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[1.1.2][1-1-2] May 13-2016 EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements


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  On 4/23/2016 at 12:32 PM, Poodmund said:

@rbray89 @Nhawks17 @Proot I am having trouble getting the 'layered' textures to appear properly when separating them through the Red, Green and Blue channels. I have tried with uncompressed .pngs and DXT5 .dds (and also what I expected to work, .dds but EVE doesn't recognize this format).

Is there something I am doing fundamentally wrong during the file saving process that is causing the texture not to render correctly when selecting it to display only a certain channel?



Ah, I see the issue... You need to view your alpha channel. Looks like right now you are using your alpha as a mask. If you use GIMP, you can go to Colors->Components->Decompose To see all the different colors on the different layers (this is what I do). Then when you are done editing the colors, you can recompose using Colors->Components->Recompose. If you want to use alpha, make sure you select RGBA during decompose. I don't know the procedure for Photoshop. In other words, your alpha is hiding issues in your color placements. There were similar issues with "dirty" particles because transparent alpha was hiding areas that were black. Same thing here.

  On 4/23/2016 at 1:09 PM, emfleck said:

Not sure why, but this mod isn't playing nice with the other ones I have installed.  Keeps CTD before the menu pops up.  When I remove EVE and Boulder folders the game loads fine.


Output of crash log



Other mods installed (all through CKAN)



You are running out of memory. Use the x64 client if you can.

  On 4/23/2016 at 1:38 PM, TNM said:

Well, now that 1.1 is out i'm trying to get back into KSP, and EVE is just a great mod i really don't want to do without. Sady, there is a bug i can reproduce that i have narrowed down to EVE (can't reproduce it in stock ksp, i can reproduce it in EVE and the EVE offshoot SVE, so i guess its related):

Is this known for 1.1, can i do something in the settings to avoid it or do you need "more info"? Its basically happening on reload (resetting to VAB, getting back to main menu, reverting to launch), it happens after a few reloads (not the first time). If after the crash i check files in Steam it usually does reload 1-2 files.



Don't use DX11 if you are. Otherwise, this actually has nothing to do with EVE. Those are stock shaders.

  On 4/23/2016 at 7:05 PM, dr_jt said:

The EVE Manager doesn't seem to work. I'm using a clean install of KSP and the 64bit exe. 

City lights work fine and it seems like I get a little puffy cloud or two way off in the distance. 

EVE Manager shows these errors. In the past, I always just used it as is with whatever defaults were set so I don't know if these errors are okay.

TextureConfig section:

BoulderCo/Textures/jool   Invalid Name!

AtmosphereManager  section:

No config! Please add a config with the content of "EVE_ATMOSPHERE{}" to populate.

TerrainManager section:

No config! Please add a config with the content of "EVE_TERRAIN{}" to populate.

CloudsManager section:

Kerbin-clouds1  Invalid Name!

No error messages in the other sections although PQSManager Class has no entries.

Like I said above. I've always just installed EVE and went with the defaults. This is the first time I brought up the config panel so the above could be normal. 

Log file



All of this is expected behavior.There are no EVE_ATMOSPHERE ore EVE_TERRAIN configs (WIP, not ready for release) And when it says Invalid Name, that is for adding new configs. 

Edited by rbray89
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  On 4/23/2016 at 8:15 PM, dr_jt said:

Okay, so why no clouds like I use to get? Did the default configs change?


Most people seemed to want clearer skies so the clouds reflect that. Look in orbit, there is less cloud cover now. If you want to change that, in the cloud config, change ALPHAMAP_B to ALPHAMAP_A.

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  On 4/23/2016 at 7:40 PM, rbray89 said:

Ah, I see the issue... You need to view your alpha channel. Looks like right now you are using your alpha as a mask. If you use GIMP, you can go to Colors->Components->Decompose To see all the different colors on the different layers (this is what I do). Then when you are done editing the colors, you can recompose using Colors->Components->Recompose. If you want to use alpha, make sure you select RGBA during decompose. I don't know the procedure for Photoshop.


I use Photoshop but thanks to your explanation of the GIMP method I've figured it out in PS. You have to have your 3 images open in Photoshop, all in Greyscale and all Flattened. Then go to the Channels Panel and select 'Merge Channels' from the drop down box. This should merge the 3 images into 3 channels that you can call Red, Green and Blue. You can also then create an Alpha Channel if you want to put a 4th image layer mask into the image.

Its all working in game now. :D @Nhawks17 & @Proot, if you need any assistance figuring this out in Photoshop if you haven't already by this point don't hesitate to poke me.

EDIT: You can also save them in DXT5 .dds if you want the 4 channel texture. 8k texture with 4 different cloud images coming out at 32mb. :D

Edited by Poodmund
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  On 4/22/2016 at 10:42 AM, cicatrix said:

The question is: Do I need a texture replacer in order for this to work or I can simply replace original EVE textures with those from Astronomer's pack and be done with it?


Some textures transfer over, but it doesn't work to use the entire Boulder Co folder from Astronomer's with the current version of EVE. The config files don't work "as is." I know somebody's working to update it, but I don't know any timeline for that (there's a link within the past few pages).

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Ah, but of course....  I'll give that a go.  Thanks.  Just assumed since 1.1 was out Steam would be loading the 64 bit by default now...

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  On 4/24/2016 at 2:18 PM, ozzyboi123 said:

Hey i have a problem where my game crashes all the time when i use this AND stock visual enhancements. i am unclear why i have 8 gb of ram gtx 960 and i7 4790k but i was wondering if someone can help me with this issue please?


You've given little details of the exact nature of the machine you run KSP on and have provided no logs (as is specified in many places when requesting help with issues, including the first post of this thread; always read the first post in detail).  But I'm going to bet you're on a Windows PC with that hardware.

You're probably running the 32-bit version of KSP with enough mods to soon hit the ~3.5GB process size limit.  On the initial splash screen, do you see "v1.1.0.1230 (x64)" in the lower right?  No "(x64)", no 64-bit.  You have to launched the 64-bit executable program to get the game in 64-bits.

As well, you should only include one major visual mod, either EVE or Stock Visual Enhancements.  I suspect they can cause conflicts with one another, and even if they didn't, they'll increase the memory usage of even the running 64-bit program, likely increasing the chance it'll come a cropper of some other bug.  Wrong here, Stock Visual Enhancements depends on EVE, need both.  (Thanks for the catch, @Red Iron Crown, :) )

Otherwise, you can try remove all your mods, deleting all the KSP directory tree of files, and creating a clean install of KSP.  Copy that clean install and then test run the copy.  Try adding your mods one at a time to the copied install until you reproduce the errors or find you've fixed it somehow.

Beyond that, you need to provide more details and logs.

Edited by Jacke
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  On 4/24/2016 at 3:40 PM, Jacke said:

As well, you should only include one major visual mod, either EVE or Stock Visual Enhancements.  I suspect they can cause conflicts with one another, and even if they didn't, they'll increase the memory usage of even the running 64-bit program, likely increasing the chance it'll come a cropper of some other bug.


They don't conflict. SVE has EVE as a dependency, it's a requirement for it to work.

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  On 4/24/2016 at 2:18 PM, ozzyboi123 said:

Hey i have a problem where my game crashes all the time when i use this AND stock visual enhancements. i am unclear why i have 8 gb of ram gtx 960 and i7 4790k but i was wondering if someone can help me with this issue please?


first of all one litle advice try to add logs (KSP.log, Output_log.txt, Player.log) they are very useful in situation like what you say coz in that file it can hide very important info what can help moder, developer & my be other ppls to to give a proper help, same try to say in what condition it crash from start, when game it load, when you doo specific thing? print screen it help to. More info you add it help to narrow the issue.


Edited by Blacks
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  On 4/22/2016 at 9:00 AM, rbray89 said:

What I'm working on now: K2uKLSH.png


Stunning! I would be interested to know whats going on here. I managed to get a similar effect a while back by adding a second, darker, volumetric layer below the main cloud layer, but this looks like it's being properly darkened through the cloud layer?

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ok no luck so here is the error log:  


  Reveal hidden contents


Edited by Red Iron Crown
Spoilered long log.
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  On 4/24/2016 at 5:13 PM, pingopete said:

Stunning! I would be interested to know whats going on here. I managed to get a similar effect a while back by adding a second, darker, volumetric layer below the main cloud layer, but this looks like it's being properly darkened through the cloud layer?


How did you achieve this effect when the lower part of the cloud has a darker shade? To do this, add a darker layer of particles slightly lower?

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I can't seem to get this mod working in the first place. I've copied the mod's game data folder contents into the main directory's game data folder like I've done with mods in the past. Is there a new way of installing mods with 1.1? Or am I missing something obvious here?

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  On 4/24/2016 at 8:04 PM, HereticPilot101 said:

I can't seem to get this mod working in the first place. I've copied the mod's game data folder contents into the main directory's game data folder like I've done with mods in the past. Is there a new way of installing mods with 1.1? Or am I missing something obvious here?


Did you download the EVE configs and EVE file? There are two files you need

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  On 4/24/2016 at 6:21 PM, ozzyboi123 said:

ok no luck so here is the error log: 


from log what you provide:

A. You have Steam install in C:\Program Files (x86)\ < i recomand you to install in other place or when you install game chose different place were game to end like director, coz usual let game goo there can cause trouble, not always but better avoid that :)

B. Most bad part what i can see from log is this Access Violation (0xc0000005) & if is what i think it is then i have a bad news & good one:

- you might have a RAM hardware problem :(:(:( one stick it have problem or something
- if you are lucky is possible Antivirus to generate this issue first if you have antivir try to disable & run game agen, if is still crash then it my be how i say a Ram stick dmg & for that you need to run other test
- it can be perfect example way is bad to install game in Program Files > this it will be most happy situation < try to install in any place & run agen

BUT before do anything what i say i advice you to ask for support from a real developer of game

C. when i speak about log i was say about log what can be found in game directory like KSP.log, Output_log.txt but is good you was post that to :) special it reveal that Access Violation (0xc0000005) <

Anyway most certainly you have a real problem there but for that i recomand to get a proper support hope to not be case with real hardware dmg component!!!

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Wrote up a tutorial with explanatory images of how to get EVE's Cube Map system working. If you compare the file size of 4No. 8k DXT5 .dds Cloud Maps to just 1 set of 2k DXT5 .dds Cube Maps, you get over a 700% saving in files size by implementing the 4 cloud maps into one single Cube Map. Quite impressive.

Paging @Nhawks17@Proot and @pingopete for reference. :D

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Ok, so I have a couple questions:

1. I used to have this mod a while ago. I remember a lot more clouds on Kerbin. How to I make more and thicker clouds?

2. There used to be a way to add Duna sandstorms. Is there a way for me to change the color of the Duna clouds, or does another mod need to be made?


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  On 4/25/2016 at 1:42 AM, Ulico said:

Ok, so I have a couple questions:

1. I used to have this mod a while ago. I remember a lot more clouds on Kerbin. How to I make more and thicker clouds?

2. There used to be a way to add Duna sandstorms. Is there a way for me to change the color of the Duna clouds, or does another mod need to be made?



1. edit "GameData\BoulderCo\Atmosphere\clouds.cfg": for the Kerbin cloud object change "alphaMask = ALPHAMAP_B" to "alphaMask = ALPHAMAP_A"

2. in the same file in the Duna cloud object change the "_Color = 150,150,150,255" to something that fits your wish. Try "_Color = 175,100,75,128".
I don't know how to get back the sandstorms however, at least the ideas I tried didn't worked. Maybe someone else can help to get them back, please? I miss the sandstorms ...

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  On 4/25/2016 at 2:03 AM, Tekener said:

1. edit "GameData\BoulderCo\Atmosphere\clouds.cfg": for the Kerbin cloud object change "alphaMask = ALPHAMAP_B" to "alphaMask = ALPHAMAP_A"

2. in the same file in the Duna cloud object change the "_Color = 150,150,150,255" to something that fits your wish. Try "_Color = 175,100,75,128".
I don't know how to get back the sandstorms however, at least the ideas I tried didn't worked. Maybe someone else can help to get them back, please? I miss the sandstorms ...


Interesting.  How might I accomplish the opposite?

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