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41 minutes ago, darthgently said:

Then a rover/hydroplane is on my list, thanks

This is a completely uncharted area for me in terms of design so my two hydrofoil attempts failed, but it seemed that I was able to get some effect from the submerged control surfaces.

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54 minutes ago, darthgently said:

Are there any mods required for the hydrofoil effect to work?  I'd like to try that approach on Eve and Laythe.  Maybe some kind of rover with a foil that can be lowered or something

It uses a mod I wrote that in hydrofoil mode maintains a pitch/roll of 0/0 and constantly adjusts the wing  pitch trim to maintain a set height above the water.

A stock only deployable hydrofoil might be possible just never tried it.

The parts I used for the hydrofoil are the  MRS Aerodynamic Pylon, Large and FAT-455 Aeroplane Control Surface.

Also there some hydrofoils on KerbalX that might give you some ideas.

Good Luck




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1 minute ago, uscespc said:

It uses a mod I wrote that in hydrofoil mode maintains a pitch/roll of 0/0 and constantly adjusts the wing  pitch trim to maintain a set height above the water.

Ok, I hope kOS can handle the required control rate as that is how I'd tackle it.

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Try this for a stock hydrofoil, it has instructions to get the best result. Just don't have the BD armory patch that adds armor installed because it ruins the balance, which causes the engines to get ripped off.


Oh and fleventeen, My AquaCat in my Beyond Space 1999 mod is great for paragliding with the Kerbals parachute.

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After yesterday's milestone, I unlocked a few new parts; and upgraded my lander.

A second landing, this time to Minmus with more science gear, and an actual scientist, and I scored 700 science points on one mission.


Next big milestone for me is, I guess, docking. Trying to decide what to do with that at this point in the game. I can unlock everything up to the fifth row in the R&D tree; plus one or two from the sixth row. That's where you get the Docking Clamp, so I guess that's one of them. I guess if I'm comfortable landing, it's time to look into some surface experiments too... Guess it's back to the tutorial videos for a while. :cool:

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15 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

400 engines, and if you have 400 tanks,, then that is 16,000 timescas much overhead as a single tank/engine combo.    Add mods, and the lag becomes understandable. 

It's not just the tanks, it's the tanks multiplied  by the number of engines

i reworked the boosters, reduced engine count by 200 - keeping everything else the same.

the game goes a lot worse now.

so no, it's not the number of engines

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14 hours ago, Kerb24 said:

Tried to make a space shuttle. I have no idea what's wrong with it, but it is the least controllable thing I have ever flown.

Classic stack? If so, those things are inherently unstable, what with the Center of Mass being out of line with the Center of Thrust and all. Begin by making sure your payload (the reentry vehicle/plane) will fly as desired, and then when you're building the launch stack to which you want to attach the thing, you might want to consider putting your engines off center and angled to try to keep the two aligned with one another (and it'll need to stay that way the entire way through the launch sequence). Shuttles are notoriously tricky in KSP; it's actually easier to build and fly a horizontal SSTO spaceplane IMHO. Best of luck.

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Continuing my little RP-1 career experiment, I built a new rocket generation, finally doing away with post-ww2 rocket engines which fail even more often after latest update.

It follows real life R-7 inspired configuration with RD-108 main engine with four RD-107 boosters and finally RD-0501 engine in the top.  Is is half of the mass of historic R-7 with 147 tons (but not half the capability). It can lift 3200 kg payload in orbit, limited by the launchpad's current max mass limitations. Not enough for historic Vostok capsule and perhaps enough for Mercury, but plenty enough for a jury rigged Kerbal solution.


Second and final stage images in the spoiler.




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immadumb and put the wrong antenna on the eve probe. It got there alright but was out of control range.
Otherwise, landed the first factory on this save on the Mun, thereby completing a few standing contracts also in the process. Got some issue with the antenna on the base showing 'blocked by aero shell' or something, though. Even a small probe with its own antenna it created soon after had the same issue. I'll try to fix that next.


P.S. Went for a new design on the main lifter stage for the engine. Not even close to being more efficient than just using a single, bigger engine, but it's kinda cool.

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8 hours ago, Ben J. Kerman said:

I finally completed the in-game docking tutorial!!!!

Congratulations and well done!!

I can honestly say that my biggest-ever thrill in KSP was my first successful dock.

(Now that you've done that, I earnestly recommend the NavBallDockingAlignmentIndicatorCE aid to  you.  It's a very effective instrument.)

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Another milestone.  (= "moah champagne in Mission Control").

My first (ever) mining rig to land in the Jolian system (Vall, to be precise):


The first fuel load back to space has been ear-marked to bring VX1 Nova (space station) down from 90x90km to a 10x10 km orbit.

"Looking good, Mission Control".


Later that evening...  VG2 Goblin, steering VX1 Nova into LVO.


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With the base and station fully complete and staffed, its time to take the mothership home.


I've had the station berthed to Jewel 2 for most of the time, and watching them separate was spectacular.


We leave Minmus to return its crew home.




Once in orbit, I sent up a majesty-class SSTO to pick up the two remaining kerbals aboard; Calbert and Dildrin.





Piloted by Malfen, after staying for a few minutes to get ready for a complete shut-down, Malfen, Calbert, and Dildrin leave in the Majesty-class.




Reentry is smooth, but I always overdo it.


And touch down!

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Played with simple paraglide. Under 1 ton with Kerbal in seat, capable of vertical take-off, powered by single RTG.








Got to sync Minmus Reconnaissance Orbiter with surface relay in 11:1 ratio, so these provocative flybys occurs periodically every Minmus day.


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Two days ago I was trying to launch the second part of my mothership to orbit in rss. Doing so took a 40k ton, 1500 parts rocket, which didn't just lag, it caused the pc to crash completely.

After spending two days trying to reach orbit, and getting a pc crash every single time - I once even reached as far as the second-to-last stage, before game crashed - I decided to try and get to orbit with one less booster pack. My previous attempt failed to reach orbit by some 200 m/s, adding a booster crashed the game, maybe better launch optimization would succeed.

I adopted a steeper gravity turn. I was going straight up until 15 km, which is a lot less terrible than it sounds; in stock game it would be awful, but in rss it takes a lot longer to achieve orbital speed, so one needs to gather more vertical velocity - and accept more gravity losses along the way. And while it turned out an earlier, steeper turn was correct, to vindicate my assessment the difference was small: maybe 100 m/s gained. Still not enough to get to orbit.


This would look like an orbit for those used to stock game, but in rss atmosphere extends to 140 km

So I tried to further improve the launch vehicle - without doing anything that could crash the pc again.

I already removed the 65 tons of water. now I also removed the 6 tons of monopropellant (which I'm using as a convenient way to store nitrogen) and a few more tons of uranium - not many, because I was already starting mostly empty there. All this gained a couple dozen m/s. Not enough. So i did use longer fuel tanks on the first stage


This added 6 parts; 150 more parts crashed the game but 6 are probably ok.

The flight lasted around one hour, courtesy of lag. All the while I was nervously comparing screenshots to check how much I was gaining over the previous launch.


real earth is beautiful

Finally I orbited with 100 m/s left.


There's stilll hope for my next grand tour!

The next main risk is whether the game will be able to handle the fully assembled mothership.

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My friends came in my house and I wanted to show them the game. The rocket I built was capable to land on the Mun, but NOT return. (I was following the Kerbal X's design).

I called the mission friendship, because yeah I stated why. So I have to send a rescue mission...

Oh and like 4 days ago I made a cool probe AND lander in one. I called the mission: Joel United: Laythe. It has a relay and a lander. Might finish all the fly-by stuff tommorow.

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Quickly set up an Eve base.



On the pad


Lift off





Fairing away


In orbit




Escape burn


Deep space


Arriving at Eve



Running low on fuel. . .




Parachutes away



Mission Complete


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Seems like my antenna and contract issues solved themselves after removing one mod, though I can't be 100% certain that was the actual fix. KSP be buggy at the best of times after all.

My Joolian mission has hit a snag, however. I forgot to add either enough RTGs or a proper reactor for power generation, and the solar panels can't keep up with the lab's upkeep when in use, and the craft has not even passed the orbit of Dres yet. Worse, the ship's negative EC production meant the Deuterium tanks were left uncooled! I caught it early enough that the total loss of dV isn't a total mission killer, but unless I plan everything perfectly I will not have enough to scan(sat) the surfaces of every Joolian moons (which requires low-ish circular, quasi-polar orbits). I'll have to do with fly-bys for some worlds, and only scan one or two moons, before returning.

I also slapped together a Moho Explorer and a Dres Explorer probe and sent the first of the two already on their way... Actually, that's not quite right. I VERY rarely go to Moho, and the first probe I sent up Kerbin's gravity well was actually short of dV, so I repurposed it for a Dres mission. I finally redesigned the transfer and probes and launched it anew, and this one is truly gonna get there and achieve orbit. Hopefully.

Oh, and I also sent the first real craft from the mun factory into orbit (sub-1ton relays don't count), thereby fulfilling a contract at the same time. It's a simple EL-station core. I really like launching off moons with SRBs. It's kinda orkish.


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Played KSP for the first time in way too long. New sandbox save. Working on a shuttle that takes inspiration from Starship and from retro sci-fi, but all I've flown so far are launch abort system tests on a fuselage, I haven't finished designing the wings yet.

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Installed OPM and modified the system a little bit from its normal setup. Here’s a short list of the changes I made:

-Moved Minmus to orbit Neidon in a close orbit, made it smaller with radius 32km and 0.02g gravity (Proteus analogue)

-Moved Dres to orbit Jool about twice as far as Tylo (wanted to make it a Callisto analogue)

-Moved Bop and Pol farther out to accommodate dres 

-Moved the Mun farther away from Kerbin to about 36,000 km, gave it a slight orbital eccentricity and inclination of 5° like our Moon has

-Increased Sarnus’s gravity to 1.1 G


Edit: oh cool 2400 pages

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