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I humbly request we wait and see


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For the ongoing T2, KSP2, and Intercept Games situation, I humbly request we collectively agree to wait and see, as opposed to panicking and fighting, it just hurts to read the state of the forum right now and I would really appreciate if we all calmed down a little about this. We won't accomplish much by shouting at each other and shouting at the void when we could be, like, not doing that.

Thank you for reading. To the Intercept Games developers, I hope you all are doing okay.

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  On 5/1/2024 at 5:01 PM, LittleBitMore said:

For the ongoing T2, KSP2, and Intercept Games situation, I humbly request we collectively agree to wait and see, as opposed to panicking and fighting, it just hurts to read the state of the forum right now and I would really appreciate if we all calmed down a little about this. We won't accomplish much by shouting at each other and shouting at the void when we could be, like, not doing that.

Thank you for reading. To the Intercept Games developers, I hope you all are doing okay.


It is over.

They are getting laid off. The legal notices have been filed.

I can't comprehend your line of thinking. How you feel does not factor into this, it has already been decided.

What's to wait and see? The fact that it makes you feel uncomfortable and disharmonious is not a factor in any way.

The sooner the denial ends, the sooner you can move on.

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  On 5/1/2024 at 5:18 PM, TLTay said:

It is over.

They are getting laid off. The legal notices have been filed.

I can't comprehend your line of thinking. How you feel does not factor into this, it has already been decided.

What's to wait and see? The fact that it makes you feel uncomfortable and disharmonious is not a factor in any way.

The sooner the denial ends, the sooner you can move on.


in my post, I'm not denying, I'm saying people are being mean to each other, regardless of the situation

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  On 5/1/2024 at 5:18 PM, TLTay said:

They are getting laid off


Who they?

  On 5/1/2024 at 5:18 PM, TLTay said:

The legal notices have been filed


Nowhere does it say "Intercept Games" or any of the employees names.

  On 5/1/2024 at 5:01 PM, LittleBitMore said:

For the ongoing T2, KSP2, and Intercept Games situation, I humbly request we collectively agree to wait and see, as opposed to panicking and fighting, it just hurts to read the state of the forum right now and I would really appreciate if we all calmed down a little about this. We won't accomplish much by shouting at each other and shouting at the void when we could be, like, not doing that.

Thank you for reading. To the Intercept Games developers, I hope you all are doing okay.


Look on the bright side, the forum currently experiences the highest number of active users since a very long time :valjoy:

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  On 5/1/2024 at 5:21 PM, LittleBitMore said:

in my post, I'm not denying, I'm saying people are being mean to each other, regardless of the situation


Oh, dear... We can't have that, now can we? You sweet summer child.

  On 5/1/2024 at 5:22 PM, The Aziz said:

Nowhere does it say "Intercept Games" or any of the employees names.


Might want to double check that yourself... that's the only studio T2 has in Seattle, as far as anyone can tell.

Edited by TLTay
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I agree. Wait for an official statement.

We know private division will continue to support KSP but we don't know if that means development or something else and we won't know until Intercept Games themselves provide an official statement. We know LITERALLY NOTHING but rumors and some bits and pieces. We can't honestly stitch everything together without getting some error or having some hopeless scenario that turns out to not be true.

For once in the timeline of KSP 2 after launch, can we please just be patient and let them figure it out?

Edited by NexusHelium
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  On 5/1/2024 at 5:23 PM, TLTay said:

Might want to double check that yourself...


Gov’t notice said “Take- Two: Seattle”, not explicitly IG, nor  IG-KSP2 and/or IG-UnknownGame

  On 5/1/2024 at 5:25 PM, NexusHelium said:

I agree. Wait for an official statement.


But yes… bump ^^^

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  On 5/1/2024 at 5:32 PM, TLTay said:

@Dakota @Nate Simpson can you comment on this?

  On 5/1/2024 at 5:28 PM, Basketcase said:

All you can hope for is that they sell the IP to someone who plans to continue updating it at this point.

  On 5/1/2024 at 5:23 PM, TLTay said:

Might want to double check that yourself... that's the only studio T2 has in Seattle, as far as anyone can tell.

  On 5/1/2024 at 5:22 PM, The Aziz said:

Who they?

Nowhere does it say "Intercept Games" or any of the employees names.

Look on the bright side, the forum currently experiences the highest number of active users since a very long time :valjoy:


I believe a lot of you are missing the point of my post. The topic I am discussing is explicitly not the situation itself and is specifically how we react to it, as in, our interactions on the forums and in reddit and whatnot, and examine just how nice we've been to eachother during this obviously turbulent time. I am requesting we, collectively, as a community, simmer down and let things happen, because no amount of arguing is going to do anything. Everything is out of our hands at this stage, and everything (both the outcome and the flow of information) is in the hands of T2 (and to a degree Intercept). None of us have any influence on it and we are only hurting eachother by arguing.

Speaking of which, arguing about it is the exact antithesis of what I'm trying to discuss here. If you want to keep discussing the situation itself, there are at least 6 topics in this forum alone that have been hijacked for that purpose, and I think it's probably best to funnel it there (if not to make me and the other users happy, then at minimum to reduce the risk of your comments being deleted for off-topic discussion).

  On 5/1/2024 at 5:23 PM, TLTay said:

Oh, dear... We can't have that, now can we? You sweet summer child.


Do not infantilize me for being polite, please. Tact and respectfulness, especially in what is evidently a complicated and turbulent event for this community, is not a sign of naivety. Boiling down my messages to "you're being meanies :(" loses a lot of the nuance and purpose behind my messages.

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you are correct! I have no authority whatsoever, and I don't necessarily think I am a unifying voice. Maybe I'm soapboxing where I have no reasonable justification to do so, but honestly? I'm not sure it matters in this context-- especially because where you have this wrong is I'm not doing this because I want to be seen as a Good Samaritan Person that everyone loves. I'm doing this because I want people to be nice to eachother. I apologize if I made it difficult to believe that I like it when people are nice to eachother.

The community climate is Genuinely Awful, objectively speaking. I believe I can summon any long-term forum user who was here before KSP2 was even announced, and they would probably agree that something is very very dangerously toxic about the forums as they are now compared to how the KSP1 forums were all those years ago. And I know this is a view that maybe only I have ever cared about strongly enough to speak up on, but I really care about how toxic or nontoxic the community is. The KSP forums being a comfortable and polite place for all is very important to me.

Edited by Vanamonde
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  On 5/1/2024 at 5:25 PM, NexusHelium said:

I agree. Wait for an official statement.

We know private division will continue to support KSP but we don't know if that means development or something else and we won't know until Intercept Games themselves provide an official statement. We know LITERALLY NOTHING but rumors and some bits and pieces. We can't honestly stitch everything together without getting some error or having some hopeless scenario that turns out to not be true.

For once in the timeline of KSP 2 after launch, can we please just be patient and let them figure it out?


Normally I would agree with you but if the game is cancelled we may not ever see an "official statement:" KSP2 could be unceremoniously shoved back into development hell or eventually resume development just as easily as there being an official announcement.

But I do agree that speculation won't help: I think it's Dakota and Mike's responsibility to accurately inform us on the situation rather than us being asked to "sit and wait." Because that won't help anyone either.

This is one of the situations where you have to hope for the best and prepare for the worst: and there is little reason to hope right now.

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  On 5/1/2024 at 5:01 PM, LittleBitMore said:

I humbly request we collectively agree to wait and see


Request denied, speculation is fun

  On 5/1/2024 at 5:01 PM, LittleBitMore said:

as opposed to panicking and fighting


Granted, anyone attacking someone else for their opinion, belief or perception of the situation has lost the plot. Debate and discussion is fine, but some folks get way too heated and too fixated on being "right" or the ironclad belief that the evidence that convinced them of something MUST be able to convince everyone else of the same, and anyone who doesn't accept it is being [Malicious/Copium/Hateful] and must be attacked.

Its really good to talk about this, a lot, it brings attention to the matter, shares information and conclusions, and lets people get an understanding of things. But we're not enemies here, two corpse in one grave and all that

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  On 5/1/2024 at 8:40 PM, chefsbrian said:

Request denied, speculation is fun


I speculate that the layoffs were so several teams could be liquidated and the remaining employees be put to work on KSP 3.

You're right this is fun.

And now a "reporter" can say that's what is "reportedly" happening.

Edited by Superfluous J
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I think we need to take a Chill Pill, I agree, Worst case scenario game dev will end in 2 months, Best Case Scenario nothing happens. We have no control over it (Unless Elon Himself is watching the chat). What will it matter to T2 if a bunch of people online don't like it? To them we are simply ways of getting money, and as long as they get their dues they don't care.

Also, remember guys if it WAS IG Got Layed off, that the CMS and Devs are inevitably somewhat shaken by this and probably in a bad mood and under a lot of stress, to us what is a game is to them their jobs and livelihoods. Show some Sympathy. 

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  On 5/1/2024 at 8:50 PM, Superpluto126 said:

Worst case scenario game dev will end in 2 months


Absolute worst case, it might already be over (if they've "simply" been given 2 months of severance pay)

  On 5/1/2024 at 8:50 PM, Superpluto126 said:

Also, remember guys if it WAS IG Got Layed off, that the CMS and Devs are inevitably somewhat shaken by this and probably in a bad mood and under a lot of stress, to us what is a game is to them their jobs and livelihoods. Show some Sympathy.


And yes, I agree that as much as we're disappointed, we're not materially affected :sad:

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  On 5/1/2024 at 8:53 PM, Flush Foot said:

Absolute worst case, it might already be over (if they've "simply" been given 2 months of severance pay)

And yes, I agree that as much as we're disappointed, we're not materially affected :sad:


The Layoffs should only come into effect in June from what I understand, granted I'm not employed so what do I know. Either way I pray for those employees that just lost their jobs.

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  On 5/1/2024 at 8:50 PM, Superpluto126 said:

(Unless Elon Himself is watching the chat)


He saw, but as I said in the thread on this very topic, if he wants to make a vidja game, he'd just make a spaceflight simulator himself. Lol call it "KayEssPee - not Kerbal Space Program"

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  On 5/1/2024 at 5:23 PM, TLTay said:

Oh, dear... We can't have that, now can we? You sweet summer child.

Might want to double check that yourself... that's the only studio T2 has in Seattle, as far as anyone can tell.


So why even spend time here? I got the AC on and Id appreciate you not releasing all this hot air.

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  On 5/2/2024 at 2:13 PM, MechBFP said:

It is going to be a very long wait. I personally won’t believe the game isn’t dead until I see a 0.x release that comes in anytime mid July or later with follow up patches. 


At this point, my do or die line is end of office hours Friday here. IF there is still any hands left at Intercept, and they don't post an update before end of day on Friday as a heartbeat to the actual community, then its buried and done. If we get some rando new blood account, its over, just like the publisher controlled PR twitter doesn't count for much, we're looking for the known names. Anything short of that is basically standing confirmation that everyone is gone, meaning further comms are at best a smokescreen for a completely FUBAR situation behind the scenes, or just straight up deceitful. Banishing the entire team in preproduction is already a near project killer, banishing the entire team in the middle of a public development cycle is assuredly one. Even a full "We've decided the code team is the problem" nuclear hammer would still retain designers and artists, and do a transitionary phase of devs in and devs out, quietly in the background.

Its already extremely pessimistic of a perspective for them to have not said anything here yet, but if there's one thing that Intercept has always been reliably good at, its completely clamming up when they need to speak the most.

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