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[WIP] TweakScale - Development Thread


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Dev update:
* some missing patches for B9 (thanks BlowFish)
  (did some reordering but still need to sort through the content)
* support for HLAirships module (thanks SpannerMonkey)

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Dev update:

* support for new firespitter biplane
* fix a few patches
* reorganize squad patches into their own folder (including nasa and spacePlanePlus files)
* Fix patches scale crewed parts with an exponent of 2 for crew and mass
   (not realistic but fits better to stock balance than 3). In any case mass/kerbal is hardcoded to be preserved.

For updating patches, I had a look at stock, B9 and Firespitter so far. For the large collection of more exotic patches, TweakScale relies on the people using those mods to have a look at teh stuff they use, or complain if anything seems to be off.

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Is there anyway this could be used on launch clamps also? I have a custom launch clamp id like to be able to rescale to ANY size rocket


Edited by Redneck
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19 hours ago, Redneck said:

Is there anyway this could be used on launch clamps also?

Sure, nothing special about launch clamps. The following patch works for the stock ones:

@PART[launchClamp1] { %MODULE[TweakScale] { type = free }}


18 hours ago, dsonbill said:

@pellinor is there any way to set a default scale that isn't actually what the default is? I'd like to make a new object from a stock one and have the default be twice as big as the original.

Yes, the stock config value for this is called "rescaleFactor". No TweakScale needed, and it will only scale the model. So it is up to you to adjust the config to the new model size.

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1 hour ago, pellinor said:

Sure, nothing special about launch clamps. The following patch works for the stock ones:

@PART[launchClamp1] { %MODULE[TweakScale] { type = free }}


Yes, the stock config value for this is called "rescaleFactor". No TweakScale needed, and it will only scale the model. So it is up to you to adjust the config to the new model size.

Thanks worked perfectly

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Dev update:
* update exponents for ModuleDeployableSolarPanel
* rewrite of chainScaling: propagate relative scaling factor to children
   (it works across radial attachments now, hope it is a bit more useful that way)

poking @Space Scumbag for the chainScaling update

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OMG Yes! Starting making a video with this. Thank you!


The funny thing is, I actually checked the forums and this thread a few hours ago this today. Haven't checked in some weeks. And now this news. :D

Edited by Space Scumbag
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I got this bug too:

IndexOutOfRangeException: [PartCrewManifest Error]: seat index out of range: i = 2 while Mark2Cockpit has 1 seats
  at PartCrewManifest.AddCrewToSeat (.ProtoCrewMember crew, Int32 seatIndex) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

  at KSP.UI.CrewAssignmentDialog.GetManifest () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

  at EditorLogic.launchVessel () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

  at KRASH.LaunchGUI.LaunchSim () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

  at KRASH.LaunchGUI.drawRightSelectorWindow (SelectionType type) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

  at KRASH.LaunchGUI.drawSelectorWindow (Int32 id) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

  at UnityEngine.GUI.CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.WindowFunction func, Int32 id, UnityEngine.GUISkin _skin, Int32 forceRect, Single width, Single height, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
(Filename:  Line: -1)

KRASH is here, because I wanted to put ship on orbit using this simulation mod.

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8 hours ago, Tahib said:

KSP just freezed because of tweakscale allowing me to seize crew cabins.. Tried to make a MK1 Crew Cabin bigger and put in 6 Kerbals before Launch:


2 hours ago, raxo2222 said:

I got this bug too:

Thanks I'll have a look. The crew scaling feature is new so it's very likely that there are still interactions to sort out.

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  • 2 weeks later...



I am currious if it is exists or can you make it to be a thing:

After resize-ing an engine I have no "clue" about it's stats (with MJ installed) so Mass, Thrust, consumption maybe ISP?

Sure I can see diferent parameters and experiment with them in flight and such.... but It would be cool too see it on the part right click menu inside the VAB/SPH or something like that.

Is there a mod for those informations? Or can it be integrated into this?  Or am I doing something wrong?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Dev update:
* another fix for solar panels

On 6.6.2016 at 6:19 PM, Ricardo79 said:

Is there a mod for those informations? Or can it be integrated into this?  Or am I doing something wrong?

KER should display those values. For engines, ISP is preserved so you're only interested in mass and thrust. And in the end you're interested in TWR and deltaV, which is also shown in MJ.


Edited by pellinor
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On 2016. 06. 18. at 1:08 AM, pellinor said:

KER should display those values. For engines, ISP is preserved so you're only interested in mass and thrust. And in the end you're interested in TWR and deltaV, which is also shown in MJ.


I am using MJ and sometimes it writes a valid TWR. DeltaV was shown always tricky for me. (but I guess that is my design problem cuz I using retro-engines usually :D)

Indeed I am interested in thrust and mass as you said. Mostly tweakscaling engines down to be sidekicks for the main boosters on SSTOs and I am just guessing the mass mostly by watching COM and COE changes.


I will give a try to K.engineer but it would be really cool if the rescaled parts had those infos (even if they are shown only on the rescale panel.)


Btw thank you for the answer.


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On ‎06‎.‎06‎.‎2016 at 6:19 PM, Ricardo79 said:



I am currious if it is exists or can you make it to be a thing:

After resize-ing an engine I have no "clue" about it's stats (with MJ installed) so Mass, Thrust, consumption maybe ISP?

Sure I can see diferent parameters and experiment with them in flight and such.... but It would be cool too see it on the part right click menu inside the VAB/SPH or something like that.

Is there a mod for those informations? Or can it be integrated into this?  Or am I doing something wrong?


You can use middle-click on the parts to the the specific stats.

ISP doesnt Change.

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  • 3 weeks later...


I know the scaled wheel bug in issue list, but there is something with ReslaceFactor...same at GitHub, there is workaround with RescaleFactor, but how can I use it? I must reconfigure every wheel somehow? Even in cfg file of my craft isnt at TS module any rescaleFactor... I would be thankful if somebody know how to use it to fix it. Thanks



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On 8.7.2016 at 11:55 AM, Toonu said:


I know the scaled wheel bug in issue list, but there is something with ReslaceFactor...same at GitHub, there is workaround with RescaleFactor, but how can I use it? I must reconfigure every wheel somehow? Even in cfg file of my craft isnt at TS module any rescaleFactor... I would be thankful if somebody know how to use it to fix it. Thanks



rescaleFactor is a stock config value for parts, and has nothing to do with TweakScale. It only scales the size of the part (including some wheel dimension stuff that TweakScale does not reach), so you have to adjust stuff like part mass yourself. You would use ModuleManager to create a scaled copy of a wheel part.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a question, does tweakscale also increase maximum stress a rover wheel can handle when scaled?Because i wanted to make a big rover but it simply blows up.

Some pictures of the rover:



The rover dying:


Also the rover weighs 357 tons and on the crash log (the log after the rover and everybody dies)  the wheels colide with everything.

Any explanation please?

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On 31.7.2016 at 8:30 PM, WereCat said:

I have a question, does tweakscale also increase maximum stress a rover wheel can handle when scaled?Because i wanted to make a big rover but it simply blows up.

Some pictures of the rover:

The rover dying:

Also the rover weighs 357 tons and on the crash log (the log after the rover and everybody dies)  the wheels colide with everything.

Any explanation please?

I didn't really test scaled wheels because I couldn't even get them touch the floor like wheels should (scaled wheels tend to either float or clip into the floor). Since I got no answer from the devs and wheels will again change significantly in the next version, I'm postponing this. Of course I'm always open for pull requests if someone finds a solution that works better than what we have now.

Edited by pellinor
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  • 1 month later...

Dev update (will not work without a new ModuleManager, so totally untested)
* recompile for KSP1.2-prerelease
* patches for two new smartParts
* refactoring: do things earlier so the prefabPart is in a more consistent state

I'll probably not have time to continue this before next week. If someone beats me with a fix: feel free to make pullRequests or post your own forks.

* no updated moduleManager available (or am I not looking in the right place?)
* autoscale is broken (missing method, commented out)
* upgrading mechanic will likely need support. No idea yet what is needed
* check wheels and their exponents
* any new parts to add?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dev update:
* move workaround for UI_ScaleEdit bug into the plugin (so it works for all scaletypes)
* tweak some exponents and remove obsolete ones
* compile against KSP1.2.0.1523

PS: still needs a recompiled MM to work

Edited by pellinor
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I have a problem in 1.1.3 regarding Survey Scanner, I looked into your patches and I saw that it's adding free scale form to it, but no matter what i tried, it only jumps from 1 to 2, and even then, the size of the part in VAB is not changing.

Then I tried this changes in your patch :And still it behaves like before (going from 1 directly to 2 and no change in the size). What is the problem? Why this piece is not answering to changes? thanks


@PART[SurveyScanner] : FINAL

        type = Scale_Survey_Reduced
    name = Scale_Survey_Reduced
    scaleNames = Tiny, Small, Medium, Large
    scaleFactors = 0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 1
    defaultScale = 1


The other problem is that even other parts that has tweak scale on free form on them, when i change the scale in VAB, they are not changing the scale of the part. please help

Edited by Jiraiyah
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