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Noah Foloni

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Everything posted by Noah Foloni

  1. It works in 1.12 just fine from what I can tell ( because I use it)
  2. Really Like the "Calm Nebula Skybox" but I have one question: Could you make the nebulae bigger so that on saves with other star systems, when you zoom out really far the nebulae don't disappear?
  3. I have been using this on 1.12.1, and while I acknowledge the fact that it isn’t officially supported, I’m still using it, and I have on,y actually found one bug: the little Kerbal pic thing in the bottom right’s camera is clipped in the wall Inspiring stuff
  4. I have been using this on ksp 1.12.1, haven’t found any bugs yet, although I haven’t unlocked the warp drives yet so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I also renamed some of the stuff KERPIST —> FLIPPIST Tau Ceki —> Pi Ceki Kerman’s Star (Barnard edition) —> Werner’s Star These names were made as to remove confusion, and make stuff just sound better
  5. Hey I have one! this patch is designed to fix the custom barn kit errors in science and sandbox mode that turn your building so the wrong level and you cant upgrade them, so it deletes levels all together. heres the link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/2amqicgx4knheqw/AABpYdKlNnm6sXHES6vjchHIa?dl=0 This Does Require Module Manager and Custom Barn Kit, but you should already have those since this is to fix them (Please note that the link sends you to the folder that contains all of my things, not just this one, and if you install any other things, they will merge into one "Triangular Technologies LLC" Folder) don’t use this it’s very broken
  6. I’m making a patch to increase the number of tracking station levels from 3 to 6 and the max level from 250 G to 5 T and I can’t figure out how to make it override OPM’s patch without deleting it. Please help
  7. Ok you know what? Im going to try to make a patch later today to fix these bugs, however it will only work in science and sandbox since the way Im going to do it is by removing all building levels and making the only level the max level. (It’ll only work on games without building level changes, it will be OPM compatible) And Here It Is: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/2amqicgx4knheqw/AABpYdKlNnm6sXHES6vjchHIa?dl=0 Edit: Added the link to the file dont use the mod its broke
  8. I’ve seen 3 bugs, 1: the VAB turned into lvl 1 vab in science mode only happened once) 2: focus/unfocus on vessel causes inability to make manuvers, 3: sometimes focus/unfocus on vessel causes inability to leave vessel all of these were encountered in science mode
  9. N o. P l e a s e. N o. J u s t. N o. (Good job too)
  10. Okay I just found the dev thread, that is the coolest thing ever
  11. This is the big update okay. https://imgur.com/CbPAl42 This is the most glorious thing I’ve ever seen
  12. Probably, it just says Min ksp, so it’s probably fine.
  13. Alright then! I have had NO problems with any of them so thats nice.
  14. I Said that because I've been playing with them installed in 1.12.1
  15. From what I can tell all of these mods are 1.12 compatible
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