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[WIP][0.90?] PlanetFactory CE


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  Dooz said:
Finally My Evil plans are Complete MWUAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHH

Anyways may i present Planet Typhon!


The Planet its Self Has Life


the Surface Overlooking the Plains


The bays

Typhon orbits a far away star

How. Did. You. Make. The. Kerbal. Helmetless?

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On linux the logo doesn't load at the start of the game because of a mismatch in capitals in the filename. I don't yet know if this has effect elsewhere.

Edit: Also doesn't seem to work with FAR

Edited by HadrianF
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  dooz said:
finally my evil plans are complete mwuaahahahahahahahahahh

anyways may i present planet typhon!


the planet its self has life


the surface overlooking the plains


the bays

typhon orbits a far away star

Share your secret to making planets with oceans. Nao.

Edited by wasmic
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  Cooly568 said:
Actually, this would be possible with Kerbtown, sadly it isn't yet updated to 0.23 however. But I can assure you once it does it most likely will work with this.

(Post-post correction, the placement of models works as of 0.23, however launchpad models don't, so you COULD technically place models down if you can grab a old version of Kerbtown and installed it into your installation)

First of all, I was requesting a feature for PFCE, not asking for a way to do it.

Second of all, my way would allow the creator to add easter eggs. Your way would (AFAIK) force everyone to use KT AND place the easter eggs themselves.

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Would it be possible to redo the planets in RSS with this? So that everythings just not a retextured, resized stock planet? For instance.. Titan. Looks good from orbit, but turns into Laythe once you get lower. So would it not be possible to take the actual photos of Titan's surface and make terrain out of it. ( And atmoshpere color once that's possible ) Because right now the only thing putting me off RSS is the flat, blurry planets. So.. in the future. Would it be possible for this mod to remedy that? Actual, textured, modeled planets for RSS.

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  123nick said:
there should be a planet pack mega thread! with thousands, hundreds or maybe even dozens of planet packs, because that would be very cool.

I have thought of volunteering to set up and maintain a thread dedicated to navigating and finding planet packs. With krag's permission, and people's request, I shall start a thread where people can request there pack to be listed ( they'll put there name, the pack name, a link to their thread, maybe the download?) and so all the un-visited threads of cool planet packs might get some attention :)

and if people do want me to manage this, can anyone recommend packs for me to start with so the thread does not start void?

Thanks :)

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  braininator said:
I have thought of volunteering to set up and maintain a thread dedicated to navigating and finding planet packs. With krag's permission, and people's request, I shall start a thread where people can request there pack to be listed ( they'll put there name, the pack name, a link to their thread, maybe the download?) and so all the un-visited threads of cool planet packs might get some attention :)

and if people do want me to manage this, can anyone recommend packs for me to start with so the thread does not start void?

Thanks :)


Also, I am trying to make an extra moon for Kerbin, but it refuses to load.

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I can not get this to load, just crashes on load. Not sure what mods to remove, probably a memory issue but I have 8GB which is irrelevant since the game can't use more than 3.6GB before crashing anyway given its 32bit limitation but with my other mods I dunno what's killin git. What about texture replacer? Any known mods that are problematic?

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  Sido said:
Actually, you can't

Actually you can. On skeltons config there should be a bit of code that says atmosphere height

Contains oxygen true or false

Static density

If you copy and paste that you should be able to configure the atmosphere but no atmosphere color

On to the celestial body section

  TheDataMiner said:
How do you add oxygen in an atmosphere? I'm trying to make a "super eve" that would have a huge, oxygen filled atmosphere that planes could fly in. Thanks!

I hope this answers your question

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  Tery215 said:
I request in a demanding manner a guide to the function of files used to make planetary systems and a guide on how to make them.

I can help you out with some of the parameters:

under CelestialBody{}:

- bodyDescription (in words): what you want to appear on the info window when you focus on the planet in map view

- Radius(in meters): planet's radius (half the diameter)

- rotationPeriod(in seconds): planet's rotational period (length of its day)

- initialRotation(in degrees): the angle that the planet starts rotating at (default is 0)

- inverseRotation(True/False): whether the planet rotates prograde or retrograde (not too sure this works)

- tidallyLocked(True/False): whether the planet/moon is tidally locked to its primary sun/planet (not too sure this works, better to set rotation period same as orbital period)

- Mass(in kg): planet's mass

- GeeASL(in m/s/s): planet's gravitational acceleration at 0m altitude (I think you only need to set either GeeASL or Mass and the game calculates the other one)

- atmosphere(True/False): whether the planet has an atmosphere (not too sure this works)

- atmosphereContainsOxygen(True/False): whether you can use air intakes and jet engines on the planet

- staticPressureASL(in multiples of Kerbin/Earth's sea level pressure): the atmospheric pressure at the planet's 0m altitude (not sure about this)

- atmosphereMultiplier(in multiples of Kerbin/Earth's sea level pressure): same as above

- atmosphereTemperatureMultiplier(in multiples of Kerbin/Earth's sea level temperature): the temperature at 0m altitude (higher temperature can cause parts to overheat)

- atmosphereScaleHeight(in km): how fast the atmosphere exponentially thins off (the atmosphere gets 2.7 times thinner for every scale height you go up)

- maxAtmosphereAltitude(in m): where you want to cut off the atmosphere (it always cuts off at about 14 scale heights, or 0.000001 times sea level pressure)

under Orbit{}:

- semiMajorAxis(in m): the semimajor axis of the planet's orbit (semimajor axis = (periapsis+apoapsis)/2 + primary's radius)

- eccentricity(number from 0 to 1): the eccentricity of the planet's orbit (0 means perfect circle, number closer to 1 means very elliptical)

- inclination(in degrees): the planet's orbital inclination (0 means prograde, 180 means retrograde, 90 or 270 are polar orbits)

- LAN(in degrees): longitude of the ascending node (if the planet's orbit is inclined, this tells you where the ascending node is compared to an equatorial orbit)

- argumentOfPeriapsis(in degrees): argument of periapsis (if the planet's orbit is eccentric, this tells you the longitude where the periapsis is)

- meanAnomalyAtEpoch(in radians): this tells you where the planet is along its orbit at start of the game, only one in radians instead of degrees(from 0 to 6.28)

- period(in seconds): orbital period (how long the planet takes to complete one orbit), if you don't put it in the game will use the period of the body you're copying

- referenceBody(another planet's name): the planet's primary (the body it orbits, "Sun" or another planet's name)

I don't know much about the PQS parameters but there's a lot of those.

Edited by metaphor
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  TheDataMiner said:



  Dooz said:
Actually you can. On skeltons config there should be a bit of code that says atmosphere height

Contains oxygen true or false

Static density

If you copy and paste that you should be able to configure the atmosphere but no atmosphere color

On to the celestial body section

I hope this answers your question

Oups sorry, my bad, i think we can't.

And yes the argument "atmosphereContainsOxygen=True" work :)

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Hello, I just wanted to know if any others were having the same problem as I am now. When I try to use a height map generated by SE, the terrain is odd, as in spikes everywhere and impossible to land on. Also, thank you Kragrathea for creating this amazing mod. :)

Edited by Hammersamatom
Spelling mistake, thanks iPad...
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i was reading the PF Source And it shouldn't be to hard to implement custom atmosphere color On sentars Source Theres a thing that says this

 var atmo = smallPlanet.transform.FindChild("Atmosphere");
var afg = atmo.GetComponent<AtmosphereFromGround>();
afg.waveLength = new Color(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.6f, 0.0f);
afg.invWaveLength = new Color(1f/Mathf.Pow(afg.waveLength[0], 4),
1f/Mathf.Pow(afg.waveLength[1], 4), 1f/Mathf.Pow(afg.waveLength[2], 4), 0.5f);

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