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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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I did quite a lot today, I've split today into three parts:

First, I built a submarine:





Tonight on Max Thrust! Jeremy crashes a submarine! We use the ksc harbor, and Jeremy wears a space suit under water! (insert futurama spaceship atmosphere rating clip here.)

Also: If you ever want to move your navball into the ksp2 position, this is the setting to change:


Access it by pressing esc and then clicking on settings and scrolling down.


Second, I made a failed (didn't land things close enough for simple logistics) minimus base attempt. I also forgot to put a radiator on the reactor, I encountered a bug and had to revert to a previous named save. So, technically, the mercury 9 reenactment and the above submarine crash never happened...


Third, I launched probulator 4 to an asteroid:




Orbital construction is the best!



Astrogator is awesome, better time warp and ion engines are one of the best combinations ever.


The burn went weird because of a bug, so after expending the needed delta-v, I debugged myself to a rendezvous, and went on from there.




Upon seeing this picture (in game after docking) my dad's first question was: "Does it have eyes?" (That has been translated from afrikaans.)


Also: @AtomicTech You might want to consider installing planetside exploration technologies, it has some great parts for a Jamestown replica (it's trailer features a really pretty recreation.)

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1 minute ago, Hyperspace Industries said:

I did quite a lot today, I've split today into three parts:

First, I built a submarine:

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Tonight on Max Thrust! Jeremy crashes a submarine! We use the ksc harbor, and Jeremy wears a space suit under water! (insert futurama spaceship atmosphere rating clip here.)

Also: If you ever want to move your navball into the ksp2 position, this is the setting to change:


Access it by pressing esc and then clicking on settings and scrolling down.


Second, I made a failed (didn't land things close enough for simple logistics) minimus base attempt. I also forgot to put a radiator on the reactor, I encountered a bug and had to revert to a previous named save. So, technically, the mercury 9 reenactment and the above submarine crash never happened...


Third, I launched probulator 4 to an asteroid:

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Orbital construction is the best!



Astrogator is awesome, better time warp and ion engines are one of the best combinations ever.


The burn went weird because of a bug, so after expending the needed delta-v, I debugged myself to a rendezvous, and went on from there.




Upon seeing this picture (in game after docking) my dad's first question was: "Does it have eyes?" (That has been translated from afrikaans.)


Also: @AtomicTech You might want to consider installing planetside exploration technologies, it has some great parts for a Jamestown replica (it's trailer features a really pretty recreation.)

I'll look into it!

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I've been thinking of launching a series of missions with the aim of building an outpost in the Duna/Ike system. It's not going to be a simple "drop jeb and a hitchhiker and forget" kind of mission. The idea is to send groups of missions at a time, although launching them at the same time will be a challenge because of rollout times from KCT. The first group will just be probes, unmanned landers, and a comnet network. The second will be a rudimentary base, a pressurized rover and a crew to inhabit it, and the basis of a station. I'm planning on the station being built on a class E asteroid so I don't have to shuttle in fuel from the surface, and being a Duna/Ike cycler (or not really a true cycler, just a station in an elliptical orbit just touching Ike's SOI).

So far I've made a couple of things for it,like the initial crew mothership, the unmanned landers, the manned lander, and an actual ion-powered glider (the glider I'm not sure where it fits in the timeline).

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Hello Kerbonauts! Here is a mission I worked on for a couple days. This fully recoverable craft is capable of taking six tourists into orbit, making them all pass out from G-LOC (including one with a 1.68 G-force tolerance multiplier) while maintaining an orbital trajectory the entire time, and then safely decelerating for reentry and recovery.  No space junk left in orbit, orbital engine ignitions required ullage, craft cost 404k credits. Some challenging features are mods JNSQ 2.5 scale, Deadly Reentry, Engine Igniter, FAR, Stage Recovery, Principia, Kerbal Health, TAC LS, RealChute, a reaction wheel nerf, and unlock purchases required for researched parts. Thanks to the awesome modders for parts and a great game!


The trick is use SAS to burn Normal to your trajectory when knocking out the Kerbals so your Ap and Pe don't change too much. Made possible by the PL20-X3 "Summeria" Cryogenic Engine 341 kN Thrust, 461 seconds ISP, 1.1 tons.












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Had fun playing with asteroids.

As we all know, asteroids are objects that float in space.  However I had fun with rescaling asteroids to ridiculous scales, which is more realistic.  Special thanks to @Starstrider42for his "custom asteroids" ksp mod.

Rescaling the asteroid by 50 to 100 times gives us a minimum radius of 120 meters for the A type and as much as 30 kilometers for the I type.  That is gonna be IMPOSSIBLE to move.

Density has been changed.  An early E class asteroid weighs 1000 tons, and is 25m accross.  That means the density is 0.12 g/cm3.  It should be 4 for silicate, so lets change the density multiplier to 30.

That gives us a maximum mass (for I class) of 5x10^13 or 50 TRILLION TONS!!!!!

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Learning to fly Batwing Mk2 on Duna.  It's easier now that I've earned how to pack the chutes properly...


  It launches upon an Archer Tomcat that will send it all the way to the surface of Duna.


Works on Ike, too!


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30 minutes ago, JNSQFan said:

Make sure you don't use Jets!  (at least from the picture you aren't)

  • 1x NERV for prograde propulsion
  • 1x Terrier for SAS Sfc Radial Out for very brief lift-off/touch-down assist
  • 1x XL chute for final descent
  • 4x Mk12-R drag chutes for final approach (these should probably be Mk2-Rs...)

It can pinpoint a landing on the Duna surface and handily go back to orbit.

And that Duna thing where you can twist the attitude and point where you like but the atmosphere studiously feigns to ignore your  pitiful efforts...  :)

Lots of aforethought in planning, challenging to fly, but most rewarding!

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Nothing yet today, but I just finally upgraded the RAM on my low-mid tier prebuilt PC (that was originally supposed to be a stopgap when my previous PC died in early May of 2020).
Not that I'll be enjoying the extra RAM for long, since I'm also building a brand new PC anyway, and I already got half the parts, I'm only missing the RAM, GPU and new keyboard. Also the fishtank. And the mineral oil.

As it were, I was having trouble with KSP, as it effectively ate all the allocated memory so I expect some results.

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The existing release, labeled for 1.2, remains functional. I have not modified any files in it since then.

Update: I also started doing tests for my Elon's Problem contender, which was fussy at first but in the end performed impressively. Once the structural issue was sorted out, it proved able to tolerate significantly higher slopes and landing velocities than expected, and once all the power and resource flow was balanced (I'm not used to working with ISRU and especially not with fuel cells, which I decided to try out for this craft) it was able to fly from LKO to Duna's surface, refuel in less than two days, and then drive back to Kerbin and park itself back in LKO with over 600m/s to spare. Nominally it could do a propulsive landing on Kerbin from here, but I didn't want to spoil the victory by getting too confident, as it were ^^;


This craft is, per the spirit of the Elon's Problem Challenge, able to carry 100 Kerbals, land propulsively on Duna, refuel via ISRU, and return to orbit (and then to Kerbin) in a single stage, all without any nuclear or ion engines - in fact it ended up, to a degree of my own surprise, entirely using "Thud" side-mounted engines rather than any of the more powerful newer options.

All I have to do now is get a snazzy launch vehicle working that can put this roughly 300 ton craft onto a suborbital trajectory ._.

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Sent a crew up from my Moon base to my Moon station only to discover that there were no docking ports available; no problem, just send the next crew down in the other lander.

Except no, the other lander is too heavy for its avionics so it can’t be controlled, so I had to push it back in and re-dock (fortunately it was still pointing in the right direction) then move the fuel tanker from the other compatible docking port, undock a crew ship and have that dock to the lander, move the crew from the lander to the crew ship, dock the tanker to the port the crew ship just vacated and then dock the now empty lander to the port the tanker just vacated. After all that, the crew of three (two from the Moon plus another who rode out to the station with the other crew who were supposed to go down to the base) and send those three back home- but only after a 3 day orbit to complete a contract for crewed lunar orbit, then a thermal anomaly that meant the pod tried to incinerate itself despite having a heatshield that’s more than up to the task of protecting it from re-entry and a significant braking burn before re-entry too. Something’s a bit broken wit(that particular pod, I’ve tried two different heatshields and both times this has happened…

In all the docking and undocking I also managed to complete a contract to add some power generation to the station as all the vessels involved have solar panels.

After all that nonsense, the crewed Earth orbit mission went without a hitch and completed two more contracts.

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Game is running well. CPU hasn't changed so nothing on that front but I can run KSP and Chrome and some other background stuff at the same time now without issues. From 12gb to 44gb can definitely be felt.

Other than that, the third and final utility section for the Fresnel... Dang! I've been calling this damn thing a Fresnel engine all the while and that's wrong! It's the Frisbee AM engine! Anyway, the power and scoop section of the... Frisbee stack has been lifted and incorporated.


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Hey y'all. Been a while.

Been participating in Scott Manley's Runway Project lately, so I've been dabbling with autopiloted fighter craft in KSP a lot since October. Been doing okay-ish so far; had a plane get into the top twenty during the third round. Still not sure just how well my fourth round plane did but I got top marks for art, so that's not nothing.

Meanwhile, I've begun work on my fifth round plane. Testing is...testing. Here's Bob riding the remains of his plane like Slim Pickens on an atomic bomb...


This is not my plane for the fifth round, just to clarify - this was when I was tired with testing and decided to take a break for some fun.

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I have only ever landed on one Joolian moon (namely Vall) without cheats. So, what do you think I've chosen for my second crewed mission to Jool?:


WRONG! I'm going to do the Jool 5! 


I have the following things to my advantage:

1: Kerbal atomics.

2: Isru is allowed.

3: A few days until the end of vacation.


Today I did the preliminary design and testing, some of these still need some work, but I have the entirety of tomorrow off.


This mission consists of 5 ships:

1: The Samson, a kerbal atomics liberator engine powered single stage Tylo lander, also the propulsion system for the rest of the Jool 5.

2: The Solomon, a mining lander for Pol, Bop and Vall.

3: The Gabriel, a Laythe ssto, but I might turn it into a two stage spaceplane.

4: The Jonah, a Laythe submarine, docked to the front of the Gabriel, acting as a cockpit.

5: The Israel: a carrier ship consising of a centrifuge and a cupola for habitation, a place for the Gabriel and the Solomon to be docked, a large fuel tank with a 2.5m port for the Samson to dock. Combined they have over 9000 m/s!


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8 hours ago, Axelord FTW said:

Game is running well. CPU hasn't changed so nothing on that front but I can run KSP and Chrome and some other background stuff at the same time now without issues. From 12gb to 44gb can definitely be felt.

Other than that, the third and final utility section for the Fresnel... Dang! I've been calling this damn thing a Fresnel engine all the while and that's wrong! It's the Frisbee AM engine! Anyway, the power and scoop section of the... Frisbee stack has been lifted and incorporated.


You said it has a million meters per second of deltaV, where are you going to take it?

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