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Fallout (Amazon Show)

Superfluous J

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I watched Episode 1 right before sleep and woke up just as jazzed for it as I was while watching, which is a really good sign for the show (or at least, for my enjoyment of it).

I went in totally cold - except for knowing the universe pretty well having beat both Fallout 3 and New Vegas at least 5 times each, and Fallout 4 twice. I even played Fallout 1 a little but it's hard to go backward especially when the first is a top-down game and the one you started with was full-on 3D.

Anyway, this show hits the mark in SO MANY ways. The 3 main characters are well acted and I feel invested in their adventures. The world is well-done and FEELS right. If I could find a thing wrong to say about the show, it's that they seem to try to fit in every single Fallout reference possible (Grognak cartoon on the TV in the opening scene. A brief glimpse of a Tidy Bot. Someone using a Junk Jet gun. The main character describing herself using an abbreviated SPECIAL. Etc.) though that also could be why the world felt so right.

The use of SPECIAL was very well placed, felt right, and helped plop me in to this person's life and know enough about them to be more concerned about the predicament they're in than why they know how to use a gun all of a sudden.

My wife, who has never played the games, liked the show as well so knowing the references isn't critical to enjoying the show. In fact, not noticing all these little things may have added to her enjoyment because she could experience the world the way I did back in Fallout 3.

To make a long story less long but still kinda long (sorry, I didn't have the time to make it shorter), I loved the first episode and am looking forward to devouring the rest like a Deathclaw on stims.

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1 hour ago, magnemoe said:

Yes heard good thing about the show, however SPECIAL is game mechanic and feel a bit weird to have in an show? Rather you would be say very strong or agile? 

Wait until you see it yourself. I think it was very well done and wasn't in your face at all.

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4 hours ago, Superfluous J said:

so knowing the references isn't critical to enjoying the show

This is a good thing to know.  I saw a preview for the show last night right before I fired up season 2 of Jack Ryan, and while I don't normally watch entire trailers, I did for Fallout.  It looked goofy, and janky, and full of life, which is what the games are.  Or so I've heard; I've tried to play New Vegas several times (what with me living in Henderson, being a regular at the Pioneer Saloon in Goodsprings, and knowing pretty much where everything is out here) but have failed miserably to actually get into the game.  I always start up, go through the opening garbage with seeing the old guy at the saloon, then going into the desert to kill the gila monsters (or whatever they are called)...and then I just lose interest.  I think part of it is because the rifle in that scene is so bad that any attempt to aim is littered with spectacular failure no matter what you do.  So I can't get into playing it (I do own it on Epic).

Anyhow, the show looks intriguing.  I may have to catch this...after I finish the next 3 seasons of Jack Ryan, that is.

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Don't stand in front of the glass window and wait.

And don't take the knife from the wound.
Unless you are a Fallout character.

Ghouls are aiming better than sentry turrets.

Keep clean the ground around your house.
Any junk can be used by somebody with junkthrower.

When you send somebody to check the cave, don't stand in the passage, against the light.
Maybe you are bothering a mutated bear, which is trying to pass by.

Edited by kerbiloid
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4 hours ago, Nerdy_Mike said:

I will get through it! I'm 2 episodes in and I love it so far

I’m two episodes in too.

I have never played the games but I became really interested in the lore in middle school after a War Thunder YouTuber I watched started doing Let’s Plays of it.

The show really hit the mark: it has the same disturbing, yet captivating qualities that hooked me on the lore.

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As we can see, all PipBoys are for left hand even in the series.
Looks not very inclusive, probably it's a result of Enclave field eugenics, FEV together with radiation, and Vault-Tek who preferred to let only right-handed people get into the vaults for the equipment unification.

But there is something else.

Blue suit. Left-handed gadget. Shotgun, chainsaw. Living semi-dead around.



Blue suit. Right-handed gadget. Shotgun, chainsaw. Living semi-dead around.




That's why PipBoys are for the left hand.

That hut in the forest was the early experiment of FEV creation, and the "deadites" were actually feral ghouls.

The PipBoy is not for the left hand.
It's for another hand.

Ash was what the story began from.

We don't know the FEV original origins, where it had originally originated from.
It looks possible that the original form of the virus was taken exactly from that hut, during the massacre investigation, and was modified in West-Tek laboratory.
To the hut it had been delivered in the Naturom Demonto  book.

This traces FEV to the epoch of Medieval al-bio-chemy, when it was used to transform people and animals into mutated monsters, werewolves, vampires, cannibals, and ghouls.







Just realized this.

In English the PipBoy is for the left hand in both senses of "left".

Edited by kerbiloid
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  • 2 weeks later...

I finally finished watching Jack Ryan, and so I started watching Fallout last night.  In the middle of the 1st episode, my wife comes in to the room where I'm watching it, sees The Ghoul, and asks quite literally "What on god's green earth are you watching now?".  :D

I'm 2 episodes in, and I think the show is pretty darned good.  I tried to play Fallout New Vegas a couple times but couldn't get into it, and I can say that you do not need prior knowledge of the game to enjoy it.  The way it's written gives enough background about what's going on and why for anyone who loves this genre to get into it.

Can't wait to finish the rest of the season, and I hope they have a second season!

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Somebody had already ninja'd me on Reddit.




But what about her box with husband's things.
A pair of very small boots, and something like "He was fond of caring of this, could talk about them for hours" (at least in translation).
Was her husband a leprechaun?

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21 minutes ago, Scarecrow71 said:
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Considering she's one of the management people awoken from cryo-storage in vault 31, I'm pretty sure it doesn't matter who her husband was.


The leprechauns are natural gold spawners. And the kid is his kid (probably).

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