Just like KSC - colliders you bump into but can't move.  Guessing that's what they'll do for surface colonies.

Edited by RocketRockington
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  On 3/28/2023 at 10:43 AM, Snips said:

And that's why I personally have a bad feeling about KSP2: the priorities. It is actually more a plane simulator, but the game is called Kerbal Space Program. How can you discuss about boat stuff (ballasts and fluid pumps, as mentioned in the AMA)  and on the other hand delay things like robotic parts to after 1.0? I don't want to rain on the plane- and boat-guys parade, but after all it's a space simulator, not a plane-, boat- or painting-programm.


Because robotic parts are very complex. Since we first learned of KSP2, it was stated that robotics was not in the plans.  I'm surprised to hear more mention of it now, but it was a major DLC in KSP1 that came out years after the initial game.  We'll see it at some point, but I am not worried that it is not on the cards in the near future. I never expected it to be.


Also, water craft are very much an important part of space exploration. Kerbin, Laythe and Eve all have oceans, and I imagine that as the new solar systems come on board, we are going to meet many more moons and planets with oceans.  In the real world, at some point, I imagine we will be figuring out a way to bore through the ice of Europa and send a submersible probe.  There is already a proposal called the "Titan Mare Explorer" to investigage the oceans of Saturn's largest moon.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Titan_Mare_Explorer

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  On 3/31/2023 at 7:48 AM, Klapaucius said:

Because robotic parts are very complex. Since we first learned of KSP2, it was stated that robotics was not in the plans.  I'm surprised to hear more mention of it now, but it was a major DLC in KSP1 that came out years after the initial game.  We'll see it at some point, but I am not worried that it is not on the cards in the near future. I never expected it to be.


True that it is more complex. But let's look it other way. This is another thing less than in original. Also, how many developers were working on that DLC? i do not have this information, but i guess a lot less.

Another thing i think is, yes, robotic parts are more complex. But on the other hand, if base architecture of the game is done how some say it, "much better", than i think it should not be that big of a problem. i am not developer, and i cannot judge this. 

At the end, all that people really wanted in KSP1 was interstellar travel. I think that it could be added with less problems than inventing already invented stuff making KSP2.

Now, we all hope to get interstellar travel as they promised.

But advertising things like adding "next" button to seizure warning screen in next patch, makes doubts in me.

Really this is so insignificant over all other bugs, that if i would be them, i'd rather not say that.

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  On 3/31/2023 at 1:26 PM, Siska said:

True that it is more complex. But let's look it other way. This is another thing less than in original. Also, how many developers were working on that DLC? i do not have this information, but i guess a lot less.

Another thing i think is, yes, robotic parts are more complex. But on the other hand, if base architecture of the game is done how some say it, "much better", than i think it should not be that big of a problem. i am not developer, and i cannot judge this. 



It is not less than the original in that sense.  KSP1 was first released in June 2011. Breaking Ground was released in 2019 as a DLC. So that is eight full years and it is still not part of the base game.  

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I build things to their absolute limit and the brink of self destruction. To the point that just Putting it on the launchpad is likely to destroy it.
I spend days, even weeks getting designs stable but when they finally get the job done, I’m stoked.  

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At this point I still need to tick Pol, Moho, and Eeloo off the list, and I’ll have visited all of the bodies.  Lately, though, I’ve been fine tuning the ends of the spectrum.  Tiny Semyorka-inspired Soviet-style boosters, and monster heavy-lift boosters: getting a sense of what’s feasible and effective at both ends of the tech tree.

The maneuver nodes are workable now, and since I’ve always leaned towards building conservatively designed rational reasonable realistic(ish) craft as opposed to Kraken lures, I haven’t had any issues with Wobbly Rocket Syndrome.  Sure, the game’s rough around the edges in these areas, but I think it often gets blame that should be laid on skill issues.

So to answer OP’s question, carefully and methodically pushing the envelope of the game, to gain experience that’s going to pay off in spades in 1.0.

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  • 2 weeks later...


using manuever plans is now more accurate and easyer to use. Now i can get directly from kerbin to other planets in one burn (well almost...).

But wings keep falling off methalox tanks before launch.

The game still just doesen't feel like whole.



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  • 1 month later...

Tried to play KSP2 again.

first thing is that my large ssto just fell apart.


wings don't hold on to fuselage. If you attach them to jetfuel tanks, they do hold more than putting them on methalox. but it is impossible to build an mk2 or mk3 plane that holds together. Mk3 just falls apart on runway, while mk2 sized sstos (or airplanes whtev) do fly, but fall apart in mid air always.

Is it just me or is it the game.  Is there anyway around it?

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  On 5/23/2023 at 12:03 PM, Siska said:

wings don't hold on to fuselage. If you attach them to jetfuel tanks, they do hold more than putting them on methalox. but it is impossible to build an mk2 or mk3 plane that holds together. Mk3 just falls apart on runway, while mk2 sized sstos (or airplanes whtev) do fly, but fall apart in mid air always.

Is it just me or is it the game.  Is there anyway around it?


I have only built small spaceplanes using small diameter methalox tanks but the wings have stayed attached just fine for me.

Happy landings!

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  On 3/30/2023 at 10:45 AM, stephensmat said:

Right now, I'm trying to handle docking. I've got two ships close to each other, and I can't for the life of me select the other one as a target. I've had to restart the game at each step.


A number of people have complained about this.  I'm finding it a bit finicky but easy once you know how to do it.  I think I've seen bug reports for all the issues.

There's three main ways to switch between craft.  The bracket keys, double clicking on another craft and the tracking station.

The bracket keys:  This is the easiest method by far.  Let's you cycle between craft that are pretty close.  I don't know what the distance limit is.

Double clicking on another craft:  For this to work you need to be able to get the green highlight of a part of the other craft to show up.  I think there's something off with how the game is judging whether the mouse is over a part of not in flight.  It can help alot of you can adjust the camera such that the part you're trying to click on isn't moving  much and is relatively large in the view.  I sometimes rotate the view so that the part is between my current craft and the camera, even if the part has gotten somewhat far away.

The tracking center:  This is pretty simple, save for the fact that it can be hard to identify what you want to switch to.  I usually focus on what crew is listed in each of the different craft.  Also things often get listed as debris even if they still have crew in them.

  On 4/18/2023 at 9:29 AM, Siska said:

manuever plans is now more accurate and easyer to use. Now i can get directly from kerbin to other planets in one burn (well almost...).


I agree.  There's definitely issues and some features I miss from KSP1, but I've been really pleased with the new maneuver planner.

It generally seems more sophisticated that KSP1.  Especially the fact that it shows you the path you'll take during the entirety of your burn.  For burns that take really long that curve can get rather complex.

  On 3/27/2023 at 8:31 AM, LoSBoL said:

I'm playing with the 'Don't trust the game' way of thinking. It's such an early release that you can't trust on save games or mechanics working properly.

With that in mind I'm running small endeavors in single missions instead of massive undertakings, which may or probably will get botched. I can have fun with not just me failing, but the game failing on top of that and trying to work my way around that. 

So no rage quitting from me, although off course I do hope we will get an stable platform as updates progress. 


This is pretty close to how I'm playing right now as well.  If you accept the idea that any save data (save games, campaigns, etc) will have a chance of becoming corrupt and starting over when needed, there's actually quite alot to enjoy.  I'm almost 500 hours in at this point.

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  On 3/30/2023 at 11:27 AM, Woke Kerbal said:

docking / undocking seems to cause all sorts of problems with my ship, i am permanently losing vessel control when decoupling parts after docking, or when undocking the smaller rocket.
the docking process itself doesnt seem to work either, when i target a docking port, it sometimes targets the wrong  docking port, and in some cases it even targets multiple (!) docking ports at the same time, i think there are some heavy problems with the symmetry mode and the whole ship data structure.


FWIW, I've found that turning the impulse all the way down before decoupling has helped a great deal with decouplers/stack separators.

Docking ports are definitely a pain point.  There's a number of bug reports that sound identical to what you're describing.  There seems to be an issue where the different parts of the ship separate.  But, the different parts still get treated as a single craft when it comes to navigation.  You may notice that the navball becomes stuck.  I find that it's not actually stuck.  It's oriented in the direction of all of the separated parts, I think.  Since that doesn't match the orientation of the part with the reaction wheels or RCS thrusters SAS will try to reorient the craft incorrectly.

Unfortunately, this one is pretty hard to work around.  Sometimes impossible for me.  What seems to trigger it is the root part of the craft being on the opposite side of where the undocking happens, I think with respect to what part is the control part.  And once you're in flight there's no way to know what part is the root part.  At least I don't have a way to know.  And decoupling/recoupling reorganizes this so the root part will become something else with each dock/undock.

I think there's more going on as well.  I have to think this bug has high priority with the devs as it's particularly game breaking.

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  On 5/23/2023 at 1:53 PM, Davidian1024 said:

This is pretty close to how I'm playing right now as well.  If you accept the idea that any save data (save games, campaigns, etc) will have a chance of becoming corrupt and starting over when needed, there's actually quite alot to enjoy. 


Indeed, still having fun here, although I can certainly understand that's not everyone's cup of tea.

  On 5/23/2023 at 1:53 PM, Davidian1024 said:

I'm almost 500 hours in at this point.


Wow! I'm at about 120 hours and have not come around playing in the last two weeks due to fun things in real life. 


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I am not really playing at the moment. I tried each new patch, played for a bit and decided it's still not fun for me. I want to at least have re-entry heating, some basic progression mechanics like science and a reduced chance of losing a mission due to bugs, before I jump back into the game. At the moment KSP 1 just seems superior in almost every aspect, excluding sound, music and loading times. 

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I've actually gone back to KSP1 for a while. I do better with a structure/progression to follow. So I'll be back for the Science Mode.

In the meantime, I gave my PC a major upgrade for KSP2; so I'm starting an all new KSP1 game with the more intensive graphics mods that I never had a chance to play before.

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I've been playing LSP2 Lite, it feels. I avoid most things interplanetary for regular play and have been focusing on smaller payload vehicles.

Recently I've been trying more of the weeklys, but as others have mentioned, that really calls for the Kraken more often than not.

When I get tired of wrestling the Kraken I just go back building and testing. I've made some pretty good rovers by now; I've made small and large SSTOs; I haven't built anything I intended to Rendezvous with outside of LKO (haven't done the Apollo weekly).

I imagine my kerbals as a fledgling space program still learning to reach past Kerbin- we have many tools, yes. But we need better tools to move forward. The devs are my R&D and Admin building. So far the tech tree is still IRL locked- we need more testing to unlock it!

I have made some "one-shot" missions to other planets, but I'd fool around for a while and then revert to an older save. Usually my "Day Zero" Save.

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  On 5/23/2023 at 5:09 PM, Davidian1024 said:

Kerman von Braun has managed to build some massive SSTOs.


Boy am I glad I took the time to look at those videos! I have been having a devil of a time trying to build an SSTO that could perform anything like the ones  I was building in KSP1. It used to be that you had to do a lot of your speeding up lower in the atmo,  b ecause the engines got weak really fast with lower pressure, and it seems to be the opposite of that now. I also gather that the RAPIER is apparently useless, as he seems to be using nothing but Whiplashes and the SWERVE to make orbit.  Regardless, my MK3 SSTO, which couldn't go transonic near the ground despite having more than one RAPIER/10 tons, did it easily at 9km. More importantly, can anybody tell me how to activate or obtain the AeroGUI debug tool? Is it a mod? I can't seem to figure out how to get it to pop up in the regular game, and it would be extremely valuable to have.

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