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Everything posted by Jacke

  1. No, stock does not have 45° angled RCS and it really should. Making History's Munar Excursion Module has them built-in, but for your own 45° angled RCS, you have to get them from a mod pack. FASA RCS is a small part set with them. As far as I know, they still work well with KSP 1.6.1. It's good that there's projects like this and @Snark's Missing HIstory to fill in parts that should be in the game as well as give them a better unified styling.
  2. The details of how things went wrong to produce Apollo 13 shows that systems are complex and what's needed is an attention to detail and a drive to get it sufficiently right overall and every time. And to keep checking. What happened (and the actual details of the seriousness of some of these is still uncertain): design change in DC bus voltage from 28 to 65 Volts; Beechcraft only partly implementing changing the LOX tank electrical components, e.g. didn't change the thermostat; the LOX tank in question being dropped as an assembly 2 inches when removed from Apollo 10; problems emptying the tank using the normal drain line; prelaunch ground testing that afterwards used the heater to boil off the LOX to empty it; the inadequate thermostat likely damaged by overheating; in flight, standard stirring and heating of the tank damaged thermostat arced out and caused the LOX tank to explode; damage to only other LOX tank immediately adjacent; all 3 fuel cells quickly starved of LOX; and now there's a failure of all power in the CSM. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apollo_13#Activities_and_report The only reason we know this is the massive records kept during the Apollo Program by NASA and subcontractors and them being combed after the fact from what was know about the explosion. The only reason the crew survived is pre-mission preparation for Apollo including thinking of all sorts of failures, including those prior to TLI and allowing the use of the LEM as a lifeboat. The only reason the ground staff and crew dealt with this is they were practiced over and over again with handling failures. Unfortunately, it didn't go far enough to prevent the mishaps that lead to the Apollo 13 accident and others. E.g. not until after Apollo 13 was a third LOX tank included more separate from the other 2 to prevent a single incident knocking out both tanks. I will never stand for someone saying either government or private organizations are better. It depends on nature of their missions, their doctrine, their training, and their leadership. Spaceflight has plenty historical examples of excellence and failure for both types. And all failures are ultimately failures in leadership.
  3. A corrected release. Changed Kerbin's Flying Threshold from 25,000m to the correct 18,000m. EDIT: And another. Corrected Laythe's Science Parameters.
  4. So I'm wondering what's the effect of skipping extra-Kerbin EVA Reports. Hmmm, to compare, I'll have to sum up experiment Science and see what's there for non-EVA and EVA. Hmmm, that's a lot of subtotals and totals, better use a spreadsheet.... And I have a spreadsheet. Another new release of my KSP Science Checklists. Now with experiment Science totals, by experiment and situation, as well as grand totals, for each body. I also put in a grand total per body for the Caveman Challenge, only summing Crew Reports, EVA Reports, Mystery Goo, Temperature, Pressure, and Materials. Numbers are for 100% science, so NCD will be 10% of the numbers on the sheets. EDIT: Just put out a corrected release. Had the wrong value for Kerbin's Flying Threshold (was 25,000m, correct is 18,000m). Found that out just after reentry of my first Kerbin orbiter. Thought such a glaring error demanded an immediate fix. EDIT: And another to fix Laythe's Science Parameters. Hopefully that fixes the errors introduced by the big changes for the Science totals.
  5. I did a quick install of Sounding Rockets and I think I recreated what happened to you. The Avionics Package needs electric power. I added the small battery included in this mod and it worked like a charm.
  6. And another updated release today! Now has experiment Science totals and grand totals for each object as well as KSC.
  7. Don't know. I've never had it reopen so far.
  8. I don't know if there's a keyboard shortcut. But what I do is on launch, I drag the window up and click on the close button.
  9. Out of likes again. Well, I think this shows that the Elder Gods are angry. Better watch out or you might wake some of them up from their deathly slumber. BTW, perhaps you should report this issue on the KIS topic. Pulling a wheel off shouldn't change the brake setting of the rover.
  10. That's either a very good idea (don't offend the Elder Gods who may not have noticed you) or a very bad idea (the Elder Gods are offended you are not sufficiently obsequious). I'm sure we'll soon find out which it was.
  11. It's working fine for me in 1.6.1. You have to provide more information before anyone can figure out what's wrong. Please follow the red-labelled link in my signature for troubleshooting steps you should try as well as where to find the logs you'll need to post to get help.
  12. Updated edition released today! Many corrections and improvements especially covering Kerbal Space Centre science.
  13. And that works much better. Thanks! BTW, I've just put out a corrected and improved edition of my KSP Science Checklists. Many corrections and improvements, especially covering KSC science.
  14. Congrats, @zanie420, on your achievement! As for me... Well, that was wishful thinking. I had to test that Kerbal cage outside of my career and I've found it to be damn hard. Just getting it right to hold the Kerbal isn't enough. Low down there's the drag balance and fighting that on top of whatever trajectory trying to hold, when straight up or into orbit. And then, high up, there's mass balance, especially as stages get dropped and propellants get burned, making any mass offset more significant, usually leading to the near empty rocket pinwheeling. With the drag, I don't think I'll be able to build an orbit rocket with a Kerbal cage. I can't hold prograde well enough to get the efficiency needed. Probably can do so with a sole Mk1 pod. So, how do you deal with these challenges with flying a Kerbal cage? Especially beyond Kerbin? As it stands, I'm thinking I can get EVA Reports for Kerbin Flying High and Near Space, but beyond that I may just have to forego them. Going after NCD Caveman, I am learning things about KSP I never knew. Like as hard as it is flying a Kerbal cage, Bob can often survive better outside than Jeb does inside his pod. In testing Bob's already survived two parachuteless high altitude plunges due to landing in the water. At 45m/s.
  15. Thanks, @MinimalMinmus and @zanie420. And I started going through @IncongruousGoat's NCD run again and found this picture which explained it all. I've got over 19,000 funds, already unlocked T3 Survivability for the Barometer, and have enough science to unlock General Rocketry. Haven't unlocked any of the liquid fuel tanks or engines as I've been really careful only unlocking the parts I need. So, I wonder if for my first Kerbin orbital mission, I could get enough parts to go for a polar orbit to get High Altitude and Near Space EVA as well as everything from Far Space.
  16. I just got the Barometer and rolled around KSC to get its science. So I'm looking at what to do next. Especially as I've played KSP little since 1.0.4 and that was BTSM and very not like stock. I've looked through some of the topics and posts about various player's NCD careers, but I've not seen the details I'm looking for. How well can the "focused observational survey of Kerbin" missions be done before making aircraft? I think some I could hit with a boost-glide BACC SRB, but that needs parts like the AV-B4 Winglet from Stability and the Probe core from Basic Science, so that seems to be a long ways off before attempting. I'm wondering how to use the various Kerbal cages to take Bob up for EVA science. I can figure out the offset dual Mk1 pods, but that one looks challenging to fly. And I have no idea how to make the rocket for the centre-line cages and how to get Bob in there before launch. Nor how to get him back. And does anyone ever use the Swivel engine or is it skipped for the Reliant?
  17. @Triop, you should read this post by @taniwha and the following one by @Espatie about an interaction between KSP and KIS parts, stakes especially, but also seen with flags, perhaps other parts. This could be the source of at least your disappearing flags and perhaps other issues.
  18. CapCom appears to work fine in KSP 1.6.1. Just go ahead and use it.
  19. I've got it in a 1.6.1 install and it appears to be working okay.
  20. I think the Kraken has taken to following Triop, just looking for the least excuse....
  21. Well, technically, this is a Metahype Train, as @GregroxMun pointed out, there's no details except the name "Serenity" and our fondest wishes for game improvements. (I still *really* want a way to properly store science reports without the stupidity of EVAing to pull out science and then store it.) Need more substance before there's an actual Hype Train.
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