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Really Really Really Tall Building

The Jedi Master

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Floor 4446: An epic battle of rock-paper-scissors with all the sentient beings to ever exist in the universe. It goes until there is one being left, at which point the challenge will continue with the winners from all the parallel universes. Eventually, the winner is CGP Grey.

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Floor 4457: A comfortable reading chair and a good book. You sit down and put a plate of cookies and a glass of milk on the convenient table. As you read you could swear you hear someone below ravenously eating milk and cookies.

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Floor 4460: A vast expanse of blue skies and rocky islands that are seemingly floating in the air. Looking down you see the curvature of a verdant planet spread out below you. You look to your feet and see that you are climbing out of a hatch in the surface of one of the small islands. You brain twists, trying to comprehend how you could be looking down on a planet when you just came from a floor mere metres below. You also get the feeling that the way up and out must be on the highest of the floating islands. You look around and see tools and schematics. The schematics describe how to build a rudimentary flying craft out of the resources on the island. Guess it is time to get to work.

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Floor 4462: Darkness, heavy and enveloping, greets you as you enter this floor. Sound bounces back to you in strange ways every time you move. Straining your ears you realise you can make out a low chittering, coming from a wide area, somewhere above you. A strange compulsion to clap overcomes you and giving in to it, you clap twice. The now revealed cavern is lit up by multiple spotlights, but before you get to study it you are swarmed by a deafening wave of Bats. Finally they all fly off to somewhere far further into the cavern, which is massive. Now given a chance to look around you realise that you are standing on a metal catwalk. You walk along it and after turning a corner you can see many forms of vehicles displayed in various locations. They are all black, some with little yellow highlights. Then as you walk further you see the best multimonitor KSP capable super game computer ever. There is a stylised symbol of a Bat on each of the monitors. Then you notice an armored Bat suit in a display case. Suddenly the screens light up with an alert. And a voice comes out of hidden speakers. "You have been chosen." "Suit up" "It's time to go to work".

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Floor 4465: A mysterious series of dusty curtains. Printed on them are the words "Project Apollo." Pulling one aside, you see a small stage filled with grey rocks and dust. A decrepit octagon of gold foil sits collapsed in the center, surrounded by strange, box-like devices. One of the walls, painted black, has fallen over and you catch a glimpse of two large, bulky white forms.

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