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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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29 minutes ago, Hotel26 said:

[2] the prior launch, during the first Eeloo transfer window, will perform a near miss at the target altitude along with a correction burn, and then require a full orbit before any chance of arrival.

All that to grab a fresh bucket of ice cubes for the party back home. I'm impressed. :D

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4 hours ago, swjr-swis said:

Unfortunately, after all the work to get the multitude of actuators individually assigned and set up to their respective controllers and bound to action groups, it turns out that once launched, none of it works as advertised in the SPH. Like, at all. The PBBs don't hinge or telescope, they just painfully tilt sideways as if they're trying to claw onto each other; and the entire structure keeps rhythmically shaking as if a gigantic dinosaur was walking past.

The hinges and servos tend to be quite weak, If these are breaking ground pieces then you can "Save AS" the config for them to a different name, then in the config near the top change "name =" to something unique (including your swjr-swis in it will pretty much make sure of it) and then go down and increase the power of the mechanism without fear of buggering up the original part. I have done this to create crane parts that can actually lift and move booms with loads on them. Also remember to change the "title =" so you know which parts are yours.

Edited by ColdJ
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20 minutes ago, ColdJ said:

The hinges and servos tend to be quite weak, If these are breaking ground pieces then you can "Save AS" the config for them to a different name, then in the config near the top change "name =" to something unique (including your swjr-swis in it will pretty much make sure of it) and then go down and increase the power of the mechanism without fear of buggering up the original part.

Yes, DLC parts. I dabbled with it all night, and finally just gave up when I was getting no closer to something remotely resembling what the editor 'promised' the parts should do.

Maybe after that hinted official bug-fix release (holding breath) I'll feel like trying again.


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Played around with Xenon Propulsion. 

But first, have a random Kerbal.


Made a plane thing. This is the rescue variation. Has airlocks and extra batteries, and lots of light.



Found a interesting little ridge near the lesser flats. Probobly a terrain bug or something like that. 


Here is the normal version.




On Gilly now.


Also made a Rover.







Oh yeah i got a KerbalX thing now


Xenon Plane here:https://kerbalx.com/Admiral_Fluffy/Xenon-Spacecraft

Edited by Admiral Fluffy
Shameless Plug
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Still standing on runway with kOS testbed. Continued working on segment displays. Now I can write over various segment designs, various line lengths, static or rolling text. If I keep in mind parts tree structure, the line can be easily extended by adding subassemblied matrix and setting name tag for its base.

Time to go back to my career save.



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I started a new RP-1 playthrough yesterday and decided to finally learn how to make aircraft in Realism Overhaul.


Pictured above is Bee 1, my first successful experimental aircraft. Not useful for much, but taught me a lot about aircraft design.


Once I knew how to make a plane, I decided to make one that can break the sound barrier. The Bee 2 completed that task flawlessly, after being air-launched at 5km.


I overshot the runway a bit, but landed successfully regardless. I'm very pleased with how my planes have turned out so far, they fly extremely well.

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22 hours ago, ColdJ said:

Well that was quick work. I shouldn't have eaten that bad seafood before going flying.;)


@Caerfinon Did you purposely paint me BADASS. :joy:

Yes, he probably did :joy:


You know what B4D455 is in reference to right? ;)


55 minutes ago, Kapitalizing Every Word said:

No images but I finally made a helicopter

I can't stop crying 

I left them long ago because the always did spin even wih counter rotation rotors 
I fixed it after thinking it was a game bug

That's awesome to hear!


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The Excited Probe

Primum I starts its journey to the surface of the Mun on top of an Arrow 3 rocket.


Orbit successfully achieved


Course for the mun laid in


Burning to establish orbit 20 km up. Transfer stage released, Science gathered, Search for landing site. (The life of a probe is pretty busy)


The descent begins! Giddiness intensifies.


Touchdown! The probe is elated, but the program demands science reports and data transmissions.

Having completed its mission, Primum I has a small self-congratulatory celebration. A hard working probe deserves some fun after all. 


Edited by Caerfinon
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