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[WIP] Nert's Dev Thread - Current: various updates


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Well, I managed to post a couple bug reports on github before I passed out in my chair. I was literally getting into bed when I saw this got released, and rushed back to my computer. Tomorrow I'll do a clean install to make sure my bugs aren't the result of my extensive modlist, and get logs if I can reproduce them in a sterile environment. Super thrilled to see this released though, will dig deeper into the testing over the weekend.

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Thank you for this, your mods are always top notch and beautiful in every which way, IDK how you do it :P

So my orbits got really messed up in map view, playing 100% stock 1.10.1 + the FFT zip

Log file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qf6wvabgqdsb98z/KSP.log?dl=0





It seems the orbit projections are connected to the orientation of my vehicle

Edited by mcwaffles2003
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On 10/19/2020 at 12:17 PM, Nertea said:

Ok sounds fine to me

Good idea for Eve! However I'd like to keep the concept where strong magnetic fields trap the particles as with reality. That means primarily Kerbin, Jool in the KSP context. 

Probably not going to happen from me - I don't have parts or tanks to support that. Someone else can add that. 

The former, the latter would look significantly different. 

Appearances can be deceiving. I will quote what I wrote before:

I still have 2 kids, a demanding job and other hobbies. 





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9 hours ago, mcwaffles2003 said:

Thank you for this, your mods are always top notch and beautiful in every which way, IDK how you do it :P

So my orbits got really messed up in map view, playing 100% stock 1.10.1 + the FFT zip

Log file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qf6wvabgqdsb98z/KSP.log?dl=0


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It seems the orbit projections are connected to the orientation of my vehicle

Just want to confirm that I have this issue too on a decently modded game.  Doing some testing  it appears to be caused by System Heat, and not FFT proper or it's other dependencies.

Apologies if this is not the place to report this.

Always been a big fan of your work, no KSP game is complete without your mods!

Edited by JohnnyMacintosh
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Screenshot tax paid, as I am legally obligated to do:

screenshot0.pngA small transport with room and life support for 9 crew, powered by the "Discovery" Tokamak engine. I designed it so that the forward crew section could be easily swapped out for about anything else, making it an excellent payload bus.

Overkill LH2 tanks give it 90 km/s of dV, possibly enough to go interstellar if life support isn't a limiting factor, or to Jool on a semi-brachistochrone.  Burn time is 1 day, so Persistent Thrust would be a good idea.

screenshot1.pngUses a bunch of NF Electrical capacitors to charge a small fusion reaction, which then charges the main D-H3 engine.


That plume...



Can also confirm the map view bug on mostly stock + NF suite + JNSQ.


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The attention to detail is unreal! Not only are the models and textures extraordinarily beautiful, but you animated so many details! Just a minute ago, while I was staring into the nozzle of the Magneto Inertial Confinement engine, I noticed that you've modelled the liner implosion??? It's only visible for 2 or so frames, but it's such an amazing detail, I can't complement you enough.


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A bug report for X-7 Afterburning Fission Fragment Rocket Engine:

Tow bright squares appear inside the nozzle when using afterburning mode.



Another bug found on 2.5m size Atmosphere Processor:

Attachment points are not are the correct position.


Edited by Dr.Lxweei
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On 10/31/2020 at 9:41 AM, Alaygrounds said:


I know it's shocking that content creators have lives and don't just live to create free stuff.


18 hours ago, Plutron said:

The attention to detail is unreal! Not only are the models and textures extraordinarily beautiful, but you animated so many details! Just a minute ago, while I was staring into the nozzle of the Magneto Inertial Confinement engine, I noticed that you've modelled the liner implosion??? It's only visible for 2 or so frames, but it's such an amazing detail, I can't complement you enough.


Thanks, yes I tried to add a lot of character to the engines are they are big and monstrous, they all have some kind of animation even if it's just a special plume.

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Possible bug with SystemHeat:
It appears that the system flux and nominal temperature are set to 0 when the engine the loop is connected to has it's throttle set to 0. This results in the system not cooling off if above nominal temperature when the engine is shut off. This could cause an overheated engine to be locked from activating because it will not cool off.
EDIT: This does not seem to happen when using a fusion engine with reactor built-in
Link for log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-GYMZwYaaS5ZEQ0TldEUVk3dXc/view?usp=sharing
Mp8eKjB.jpgImage shows a vessel unable to activate it's engine due to it being overheated and unable to cool down, despite deployed radiators.

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I've discovered another strange occurence with SystemHeat regarding the fusion engines with built-in reactors. With more than enough radiators, the loop temp remains stable when only the reactor is switched on. If the engine is activated, even with throttle at 0, a heat will build up out of nowhere. Turning the throttle up cools down the system, and stabilizes it at the nominal temperature.0H9buf7.jpgThis image shows the Ouroboros engine with the reactor turned on, and the engine turned off. The loop temp is stable.BSBIBnu.jpgHere the reactor and engine are turned on, with the throttle at max. The loop temp is stable.1IltgYE.jpgIn this image the engine throttle is 0, but it is activated. The reactor is on. Note that the loop temp is slightly above the 1300K of the reactor, the temperature continues to rise over time, even in the presence of a highly negative loop flux.

If I let the temperature climb, the reactor overheats, and the engine shuts down. This applies to the Ouroborous and the Discovery engine, I haven't tested the gasdynamic mirror engine yet.
EDIT: The gasdynamic mirror engine has the same problem.

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1 hour ago, Plutron said:

I've discovered another strange occurence with SystemHeat regarding the fusion engines with built-in reactors. With more than enough radiators, the loop temp remains stable when only the reactor is switched on. If the engine is activated, even with throttle at 0, a heat will build up out of nowhere. Turning the throttle up cools down the system, and stabilizes it at the nominal temperature.0H9buf7.jpgThis image shows the Ouroboros engine with the reactor turned on, and the engine turned off. The loop temp is stable.BSBIBnu.jpgHere the reactor and engine are turned on, with the throttle at max. The loop temp is stable.1IltgYE.jpgIn this image the engine throttle is 0, but it is activated. The reactor is on. Note that the loop temp is slightly above the 1300K of the reactor, the temperature continues to rise over time, even in the presence of a highly negative loop flux.

If I let the temperature climb, the reactor overheats, and the engine shuts down. This applies to the Ouroborous and the Discovery engine, I haven't tested the gasdynamic mirror engine yet.
EDIT: The gasdynamic mirror engine has the same problem.

It seems like it happen on NSW engine, Fission reactor and Fusion reactor  as well.

Logs: https://1drv.ms/u/s!ArwYRr1C-f2hgcZVhECa_Lr88ryHkQ?e=bOcXK5

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Make sure you update the dependency mods (packaged), as they are the source of most of the bugs fixed.

  • Updated SpaceDust to 0.1.3 (rotated harvester)
  • Updated Waterfall to 0.2.3 (Asimov plume)
  • Udpated SystemHeat to 0.1.1 (map view icons, thermal issues)
  • Fixed localization issues:
    • Lithium tank manufacturer names
    • Fissionables tank descriptions
    • Impulse mode names
  • Added Russian localization (Egor Kosyakov)
  • Fixed NSWR missing meshes on Shrouded variants
  • Fixed Casaba pulse animation not firing
  • Fixed Hammertong heat properties being inconsistent between modes
  • Fixed some other issues with the Hammertong that caused it more or less not to work

And while I'm in the high of people liking my work, you can check out this poll .

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I really do not want to criticize, I have been using NERTEA's mods for a long time and with great pleasure.
Yes, the new FF is great, the waterfall is perfect for these engines, the heat mechanics are interesting and much better than the stock one, the model is (as always) at the highest level.
But so far this mod has huge problems with the balance of characteristics.

The NSW atmospheric engine is more powerful and much more efficient than a toroidal thermonuclear engine, although the price is 4 times lower and it is simpler by 2 levels of technology.
Hammertong is almost useless in practice, opens very early in a node with simple atomic engines and completely loses to an enriched uranium engine.

Edited by Cochies
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A little request here. I think that ability to start/stop capacitor charge on fusion reactors should be added into SystemHeat control panel. Since fusion reactors could not be started without charged capacitors currently the only option on control panel we have is to turn it off.

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