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KSP2 Release Notes - Update v0.1.4.0

Intercept Games

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Sooo far will be sticking with 1.3.2

The good things about 1.4.0   Right click menu is much quicker.  VAB parts list is much quicker.   Very much appreciated work on those items.

However... Once stable rockets, are now wobbly as all heck.  Copied workspace to external folder.  Deleted campaign and copied workspace back.   But still wobbly wobbly wobbly.   Really wobbly.    Might try building same rocket in fresh install and new campaign.....  Done.  Still very very wobbly.  Have to use multiple struts on joints with cargo bays and stages / separators.    Will next try the old rocket in the old workspace.  But will delete all the struts and reconnect them......   Done.   That definitely helps.  Never needed to add struts between fuel tank and payload bay but now you do.  After deleting all the struts and then readding them that made the rocket useable again.

Navball - color change is ok but I can certainly understand if it makes reading it more difficult.  Should be a simple toggle in settings to opt in or out of color change.

Fairings - Wasnt fairings a MOD in KSP1?  I dont remember them being stock.  At any rate in KSP2, having the ability to do it both ways is not the same as two separate modules doing the same thing.  As a previous poster suggested.  Sure it will be some extra code but it would not be repeating the whole thing.    Its a toggle "free mouse control"  (fairing follows mouse on both axis at same time )  or  "linear control"  (fairing follows mouse on selected axis).   Since the poster was using the fairings to create spheres I can understand the desire for precision.   Pretty cool idea to do that too, way to create an item outside the box.   Hopefully you were creating just half of the sphere and duplicating it.  But please don't torpedo the suggestion for enhancing the fairings tool when your not even making fairings.   Not sure about auto fairings... again make it optional.

Orbit lines routinely disappear.

Edited by DaveLChgo
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2 hours ago, DaveLChgo said:

Wasnt fairings a MOD in KSP1?  I dont remember them being stock.

They were both.

Where you drew fairings by click-click-clicking up from the fairing base to create any (cylindrical) shape you wanted (within limits)? That was stock.

Where it just magically created fairings around whatever you put on the fairing base? That was a mod.

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KSP2 was released on February 24th 2023. I am glad that the developers have been able to make some progress.
From my outside perspective, performance seems to have improved quite a bit. That is good to see.

If I understand the people here correctly, more than half a year after launch there are still issues with
- wobbly rockets
- decaying orbits

Both of these issues had been identified directly after launch as major topics by the player base, if my memory serves me well.

It is good that the developers are constantly working on improving the game as well as adding future content.
The main question for the game at the present moment seems to be:
Can the developers generate enough momentum and reasons to buy the game for the people who didn't buy it at launch?
Even if the the last patches have been a step in the right direction with added parts and bug fixes, I cannot answer this question positively right now.

Given the speed of improvements since release and the still lacking thermal implementations, I think they might hit the science part soonest with christmas.
That would be roughly 9-10 months for the easiest part of the roadmap, in my humble opinion.
If my guess is correct, we would then see colony parts between late summer and christmas 2024.
Interstellar would then by here between early summer and late 2025.
Exploration and ressource gathering in mid 2026.
Multiplayer would be available in early 2027 or later.

This prediction is under two assumptions:
- development speed follows roughly the same trajectory as the development until this point.
- each segment of the roadmap has comparable complexity (which is most likely not the case)
- the publisher is willing to continue to fund the development either despite a very low player base OR
- there will be a rise in the playerbase when some stages of the roadmap have been reached

Given that only very few studios have been able to turn a critical situation like this around, the chances of long-time success for KSP2 are not the brightest right now from my point of view.

Am I mistaken? Do you think the recent patches have added enough improvements to the game to sway a larger amount of KSP1 veterans and new players to buy the game? Is my prediction wrong?

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9 hours ago, whatsEJstandfor said:

You know, I love the new navball colors and love that they give a clear indication of which velocity mode you're in, but I had also assumed that the colors were chosen with accessibility in mind. And that they apparently weren't is a huge bummer.

I don't mind the idea of changing color in different states. But the current implementation of the interface made it less readable than it was. Of all the navballs I've seen, in both games (and prerelase footages), the current is the worst.

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Can we please get vehicles to load on the surface of Mun without bouncing them several meters into the air? I now have a lander tipped over on its side because of this. Also, what is up with craft disintegrating when I time warp while de-orbiting to Mun's surface? I can't land the Crater Crusher without it disintegrating if I use any time warp while de-orbiting.

Finally, can we please get a shared vehicle storage for all campaigns? I want to put my most used designs into one place and have them accessible instead of having to manually copy/paste the craft files.

It's frustrating I still can't run basic Mun missions without encountering a boat load of bugs. I'm not trying to do anything more than land a party on Mun and supply them with a rover. I guess I'll try again next patch.

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10 hours ago, ArmchairGravy said:

Can we please get vehicles to load on the surface of Mun without bouncing them several meters into the air? I now have a lander tipped over on its side because of this.


9 hours ago, mattihase said:

physics easing definitely needs to be kicked up a notch

Agreed.  Mun mission lander landed.  Jeb and Val opened the cargo door and deployed the rover.  They exited the lander and hopped into the rover and went on an excursion that took them approx 10Km away from the landing site.   Upon return the could see the lander standing as they left it.  Lights on and nav lights blinking, guiding them 'home'.    Just when they get to about 50 meters away from the lander, the lander promptly starts to lean forward and fall on its face.    Weird...

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On 9/1/2023 at 9:24 AM, WIIN_Splasher said:

I started a new game and left my probe around Kerbin and around Mun. In the High and Low Orbit I had no Orbital Decay. I ran the game at different speeds and for a longer period of time and could not see any change in the orbit.

I am interested in your probe. Could you share it please? I wonder if we could recreate this and maybe narrow down the issues...

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7 hours ago, Bingmao said:

I am interested in your probe. Could you share it please? I wonder if we could recreate this and maybe narrow down the issues...

Sure, I will not be home until tomorrow evening. Then I will share my Probe. I'm sure the orbit was at 15 KM (AP and PE). But I can share the exact Details tomorrow. Also the setup of the probe  was very simple. 

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With pictures !!   Another Mun lander mission.  Attain orbit of Mun.  Bob opened the cargo door while Jeb and Val descended into the lander.    During preflight they could found another Kerbal on board.   Stowed away in the rover that was docked beneath the lander.  After dealing with the stowaway they performed the landing task on the Mun with no issues.   They exited the lander and hopped into the rover and went on an excursion that took them approx 10Km away from the landing site. During that time the noticed some automated alerts on screen. Unfortunately they alerts went by too fast and they were not able to read them. Upon return the could see the lander not quite as they left it.  Lights on and nav lights blinking, but the whole vessel was on its backside, missing three legs and the starboard engine.    A rescue mission was being considered.








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On 9/2/2023 at 9:59 AM, Bingmao said:

I am interested in your probe. Could you share it please? I wonder if we could recreate this and maybe narrow down the issues...

I have tested everything again, my rocket that flies around the mun consists of the following parts: MK1 Comand Pod with MK16 parachute, FL-T400 tank with LV-909 Terrier engine. My orbit remains stable until I get below the limit of 15 km, after that I don't get a stable orbit even at an altitude of 60 km. Once the orbit is no longer stable, my AP increases and my PE decreases permanently. But if I accelerate so far that I would leave the sphere of influence of the Mun and then brake again to keep the stable orbit, it works only up to an altitude of 16 km. If I fall below the 16 km the orbit is no longer stable.


Edit: if i accelerate the time to x3 then the bug does not occur anymore, my orbit stays stable (AP: 22 087 m and PE: 9 208 m) until i set the time to x1

can someone tell me how to add Screenshots ? :D

Edited by WIIN_Splasher
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On 8/30/2023 at 10:37 AM, Gurkonier said:

Nice work.

But sadly, this problem wasn't improved in any way for me. I still have the same problem of decaying orbits at the same rate, as before.  I still can't put any probe in orbit around Mun or Minmus, because they will collide with the surface at the next revolution. This is still a game breaking bug for me.


I've never suffered any kind of orbital decay, how do you play the game? Steam, Direct Download, or Epic Games?

I might have a theory...

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