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Idea! You have all these launchers... why not make payloads? Like, probes, satellites with certain science instruments, things like that? And they could be replicas as well, like Voyager, the USA-series satellites, etc.

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3 hours ago, EVA_Reentry/Strangelove II said:

Idea! You have all these launchers... why not make payloads? Like, probes, satellites with certain science instruments, things like that? And they could be replicas as well, like Voyager, the USA-series satellites, etc.

I've considered it, but never did because I never really made probes myself in my career save.  That and contract requirements would always dictate what equipment you had on a satellite.

Having said that, I probably will in the near future at some point.  Now that I've gotten a solid set of craft files for Duna landings (and I'm obviously looking into Ike, Dres, and Eve equipment), it makes sense to have something to scout potential landings sites (ie, places that are level and have adequate concentrations of ore for ISRU propellant generation).  Having a probe or rover icon on the surface will also give the first lander a target to shoot for.

If I do start making something along those lines, it will probably begin with a Curiosity-style Duna rover...because-do I even have to explain why? :)

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My simultaneous refinement of the HLV-5 and mining rovers is going great.  At the moment, two different "front ends" to the HLV-5 can be fitted to the aft propulsion section (basically a LITE upper stage with a lander mission kit installed like the ULA DTAL/XEUS).  A crew section which can be seen in previous images in the thread here, and a cargo delivery rack.  The cargo delivery rack has a toggleable ramp for deploying rovers; in this case the MIR-series (Mun ISRU Rover) family.  Also, compared to my previous iteration of mining rovers, these rovers (in the image below) have a much lower part count.


What you see in the image is 114 parts, but in reality, you can get away without the ore storage rover, bringing the total part count for an entire mining operation down to 91.  The reason I even have the ore storage rover is to provide additional ore overflow tankage, and as a delivery vehicle to an ore hauler for those ore delivery contracts.  More rovers could be brought in, such as additional propellant tankers, additional drills, or even power generation equipment.  All rovers are based on the same chassis height with the docking ports at the same height (or close enough).  The propellant "fuel truck" has an additional port mounted up higher for plugging into compatible landers (which already include the LV-3A, LV-3C and Base Module - Utilites, but will also include the upcoming HLV-5 and LV-2D reusable landers).  This assembly in the image has enough power (in sunlight) and thermal control to keep the system running steady-state with one Converter function activated.  If operations are to continue with additional equipment or in darkness, additional power generation options will have to be plugged in.

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23 hours ago, AppleDavidJeans said:

Hey is there an optimal MechJeb ascent trajectory for all the rocket launchers that I can use?

If you use Gravity Turn and launch a couple (and revert) it'll "Learn" an efficient ascent trajectory for each launch vehicle --remembering them by name, so if you change them, it'll forget.

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19 hours ago, freakneek said:

I kind of Navalised and weaponized your T-4 design.... hope u like it!

Nice :) I like that shark-teeth radome.  I hadn't realized BD Armory had advanced with so much detail.

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@Raptor9 Could I get a .zip with all of the .craft files? I love all of these designs!


Absolutely excellent choice of music for the trailer in the OP. AC6 FTW!

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1 hour ago, Raptor9 said:

Nice :) I like that shark-teeth radome.  I hadn't realized BD Armory had advanced with so much detail.

The Radome comes from Blue Hawk Industries http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/136721-blue-hawk-industries/

she a bit slugish till you get rid of that drop tank, but makes for a nice fleet defense fighter. i also replace the tank with a targeting pod, download all weapons and use her for recon. :-) im weaponising some of your other designs too. ill post more here as i complete them.  

EDIT: afterthought- yes i actually use her on a carrier with working catapults and arrestor cables. ill post a vid when i get round to it.

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Another big update.  Not as complicated as some of the more recent projects, but this has the most individual craft files involved.  Modeled after ULA's Cis-lunar 1000 concept, as well as their concepts/plans for the Vulcan rocket, ACES upper stage, orbital propellant depots, and the XEUS lander.  The ISRU rovers are of my own design, but they fit well with the HLV-5C for Munar surface delivery.  I revised the MIR-3C converter rover to have the same back end as the MIR-2P, so both can be plugged into the landers/modules in the list at the bottom of this post.  This allows an even more austere mining operation; plug the converter into the lander and attach the MIR-1D drill rover to the MIR-3C.  Those two rovers alone can now refuel landers if the situation requires.

Compatible landers/modules available (ie small docking ports appropriately placed to allow refueling): LV-2B, LV-2D, LV-3A, LV-3B, LV-3C, HLV-5 (all variants), BM-U Base Module Utilities

A few final notes.  This entire ISRU infrastructure, from the rovers to the fuel transport and orbital depots, is a first generation concept.  I do plan in the future to refine this set up and have larger rovers utilizing the larger, more efficient ISRU equipment, larger fuel lifters, and possibly more robust depots.  But for now, this should serve the needs of modest surface bases and/or moon expeditions to Mun, Minmus, Ike, Dres, etc.

All these craft files and rover subassemblies are now available on KerbalX, download links in the OP in the appropriate locations. (The orbital depots are in the VAB>Robotics section).  The one exception is the LV-2D, which will be uploaded tomorrow. :)

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@Dafni & @Beetlecat, thanks :)

One thing I forgot to mention.  Not that important, but it is useful.  Until ISRU-supplied propellant can be brought up from the Mun surface, Kerbin-launched propellant is the only means to refuel landers in orbit (obviously).  This was the sequence that I believe leveraged the most efficient process to get the initial MIR components on-site.

1) A PD-64 is launched to LKO (70-80km) and retains its LITE upper stage; PD-64 is only 50% full due to payload limitations.
2) A PD-32 is launched to rendezvous and transfer propellant to the PD-64, after which the topped off PD-64 is sent to low Munar orbit (~15km)
3) Initial HLV-5C with MIR-1D on board is launched to Munar orbit and rendezvous'/refuels at PD-64.  The HLV-5C then initiates descent to the Munar surface to deliver the MIR-1D.  On-board surface scanner confirms local ore concentrations as suitable for extraction and refinement.
4) HLV-5C returns to PD-64 and tops off on propellant.
5) A 'Lightning' rocket with a HLV-5C Cargo Rack and MIR-3C on board is launched to Munar orbit and rendezvous' at PD-64.  Cargo rack is docked to side of PD-64, LITE stage decouples, HLV-5C decouples from it's empty cargo rack and docks to the second one with the MIR-3C on board.
6) HLV-5C delivers MIR-3C to ISRU site at which time initial propellant production can take place.
*These dockings can be dicey at the moment until the wheels are updated in Unity.  The phantom torque of all these wheels in orbit will make spacecraft work extra hard to maintain rotation and velocity stability. :(
**Ensure you have Kerbals already on-site to drive rovers off the cargo rack.  None of the MIR rovers have autonomous capability.
***To minimize gravity losses during Munar landings, burn retrograde when on opposite side of the Mun of the landing site and bring periapsis to around 6,000m (give or take due to terrain in approach path).  As you approach the landing site, initiate a retroburn so by the time the lateral velocity becomes low enough, a vertical descent won't have built up yet, and you will only need to deal with gravity losses the final several thousand meters.  Easy peasey.

12 hours ago, EVA_Reentry/Strangelove II said:

Awesome! Could you make a SpaceX replica? Like, a Dragon V2, Red Dragon, Falcon family, etc.?

I toyed with Falcon-style rockets in 0.25 and 0.90, but haven't had much success in 1.0+.  I even posted a video of one over a year ago when the soup-atmosphere made deceleration a cinch.  It's one of those things I keep coming back to and trying different configurations, but never seem to get a design that works well enough for regular use, let alone a usable payload fraction.  As for replicas, I'm not a big fan, due to limitations of current parts.  Example, my EV-2B is based on the CST-100 'Starliner', however it has the classic Launch Escape Tower for it's abort mechanism.  The real CST-100, as well as the Dragon v2, uses the capsule's engines as a pusher-Abort-system.  Unless I start doing some engine clipping (which goes against my design style), there's no 0.625m engine powerful enough to accomplish such a feat.  We'll have to see how things go in the future. :)

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On 7/29/2016 at 0:09 AM, freakneek said:

 i actually use her on a carrier with working catapults and arrestor cables. ill post a vid when i get round to it.

What mod do you get the catapult and arrestor parts from?

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19 minutes ago, Deltervees said:

What mod do you get the catapult and arrestor parts from?


@Raptor9 looks great mate. im going to try these out now :-)

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Some more awesome craft you've put out. I just live you find more and more incredible designs.

May I ask, are you thinking of putting out some SLS payloads? What's your next step after this?

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@Gojira & @Deimos Rast, I've been looking into how I could do something like that, but still make it relatively painless to update whenever I have a series of updates or new craft I want to put out.  I will admit, the number of craft files and subassemblies that I've put on KerbalX has become quite large.

15 hours ago, DMSP said:

Some more awesome craft you've put out. I just live you find more and more incredible designs.

May I ask, are you thinking of putting out some SLS payloads? What's your next step after this?

Thanks @DMSP.  What SLS payloads were you thinking?  I've actually published a number of SLS payloads already.  If you go on KerbalX and type "SLS" in the search box, you'll find quite a few with my tell-tale imagery. :)

EDIT: LV-2D 'Cricket' reusable Mun lander is now available for download.

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4 hours ago, Raptor9 said:

@Gojira & @Deimos Rast, I've been looking into how I could do something like that, but still make it relatively painless to update whenever I have a series of updates or new craft I want to put out.  I will admit, the number of craft files and subassemblies that I've put on KerbalX has become quite large.

Thanks @DMSP.  What SLS payloads were you thinking?  I've actually published a number of SLS payloads already.  If you go on KerbalX and type "SLS" in the search box, you'll find quite a few with my tell-tale imagery. :)

EDIT: LV-2D 'Cricket' reusable Mun lander is now available for download.

I think what @DMSP means is payloads like these that can be found on this thread. Probes, motley stuff, the kind that would call for SLS's flexibility. Why don't you create a Cassini-like probe that has both a lander and a probe in one that could use the Titan family to send itself off to Jool (or Sarnus, for fans of OPM) and particularly the lucrative target of Laythe? Have you gotten so far as Jool in your career save yet?

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23 minutes ago, AppleDavidJeans said:

I think what @DMSP means is payloads like these that can be found on this thread. Probes, motley stuff, the kind that would call for SLS's flexibility. Why don't you create a Cassini-like probe that has both a lander and a probe in one that could use the Titan family to send itself off to Jool (or Sarnus, for fans of OPM) and particularly the lucrative target of Laythe? Have you gotten so far as Jool in your career save yet?

That being the case, I was pretty much asked the same thing higher up on this page. At the risk of sounding repetitive, pretty much all of what is seen on that thread you linked is already available for download on this thread's OP. :)  The exception is the probes.  I haven't really used probes so far in my career save, so I haven't published any.  Just for clarification, all the craft available here are designs that I design for myself and my style of play.  Since I haven't really used probes so far in my career save, I haven't published any for download.

I've been playing KSP since v0.13, and the furthest I've made it for landings is Duna.  Haven't been to Ike just yet, that's in the near future with my existing Mun-designed stuff (after I ship it there).  I've made it safely to low Dres orbit and back, and made a few attempts to get to Eve and back with enough fuel with not much success.  I'm a bit OCD in the fact I want to ensure I have a solid working knowledge and skill getting further and further out before I go all in and throw ships at deep space.

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16 minutes ago, Raptor9 said:

That being the case, I was pretty much asked the same thing higher up on this page. At the risk of sounding repetitive, pretty much all of what is seen on that thread you linked is already available for download on this thread's OP. :)  The exception is the probes.  I haven't really used probes so far in my career save, so I haven't published any.  Just for clarification, all the craft available here are designs that I design for myself and my style of play.  Since I haven't really used probes so far in my career save, I haven't published any for download.

I've been playing KSP since v0.13, and the furthest I've made it for landings is Duna.  Haven't been to Ike just yet, that's in the near future with my existing Mun-designed stuff (after I ship it there).  I've made it safely to low Dres orbit and back, and made a few attempts to get to Eve and back with enough fuel with not much success.  I'm a bit OCD in the fact I want to ensure I have a solid working knowledge and skill getting further and further out before I go all in and throw ships at deep space.

OK sorry I should have been more clearer and said only the probe stuff on that page.

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