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Your Take on KSP Lore?


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So... KSP lore.

This has been discussed in the occasional forum now and then, so I figured we needed some kind of megathread to discuss our view on KSP lore.

*If something like this already exists, please delete this thread.

Who are the Kerbals, anyway? Why is Kerbin so barren? Why do they want to go to space so badly? And what do the Monoliths and Easter Eggs mean?

And then maybe some less important lore, like: What do Kerbals eat? How do they survive in a tiny cramped capsule on long voyages? What is Jeb's personality?

What about lore about your space program? Who runs it? How do they treat Kerbals? Why do they explore?

I'll go first. If it's a long explanation, please put it in a spoiler tab like I am.

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What do you think?

Edited by TwoCalories
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  On 7/31/2023 at 7:12 PM, TwoCalories said:

Bob is less of a conversationalist and isn't exactly the most courageous out of the four, but he's one of the most experienced scientists in the KSC. He knows every science instrument like the back of his hand and can work very efficiently when he needs to. Sometimes, unfortunately, his deep knowledge of the rockets he flies on can make him a bit skittish and unbearable to sit next to.


Isn't Bob supposed to be the most sane one too?

I also like to think that kerbals that are not at the space center live underground and eat raw ores (mhehe yummy nummy diamonds), but they might tend to take the elevator up, just to get some Sun.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Well, this is (more or less) my take:

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I personally imagine that Kerbals evolved from plants, since those are the only other form of life seen in the game. Much like plants, they also don't need to eat food to survive, and can go into hibernation for many years at a time. Practically all Kerbals live in the KSC, since it's the biggest structure on their planet.

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I imagine that the world the Kerbals live in is a Kerbin united under a single government, called the United Kerbin Administration (UKA). The country's divided up into regions based upon landmass and culture. For example, the KSC is in the Africa-adjacent continent, called the Afinni Region. Now, this may sound like a perfect world, but the UKA's a very... shut in government. They typically sweep issues under the rug, and even have their secret organizations (e.g. The Secret Space Program). So that's I imagine the world of the Kerbals. As for the easter eggs, it's believed some are remnants of /////////////////////////////// while others are perhaps from //////////.

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  On 8/29/2023 at 12:29 AM, Kerbalsaurus said:

They typically sweep issues under the rug, and even have their secret organizations (e.g. The Secret Space Program)


My space agency has an SSP-like organization as well. It's called KASE, which stands for Kerbal Anomaly Surveyal and Exposition. KASE is a branch of KASA that studies anomalies, as it's name suggests. It's like the US Delta Force of KASA; the public knows it exists, but its operations and missions are kept very secret.

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  On 7/31/2023 at 7:12 PM, TwoCalories said:

Why is Kerbin so barren


I personally do not believe it is.  I think it's more a limitation of the Indie dev budget of the first one in expressing what Kerbin should be.  Whether we will see more in the final whatever version of KSP2?  That's anyone's guess (don't want to get too pessimistic on it's status here).

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  On 9/2/2023 at 1:14 AM, R-T-B said:

I personally do not believe it is.  I think it's more a limitation of the Indie dev budget of the first one in expressing what Kerbin should be.  Whether we will see more in the final whatever version of KSP2?  That's anyone's guess (don't want to get too pessimistic on it's status here).


I agree, but some people try to work it into their lore, so I added that.

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Very short and simple answer:

I imagine the Kerbals to be a utopian society (if you play in sandbox or science(if you play in career they are still a peaceful species just with a currency system)), who are extremely passionate for space exploration. They are much more intelligent than humans too, researching technology much quicker than them and even creating technologies humans haven't made yet.

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My theory is whatever being put the monolith on the KSC platueau did so to attract the first Kerbals to the area - and it worked. Kerbal civilization developed in the very location best suited for spaceflight, a large flat coastal landmass on the equator. 

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  On 9/2/2023 at 3:10 AM, EchoLima said:

My theory is whatever being put the monolith on the KSC platueau did so to attract the first Kerbals to the area - and it worked. Kerbal civilization developed in the very location best suited for spaceflight, a large flat coastal landmass on the equator. 


Oooh that actually makes a lot of sense, very interesting theory!!

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  On 8/29/2023 at 12:29 AM, Kerbalsaurus said:

I imagine that the world the Kerbals live in is a Kerbin united under a single government, called the United Kerbin Administration (UKA). 


From my side, while playing Career I found some contracts to rescue Kerbals from others Space Agencies, what IMHO implies there're other political entities around.

Granted, I choose to see them as "Countries", but they may be also "Provinces" under the same Government competing from resources from the Central Government. Depending on your political and economical inclinations, one option will surely appeal more to you than the other.

On the other hand, having different political entities disputing but also in need of cooperation have some interesting plot opportunities that I like to explore.

I'm not exactly a prolific scify writer anyway, I need more common points on our and their culture in order to develop my gaming - and the Human History have absolutely fantastics plats that can be reused on this game!


  On 8/21/2023 at 6:28 AM, Tux1 said:

I personally imagine that Kerbals evolved from plants <…>


From my personal point of view, this would impose some serious limitations on their energy "budget" - there's only so much light per squared meter/foot/whatever that you can take from the Sun, and this gets even harsher as you fly away from this Source.

Doing some napkin calculations, Kerbals would need a small RTG on their wrist (as wristwatches) in order the get the needed energy for moving around all the day (and night!!!).

My take on the matter sounds more logical to me, and makes easier to achieve immersion on the game (for me, at least).

Of course, there's so the problem of infinite Oxygen and Fuel supply - but this I try to work around with add'ons.


  On 9/2/2023 at 3:10 AM, EchoLima said:

My theory is whatever being put the monolith on the KSC platueau did so to attract the first Kerbals to the area - and it worked. Kerbal civilization developed in the very location best suited for spaceflight, a large flat coastal landmass on the equator. 


I like to think that the Monoliths are there because someone (or something) needs the Kerbals for something. I'm spending more time coding than plotting in the last few years, so I really never developed too much this part of my gaming. Yet. :) 

This would add a bit of suspense (and perhaps horror) to the history, something that I would like to explore eventually. Not necessarily evilness - hardly, to tell you the true, as I don't enjoy this kind of plotline.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I created a little info graphic that's handed to schools across Kerbin. To explain some things real quick, the entirety of Kerbin is a single government, divided up into regions, which are further divided into metropolitan areas, which are further divided into towns and cities. Simple, really.


Being the nerd I am, I've also thought of a history behind the UKA too. I guess I'll set up a timeline.

1727: Kerbals, sick of constantly competing for resources, attempt to organize into a global body to evenly divide resources. Except for a little batch of three large nations, who form into the Kerbal States. The UKA attempts to maintain good relations with them, but the varying ideologies of both nations severely strains relations.

1735: The Kerbal States launches an invasion on a coastal city, marking the beginning of the Great Kerbin War.

1742: The Great Kerbin War ends, and the UKA emerges victorious. The Kerbal States is forced to hand over all of their territories to the UKA, and finally the entirety of Kerbin is united.

There we go. That's how big of a nerd I am. Feel free to critique this.

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Well, here's my bios for the og 4 kerbals. I'm following the way that ChatGPT wrote things for them, and it seemed to think that jeb and val were a couple lol. The KSC is also an airport in my lore. Seemed cooler. I'll do bill and bob's later.

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I just learnt something that made the photosynthesis in Kerbals something more… 'realistic' on my eyes: kleptoplasty!

They can still be animals (molluscs with an exoskeleton, as I imagine them), and by eating Chlorophyll rich food, their cells hijacks the Chlorophyll  and start to process light and carbon dioxide to get energy and oxygen to be consumed, restarting the cycle.

This can be a good excuse for their incredible ability to survive on space for years without a proper (for human standards) source of oxygen - as long they have enough snacks (hey, this is science fiction, and we just realised why they need so much snacks! They are made of Chlorophyll rich vegetables, as algae, as well something to provide them the remaining nutrients, as vitamins and proteins!). As long there's light (natural or artificial), and a good source of snacks, they can convert the CO2 they produce themselves into oxygen and energy. And by still being animals, they can move freely on the dark as long they have stored energy in their bodies ("fat") to burn for while.

This theory needs some polishing, but I like the overall idea! 

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  On 9/30/2023 at 11:33 AM, Lisias said:

I just learnt something that made the photosynthesis in Kerbals something more… 'realistic' on my eyes: kleptoplasty!

They can still be animals (molluscs with an exoskeleton, as I imagine them), and by eating Chlorophyll rich food, their cells hijacks the Chlorophyll  and start to process light and carbon dioxide to get energy and oxygen to be consumed, restarting the cycle.

This can be a good excuse for their incredible ability to survive on space for years without a proper (for human standards) source of oxygen - as long they have enough snacks (hey, this is science fiction, and we just realised why they need so much snacks! They are made of Chlorophyll rich vegetables, as algae, as well something to provide them the remaining nutrients, as vitamins and proteins!). As long there's light (natural or artificial), and a good source of snacks, they can convert the CO2 they produce themselves into oxygen and energy. And by still being animals, they can move freely on the dark as long they have stored energy in their bodies ("fat") to burn for while.

This theory needs some polishing, but I like the overall idea! 


There actually is an animal I know that does this in real life. Elysia Chlorotica, Or the Emerald Sea Slug, does this with specialized pouches in its intestines. These pouches collect the chloroplasts from the algae they eat, giving them their distinctive green color too. They can go for months without food!

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IpHZC.jpgThis is just a compilation of lore I've heard but here what I think: kerbals are part plant, there green skin has chlorophyll to survive years in space and live off  snacks. And to not wait the many years of interplanetary transfer they can go into hibernation or have cryopods or those pods from interstellar. There use to be a ancient civilization on a planet that has either been yeeted out of the kerball system or just got sent to a very far orbit, based on the possibility portal mun arches and the duna signal which gives a image when translated. *image is the duna image*

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My take on the lore (Part I):


First, some of the scrapped storyline (which for me is pretty convincing) along with a bit of speculation

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Then, my lore as to why kerbals want to explore space so badly, and why kerbin is so barreen (and why they like snacks):

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Edited by Jeb x Valentina
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