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[1.8.x] DMagic Orbital Science: New Science Parts [v1.4.3] [11/2/2019]


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31 minutes ago, hieywiey said:

I've driven right next to an anomaly with the signal detector, but it doesn't do anything. Am I doing something wrong? I have the dish and BTDT deployed.

afaik the BTDT just makes the "Anomaly" marker to "Monolith01" on the map when using scansat. Never realy tried the dish though, but it never really worked for me when i tried scanning the monolith next to the runway. ("No anomalous signals detected")

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Is this the KSC monolith that everyone is talking about? It doesn't show up as an anomaly because it isn't, it's part of the greater KSC anomaly, which has its center between the VAB and launch pad. You can see it in KerbNet if you zoom in close enough.

The BTDT is a SCANsat module that is added to the DMOS anomaly scanner, it doesn't have any effect on its standard function.

The anomaly scanner has several indicators for where the nearest anomaly is.

  • When it's activated the dish will pop out and start spinning, when relatively close to an anomaly the little camera will pop up and point in the direction of the anomaly
    • If the scanner is placed parallel to the surface this can be used to track them down
  • When you are close enough to conduct the anomaly scan for science the little green light will start flashing
  • If you try to collect science from further away an on-screen message will give an estimate of the distance and general direction of the anomaly
    • An exact distance and direction will be printed in the debug log

The anomaly scanner is also loosely connected to the reconnaissance scanners, the recon telescopes and SIGINT dish. You will be able to home in on the anomalies from further away if a recon scan of any type has been conducted for that planet. And anomaly contracts will be offered after some of the recon contracts for that planet have been completed.

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35 minutes ago, DMagic said:

Is this the KSC monolith that everyone is talking about? It doesn't show up as an anomaly because it isn't, it's part of the greater KSC anomaly, which has its center between the VAB and launch pad. You can see it in KerbNet if you zoom in close enough.

The BTDT is a SCANsat module that is added to the DMOS anomaly scanner, it doesn't have any effect on its standard function.

The anomaly scanner has several indicators for where the nearest anomaly is.

  • When it's activated the dish will pop out and start spinning, when relatively close to an anomaly the little camera will pop up and point in the direction of the anomaly
    • If the scanner is placed parallel to the surface this can be used to track them down
  • When you are close enough to conduct the anomaly scan for science the little green light will start flashing
  • If you try to collect science from further away an on-screen message will give an estimate of the distance and general direction of the anomaly
    • An exact distance and direction will be printed in the debug log

The anomaly scanner is also loosely connected to the reconnaissance scanners, the recon telescopes and SIGINT dish. You will be able to home in on the anomalies from further away if a recon scan of any type has been conducted for that planet. And anomaly contracts will be offered after some of the recon contracts for that planet have been completed.


No, it was the face on Duna. I got the experiment to work with the Curiosity Camera, though. (I used Bon Voyage to trek halfway across the planet, very handy) When I would click on "collect anomalous data" at the face, it would say that there wasn't an anomaly despite touching the hitbox of the face. BTDT & MultiSpectral scan both report it as an anomaly, though.

Also, having an anomaly nearby the runway makes it really useful to do practice missions with rovers like I did, as this rover alone cost :funds:200,000, and I really do not want to waste that kind of cash. Using the new KAS telescopic connectors, I managed to make it circumnavigate the planet, collecting samples and then driving back to an ascent vehicle to offload the samples into one of the new science containers via the aforementioned telescopic connector, for later return to Kerbin. Also, I was not doing an anomaly contract, I was just trying to see how much science I can get with a 300kg rover (albeit an extremely experiment-laden rover), and I'll probably post an album of this mission soon, as it showcases most of this mod's surface instruments. I will say, however, that most real spacecraft do not have 20+ different instruments. 

Edited by hieywiey
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@hieywiey Hmm... did you try collecting the science after loading while already near the anomaly? It looks like there is a bug for anomalies when you start out withing loading range (2.5km) of them, the KSC anomaly, for instance.

If you back away and approach again it should work. I'll have to fix it so that any nearby anomalies are loaded at startup. This shouldn't affect anomaly scanning after you have completed a recon scan of the planet.

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hi, I recently updated my KSP to 1.2 along with all mods. everything seems to work fine except DOS universal storage parts. 

since the update, all DOS universal storage parts seem to be unresearched. they do not appear in the VAB / SPH parts list and I cannot launch any of my old rocket designs containing these parts ("this vessel contains experimental parts which are not available at the moment"). parts that are on vessels already work correctly. my tech tree is almost fully researched (only some high tier nodes remain). 

both DOS (1.3.4) and universal storage ( are installed using CKAN, no newer versions are available elsewhere.

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@wergor Do you have log files? It sounds like Module Manager is not placing the parts in the right tech node. 

Also, if you are playing with part purchasing on (where you have to buy every part in the tech tree before you can use it) have you made sure the US parts have been purchased?

@gsamelon I'm not quite sure what you are asking. What exactly does the contract say? Also, be aware that all DMOS science contracts require you to actually return or transmit the data for credit.

Edited by DMagic
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@DMagic I'm playing with the stock career mode, I do not need to buy every part before I can use it. all US and DOS parts are already unlocked. Log file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/egpefem2agdaev9/KSP.zip?dl=0

edit: I forgot to update the Module Manager, the parts are now working correctly. thank you for the hint!

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51 minutes ago, DMagic said:


@gsamelon I'm not quite sure what you are asking. What exactly does the contract say? Also, be aware that all DMOS science contracts require you to actually return or transmit the data for credit.

@dmagic - the contract says i need to collect RWPS from high orbit, but no matter what my orbit is around the mun, it never gives near or far, just one sample around the whole thing.

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@DMagic - I updated to the latest version via CKAN, and for some reason my orbital telescope is missing from my parts list in VAB/SPH. It's still in the tech tree, and it still shows up in the saved craft i installed it in (although these craft have the ***Contains Locked or Invalid Parts*** warning). Anything you can think of? Anything log-wise I can provide to help?

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7 hours ago, DMagic said:

Version 1.3.5 is out; get it on Space Dock.

It is updated for KSP 1.2.1 (but should work find in 1.2) and contains some bug fixes for anomaly detection and a few adjustments to the CTT node positions.

Thank you as always for the update! Orbital Science is still one of my "must have" mods.

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4 hours ago, DMagic said:

@davidpsummers it looks like it might not be installed correctly. Do you have log files?

I tried them the other way around and no luck.  I would be happy to send log files if I knew how to get them.  Would the .craft file help

Edit: If you mean install the software.  I took the game data folder and plopped the contents into the same one in my KSP install.

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23 minutes ago, davidpsummers said:

I tried them the other way around and no luck.  I would be happy to send log files if I knew how to get them.  Would the .craft file help

The log file in Windows installs is found under the KSP_x64_Data or KSP_Data folders, depending whether you're running 64-bit or 32-bit KSP, and is called output_log.txt (and you really should be playing 64-bit if you can, BTW).  Upload them to a file sharing service, such as Dropbox, GoogleDrive or equivalent, and post a link to the file in your forum post (use the Link icon on the editor toolbar).  Do not directly post the contents of the file here.

You can do the same thing with the craft and save files if they're needed.

Hope this helps.

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