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[1.12.X] Tantares - Stockalike Soyuz and MIR [28][15.02.2025][Mars Expedition]


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In my quest to make a more accurate but not 100% accurate (duh) N1-L3, I added Roll Control Thrusters and Engine Heat Shields.



I think I found where the roll control thrusters are located.  6 of them on the first stage, 4 on the 2nd, and 4 on the 3rd.


Images of the first stage bottom suck, but they are 6 little dots on the outer rim of the first stage.  On the last N1, the rim was reduced (which is what we have with Tantares), and the engines have their own covers. 

2nd Stage:


and 3rd stage:


Keep in mind, these stages are huge.  The RCT's didn't need to be huge to control roll.  As far as I know, these are the thrusters and their locations.  Those heat shields didn't just protect the plumbing from rocket exhaust, but also served as a structure to put more stuff on.

Now for the Fairings around the LOK:  Either the full half fairings at the top go with the LOK during a launch abort (and perhaps helped with aerodynamics to keep the abort stack stable), or there fairings separate like with the Soyuz we know and love.  If it's the latter, one has to wonder about that aerodynamic stability during an abort.  I'm thinking the former as the launch escape tower looks BEEFY and could pull the LOK orbital and descent stages, as well as the fairings.


I ended up putting fins on the fairings (Procedural Fairings!) to try and keep it straight, but Beale kept with the stock approach of yeeting to one side during an abort xD  I also added MOAR_BOOSTERS


Correct me if I'm wrong, and list your sources!

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On 9/20/2021 at 7:48 AM, Beale said:

unfortunately I am a little pressed for time to fix the craft files at the moment, and don't have KSP installed anymore. Not going to do any more modding for KSP 1.

It would be possible eventually to clean up and release them, but if somebody can provide them I will rebundle the release. In the meantime, Friznit's wiki is the best resource you can ask for.


Really sad to hear this. Has always been an absolutely essential mod for me, and even when I've not been playing KSP, it was always an absolute joy just to periodically check back in on this thread to see all the lovely new models progressing!

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13 minutes ago, baldamundo said:

Really sad to hear this. Has always been an absolutely essential mod for me, and even when I've not been playing KSP, it was always an absolute joy just to periodically check back in on this thread to see all the lovely new models progressing!

That's touching to hear. I will definitely be back for KSP 2, so I hope we will share some familiar new models there.

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On 10/6/2021 at 9:37 AM, Friznit said:

The craft files need updating - it's on my To Do list.  In the meantime you can rebuild the modules following the guide here: https://github.com/friznit/Unofficial-Tantares-Wiki/wiki/ISS (though the actual name of the Octans docking port might have changed here too so you'll need to find the equivalent part!)


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On 10/15/2021 at 6:54 PM, Starhelperdude said:

does anybody have some pictures of the progress-based mir-2 modules? I want to build them but I can't find them in the thread

I am also interested and correct me if I am wrong but I haven't seen any Mir-2 Tantares builds.

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On 10/15/2021 at 5:54 PM, Starhelperdude said:

does anybody have some pictures of the progress-based mir-2 modules? I want to build them but I can't find them in the thread

Isn't it just one of those 1.875m modules on a Progress in place of the orbital module? And the Progress undocks and leaves it permanently attached to the station?

1 hour ago, bokrif said:

I am also interested and correct me if I am wrong but I haven't seen any Mir-2 Tantares builds.

There are several vastly different iterations of Mir-2. I think Beale posted some images of the Polyus-derived Mir-2 way back when he first made the Skif parts. I saw someone kitbash a decent UDM a while ago. There are dedicated parts for the Mir-2 truss and Progress-derived modules.

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I was going to ask about building a Molniya so as to recreate Venera 7, but turns out I have a more pressing issue ... pun intended. My setup is KSRSS at 2.5x. Warnings began at about 5km, and death came quickly at around 4300m.


I used Friznit's R7 Soyuz for this, as to my ignorant eyes, the Molniya on Wikipedia looked very similar. PVG ascent to 120k was picture perfect, however, just under 1600m/s left in the upper stage, and the optimal Venus ejection burn is ~1660m/s, so I used two B tanks on the upper stage instead and that worked out.

Next was what to do at Venus. The probe has nowhere near enough dV to capture propulsively so there's aerobraking required which I wasn't prepared for, so I cheated to 200k Venus orbit for the rest of the test. I then raised my Ap on the dark side to ~600k, burned at Ap to lower my Pe to 40k (trial and error), released the probe, spun around and raised the Ap back up to 200k, then switched to the lander for the rest of the fatal flight.

All the parts look gorgeous. They just got crunched in KSRSS. :(




Edited by OrbitalManeuvers
added 1970 vibe screenshot
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Molniya is listed under Vostok on the wiki but essentially it's the same build as the other R7s with the exception of a Block L fourth stage (instead of say, Fregat for Soyuz).  I don't think the Block L's S1.5400 is available in game though, but any small vacuum engine should do.

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3 hours ago, squeaker0704 said:

some one made a waterfall config for the n1 block a but the sounds a weird

I'm just some one you used to know.


Anyway, here's a more updated version of the config:

	// Removes the stock effect block, and replace it with one that has no particles

                channel = Ship
                transformName = thrustTransform
                clip = TantaresLV/sounds/sound_rocket_kero
                volume = 0.0 0.0
                volume = 0.1 1.0
                volume = 1.0 1.0
                pitch = 0.0 0.5
                pitch = 1.0 1.0
                loop = true
                channel = Ship
                clip = sound_vent_soft
                volume = 0.5
                pitch = 1.0
                loop = false
                channel = Ship
                clip = sound_explosion_low
                volume = 1.0
                pitch = 1.0
                loop = false

		name = ModuleWaterfallFX
		// This is a custom name
		moduleID = Engine
		// This links the effects to a given ModuleEngines
		engineID = ClosedCycle

		// List out all controllers we want available
			name = atmosphereDepth
			linkedTo = atmosphere_density
			name = throttle
			linkedTo = throttle
			responseRateUp = 0.005
			responseRateDown = 0.1
			name = random
			linkedTo = random
			range = 0,1
			// This is the name of the template to use
			templateName = waterfall-kerolox-lower-RD170-1
			// This field allows you to override the parentTransform name in the EFFECTS contained in the template
			overrideParentTransform = thrustTransform
			// scale the templated effect
			position = 0,0,-0.005
			rotation = 0, 0, 0
			scale = 1.9, 1.9, 1.9



The problem I've found is the use of AUDIO_MULTI_POOL.  Not sure what it is, but the sounds end up in weird places.  Not sure what else you're experiencing, squeaker.  But hopefully this should fix the sound of the first stage.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/13/2021 at 6:04 PM, septemberWaves said:



First images of Duna taken by Red Spirit 1. First one is one that I compiled from three separate RGB images, second one is the full colour mode of the camera. Not sure if I did something wrong with combining the three images, or if that method simply results in more overall noise in the result.


Red Spirit 1 itself, still attached to its transfer stage.

How did the soviets get their hands on a Agena?

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On 10/25/2021 at 7:52 PM, Beale said:

Mega thanks to @Friznit , the living legend who has fixed the craft files.
Stand up and take a bow!

The release on  GitHub and Spacedock has been updated with these files.

Tantares - SpaceDock
Tantares - GitHub

(Earth Orbit Spacecraft)

We are really looking forward to the version of the TantaresLV for KSP 1.12.x

Thanks fo superb mods

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On 11/10/2021 at 10:52 PM, Galileo chiu said:

How did the soviets get their hands on a Agena?

After the United States surrendered due to the Great Amero-Soviet Cultural Exchange (imagine what borscht and apple pie can do together!), tooling up to manufacture more was easy :D

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