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Structural stability issue - Craft Violently Shakes itself Apart (Post-v0.2.0)


Bug Report

Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Windows 10 Professional | CPU: AMD 5800x | GPU: Zotec 3070 with improved fans. | RAM64GB CL14


Photo is a screen grab of the after math, I've also had this happen on loading in 0.2 where the rocket just shakes itself into exploding from loading. This time I quickly hit the launch button to show the seperation otherwise you'd get a photo fo a large explosion. It happens very quick and I don't have a video yet and it's only happened like 3 times on me.

Rocket Set-up when this has happened, the most complex was: Payload - 2nd Stage - Core Stage = 3 or 4 Boosters


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Spicat edit: Related bug from previous version


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2 hours ago, The Space Peacock said:

sad that this still happens in 0.2, was hoping the fix for wobbly rockets would maybe also get rid of this. i suspect its an issue with radial boosters and the dreaded 'failure on linkage' bug

Yeah once your off the pad everything seems to be okay (other than your trajectory is incorrect and parts are flying off the rocket). But occassionally on load the rocket is trying to tear itself apart from the get go. Revert to launch doesn't fix this, I remember that after I took this photo and then I gave up and redesigned a new rocket.

Edited by PicoSpace
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Might be because you have struts on the craft.   This happened to me as well.  Craft needed the struts to be stable in 0.1.5.  The same craft in 0.2.0 would shake itself apart within milliseconds of being on the pad.   Once I removed 'ALL' the struts the craft was fine.

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Reported Version: v0.2.1 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Windows 10 | CPU: i7 11700 | GPU: 3060Ti | RAM64MB

Something that makes the game unplayable for me is a bug that happened both my older system and my new one!

When I load or rendezvous with an object that has a lot of parts this object is shaking to pieces! This happens everytime I do a new launch or I load a saved object that is already in flight.
Really annoying bug!


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1 hour ago, DaveLChgo said:

Might be because you have struts on the craft.   This happened to me as well.  Craft needed the struts to be stable in 0.1.5.  The same craft in 0.2.0 would shake itself apart within milliseconds of being on the pad.   Once I removed 'ALL' the struts the craft was fine.

No struts, it was just a basic setup that was causing stuff.

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2 hours ago, DaveLChgo said:

Might be because you have struts on the craft.   This happened to me as well.  Craft needed the struts to be stable in 0.1.5.  The same craft in 0.2.0 would shake itself apart within milliseconds of being on the pad.   Once I removed 'ALL' the struts the craft was fine.


1 hour ago, PicoSpace said:

No struts, it was just a basic setup that was causing stuff.

Agreed.   My non strut craft did the same now.  Shook itself apart.   Thought that was it though because of the timing.  It seems to do it only upon an initial load.  Once its been on the pad it doesnt do it again.  At least for that session.

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some people have mentioned they think this is related to clipping struts, but i doubt thats the only cause (if it even is one). i've also seen this happen plenty of times on non-strutted crafts. it also seems more prevalent when attaching boosters radially to a core with no decoupler in between for me

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Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Windows 10 | CPU: Ryzen 7 3700X | GPU: RTX 3070 | RAM16gb


Whenever I launch a rocket for the first time it wobbles itself into destruction but if I revert to launch and relaunch the rocket there's no problem. This applies to other rockets not just this one, usually when boosters are used.


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Was able to record this one.   For me it always happens during the first time a craft goes to the pad.  After that it never happens again.  Until I close the game and restart it, then it does it again.  But only the first time to the pad for that gaming session.   Struts or no struts doesn't matter.


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Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: BepInEx, FlightPlan,NodeManager,SpaceWarp,UITK for KSP2 | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Windows 10 | CPU: Intel Core i5 4690k | GPU: GeForce 1070 Ti | RAM16 GB

My craft disintegrates, sheds parts like crazy.  Massive wobble after a while and the same parts seem to leave my craft over and over again.

How to reproduce

1. Load attached save (Attached in the "Other" category), the craft file is also attached

2. Hit ESC and go to Kerbal Space Center

3. Select Tracking Station

4. Find the craft "Duna rover-17", in the Kerbin Folder

5. Take control of it

Watch mayhem unfold

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Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Windows 11 | CPU: I don’t know, buts its powerful | GPU: I don’t know, buts its powerful | RAM24gb

I have made a large craft that should work, as it has minimal clipping, and its proportions are realistic. Once i load on to the launch pad, everything seems fine, but once the first engine starts, the craft will start to oscillate and shake itself so much that it spontaneously combusts. I am using the enhanced joint system, and even after i add so many struts that it should be illegal, the craft will still blow up. I made a very similar craft in ksp1, and it worked perfectly, so i assume that this is a bug. It needs to be fixed before interstellar, though, as if our giant crafts explode after we ignite the engines, we will know that it is not just Jebidiah at it again.

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Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: None | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Windows 11 Home | CPU: i7-13700K | GPU: GTX 1080 Ti | RAM: 32GB (16x2) DDR5

I believe I've encountered this as well; a difference being my left booster just detacted suddenly mid-flight. Afterwards my landers fuel tanks fell off too and phased/fell through the fairing they were in. A few more times as well, my left booster seemed to "pull" the radical decoupler off the tank and bend till it broke.

Unfortunately did not record or screenshot this.


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Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Windows 10 | CPU: Intel Core i7 9750H | GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 | RAM16 GB


I have observed this bug on several crafts. It happens often right after enabling engines or changing timewarp to 1x. The point is that after turning on the engines parts of the craft begin to dangle very much, which leads to its destruction. The ship was destroying with the enhanced joint system when multi joint system was on and off. I have an example on the video, as well as attached craft file and log just in case

I have a hypothesis that this is affected by vehicles that have multiple parallel fuel tanks connected inline, like the ship in the video, and when the engines are attached to them. To replicate this, try making a vehicle immediately after turning on the game with 

  1. Central core with engine(s)
  2. Connected to core boosters from several inline connected tanks and engines
  3. Docking port optional maybe

I have craft with similar bug, which will be in the next bug report


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Edited by DibzNr
Attached craft file
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Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Windows 11 | CPU: Intel Core i5-8600K | GPU: Nvidia RTX 3070 | RAM64 Go


So I think this is related to the following bug, but it only talk about rockets, so I'm not sure if it's the exact same bug or a very similar one: 

Before the bug happened I was trying to make a rover when I realized that the order you build things with structural parts plays a big role in how sturdy your rover frame is :


Red dot is the root node, then construction order follow the red lines. As you can see while driving parts were either going apart or into each other.

Then I decided I would make a sturdier frame, so I did this :



Then as you can see in the attached video, out of 6 try :

  • 4 resulted in immediate physic instability and violent vehicle disassembly,
  • 1 needed a bit of help before getting attention of the mighty kraken,
  • 1 was ignored by the kraken despite my efforts (I must conclude he is not omniscient after all).




Edited by DibzNr
Edited title to better reflect nature of bug
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Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: win10 | CPU: i710700k | GPU: rtx2060 | RAM32gb

Loaded craft was Joo3. It used to be smooth earlier, after loading the framerate drop was significant, then it slowly started shaking, more and more. After turning on SAS (that was off for some reason) it broke apart completely. Savefile attached. Occured only once, after reloading the save, it didn't happen again. Enhanced joints active, such things used to happen sometimes in KSP1 with enough autostruts turned on.

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Reported Version: v0.2.1 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Windows 11 Home | CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9750H CPU @ 2.60GHz 2.59 GHz | GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 TI | RAM16,0 GB

Bug Documentation:



Bug replication:

  1. open save.
  2. wait

Work around:

- Once it starts vibrating, you hit time warp +3 for 1 sec, and all the resonance is killed. Make sure to keep an eye on your vehicle when in map mode.

- Generally only happens upon loading in, If you have stopped the resonance once, it usually doesn't come again.. usually.


@Anth - I'm sorry you have to go through my more and more extreme parts counts :D


I've attached craft files - the vehicle at display consist of parts from these two crafts. - Pardon me not sending a file with the vehicle as it is.

For reference it looks like this as of now:


It consist of most of the craft file called "moon transporter" - the tubular drop ships docked to the large ports are empty (the base modules has been dropped on the Moon, you've seen it in other bug reports.) - you can find those in the "New Workplace" file.

if I have to, I can make a craft file that has the vehicle as it is in the save game. It was just easier for me to take both craft files.

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