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[1.8.x-1.12.x] Module Manager 4.2.3 (July 03th 2023) - Fireworks season


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1 minute ago, linuxgurugamer said:

No, and it's random.  Sometimes those dlls, sometimes nothing, sometimes other dlls.  My best guess is that there is a race condition between the MM thread and the main KSP thread.

My concern is what would happen if the error happens to the main thread;  I think in that case that the dll wouldn't be available for the game, which could be a bad thing

This should all be happening after KSP is done loading the plugins, so I think that part is fine at least.  And that should be only reading too - having two things read the file at the same time should be fine, this exception should only happen if something has a write lock.

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Just now, blowfish said:

This should all be happening after KSP is done loading the plugins, so I think that part is fine at least.  And that should be only reading too - having two things read the file at the same time should be fine, this exception should only happen if something has a write lock.

Ok.  I'll try to keep track of it, see if there is a pattern

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You have 3 MiniAVC and ZeroMiniAVC. I would not be shocked that ZeroMiniAVC unloading and deleting some of the MiniAVC dlls may create some side effects at this point in the loading. 

Edited by sarbian
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1 minute ago, sarbian said:

You have 3 MiniAVC and ZeroMiniAVC. I would not be shocked that ZeroMiniAVC unloading and deleting some of the MiniAVC dlls may create some side effects at this point in the loading. 

Interesting point, I'll keep my eye on that.

I would have expected to see issues with the MiniAVC and the xml files, but not actual mod DLLs



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4 hours ago, Iso-Polaris said:

I've got an error from MM loading, is there a log I can see to know that what excatly caused this error?

This is most probably not an MM error but a failure in a mod that's using MM.  Depending on your OS, look in the KSP.log file and/or the output_log.txt file, as follows:

  • Windows: KSP_win\KSP_Data\output_log.txt (32bit) or KSP_win64\KSP_x64_Data\output_log.txt (64bit) or %USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\Squad\Kerbal Space Program\output_log.txt
  • Mac OS X: Open Console, on the left side of the window there is a menu that says 'files'. Scroll down the list and find the Unity drop down, under Unity there will be Player.log ( Files>~/Library/Logs>Unity>Player.log )
  • Linux: ~/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal\ Space\ Program/Player.log

Once you've found the error and the mod in question, consider uploading these to a file sharing service, and posting the links and any further questions you might have in the appropriate forum.  Make sure your mod is up-to-date and compatible with the version of KSP you're running.

Edited by Brigadier
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On 7/21/2015 at 3:01 PM, Svm420 said:

Is there a way to duplicate an attachment/Stack node? This is what i was going for. Create a duplicate top stack node for all engines that don't have one. Also can I parse the list of coordinates with MM so that i could change a single variable in the list? Thanks



    %node_stack_top2 = #$node_stack_top$


Never got an answer to this. Thanks!


Finally got it to work with this


    node_stack_top2 = #$node_stack_top[0] $, $node_stack_top[1]$, $node_stack_top[2]$, $node_stack_top[3]$, -1, $node_stack_top[5]$, $node_stack_top[6]$




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14 hours ago, Svm420 said:

Never got an answer to this. Thanks!

It's easy for posts to get lost, and the forum doesn't really have a way to take you to the oldest unread post in a thread.  I miss things all the time, especially if there's a new page of posts since the last time I visited.  Feel free to ask again if you don't get an answer in a timely manner.

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37 minutes ago, blowfish said:

It's easy for posts to get lost, and the forum doesn't really have a way to take you to the oldest unread post in a thread.  I miss things all the time, especially if there's a new page of posts since the last time I visited.  Feel free to ask again if you don't get an answer in a timely manner.

Clicking the dot/star to the left of the thread title should take you to the oldest unread post in the thread.  ;) 

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Hello @sarbian and @Sigma88. I've been using Sigma Dimensions and in it there's an excellent patch that removes duplicate nodes:


The situation: I've created a .32x redimensionned RSS with RSSVE and scatterer. I've learned a lot on patching using MM in the last couple of weeks and now my config works like a charm in 1.6.1. I love it. I've extensively used -mm-dump for debugging purposes. I still don't quite understand how I made it work so well; at some point I had black Titan and Venus, white Earth, Jupiter and Saturn, lost all clouds, unplayable stuttering, etc.

The thing is that there are several configs with duplicated root nodes (such as Scatterer_planetsList and PlanetshineCelestialBody) especially mods which don't have a unique generic root node. And then in ksp's log, I can see that some planets have their atmospheres patches applied multiple times. I don't know if it reduces performance or memory efficiency, but It's annoying (it itches at my perfectionism).

The Question:

Is there a way of filtering out duplicate root nodes? I've tried by moving Sigma's filter trick up to the root level. MM doesn't complain, but it doesn't seem to do anything. Also, I don't want to go change RSSVE or scatterer directly. I'd like to do it with patches because I don't want my changes to get overwritten every time I update a mod.


PS: BTW if anyone would like to have my patches, I'd be happy to share. RSSVE is riddled with deprecated configs that need to be fixed and if anyone would like to try them, it would be my pleasure. I've taken some inspiration from SSRSS (which is also a bit outdated but that's another story). I still have issues with volumetric clouds creating an opaque fog bank at mid altitudes (10km thereabouts) , but I'll get to it eventually.

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1 hour ago, ioresult said:

RSSVE is riddled with deprecated configs that need to be fixed

Color me interested, what configs are exactly "out of date"?

Edit: and if they are so "broken" as you say then why you don't open a new issue/pull request in the RSSVE GitHub repository?

Edited by Phineas Freak
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4 hours ago, Phineas Freak said:

Color me interested, what configs are exactly "out of date"?

Edit: and if they are so "broken" as you say then why you don't open a new issue/pull request in the RSSVE GitHub repository?

Ah I see why you would be interested, being the author of the mod I'm thoroughly thrashing. I'm sorry. It's not just RSSVE, it's also RealSolarSystem.

File https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealSolarSystem/blob/v14.0.0/GameData/RealSolarSystem/RSSKopernicus/Earth/Earth.cfg has the line "cbNameLater = Earth" that needs to be killed. "Template {name=Kerbin}" is ok and so is "Properties {displayName = Earth}". cbRenameLater has been deprecated and now all the more recent mods use Kerbin as the primary's name in their internal config. @Galileo did it for GPP a few months back. I had to go through a history of "Couldn't find CelestialBodyName Kerbin" log errors and also Gael errors in order to understand the stuttering problem. Had to go through the forum history for every mention of that error. It took me a week to figure it out.

I'm still at work, so I'm doing this by memory, but I think that in RSSVE, all mention of "name = Earth" needs to be changed to "name = Kerbin". My patch is very generic. I think I also did it for every mention of "body = Earth" too. Not sure.

And as for "pull requests" I keep seeing that everywhere in the forum and I also see several "pull requests" unfulfilled for months on other mods. I also saw that RSSVE hasn't been updated in months so I thought it would have been useless to do so, I thought it abandoned. The only reason I worked so hard in making it work is that I wanted some goddamned beautiful clouds on my goddamned one third resized Earth! I'm stubborn that way!

Also, my patch needs more testing before I want it committed and I'm tired of testing and tweaking my patches, I want to play! I deserve it! My new game has about 78 mods and about a dozen patch files to make all of them work together. I've been working on that new play-through for a month now.

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4 minutes ago, sarbian said:

Not even 2 month ago. That's yesterday for a 4 years old mod.

Yeah well, I'm new at RSS, I've been playing on a single play through with OPM since v1.2 and never bothered upgrading my game above 1.3.1. Also, I didn't want to bother modders with newb questions until I had a real good one.

So now that I have the great @sarbian's attention how about that root node duplication? Do you have any idea if it's fixable? Or if it's any use trying? I'd be happy with four Kerbin atmosphere patches one above the other, three Jools and a couple Dunas, but I don't even have these planets in my game. I can just edit them out in their respective directories, but like I said, I was wondering if it was possible to fix everything with patches. I'm starting to like patches!

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9 hours ago, ioresult said:

cbRenameLater has been deprecated and now all the more recent mods use Kerbin as the primary's name in their internal config.

It may be deprecated (since the KSP 1.3+ localization updates can transparently take care of the strings displayed) but it is going to be a maintenance hell (at least for me): "Earth" will now be identified as "Kerbin" and i would have to make sure that the "Kerbin" patches for EVE and Scatterer do not stomp/get stomped by other mods (like RealExoplanets or even "stock" Scatterer). It would not be possible anymore to cleanly separate patches meant for stock and RSS.

As far as i can see from preliminary testing the only thing that this naming change affects is the Main Menu (EVE and Scatterer will correctly apply their effects). But, to create a maintenance hell so that the user will see the pretty effects in a scene that lasts less than 30 seconds is not worth it, at least not for me.

9 hours ago, ioresult said:

I also saw that RSSVE hasn't been updated in months

Hmm... (last update @ 2018-12-28, 47 days at the time that this post was written)

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16 hours ago, sarbian said:

Not even 2 month ago. That's yesterday for a 4 years old mod.

Yeah well, I'm new at RSS, I've been playing on a single play through with OPM since v1.2 and never bothered upgrading my game above 1.3.1. Also, I didn't want to bother modders with newb questions until I had a real good one.

So now that I have the great @sarbian's attention how about that root node duplication? Do you have any idea if it's fixable? Or if it's any use trying? I'd be happy with four Kerbin atmosphere patches one above the other, three Jools and a couple Dunas, but I don't even have these planets in my game. I can just edit them out in their respective directories, but like I said, I was wondering if it was possible to fix everything with patches. I'm starting to like patches!

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6 hours ago, Phineas Freak said:

thing that this naming change affects is the Main Menu (EVE and Scatterer will correctly apply their effects). But, to create a maintenance hell so that the user will see the pretty effects in a scene that lasts less than 30 seconds is not worth it, at least not for me.

I still don't see clouds on the main screen on my game and I don't care. The thing is that cbNameLater screws around with a bunch of other mods like WayPointManager and others who rely on Name=Kerbin and not on cbNameLater anymore. My log gets spammed 40 times per second with "Couldn't find celestial body with name 'Kerbin'" and my game to stutter to a halt. Galileo had to change GPP the same way. So removing only cbNameLater causes a huge mess of "object not set to an instance" log spam and no more clouds anywhere. And to fix that, I need to patch all instances of Name=Earth and Body=Earth. Galileo also did something clever to the "Name=" entry to separate GPP secondary and primary. See scatterer:


Gael Primary: https://github.com/Galileo88/Galileos-Planet-Pack/blob/master/GameData/GPP/GPP_Planets/Gael_A.cfg

Gael Secondary: https://github.com/Galileo88/Galileos-Planet-Pack/blob/master/GameData/GPP/GPP_Planets/Gael_B.cfg

So yeah, something's going to have to give. Galileo went and fixed all repercussions of removing cbNameLater. It took a lot of work, but it works and I took inspirations from what he did.

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On 2/13/2019 at 6:37 AM, Phineas Freak said:

But Github states three months. Github itself is inducing us to error by "humanizing" numbers, and then blindly rounding them. I miss the times when people used to use the Good and Faithful God Damned File Timestamps.

Also, on the Github's front page, the date of the latest commit is 2018/12/19 . So, another source of confusion.

(image taken from https://github.com/PhineasFreak/RSSVE at 2019-0215 )

Even the Network Graph states the latest update ir near December,18:

(image taken from https://github.com/PhineasFreak/RSSVE/network at 2019-0215)

So, yeah, our fellow Kerbonaut had his reasons to believe on his statements:

On 2/12/2019 at 8:35 PM, ioresult said:

And as for "pull requests" I keep seeing that everywhere in the forum and I also see several "pull requests" unfulfilled for months on other mods. I also saw that RSSVE hasn't been updated in months so I thought it would have been useless to do so, I thought it abandoned.

He's pretty right on the statement. He's wrong on the assumption - that an Add'On is "abandoned" for being only two months without a commit on the front page. People have duties on the Real Life, and Add'On are not exactly a priority when compared to bills and taxes. :D 

But, again, he have his reasons to be annoyed, as GPP had been updated less than an month from now (and he took it as reference, obvisouly):

(Image taken from https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealSolarSystem at 2019-0215)

So, frankly, this line of arguing is counter-productive and somewhat juvenile - it just buries the real issues under the dirt:

  1. cbNameLater is causing a lot of fuss. It would be nice if this could be openly and politely debated - the demise of the feature can be unavoidable, but perhaps this could be prevented. Who knows? I'm surely don't.
  2. Pull requests usually gets forgotten and never merged. It's annoying, but IMHO they should be applied nevertheless - mainly due the following item.
  3. People easily forget that Add'On authoring in KSP is not a day job. :) 
Edited by Lisias
tasting my own medicine :)
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On 2/12/2019 at 8:40 PM, sarbian said:

Not even 2 month ago. That's yesterday for a 4 years old mod.


39 minutes ago, sarbian said:

And it still has little to do with MM

So say it properly, and ask to move the discussion to another thread. Create one yourself and ask people to move the discussion there. 

If this is a problem, why you keep posting about on this very thread? The message you pass is that you accepted the discussion!

Edited by Lisias
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