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looking for info please


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more on asking the devs  here on this one.  but welcome to comment all you like.  

i been off the ksp2 train for some time now.  more cause of work and my lady's health.  so i am asking the devs. or you  still around and is there word on something anything.

i was a big fan of ksp1 and jumped on the ksp2 train on day 1.   I seen activity  with you devs and  updates even though they where spaced apart.

but i have not seen nothing in a bit and every post I see now is nothing but hate. or miss lead info outside this forum that is.

so i am wondering what is going on.  is there still hope for ksp2 and well I be building on planets soon or something.  

i am not bashing or starting rumors.  I am just wondering what is going on.  I can not keep tabs of everything like most atm. until this job is done

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There's been nothing to report since the last hotfix, 0.1.4....1?  2?  Not sure on the numbering.  But the last hotfix was the last thing that happened.  There's been no new content, no new milestones reached, and no communication from the devs as to what is going to happen next and/or when.  You honestly haven't missed anything.

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20 hours ago, Scarecrow71 said:

no communication from the devs as to what is going to happen next and/or when

Last I heard, which was this week, was a confirmation that more words (I'm not going to speculate as to what those words make up) were going to be shared by Nate tomorrow.  That's recent communication. And upcoming.

Also, we've had "updates" for every "update" and hotfix with KERB reports in between. We follow so close that it seems like old news already, but some don't even know about the new engines or docking port they added.

Some don't even know how drag had a massive overhaul, or that reentry effects are next on the list of releases.

But I get it. We want more now.

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On 10/20/2023 at 12:15 AM, Vanamonde said:

They are still working on the game. There's a full team. :) 


This has triggered me :D If there's a full team, why have they just hired a new QA? Or is that hiring what means there's now a full team?


Or are you playing a little game where you say you've got a full team no matter what? What does a 'full team' mean? How many devs are there in a full team? How many QAs? ....


If there's a full team, why are there so many postings here - https://www.interceptgames.com/#jobs ? If you click on them, they all say -



Intercept Games is a Private Division/Take-Two development studio currently focused on the creation of Kerbal Space Program 2 (KSP2) as well as an unannounced stylized science-based adventure game.


But if you've got a full team working on KSP2, none of these positions can be for KSP2, right?


Well, the Senior Designer position actually states that -



As a Senior Designer for KSP2 you will guide the design and creation of systems and content that best fits the vision of the game and delivers the best possible experience for our players.


As a Senior Designer for KSP2? But they can't be looking for a Senior Designer for KSP2, can they? They've got a full team already?


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17 hours ago, Mikki said:

I have lots of fun with KSP2...:D

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I am going all out now and i think most of the ranters don`t play at all, they just stir up the forum for lack of patience... :P


I feel the same. However, since the dedicated KSP section for the space creator is coming s∞n, we can expect for some more info!

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6 hours ago, WelshSteW said:


This has triggered me :D If there's a full team, why have they just hired a new QA? Or is that hiring what means there's now a full team?


Or are you playing a little game where you say you've got a full team no matter what? What does a 'full team' mean? How many devs are there in a full team? How many QAs? ....


If there's a full team, why are there so many postings here - https://www.interceptgames.com/#jobs ? If you click on them, they all say -



But if you've got a full team working on KSP2, none of these positions can be for KSP2, right?


Well, the Senior Designer position actually states that -



As a Senior Designer for KSP2? But they can't be looking for a Senior Designer for KSP2, can they? They've got a full team already?


Ok, honestly you need to calm down. You're nitpicking something here that's just ridiculous.
Full team does not have to mean they can't use more people. The fact that they're hiring would generally be a good sign assuming they haven't had a ton of people leave which I'm not aware of happening.
Yes KSP2 has some real problems and yes I'm concerned about it as well but that's no reason to play silly games with words like this.

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6 hours ago, WelshSteW said:

This has triggered me :D If there's a full team, why have they just hired a new QA? Or is that hiring what means there's now a full team?

Managing staffing on a game project is really complicated! You don’t hire a team, keep the same team working on the game until it’s finished, and then move it on to the next one. The workload shifts over the course of the project. Early on the pressure is on designers and concept artists and a few core engineers figuring out the hard problems. Then it’s artists, programmers, UI engineers and lots of producers with designers and concept artists still going full steam. Then you start rolling off the concept artists and designers and bringing on more and more QA. A game team is constantly changing with only a small stable core and sometimes even that isn’t so stable!

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Just now, Periple said:

Managing staffing on a game project is really complicated! You don’t hire a team, keep the same team working on the game until it’s finished, and then move it on to the next one. The workload shifts over the course of the project. Early on the pressure is on designers and concept artists and a few core engineers figuring out the hard problems. Then it’s artists, programmers, UI engineers and lots of producers with designers and concept artists still going full steam. Then you start rolling off the concept artists and designers and bringing on more and more QA. A game team is constantly changing with only a small stable core and sometimes even that isn’t so stable!


That just makes any statement about there being a 'full team' even more pointless, doesn't it?


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1 minute ago, WelshSteW said:

That just makes any statement about there being a 'full team' even more pointless, doesn't it?

No! A full team just means that all the positions required for the project’s current phase are filled. It doesn’t mean that more positions won’t have to be opened for future phases!

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On 10/19/2023 at 6:24 PM, Scarecrow71 said:

There's been nothing to report since the last hotfix, 0.1.4....1?  2?  Not sure on the numbering.  But the last hotfix was the last thing that happened.  There's been no new content, no new milestones reached, and no communication from the devs as to what is going to happen next and/or when.  You honestly haven't missed anything.

In the spirit of realism. With the release, the game has lifted off. We're now in a vacuum. The devs are screaming at us, but we can't hear them.

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I think what @WelshSteW is getting at is that it would be nice if things were worded with more care/communications were consolidated to a single point of view (not a single person's opinion, but a consistent opinion whoever gives the answer). In this example we have one person excited to announce the addition of a new team member. The way I took it, the aim was to advertise "we just hired an individual you all know and respect," which is a good thing to say. Another person said that there is a full team. I took that to mean "don't worry about the pace of the updates slowing down due to staffing issues (as has been speculated on this board)." Again, a good thing to say.

However, when you combine the two, they can be contradictory. And objectively, some things said in the past have been said, then walked back*, so people are going to be sensitive about it.

Having said that, I get the other side too. Accurately articulating yourself isn't gonna get 0.2 to drop any faster.


I think we need to remember that we are mad at a situation, not eachother. I know I need to take that advice as well.


* I am specifically being vague. We all were here, we don't need to re-hash it.

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