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What happened to increased communication?


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  On 4/3/2024 at 3:03 PM, The Aziz said:

I'm not gonna link to my Moho encounter the 30th time.


As it relates to the maneuver node, it IS broken.  Pieces of it are consistently hidden behind other objects in map view, you cannot use the scroll wheel on it to get tiny adjustments, and it is difficult to both place and move around.  And yes, there is a mod that helps with using it...but we shouldn't have to use a mod for what should be part of stock functionality.  Everything I mentioned there is STOCK in KSP1, and it should be included as stock in KSP2.

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  On 4/3/2024 at 1:06 PM, The Aziz said:

Except visuals, level of detail on celestial bodies, science system, tech tree, progression, maneuver system taking burn time into account,  procedural parts, overall part list, slowly but steadily stepping into near future and more extensive resource count than just 3, interface layout, loading times, assembly system, audio, music, ease of approach for new players...

But it has bugs (like if KSP1 didn't have any even to this day) and some performance issues, so it's inferior. Mhm.



Exactly! Copium.

Nowhere on your list of "improvements" did I read "Fun" and since this is a game, "Fun" is the over-riding metric. I can make you a boring powerpoint presentation with epic graphics and music. As is, KSP 2 is a half-decomposed cadaver of KSP in terms of gameplay.

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  • KSP2 Alumni

Just giving you all a heads-up that there is a Dev Blog planned to go out on Friday!

Am going to set the expectation that it's not about colonies, but we should have news to share about colonies soon.

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  On 4/3/2024 at 5:56 PM, Dakota said:

Just giving you all a heads-up that there is a Dev Blog planned to go out on Friday!



  On 4/3/2024 at 5:56 PM, Dakota said:

Am going to set the expectation that it's not about colonies



  On 4/3/2024 at 5:56 PM, Dakota said:

we should have news to share about colonies soon



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  On 4/3/2024 at 5:56 PM, Dakota said:

Just giving you all a heads-up that there is a Dev Blog planned to go out on Friday!


Outstanding.  I get that it's planned and this could change.  But some yards is better than none yards.  However...


  On 4/3/2024 at 5:56 PM, Dakota said:

Am going to set the expectation that it's not about colonies



  On 4/3/2024 at 5:56 PM, Dakota said:

but we should have news to share about colonies soon.




Seriously, my guess is that the dev blog will be related to resource implementation, while news about colonies comes out in phase 2:


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If the dev blog is “here’s how resources will affect progression” or literally just any information on what other restrictions the player must overcome beyond just science points I will be way less grumpy.

For Science! (I still respect the !) is so clearly half a system without resources it’s hard to understand the direction this game is going. Would love just a broad stroke concept so I know if any feedback I have is useful, and to know if I want to stay invested in this game’s development or checkout for a year.

For instance, if For Science! is 90% of the restrictions a player will face and the rest just affect colonies I think I’m ready to get off this ride.

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I feel smaller more regular bite sized updates would go a lot further in developing trust and a healthy community. 

I get that colonies is a lot of work, and you don’t want to release it until it’s a full fleged update. However, in the future, Giving us portions of an update something small to chew on and report bugs on would go a long way. 

Colonies for instance. Why not give us the new VAB without including the new parts, Or the flip, give us the new parts without the new VAB features? Sure, we wouldn’t be able to build a colony right away with either of these options. We could at least test and stress the VAB with our current parts. Or with the latter test and stress the new parts in our current VAB without being able to get them into space. Either of these options gives us SOMETHING, and in return you would receive valuable testing data.  

You’re currently paying someone on the team to run play testing. Why not offload some of that work for free onto the community? 

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  On 4/4/2024 at 3:39 AM, Icegrx said:

You’re currently paying someone on the team to run play testing. Why not offload some of that work for free onto the community? 


Because its their job to playtest it? Remember, Intercept Games is backed by Private Division, which is backed by Take Two. They can afford to playtest their own games. To be quite frank, I am not happy about paying $50 to be a playtester. I recently made a KSP2 cinematic, and a full quarter of the production time was dealing with bugs that shouldnt even be in an alpha. I have a full blooper reel of my ships not loading correctly, not controlling correctly, etc. There were times I was ready to abandon the whole project due to the sheer frustration at the fact that NOBODY has playtested this properly. There is no way that anyone who is a video games professional is proud of what was pushed out the door. It was obviously rushed so the team could go on vacation (again). BTW the VAB has a dead spot on the right side of the screen it does not detect clicks. I have way more bugs, but until they pay me, someone else can track them down. I'm sorry to have this attitude, but I feel zero support from the developers. I feel like its expected of us to do the bug huntuing for the people getting paid to make this game and I am sick of it!

Also, they are pushing to make KSP2 a "Games as a Service" style title, just thought I'd drop this here. The reason the updates are so sparse is because they know they can't re-create KSP 1 so they are drip feeding us content to milk KSP 2. They bought an IP and realized they can't sell it on the name alone, so this is plan B.

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Seriously? Is that your "gotcha!"?
Lol, you can go playtest games for free. My time is valuable. I charge money for my skills. I have bills to pay. You will notice the economy kinda sucks. I don't have time to give out knowledge for free when I am trying to survive.

Remember: if you are good at something, never do it for free.

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I never said it's without flaws like eg. hiding behind celestial bodies and whatnot - I can't and won't argue with that.

  On 4/3/2024 at 4:55 PM, Meecrob said:

Nowhere on your list of "improvements" did I read "Fun" and since this is a game, "Fun" is the over-riding metric.


So what's your idea of fun that older game does better than new?

  On 4/4/2024 at 12:26 PM, Meecrob said:

Remember, Intercept Games is backed by Private Division, which is backed by Take Two.


..and Take Two through Private Division decided to assign a small team of few dozen people on one of the most complex gamedev projects I've ever seen. IG is made of a bunch of talented people who are faced with bad upper management and impossible deadlines. The results are before us. A year more was enough to pull the game from complete unplayable, unoptimized trash to something that somewhat works and can be called a game. If sad men in black suits (you know, those who know how to do business, not games) aren't willing to give more money on the project, they have to give more time, and that's what's happening.

  On 4/4/2024 at 12:26 PM, Meecrob said:

BTW the VAB has a dead spot on the right side of the screen it does not detect clicks. I have way more bugs, but until they pay me, someone else can track them down. I'm sorry to have this attitude, but I feel zero support from the developers. I feel like its expected of us to do the bug huntuing for the people getting paid to make this game and I am sick of it!


Have you reported it? Probably not. See, a handful of QA testers will never find as many issues as thousands of people do. Source: am a tester, on release day of one game the players reported a bunch of gamebreaking bugs that none of the internal or external teams ever noticed (and believe me, they would be easily noticeable) Because they never occurred to us.

  On 4/4/2024 at 12:26 PM, Meecrob said:

The reason the updates are so sparse is because they know they can't re-create KSP 1 so they are drip feeding us content to milk KSP 2.


People paid once and are getting quite literally everything for free. How is that milking the IP? It sounds to me like the best approach to development, next to games like NMS or Terraria. Years of updates for no extra cost.

Edited by Vanamonde
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Man, all I want is a stock Kerbal alarm clock and being able to plan maneuver nodes one orbit ahead. That's what's been stopping me from getting farther. No, I don't want to do the Lowne "if you draw a line from..." method; I want to be able to have a goshforsaken alarm.

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  On 4/4/2024 at 1:03 PM, The Aziz said:

People paid once and are getting quite literally everything for free. How is that milking the IP? It sounds to me like the best approach to development, next to games like NMS or Terraria. Years of updates for no extra cost.


That couldn't be more incorrect.  People paid full price for an EA game, which includes all of the updates that are coming until the game hits 1.0.  Whether you paid now or waited until 1.0, you get the same game.  How is that getting anything for free?

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  On 4/4/2024 at 1:24 PM, Scarecrow71 said:

That couldn't be more incorrect.  People paid full price for an EA game, which includes all of the updates that are coming until the game hits 1.0.  Whether you paid now or waited until 1.0, you get the same game.  How is that getting anything for free?




Correct. Purchase of EA titles often comes at a discount front anticipated launch price.


In addition to gaining a say in active development, it supposed to a reward for faith of consumer.


I  turn the title should be gaining great reviews and consumer hype before release.

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  On 4/4/2024 at 1:24 PM, Scarecrow71 said:

Whether you paid now or waited until 1.0, you get the same game. 


Aside from this not exactly being a counterargument to what I said..

Price will go up after 1.0. Probably to $60 or $70. I'm not only getting a discount compared to the future, but I'm also getting an EARLY Access to the game, which is exactly what I signed up for. If I wanted to wait, I would. (Same would've happened with Slime Rancher 2 but it was gifted to me so ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯) But after 4 years I decided I won't wait and I'll take what they're giving me. And save $10.

  On 4/4/2024 at 2:14 PM, Fizzlebop Smith said:

 In turn the title should be gaining great reviews and consumer hype before release.


These days many games fail to do this even after release, compared to full releases of some hyped games in the last year or so, KSP2 isn't doing that bad. 

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  On 4/4/2024 at 3:23 PM, The Aziz said:

Aside from this not exactly being a counterargument to what I said..


It's a direct counter-argument to what you said.  You stated that people are literally getting stuff for free, and I refuted that by indicating we paid full price for a game, and that payment guarantees us all updates until 1.0.  How is that not a direct counter-argument?

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  On 4/4/2024 at 1:02 PM, kdaviper said:

No they are not.

Repeating this again will not make it any more true.


Yes they are.  Straight from Dakota/Shana:

  On 3/18/2024 at 5:05 PM, Dakota said:

This is correct. Shana's mention of GaaS is more about the game design elements that play into constraints and building player power.




  On 4/4/2024 at 1:03 PM, The Aziz said:



  Its clear you don't even read my posts. I answered all your questions. If your desire is to be "correct" and to shoot down "the haters" like me, knock yourself out, I don't concern myself with your opinion of me.



  On 4/4/2024 at 1:24 PM, Scarecrow71 said:

 How is that getting anything for free?


Seriously, if we cannot agree upon basic logic, there is no foundation for a constructive discourse.

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  On 4/4/2024 at 5:55 PM, steveman0 said:

You're misinterpretting the quote...


I asked for clarification and all I got was" we explained it well enough"

Seriously, if I am wrong, tell me what reality is.


In any case, to keep it on topic, this point clearly was not COMMUNICATED well.


Why do you all want to shoot me down? Its not like saying I am wrong magically makes this game good.

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  On 4/4/2024 at 12:44 PM, Meecrob said:

Seriously? Is that your "gotcha!"?


I’m not trying to “get” anybody.. 

Your expectations seem to be for a fully released game, which is fine. It just sounds like you would have been a lot happier waiting imo. 

EA isn’t for everyone. While I have disappointment in the communication and the pace of development, and feel both of these need to be seriously addressed for KSP2 to find success. You seem to be expecting something completely beyond what most EA titles offer. 

I don’t feel your opinions are helpful at all to the conversation at hand. I feel your expectations derail genuine criticism that the team needs to be reading. I’m also confused why someone would purchase an EA title, and not want to contribute to bug reports, testing or genuine suggestions and feel the need to complain. 

I guess you spent you spent your $50 like everyone else, so be it. It’s just odd in my opinion. 

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  On 4/4/2024 at 5:17 PM, Meecrob said:

Seriously, if we cannot agree upon basic logic, there is no foundation for a constructive discourse.


Explain how it's getting something for free.  What exactly am I going to get that I haven't already paid for and been promised as a part of EA?  What updates do you know about that are coming up to and including 1.0 that aren't included in the purchase price of EA am I going to get for free?

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  • KSP2 Alumni
  On 4/4/2024 at 8:00 PM, Meecrob said:

Shana said they want to add GaaS elements


She did not.

  On 4/4/2024 at 8:00 PM, Meecrob said:

My impression is we will get releases when they are determined strategically to have the largest impact commercially, as opposed to when they are finished and having the biggest impact on player happiness/satisfation, but does not translate into more sales.


Mixture of both? We have deadlines and goals and thresholds to reach, like every other game.

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  On 4/4/2024 at 11:32 PM, Dakota said:

She did not.

Mixture of both? We have deadlines and goals and thresholds to reach, like every other game.


Why aren't those deadlines and goals visible to everyone that purchased the game? There is little to no transparency when it come to the dev cycle. 

  On 4/4/2024 at 8:13 PM, Scarecrow71 said:

Explain how it's getting something for free.  What exactly am I going to get that I haven't already paid for and been promised as a part of EA?  What updates do you know about that are coming up to and including 1.0 that aren't included in the purchase price of EA am I going to get for free?


I find it funny how quickly people forget that we thought we were getting a full game and then suddenly we were told it was EA upon release. 

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