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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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I got a good bit more done today in my JNSQ career - first Mun outpost landed (near a rock arch), another probe to Eve departed, successful abort test of a new 3-kerbal Mun-direct lander (ie launch from KSC straight to a Mun landing & return without any docking or crew transfers required) then the first manned flight of the lander to bring a crew to the outpost. 

Eve-Pathfinder departing LKO


Abort test of the Mun-Direct Lander


Launch of Mun Outpost Alpha.  One of the uglier launch vehicles I've made due to the need to cover the very un-aerodynamic outpost while retaining the radial landing engines


The outpost is actually lighter & smaller than the lander to carry the crew back & forth



Mun-Direct Lander departing LKO


Flag planting after a safe landing.  Jeb landed between the outpost & arch


With the science experiments deployed, the crew settle in for their 30 day stay.  The water purifier better work as advertised, because the base only has 25 days worth of fresh water


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Another ((very)screenshot-heavy) peek into my career save.

This was a very busy transfer window, as I prepare to send crew to Gilly it would be nice to know what exactly is out there.

5 rockets in total were launched in about 3 days, which is a lot when KCT is installed and boosters take time to build and roll out.



The first, Eve Surface Explorer-1, launches first on Wyrm-2L-C.


Unfortunately, only 60 seconds after the above image and 20 seconds into the flight of the second stage, the CE-60 engine shuts down and can't be restarted, for its first failure in flight ever. The probe reenters Kerbin's atmosphere at 2.5 km/s. Curiously, the lander portion survives reentry but smashes into the ocean at 150 m/s.


The failure could ground the rest of the Wyrm-C series of rockets, but as so many other missions launching soon depend on them, the failure will be ignored until after the flurry of activity.





A scanning satellite for low Eve orbit is launched without that same problem.



It will use its SRB to directly insert into orbit.


A Moho lander is next, using gravity assists off of Eve to match inclination and slowly lower relative velocity until capture and landing.




And a group of small commsats for maintaining constant communications with future Gilly crews.




The last launch isn't actually for Eve, but is the first trip to Jool this space agency will undertake, happening to occur on the same day.










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Play testing the new expedition contracts... Jeb takes a KGO Scientist on a camping trip to Kerbin's Highlands.  7zSBPMo.png


Edit1:  So funny story... Jeb rolled the car and broke the solar panel. So Bill is now going to the camp site in an attempt to repair the broken components. Pilots!

Edit2: Bill successfully repairs the broken solar panel with one repair kit... and in the middle of a Munar eclipse as well! Jeb better be buying the rounds at "the Outpost" when he gets back from this trip!



Edited by Caerfinon
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Today I landed a rescue mission at my Mun "base." So now the kerbonauts there have a way to get back to Kerbin when they decide to. So basically, when the relief crew and larger surface modules arrive. Oh, and I decluttered the Mun's SOI by crashing stuff into the surface. Including a probably-very-expensive survey probe with an IR telescope.:happy:


Recently I also finished the booster for the Archaeopteryx-type shuttle, and sent one shuttle to my Mun station.


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Today, I watched as my Mun outpost fell apart while trying to add a light to the exterior.  The world shook a little , then every surface attached part just fell off the outpost - science experiments, solar panels, ladders, other lights.  All laying in a pile on the ground.  I guess the 1.11 construction system still needs work.   That is the last straw, time to restart my JNSQ career from the beginning in 1.10. 

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Returning player here.  I got this tiny unmanned probe into orbit, using a two-stage rocket with four radially-mounted Spiders, an Ant, and Oscar fuel tanks.  I'd never used these tiny parts before -- very fun!  The total cost was about 3500 Funds.  (Alas, I have all sorts of trouble with SAS control; I've posted details in the Gameplay Questions thread.)  Normally I start manned, but it's been fun to play a career mod that requires an unmanned start. 


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Went chasing after another asteroid, this one had been captured into orbit of Earth (I suspect the Moon may have helped it) so would be ideal for longer term study. Strangely, when I sent the probe off on its intercept path and switched back to the booster to deorbit that the contract for an asteroid landing completed. As if that wasn’t bad enough, the moment I got within physics range of the asteroid the probe just exploded, scattering debris in all directions and with the F3 report saying the probe core had taken 1300G acceleration before failing. From this and the single frame of asteroid blinking into view, I have to conclude that the asteroid was actually larger than physics range and when it spawned in the probe ended up inside it.

I should probably have expected something like this though: the asteroid was called NDX-666...

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9 hours ago, Cavscout74 said:

Today, I watched as my Mun outpost fell apart while trying to add a light to the exterior.  The world shook a little , then every surface attached part just fell off the outpost - science experiments, solar panels, ladders, other lights.  All laying in a pile on the ground.  I guess the 1.11 construction system still needs work.   That is the last straw, time to restart my JNSQ career from the beginning in 1.10. 

Have you tried updating to 1.11.2? I believe that bug has been fixed.

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6 hours ago, Pipcard said:

1968-04-28 - M-1A launches Usagi-6, Hatsunia's first lunar orbiter




I love those light blue/white rockets, which mod are they from? Also your moon looks great too, also a mod?

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Hello folks,

As it's often the case when you rove around a Planet or Moon...  You play a lot and not a lot happens ;) 
I do have enough to file the next mission report !

So last time we had just reached Duna's Northern Bassin on the morning of Day 5, and after finding out it had over 20% ore concentration, we decided to top off the tanks.
That did not take very long, and we promptly headed southward into what probably was a huge river billions of years ago...

Right side of picture: the Northern Bassin. Center of the picture in the canyon: Where we are.  Left side of picture: a very long South roadtrip ahead of us !

So indeed, about 30km southwest we entered the "Western Canyon".  Footage from that leg of the trip seems to be mostly missing, but we "surfed" the western slope of the canyon.  Whenever we started to go too fast, we turned to climb the slope.  If we slowed too much, headed back down, always at an angle.
Doing so saved So. Much. Fuel... Which is a good thing because KSC advised us that the next destination lies inside the southern arctic circle.  But more of that in a future update.

The only piece of footage recovered from the "Western Canyon" waypoint.  Was it before or after planting the flag (which is not seen here)?  Who knows . . .


While that was happening, "Team Two" composed of those 6 new recruits did file a report on their Mün mission !
They had achieved orbit and were waiting on their Rendez-Vous with the Hephaistos engine section...

The cadets seems to thoroughly be enjoying themselves... But it was soon time to get back to work !

The engine section is in sight... Remote control not working, impossible to engage it's SAS and hold target onto the mining ship. Let's dock and figure out what's wrong.

After several minutes of frustrating maneuvers (and without the need of the "F5F9" protocol, might we add) . . .

. . . Docking completed !  Everyone breathed a sign of relief.  Those where very exhausting moments . . . 

. . . but could now take it easy and contact KSC to report the feat, but also the docking issues with the drive section.

So discussing back and forth with the KSC engineers, they have nailed down the problems. 
Problem #1 -- There was no batteries on it.
Problem #2 -- There was no solar panels either, not even the small ones 
Problem #3 -- Even if, there was no remote control device of any kind on the craft either.

So as soon as we undocked from it?  Dead.
Looks like we'll have to attach an extra module (in fact KSC is looking to make a "Space Tug" with power-generation, battery and remote module and attach it between the Miner and engine section).
Unfortunately, there's little time left before the Mün-Minmus window, so it will have to wait.  Hopefully a Minmus rendez-vous will be possible as no one are lookin forward to another frustrating docking session !


That's all for now, thanks for reading !

Edited by Francois424
Spelling, as usual !
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Spent some time checking out the new science parts from Umbra Space Industries, and sandboxing a Duna lander:



Too heavy to land with just parachutes, so instead of traditional landing gear, it's got airbags tucked under the heatshield.


Unfortunately, airbags tend to bounce:


This, young Kerbals, is why we design self-righting landers:




Time to deploy the antenna array, solar panels and the micro-rover:




Really proud of this little rover. Under a meter square but has USI ground penetrating radar, a spectroscopy experiment, science camera, and the small Breaking Ground scanner arm:



Duna transfer window opens in about a month for my career save, can't wait to launch this thing for "real".



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i dont know exactly what section of the forum i should post this on, so if you're a mod and it is on the wrong section, feel free to move it

oh no it has broken the forum lol :P

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A herald of a new age, the first atmospheric sounding rocket stands on the launch pad, ready to take flight. It is one of a series designed to carry various scientific experiments into Kerbin's upper atmosphere, and into space. It is also designed to test rocket hardware and design principles that will be vital for putting a payload into orbit.


Engine ignition.




The vehicle passes beyond the lower cloud layers. All is nominal at this point, but soon afterwards the rocket disintegrates due to atmospheric forces in excess of what was predicted.

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