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  2. That is just the spacer used to separate lines in the log. If you don't see any specific textures listed in between, you need to hover over your mouse on the element you want to grab (if using the hotkey D.)
  3. There are a number of things in comics universes that are effectively magic. Like punching or throwing things without equal and opposite reaction. In reality he would leave a brightly glowing fireball, but if he doesn't then just chalk it up as one of his necessary secondary powers
  4. I don't know about how much regularly but they did say that they will add missions in the future. They even have a dedicated dev that will do those new missions.
  5. some people just want to watch the world burn. i'l get the marshmallows.
  6. Today
  7. So you are saying he would still look like a fireball? Why would he look like an orange or yellow fireball though? Are you saying thst when air is compressed and heated to a high degree it looks like a fireball regardless if any ablation of mass is taking place?
  8. here's a Mars bar, you can step on it if you like. One ice cream
  9. Right now this one has "acceptable" performance and no game-breaking incompatibilities, so this will probably be the only one I play for the foreseeable future. Timeline so far <placeholder for earlier launches I didn't document> 29 Erbol 1971 : attempted launch of Space Geographer 1 (ACI name: SPY GLASS Mark 1 Flight Alpha, just a straight-up irl KH-1 Corona because I lack imagination). Launch scrubbed at T-2 seconds due to loss of pressure in combustion chamber resulting in flameout. Rolled back to VAB, investigation pending.
  10. probably going to shelve this for the foreseeable future, my jnsq install is currently the better running one and there are myriad unknown incompatibilities in this install resulting is some stuff just not loading
  11. It doesn't. The primary source is compressive heating of the air in front of the object. So, to answer your question, he would.
  12. @munix Try installing the SEP dev version now. Kari fixed the config that caused the issues, so it should work as intended again. Don't use your old saved crafts though, and make some new ones. They may have both Liquid Fuel and LqdMethane simultaneously due to the way KSP works when fuels get changed by mods, which would obviously not be good.
  13. Before the more exciting missions we need to start with more boring ones. Today we are going to get Bobgel T. Kerman and Bill Kerman back from Asteroid Sidke (I named it after a kerbal in Barton papers) with an Aquila spacecraft. The Aphrodite-1B rocket sits on the launchpad. Liftoff, we have a liftoff! Booster sep. First stage sep. Circulization. The second stage performs a Hohmann-transfer. Successful randevou. Bobgel performs an EVA to get into the Aquila. By the time Bill got into the spacecraft the sun has settled. At the periapsis they re-light the Aquila's engine for a deorbit burn. Atmospheric reentry. The chutes have deployed. Splashdown! Another successful mission. Here's a little sneak-peak of the Bouffi
  14. Honestly, at this point I'd just love them to stick to whatever promise they make. 6 weeks since the last "monthly" KERB, 3 months since the last "every 6-7 weeks" update. These are self-inflicted wounds... figure out something you can actually do, and do it.
  15. Curious... since the streak of fire seen on spacecraft during reentry is from the ablation of the craft's heat absorbent disposable surface. Superman does not ablate and neither does his costume, in fact he has his own kind of forcefield aura that not only keeps him clean from bugs gunking up his suit, but also from melting from heat. So if Superman goes supersonic in atmosphere, I imagine he would look like a blue whitish fireball. Why blue? Ionizing the air from the heat, and no mass is being ablated, just a lot of air being compressed and released really fast. Superman basically turned himself into a ramjet no? Flying low doing this will make people mad, since the constant sonic boom will shatter or crack windows as he passes overhead. So flying suborbital into space before reentry would be the ideal way for Superman to fly, but I suppose in desperate situations he might make exceptions. Curiously this is much the same scenario if a scifi ship with the classic forcfield bubble was hitting atmosphere and blocking it with the shield. The shield would not leave any sort of ablation streak unless it was actually ablating (and typically they don't since that's the whole point if having a forcefield). If flying fast enough I presume you would get a blue whiteish ionized plasma fireball streaking through the air here as well.
  16. I'm wondering if the myth of infallible royalty didn't play a role. Once the Spanish royalty had announced a Western route to China perhaps Columbus was pressured into sticking with his original story so they could save face
  17. Floor 4772: a floor with kittens playing and purring sweetly. 015004272024
  18. "Slow is smooth, smooth is fast" - Navy SEALS
  19. I get that, I'm the same way with most games and in general I'd rather take a well crafted 100 hours instead of 500 procedurally generated drivel. KSP is different for me and I know for a fact that it's different for a lot of people so from that perspective the replayability is a major concern. I must have played at least a dozen playthroughs from scratch with different mods and goals in mind. That's also for many people a huge issue regarding IG's communication. We don't know at all what kind of design we'll be even getting at the end. Will there be a storyline? Several? Continuous updates bringing more missions regularly? A new system with colonies to complement the current science experiments? Rebalance of tech tree at some point? Is interstellar required to unlock the most advanced tech? What's the plan on replayability in general? Nobody really knows.
  20. And as experienced trader, he didn't see any difference between the China/Nippon goods and what he is getting on Hispanola. The famous Haitian pepper... Oh, wait... The famous Virginian pepper. That's why they were calling it India.
  21. Well for me I personally don't believe that much in "past track records", and just because it takes this long between this update and the next one doesn't mean it would be the case forever. I'd think the gap betwwen 0.2.1 and 0.2.2 would be much longer than the one between 0.2.2 and 0.2.3, since the latest update shows something that's not going to be in the game in 0.2.2. My speculation is that 0.2.3 would come about a month after 0.2.2 and will include a plume overhaul, perhaps a few more parts but no big content update. The multi-layer clouds will come in 0.3.0 or after that. Still, some hope is good.
  22. He kept stepping on a rake, and it kept not hitting him SMH.
  23. Even if he was fooled first time, he knew exactly what distance does it take at the end of his life. And it was many times shorter that any Earth circumference.
  24. Sorry. I wrote 26000 km in diameter. I meant 26000 km circumference.
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