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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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making a planet pack
today, i made the contact binary stars!


also, used the ares 4a to fly there with cheats (tped to the system, i was NOT flying 500au lol)

here is a pic of the stars without stock flares from a moon around the first planet 


aaaaand now with stock flares


that tiny star to the side is kerbol waaaaaay off in the distance lol

Edited by JcoolTheShipbuilder
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Today I designed and sent a space station to the moon.


Initially I wanted the station to have an artificial gravity ring but that didn't really turn out as I had hoped. Another development from my previous stations was in making the docking arms flip up from a stowed position using hinges.



The assembly and flight of the space station was actually a lot easier than I had imagined it would. However once the station was parked in orbit I kinda realized that I forgot to bring kerbals. Thus I had to send up the "Super-Hawk" SSTO, an upgraded version of one of my previous spaceplanes.





Once the crew was transferred into the station Lando Kerman departed from the station and safely flew back to Kerbin.



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Today I launched a spy satellite for the NSA. OK, not really, but that's what it looks like to me with all those antennas on it. It's actually a carrier for relay satellites I was testing for upcoming interplanetary missions. This one is designed to transfer these satellites to Duna and Ike where they will independently maneuver to orbits that will give nearly complete coverage during the upcoming mission there. This was just a simulation (i.e., launched and reverted) to make sure the satellites wouldn't break loose from the carrier during launch. Everything worked well so I think this is a good starting point for the design.



I also worked on putting together other craft for the Duna mission including the lander / crew module, a small station with a mobile science lab, a resource scanner, and an ore harvester for Ike. Including the relay sats and a couple of fuel tankers I think I'm going to have a small flotilla of ships around Duna once everything arrives. I just need to figure out how I'm going to launch everything, refuel, and send it off to Duna in as few packages as possible.






Outside of the VAB, the small probe craft with RTGs for the deployed science stations arrived at the Mun Station. The only kerbal there right now is scientist Guswig Kerman who's working in the science lab. He offloaded the two RTGs for the Mun and placed them in the container on the Mun lander. When the crew from Minimus Station arrive in a few days one of the pilots will take the lander down and one of the engineers will place the RTGs. After refueling, the carrier set out on a high-speed transfer to Minmus where the remaining two RTGs will be delivered.




Over on Minmus, Ludorf and Beazor took the little lander down several times hopping to different biomes for science. They transmitted each set of scientific measurements for immediate science back home, then took a second set that can be brought home manually at a later date. Even though the lander doesn't have a gravioli detector they were able to beam over 1,000 science back hope. I used that science to unlock the second-to-last tech on the tree.



During their travels Ludorf and Beazor found one of the black SQUAD monoliths and landed nearby to check it out.


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  On 8/7/2020 at 4:14 AM, JcoolTheShipbuilder said:

making a planet pack
today, i made the contact binary stars!


also, used the ares 4a to fly there with cheats (tped to the system, i was NOT flying 500au lol)

here is a pic of the stars without stock flares from a moon around the first planet 


aaaaand now with stock flares


that tiny star to the side is kerbol waaaaaay off in the distance lol


Release when?

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Today was a big space station day - thank you contracts! I've got three modules (hab ring, core, and lab) en route to Minmus and am currently in the process of putting up my first Kerbin station. The Kerbin station is currently useless, but I have plans to slap a big liquid hydrogen tank on that sucker to hopefully refuel my under-construction fleet of Providence-class interplanetary motherships.

I'm also dabbling in the Apollo Redux challenge, but engineering a rover delivery mechanism without Breaking Ground robotics is a pain. If anyone has tips on that, it would be greatly appreciated.

  On 8/7/2020 at 3:49 AM, Pipcard said:



Looking at your sig... I feel like I've seen that Hatsunese flag on a site called NationStates. Correct me if I'm wrong though :p

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I threw together a small SSTO that couldn't carry anything, just for something to do, and it achieved orbit on its second test flight, then landed on the runway. Lulled into a false sense of security, I then made a slightly larger one that had a useful carrying capacity. It failed failed miserably. Then I got mad at myself for forgetting that this is what always happens. 

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  On 8/7/2020 at 4:52 PM, Vanamonde said:

I threw together a small SSTO that couldn't carry anything, just for something to do, and it achieved orbit on its second test flight, then landed on the runway. Lulled into a false sense of security, I then made a slightly larger one that had a useful carrying capacity. It failed failed miserably. Then I got mad at myself for forgetting that this is what always happens. 


me: builds ssto

also me: runs out of fuel at 40k km

yey i got liked by the lead moderator lol

Edited by Kraken that doesn't exist
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Just now I managed to land in mun and go back to kerbin for the first time.

After a lot of quick loading and effort, because of the fact I used a FL-T400 (probably the worst tank for landing) every time I went to EVA the rocket crashed, I landed with safety in the mun and got a lot of science and money.


I didn't screenshot because I forgot about it (classic me)


Now I am on my way to minmus :)

Edited by Neil Kermstrong
Misspelled minmus (because of Google)
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I've been working on rescue plane for my kerbals who return from space. Made some very awkward designs and finally today i made something i really like;

my requirements for the job were; be fast (supersonic, fast as much as it can do) land on sea and take off from sea, easy to use, easy to land, rescue least 4 kerbal, and look good.





We've achieved everything we wanted. There's a minor issue with it though, it's not very fuel efficient. But that's minor as i said because i can take quite a lot fuel if i wanted thanks to being able to take off conventionally, stol or vtol. It's really versatile plane overall.

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Now to get the hardest part of the mission done:

Landing the Eve Lander will take a few tries (hopefully not more than 4)

On leaving we witnessed an I class interstellar comet passing by so of course Jeb wanted to take a look



Of course through history comets usually mean bad luck so when trying to record this I found it funny the game crashed...



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  On 8/7/2020 at 8:50 PM, Delay said:

I wanted to test some reflections to see if I should add them to other parts as well. Ended up making a flying, vector-propelled quote-unquote "car".

It went about as well as you can expect.


Those wheels... they look awesome! May I ask which mod? or is it the one you are working on?

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Welp, today I launched a MYSTERY PAYLOAD to my new Minmus base I created.

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Anyway, the craft took of today on board a Horse II rocket.



The rocket was extremely unstable, I had launch it multiple times to get it into orbit. Anyway, here's the moment of truth, the MYSTERY PAYLOAD REVEALED!



Yep, it's a space restaurant. It's designed as a diner on Minmus, as well as crew quarters for the crew I'll send there.


Look, it even has little tables and chairs!

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Anyways, I got an encounter with Minmus. Due to an Eve encounter coming up soon, I've decided to send the modules of my base en mass like I did with the MRB and the MS2. That's all I've done to today.


Edited by DunaManiac
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  On 8/7/2020 at 9:45 PM, DunaManiac said:

Welp, today I launched a MYSTERY PAYLOAD to my new Minmus base I created.

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Anyway, the craft took of today on board a Horse II rocket.



The rocket was extremely unstable, I had launch it multiple times to get it into orbit. Anyway, here's the moment of truth, the MYSTERY PAYLOAD REVEALED!



Yep, it's a space restaurant. It's designed as a diner on Minmus, as well as crew quarters for the crew I'll send there.


Look, it even has little tables and chairs!

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Anyways, I got an encounter with Minmus. Due to an Eve encounter coming up soon, I've decided to send the modules of my base en mass like I did with the MRB and the MS2. That's all I've done to today.



I might be wondering how are they going to fill up the Food Storage:D...

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I fixed the problem. Now landing... oh boy. I got THIS close today but nope at touchdown the thing tipped over. It took 5 minutes for each attempt and since I can't timewarp or I get kraken latest took 25 minutes. I am so frustrated right now I am quitting for the night.


Edited by Guest
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[from instalment 3]

My final report in this little saga, Kerbals Go Star Crazy On Ike.

Happily, the improvised Duna Space Command, has successfully landed the never-before tested Ladybug and Hummingbird scout ships on the surface of Duna, with zero injuries and zero damage.

The much larger Goblin surface miner now bravely makes its attempt...

mFJRYHQ.png   AL2d9Pu.png

ebJDpk6.png   JUNeibc.png

Above, we see Goblin commencing its deorbit, approaching landing under chutes and, lastly, the fuel statistics after mining a full load of fuel and re-orbiting.

Below, we see Goblin fell short of its mark within the target crater and also did not enjoy 13% ore, but was, otherwise, happily productive.



Mark it another success for the DSC (Duna Space Command)!


  1. Goblin is effective as a miner on the surface of Duna;
  2. may be maneuvered to other locations on the surface of Duna;
  3. may be returned to space, perhaps for return to Gilly;
  4. is productive on the surface for the refueling of 'rovers' such as Ladybug and Hummingbird (which top-dock to refuel);
  5. but does not take enough fuel to Duna orbit to serve efficiently as a Duna orbit fuel resupply (unless used from Gilly)

All good knowledge!

Edited by Hotel26
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