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Everything posted by Jacke

  1. MechJeb has a custom field that shows RCS delta-V. Likely calculated, but obviously doable. You could put in MechJeb and make a custom window with just the RCS delta-V.
  2. Try using the last development version before @sarbian moved onto working on KSP 1.4.x support. https://ksp.sarbian.com/jenkins/job/MechJeb2-Dev/786/
  3. You could try leaving the capsule, if you dare.
  4. Good point. I think CC licenses are used for KSP mods because Squad requires the source to be available. @Belthize, your situation is very familiar. My own play of KSP hasn't been the same since I gave up on my last KSP 1.0.4 BTSM game. I've poked at KSP about every major and some minor releases, but there's not really a mod that matches BTSM for a better career. I do want to get farther this time. I'll look at Seti UBM, along with @theonegalen's Extended Tech Tree, but I think making a better career for KSP may take more radical measures.
  5. @sarbian has said Module Flight Integrator works with KSP 1.3 and 1.3.1 here. @Thomas P. said above it also appears to work with KSP 1.4.x as well.
  6. @sarbian , you said the recent MechJeb releases are for KSP 1.4.1. Is the change going to KSP 1.4.2 likely to affect MechJeb?
  7. @Nhawks17, thanks for all your work on various mods. We really appreciate it. As a last comment on this, it's the wrong time to even consider asking LGG to take on another mod. He is still working through upgrading the 130+ mods he already curates to KSP 1.4.1 and now 1.4.2 hits, which being a bug patch hopefully won't break any of the work he's already done. Which includes him just taking on KSP-AVC, which is a vital mod for all KSP modding and CKAN. He's got more than enough already.
  8. @Ezriilc will have to comment to be sure, but when there's just a .dll, take the most recent full install and replace its .dll with the updated .dll.
  9. Mod installation can be that difficult in its many details. And even the simplest modding system can be complex when it grows to over 100 mods (as is common in KSP). At some point, a tool is needed to make this work without a lot of mistakes and too much time tinkering instead of using. For example, Debian Linux OS packages use two layers of interacting tools (dpkg and apt/aptitude). As well, their developers follow the Debian Policy Manual, which specifies a lot of detail learned necessary through many years of painful experience. Cf. details like 'config files', 'alternatives', and 'diversions', the last two due to needing to support overlapping files between packages. Steam Workshop provides a modding system but it's limited and for heavy modding needs extra support, example XCOM 2's Alternate Mod Launcher. Then there's CPAN and its KSP version CKAN that do the same thing with less detail rigor and depend on mods being clearly separated and specifying enough details to handle automatic install, removal, and dependencies. For KSP, I get by with manual installation but I use the tool JSGME to assist. Without that, I'd likely restore to CKAN just to keep things manageable. I may eventually switch to CKAN.
  10. Texture Quality has defaulted to Half Res for several KSP versions, since at least 1.2.2. I have detailed notes of how to configure KSP from a clean install the way I like it. And I've had a note to turn up the Texture Quality from Half Res to Full Res from at least 1.2.2. Seems that with KSP 1.4.x (perhaps the new Unity version and related changes) the default Half Res is impacting the icons in several mods.
  11. Sort of, but to get a working version, well, I'm glad skilled modders like sarbian and Starwaster are looking at it. Based upon what I've seen go by before about what sarbian dug up about the guts of some of this stuff and mentioned in passing as he finally got to putting out dev versions to have others test, it can be really crazy. That he's been there before bodes well, but it could still take time.
  12. @linuxgurugamer, doing noble work to keep vital KSP mods going. Thank you so much. I think CKAN is very interesting, but my manual install method with JSGME has worked so far. Someday I'll look at CKAN. I think the issues with CKAN come down to trying to do something like Debian without most of the standards in the Debian Policy Manual determined by years (now decades) of experience. Squad could maybe try to exert enough of a central authority to try to hew to enough policies to greatly improve CKAN, but that should have been done a long while ago and now would be difficult to establish. Steam Workshop is sort of better, but for a complex game of the scale of KSP, XCOM 2, it needs the 3rd-party Alternate Mod Launcher to fix a number of issues.
  13. Well, I'm not a lawyer either. But I'd advice being very careful thinking that a version released under a CC licence would be considered still licenced that way. The GPL, because of the details of its language, I'd be more confident of. I'm not sure CC licences are sticky for derived work. However, there's also the technical side of the matter. That mod's KSP version is "0.25 and partial 0.90". So munch has changed for both code and graphical features since then I don't know how much help it would be working from that version as opposed to starting from scratch.
  14. Just to help, I took your suggestion and editted my signature to put the link at the top. Phone browsers not showing the website pages properly, especially of such pages as come from the common forum software like Squad uses, is a problem with the phone. I don't browse on my phone and I hear about this issue again and again. Signatures exist and people put helpful info there. If you can't see them, the phone's software has a problem.
  15. Well, I hope you're happy with the outstanding issues in KSP 1.2, as you don't want to learn how to get things to work in current KSP. Things change, like the changes in aero and thermo. We accept the improvements and mod writers adapt their mods. A group of changes happened around then about where to measure speeds and angular velocities, which I think is the source of the issue here. Can't remember the details for sure (I think measure from the root part was the old one, from the control part is the new one), but Squad made those changes to fix other issues. I remember @sarbian commenting on the tools he needed to craft to troubleshoot getting MJ right after that. All autopilots have tuning parameters for their PID. I'm very familiar with the ones for Ascent Guidance, which for different rockets do need some adjustment. An autopilot can add another layer of adjustment over them, but that can be hard to get right, especially for something like docking where spacecraft design and control point selection really matter. One workaround I use a lot is RCS Build Aid in the VAB to make the spacecraft balanced in rotation and translation, then manual control at close range (even if I use automatic tools for far and near rendezvous). That way I'm the PID and I can adjust and use as much and as little speed and control authority and can adjust to the given spacecraft. @Starwaster is a lot more experienced with docking larger craft so he knows close to the right settings for the PID to make autodocking work. If you want autodocking to work, you've got to build and fly your craft right. That means balanced RCS in rotation and translation. And it means having and selecting a control part ("Control from here") near the CoM but certainly in line with the CoM of the two craft. As @Starwaster has demonstrated, do that with adjusted PID settings and autodocking can work. But if you're not willing to learn and adapt, well, there's nothing we can do about that.
  16. You posted a screenshot above, which is good. The errors says KSP can't find the Clickblocker mod or some component of it. That mod is not installed correctly in your KSP. To help you from here, more information is needed. Follow the red-lettered link in my signature below. It's some good troubleshooting steps to follow. As well, it tells you where to find the log files. To help you, you need to have a run of KSP and provide the logs files from that run. As well, provide a screenshot of your GameData folder, as there is an issue with the install of Clickblocker. Describe the issues you encounter in some detail and the steps you take to encounter the issues. Without those details, no one can help you as there isn't enough information to identify what's not right.
  17. It's a complete guess, but I imagine you've downloaded the source package and not the install package. On that main page of RPM on Github, you can click on Releases to go to this page: https://github.com/Mihara/RasterPropMonitor/releases/ The latest version is 0.30.0 and you click on "RasterPropMonitor.0.30.0.zip" to download the install package. Be sure to clear out the JSI directory of what you put in there before you install, so there's just the contents of the install package. And if you have issues in the future, you should include logs, perhaps a test craft, and a description of how to recreate your issue. To find the logs, follow the link in my signature.
  18. I believe most of the mod hasn't changed in 2 years since @Snjo was more active. There's been a lot of changes in KSP since then. Aerodynamics and wheels have changed a lot. Because of this, as others have mentioned, the wheels should not be used and the engines are likely overpowered. Until such time as the parts are addressed, I'd suggest finding currently support parts instead. For the sake of the Firespitter plugin .dll which a large number of other mods depend on, @RoverDude has been giving of his free time and keeping that up to date. He's a busy dude but I'm sure he'll get to addressing that as soon as he can. Please be patient. For those players who can cautiously handle versions that may still be in development, the Github repository has a KSP 1.4.1 version of Firespitter.dll here, currently dated 2018 Mar 19: https://github.com/snjo/Firespitter/tree/master/For release/Firespitter/Plugins Take care when using this.
  19. For your KER, the KerbalEngineer.version file says
  20. This is the way it is every KSP version update. Even with work done prior to the release, it takes 1 to 2 months for all the mods under active development to upgrade. In fact, I'd say things are happened a bit faster that usual this time round. For those who can't wait, as you've done, there's always KSP 1.3.1 until the mods needed do upgrade. And there are always mods going out of support. Some of them get picked up when the licencing allows or the mod author can be convinced to transfer the mod. If that can't happen, then the mod fades away. If the need is there and someone feels it enough, something new will eventually be made. That's why it's important for the critical mods (or any mod you want to not just disappear) to be licenced so that they can be forked if it comes to needing that. Kopernicus is licenced with the Lesser GPL. It's critical infrastructure for several features of KSP modding so it will always get supported eventually until it's no longer needed or KSP itself fades away.
  21. You should still provide logs of a crash to see if there's anything else in there to give a clue what's happening. I don't use CKAN and I'm just getting back into KSP after a several-month hiatus, but I decided to check at least a subset of my mods and see if I could recreate your crashes. I use a manual install of the latest version of each of the mods. I use the abandonware JSGME to freely put in and pull out specific mods. Here's what I ran to startup and creating a new career game without any apparent issue several times. KSP 1.4.1 GCMonitor KSP-AVC MemGraph 000_Toolbar 1.7.17 001_ToolbarControl ClickThroughBlocker 0.1.6 CustomBarnKit ModuleManager 3.0.6 3 of my own MM scripts EditorExtensionsRedux LightsOut 0.2.2 (RealGecko) RCSBuildAid MechJeb2 KerbalEngineer (jrbudda) The ones that aren't KSP 1.4.1 compiled are GCMonitor (1.4.0), KSP-AVC (1.2.0), MemGraph (1.2.1), CustomBarnKit (1.4.0), and LightsOut (1.3.1). You've done a lot of testing and the issue isn't likely trivial. The versions of the mods I'm using don't appear to be the source of the sort of bug you're experiencing. It could be the KSP-AVC CKAN is pulling in for you has an error, or there's a cruftiness to your KSP install that shows up when KSP-AVC is included. I think to clear it up, you should do a clean reinstall just to remove any possible issues like I've described. Pull in a fresh install of KSP 1.4.1 and recustomize and mod it from scratch. Make sure the CKAN client install is the latest for KSP 1.4.1. Ensure that CKAN is pulling in the latest version of the mods. If you're still getting this issue, I'd really suggest trying a manual install, as mine is working.
  22. @linuxgurugamer supports over 130 mods for KSP and has recovered and continued several important mods when their last author couldn't continue supporting them. I think he's got a very good feel for when it's worth pursuing an author hard to contact when it's such a difficult case like an All-Rights-Reserved mod. The posts on the last page show he's thought this over. He should be able to find some time to enjoy KSP instead of only working on the plumbing. The previous author already expressed their desire in the case they could no longer support the mod, by the licence they applied, All Rights Reserved. They wanted absolute control over the mod, even if they disappeared. At this point, unless @DasPenguin85 shows up again and either supports the mod themselves or passes it on, it would be a more certain effort just to create a new mod similar to this.
  23. The only thing that KER has that MechJeb doesn't is KER's 2 small HUDs. As @sarbian points out below, MechJeb custom windows can be configured without a frame and background to appear as HUDs. (VOID also has HUDs, more than KER, and it'll likely to be updated before KER.) What MJ does have is a lot of information that can be laid out in defined and custom windows. You can design your custom windows to have a number of the hundreds of line items MJ can provide. There's also several defined windows that provide things like autopilots and other special functions.
  24. The warning isn't a McGuffin but a warning of a possible issue. It's saying the version of the current KSP lies outside the allowed KSP versions in the mod's .version file. That version of the mod could still operate correctly with the current KSP. The values in the .version file can be wrong, as Starwaster indicated. So the warning can happen when there'll be no problem. And problems can sometimes arise when there's no warnings. So it's a warning to be a bit more cautious. And warning or not, be sure to save, take care not to overwrite crucial saves, as well as backing saves up. Because game-crashing bugs can hit anytime.
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