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  2. Wild Wind V attempting to land on the surface of Windswept. Still using Juno Guidance units as the base. I went with a different antenna so I wouldn't have to use a wider heat shield, plus it relays off of Wild Wind IV. Also the landing is filmed live with a ranger camera. We did land on the surface unfortunately the chutes deployed too late, either thin atmosphere or wrong chute setting. I'll call it a partial failure, the core and some instruments did not blow up but I did lose the topsoil scoop and seismometer. The Camera still works and even found these strange structure like things. Might have to try a water splashdown with Wild Wind VI. Also Bonus of a Gemini capsule landing near a cryovolcano.
  3. Thank you for the link ! Unfortunately, I don't have enough background knowledge to really understand it (I tried). But ok, it deals with planet surface rendering, I can live with that
  4. The Antialiasing need some work for sure, i suppose that just not the priority... we still have a lot of bugs and lack of gameplay feature. But yeah i could agree i don't understand the Alliasing problem... i would have expect something easy to fix... if someone know more about aliasing in dev
  5. Glad to see that the prop-transfer test was a success- *double-take* *searches* Ah! I see hot-gas thrusters are still/back on the menu. I'd hoped for this, if only for the coolness factor. Edit: You know, if this is pulled off first time, we essentially have a functional launch system. Sure, it's far, far too heavy for reusable mode, but expendable would be well within reach.
  6. This, saling ships tended to pan out at around 10.000 ton, yes its larger like SS Great Eastern and some smaller modern cruise ships. Both sail assisted. But yes sail ships was used for cargo between islands like Indonesia very late because low operational cost then crew cost was low, and you did not need large speed or high cargo capacity, just servicing the islands.
  7. The 4 mods under "required" are indeed required. The first is this mod, the second, B9PartSwitch, is the mod that handles the toggle and ability to switch between things, the third is Module Manager, which is required to do basically any modding whatsoever, and RPM is the mod that adds all the bits and bobs in the IVA and comes with a few examples. You're welcome to use as many or few other IVAs as you like, but this is the bare minimum for this mod to function.
  8. I can fetch you a Trotsky quote about how slave labor is less effective under capitalism, but that is "not necessarily true" for socialism, and taking that as an axiom is backwards thinking. The stuff millenarianism does to people's brains...
  9. To quote Nate in the original post, "Most of our team continues to be pointed squarely at the Colonies update. We’re making a lot of progress this month on colony founding, the colony assembly experience, and colony gameplay mechanics." If it isn't already clear, priority 1 is reaching the next major milestone. Given that we have 0.2.2 and 0.2.3 on the way, I think it's also safe to say that the second priority is gameplay/performance improvements and bug fixes. Yeah, it is a slow process, but I wouldn't want it prioritized any other way. That said, I am perfectly fine with other members of the team working on smaller, lower priority tasks in the meantime. Even if those smaller projects have no immediate impact on the gameplay loop/experience, they are important for the ultimate goal of reaching 1.0. As for specifics of clouds/graphics, I'm sure the team has more incentive to work on more optimized graphics and performance with the eventual goal of a console release (which provides them more revenue), so it makes sense for some resources to be allocated there. But an "all hands on deck" mentality in any business can lead to inefficiencies and/or missed opportunities. So yes, let Blackrock and the VFX team work on non-critical work that still improves the game if they have no immediate contributions to be made to the top 2 priorities right now. The critical gameplay shortcomings will likely be fixed or improved, with time, but it is obvious the kind of pace this team can move at and the complexity they feel these issues have. I doubt we will see any major gameplay fixes until at least 0.3. Speculating here, but I think they prefer to hold off on major gameplay upgrades/improvements until milestone updates to beef up the marketing of the game. Do I agree with it? No, but I think that is why heating came out with 0.2 despite not even being ready/fully implemented. Same goes for wobbly rockets finally getting fixed in 0.2. That's my not so tinfoil hat theory, at least.
  10. Part 11: Memory lane is not over yet Leaping Mantis ends the circumnavigation of Vall, passing - sometimes by design, sometimes by chance - more landmarks encountered in previous Vall missions. 11.1) Return to the Great Wall range After Vallhenge, I have to steer westward for some 50 km to reach the southern basin. A diversion wholly justified by visiting Vallhenge. The mountain range between Vallhenge valley and southern basin is low, made of gentle hills. No problems here At the basin, I turn north, aiming for the marker I set on the northwestern basin. Here I find the first mountain massif; not a mountain range, a single line of mountains as common on Vall, but an area where several mountain ranges meet, giving rise to elevated, chaotic terrain. The mountains, with its ondulated terrain Whenever I find a nice slope I try for more speed records. I crashed the rover countless times, without managing to beat the previous score Passing close to an erupting cryovolcano. Seen from afar, they intermittently spew dramatic plumes, but up close you don't see much difference in activity Down another valley, up another mountain range I've landed on Vall many times, and I've often named places. I must have named more places on Vall than in the whole remaining stock system. After reaching the southern basin I am treading new ground, but I decide to check, maybe my planned path will cross more of my old missions. I lost the original mission saves I had for my first Jool 5, but the mission report does contain a screenshot with several highlighted markers. Turns out I won't be seeing Mount Godzilla or Rover Crasher peak, they are a good 90° of longitude away from my planned path. I didn't save the coordinates when I landed with the Marco Polonium, or with most of my kerbalism grand tours; those were short stays anyway. But I spent some time during the Bolt mission, I took several screenshots, maybe I can geolocate that one? Turns out, I had an image when I complained about the lack of water on what's supposed to be an ice ball, but the surface scanner also includes coordinates The old screenshot, when Stool braved the mountains to reach the green monolith And in an incredible coincidence, I've been looking for this just when I was passing within a stone throw! Compare the coordinates on the last two pictures, I'm only off by three degrees, roughly 15 km. I take a detour to visit. When I explored this area with Stool, I was aiming to cross the mountain range to reach the monolith. The range is extremely high and steep, the old rover could not climb it directly and it had to resort to prolonged switchbacking. On top, it found a sort of crenellation in the rock wall, that was very effective at disrupting my attempts to climb past it. I named the mountain range the Great Wall range, the specific location the Castle, and I'm about to see how difficult it actually was 11.2) The name of a mountain 11.3) Return to Rover Crasher peak Science recap
  11. Yes, I know about the rise of slavery in Soviet Union and Germany. Now these regimes was not very rational. It also makes sense to use prisoners as labor if you have to imprison them anyway. US and UK also did this with POW, who is legal if working conditions is decent and work is not dangerous or making weapons. You would anyway be scared of the sabotaging stuff. But if they can do farm work or make simpler stuff you can put these people on making weapons. As for not rational, US slave owners did not want to use their slaves for dangerous work like mining, they could easy loose the expensive investment. So they get immigrants to do these jobs, In both Germany and Soviet prisoners dying was positive as it was people you wanted to get rid of, or they did not care at all. Germany killed millions of Soviet POW, they stopped as they needed them as slaves. More people died making V2 than got killed by them.
  12. Today
  13. Can i like download one of the 4? Because I'm not feeling like installing 4 mods to use only 1. But at least this helps to decide between 3 mods and stock ngl
  14. Yeah, bringing spaceplanes in is the hard part. Getting them up there is the easy part.
  15. I've been doing spaceplanes a lot and have hit a wall with the stock stuff. The only option left is to go really big. So anyway I decided to give this mod a try and installed the MK2 and MK3 parts with CKAN. Have not actually tried them yet as I'm driving a rover across Duna and will not finish for 1-2 more days. Anyway, I've been running 32 mods of over a year and the loading time is a consistent 1:20 every time. These 2 mods have not settled down yet but loading times are in the 1:07-1:20 range with most times being 1:10. It went from 640 patches to 802 and loading times went down? Outstanding!
  16. What use is planning a maneuver when the outcome can be vastly different than your plan?
  17. I love Hazegray, but I hate clip shows. So, back around twenty-five years ago, I had a friend who was taking a sound design course at college. His prof gave them an assignment to soundtrack a 30-second clip of a generic animation of a space station in orbit. My friend was going over a bunch of different classical pieces to use, but he didn't want to use "Blue Danube" because he thought it was overdone. I told him to use the intro track to Subdivisions, which is what he went with. Afterwards he told me that, out of a class of thirty people, he and one other guy were the only people who didn't use "Blue Danube". It's so tired. Someone needs to show this to the Boeing executive team right before they announce their next 737 variant. To remind them that they used to at least try to innovate.
  18. Hi, Is there a mod that will let me predict atmospheric trajectory (as in re-entry)? Copilot tells me there is one called Trajectories, but I'm not sure it works with Realism Overhaul, which is what I'm using. Thanks, Ben
  19. You seem to be having some very odd permission issues. As far as I can tell this is not mod related. have you installed any new software recently?
  20. Yep. In a nut shell. I don't necessarily need this today.. tomorrow. But I do want to see discussions on it. How to they plan on injecting longevity into the ganeplay? Do they think go here drop bubble, make colony will satisfy or replace missions? Any plan at all to implement procedural elements? What is planned regarding this massive interstellar void. Colonies and Resources is not the answer to this question. Like all things. There is little to no mention of what is in store for that aspect of the career gameplay loop. It is definitely something that could use some attention in this "increased communication" we are asking for.
  21. I have a buddy here in town, one of my shooting friends. He's...opinionated. He's been thrown in Facebook jail more times than I can count. He's been banned from multiple firearms boards for arguing and personal attacks. So, last year, we're driving out to our shooting spot together, and he's complaining about the fact that he has some stuff to sell and he has to borrow another friend's logon to one of the firearms boards to post it there. And I was all, "You realize that this is entirely self-inflicted, right? Nobody forces you to go out onto the Internet and argue with people, and the only one who is injured by it is you. Nobody goes onto the Internet to change their mind." And that shut him up for two minutes, which, if you knew him, you would find remarkable. So, a couple of weeks later, I'm on Facebook and I happen to notice one of his posts. Someone replied trying to start an argument about something he posted, and his response was, "Look, nobody came here to change their mind." I did the meme.
  22. Clouds from a KSP 1 mod and several paragraphs that say a whole lot of nothing. Great update!
  23. Given that the devs want acceleration-under-time-warp to be possible (still buggy at times) especially for hyper-efficient engines doing week-long interstellar burns, the game does need to be able to take into account the duration of the burn and the (likely) changing TWR throughout said burn.
  24. Sorry I misunderstood you initially so made an edit. I don't understand your point though?
  25. While I can't speak for anyone else, I think the big issue here is the lack of missions available. I also think that the story missions are too rigid, which can hamper gameplay. Don't get me wrong - we have missions to go to the Mun, to go to Minmus, to go to Duna, and other bodies. Some are story, some are side, and all do encourage exploration. But are there enough of them? And is it possible to have the devs implement some form of randomness to them so it isn't the same "drop a lander on Dres" or "get a Mohole in one" every time out? I think that is where the issue with the gameplay resides. Not that the game isn't playable, but that after the first run-through there just isn't enough there to make people (some, not all) go through again OR to keep playing. I mean, as bad as the KSP1 contract system was, it was at least random enough to keep some people playing. I do agree with you that colonies and interstellar and resources should all provide more gameplay options, as well as (hopefully) missions. But the same question about replayability will remain if those missions are all rigid and stagnant.
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