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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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  On 1/7/2019 at 6:37 AM, ARS said:

Either SXT or Airplane Plus (Not sure which one). It's too small to fit a command chair inside though (Kerbal's head would be clipped outside when the canopy closes), so I simply use it for science instrument or some non-aerodynamic stuff


To me that looks like Airplane Plus. Dont have SXT, but do have AP+ on one install and it has that drone like compartment cabin thing.

Pinging @Triop since he also asked.

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  On 1/7/2019 at 6:37 AM, ARS said:

Either SXT or Airplane Plus (Not sure which one). It's too small to fit a command chair inside though (Kerbal's head would be clipped outside when the canopy closes), so I simply use it for science instrument or some non-aerodynamic stuff


Are you sure ? :unsure:





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Here's how it went. -


First I landed this - massively bumpy landing, and I lost the attached launchpad. But that's okay, I can send another. It had Extraplanetary Launchpad parts from Kerbal Planetary Base systems - so it has a bunch of MetalOre drills, a Smelter and 2 Workshops. There's a KIS container with some power supplies and connectors so that I can assemble it.


Then I landed this - a large power generator, with a Nuclear Fission reactor from NF Electrical and 4 large TCS systems for all the heat sink needs.


Then I landed an Ore refinery tower, made from the Stock Alike Mining Expansion, and sent an engineer to link them all together.


Then I landed a Launch pad, tons of Life Support and a Command post, and used the single Engineer crew to fix them all together. And its complete! WOOP! I plan to launch a few missions from here itself, and am currently trying to get crew here.

I will be adding massive containers for fuel and supplies, but the base is essentially complete.


In the same while, Onlooker 3 reached Sarnus Periapse and I got this amazing shot of the sun hovering just above the rings... it looks like a road to infinity...


Edited by Xurkitree
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Tight budget leads us to jury rig whatever we had...


Surprisingly, it flies very well with responsive control, but very bad acceleration and highly susceptible to stall, mainly because of weak engine (It's very cheap though)


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Trying to finish a Jool 5 that i've been delaying for too long, maybe a Dres station afterwards, greatest achivement so far was a Dres and back with 200 Kermans.


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(1.5.1, T-10 days to 1.6.x) It was a slow day (but an important one) yesterday owing to events in RL. The day began with the flight of an Auk XIII single-passenger spaceplane, carrying tourist Chadsey Kerman up to space station Kerbinport. The plane's departure necessitated a catch-up maneuver with Kerbinport so the rendezvous took much longer than normal, but ultimately it did arrive and dock safely. Chadsey swapped places with rescuee Ribsted Kerman, recently retrieved from Minmus aboard the ferry ship Next Objective. Ribsted departed Kerbinport and made his way to the surface, landing safely at KSC 27.

While Chadsey was still on his way to Kerbinport, the Dystopia Planitia orbital shipyard reported that construction of LSV House Harkonnen was complete. An initial attempt to send fuel for the ship from the Swamp Castle outpost near KSC did not go so well - the game reported the base crashing into the ground and it wouldn't let me switch between craft, and yet the base still looked intact and some fuel and enriched uranium were successfully transferred. It was abundantly clear at that point that Swamp Castle was not going to be usable for much longer; I got engineer Beaman Kerman out of the outpost so that I could at least switch craft. What I should've realized was that a Kraken attack was in progress - I should've also got scientist Frovan Kerman and pilot Alder Kerman out of the base while I still had the chance. When I did finally head back to Swamp Castle, well...

Beamon beginning a three kilometer hike.

Apparently Swamp Castle had burned down, fell over and then sank into the swamp while I wasn't looking. Had to perform some KML necromancy to resurrect Frovan and Alder this morning. The effort to begin building the fifth iteration of the South Base also began...

But I digress from my moment of triumph!

LSV House Harkonnen leaving the Dystopia Planitia drydock.

House Harkonnen left dock with about 1200 m/s of delta-V and enough enriched uranium to run her SAFER reactors, and there was an available supply of Xenon for her Alcubierre drive at the Deepwater Horizon outpost on Minmus sufficient enough to fill her to capacity, so the ship set a maneuver to take her to Minmus and burned using conventional drives. She deployed her Gigantors solar panels and brought the nuke reactors online, and the process of "pump-filling" the drive's exotic matter tanks commenced - basically, once her IFS Capacitor and conventional batteries were fully charged, I'd run the exotic matter generator until the ship was just about out of power, then shut it off and let the system recharge, a cyclical process that takes about 2 minutes and 45 seconds game-time. As of this morning, the ship's got just over 400 units of exotic matter in the tank (capacity is 15,000 units). The plan is to get it at least as far as 750 via pump-filling, which should be enough to run the drive long enough to sun-dive close enough to Kerbol for the Gigantors to really kick in and fully charge the tank.

As the replacement contract for Ribsted's rescue did not involve more tourists, it was go-time for the crew of the planned new outpost on Mun, and with both them and Chadsey aboard, Next Objective departed for Mun; she'll arrive in 3.5 hours. Plan for today is to get them to Mun, continue rebuilding the South Base, and continue with pump-filling House Harkonnen. I'm at that point where a third of my contracts are Duna/Ike related, so getting Harkonnen up and running is a top priority, and operations at Kerbin are effectively halted until I can get a surface mass driver rebuilt. I do need to run the numbers to see how much it would take to brute-force the South Base back to the same level of efficacy it had before the Kraken attack. I imagine it won't be cheap. On the other hand, I may not have the time to scratch build two bases at once, either in-game or in RL...

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  On 1/8/2019 at 12:04 PM, ARS said:

Tight budget leads us to jury rig whatever we had...

[picture snipped by me]

Surprisingly, it flies very well with responsive control, but very bad acceleration and highly susceptible to stall, mainly because of weak engine (It's very cheap though)



Try replacing the H Beam for something lighter. It should be enough - Juno's are not exactly powerful, but the weight/thrust ratio is decent. Keep it flying lower for best results, the thrust/height curve is not that good for this engine.

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Today, I've docked the lander / primary crew transport to the base of KSS Voyager (in orbit of Ceti), thus finally completing the assembly of the ship.


Now, where should I send this ship?

Grannus looks like a nice target, and given that I have a lot of dV to spend, I can get there reasonably fast (~7 years) if I agree to send the six brave kerbals gaelans on a one way trip to the nearby star. Hm...

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Upon return to the station, the crew run the numbers and conclude that engineering really did give them some margin for error this time.


So much so that they decide to take the station home, rather than wait for a ride home. Which frankly, mission control had forgotten all about launching last window anyway.

Upon arrival in LKO, they are greeted by a new breed of spacecraft, made possible in part by all the juicy science the team has been beaming home over their year in deep space. We called it... a vacuumglider.

Well, actually, we called it Sparrowflight, but vacuumglider is clearly the right name for this class of vessel.


Sparrowflight handles remarkably well for a first vacuumglider. Arriving in LKO with over 700m/s spare in the tanks, rendezvous and docking go without a hitch, as even does re-entry, the craft remaining stable at all fuel levels and altitudes.

Mackenzie is keen to point out that she did actually land on the runway but that the terrible condition of it bounced the Sparrowflight off during braking. We have taken her feedback under advisement and asked the local city council for their assistance with filling in the potholes.


On the whole, the Duna mission has probably over delivered. The station still has 3500 data in it, but even my modified tech tree is looking much fuller than it did before, and I'd like there to be some reason to visit other bodies, so for now, Duna Station will be abandoned and considered science in the bank. It's there if I realise that the 22000 science points required for top-tier tech was a little too aggressive.

The station-lander-rover trio is however, amazingly efficient, especially coupled with Bon Voyage for some autopilot on the long hauls. My homebrew rules will be that unmanned rovers cannot visit more than 3 biomes total, kermanned rovers with ECS may only travel during the day and must return to the parent vessel before night, and pressurised rovers may go anywhere for any length of time. Because otherwise I'll end up exploring Moho in a jeep, and that would just be silly.

Edited by eddiew
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Catastrophically misjudged how much fuel I needed to get to a low equatorial orbit around Eve... PE is on the dark side and don't want to wait 4 months for that to change.

A'ight, going in from a high AP, in the dark. Break out the 'simulator' boys... this one's gonna need some fine tuning.


Hindsight; should have just waited 4 months for the PE to be on the light side. Next scheduled vessel manoeuvre is 1 year 70 days away anyway, I could have just waited.

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Been busy on getting KerbalKonstructs/Kerbinside to work....Then Kottabos reminded me that I have to press control + K to get access to the base parts. :lol:

  Reveal hidden contents

I've got it to work and I now have a base on the nearby island (I can even enter the VAB from here, cool !)







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So I've finished fine-tuning my 2-seat Duna Flyer exploration aircraft - at least as best I can on Kerbin.  Now came the problem of getting it to Duna.  Actually, the "getting to Duna" part is easy - it's powered by a small NERV, and has ~5700 m/s dV in vacuum.  It's the "getting it off Kerbin" part that was a little harder.  I didn't want to just stick it on a rocket & stick huge fins on the bottom to counteract the wings.  So a sort-of carrier craft/spaceplane was created:


Suffice it to say, it was a good call having a probe core, otherwise numerous Kerbals WOULD have been harmed in the testing of this thing.  After several tries, however, it flew, and actually flew half-way decent despite multiple design flaws.  For future reference, I should've just mounted the entire thing to a center pylon under the Duna Flyer, rather than under two pylons on the wings.


This was the point I realized I just might make it after all - also the massive fuel imbalance was starting to take effect at this point, since the center engine was only connected to one of the side fuel tanks.


Made it to LKO.  Some quick fuel transfers removed the worst of the imbalance, after which I moved the orbit out to about 160km.


Once established in its orbit to wait for the Duna transfer, the booster-plane-thingy was jettisoned & destroyed:


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Hey all Kerbalites.


I am back. And the first thing I did was a Kerpolo style Mun Mission of course.



I forgot everything I ever knew but a few training courses followed by a few failure and it's all coming back.

Flew Jeb from Low Kerbin Orbit to the Mun with Xenon.


Then flew him back in a great ball of fire.







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